

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Rose; Connor is adorable. Congratulations!:heart:

    This is Alexander William my new great nephew, he was born on my birthday!
    Nine and one half pounds and 22 inches long.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Rose; Connor is adorable. Congratulations!:heart:

    This is Alexander William my new great nephew, he was born on my birthday!
    Nine and one half pounds and 22 inches long.

    How precious! :love:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Donna - I'm on facebook -- Michele LeGrand

    Congratulations Rose!!!!!

    Poor PJ is getting weaker. When Vince got up this a.m. (Wed), he said to me that he was afraid to look for PJ, afraid that he'd gone off during the night and passed. I did go downstairs and he's sitting on the home theater seating. But he is getting weaker and weaker.

    Mary - Ouch!!!! But glad you're not seriously hurt. Continue to heal

    OK, I can't help it, I stress bake. I made these brownies from scratch the other day (I would much rather make something from scratch than open a box), I cut them up to give some to dd to take to TN when she goes tomorrow. Of course, I had to taste one.

    mimi - I was so thrilled when ds told me he would be in Charlotte for the summer. He's actually on the same continent as me. Heck, he's even in the same time zone!!!! Just wish it was longer than until August. On the bright side, tho, dh has a VERY limited palate of things he'll eat. ds doesn't so I'm thrilled that I can finally have some decent vegetables and not be the only one who'll eat them (like green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, cheddar cheese, etc)

    Loki likes his yogurt. Vince usually gives him some of his, he (Vince) ONLY likes the Yoplait Light Thick and Creamy Key Lime. That's the only one. At least it doesn't have the aspertame but sucralose in it. Maybe not the best, but could be worse. Me? I'm liking the greek yogurt. I buy the plain, then add a few strawberries and a tsp of honey for sweetness, blend that together and to me it's yummy. I usually give Loki some of my egg (Vince won't eat them)

    You know, I think part of the reason Vince was so adament about giving Sassy the chemo was because he told me his parents took their dog to a certain doctor for years. They didn't put their dog to sleep until the dog no longer had his tail up. To me, he must have been in excruciating pain. Dogs want so much to please their masters, that no matter how much pain they are in, they will try their hardest to wag their tail when their owner comes. So not to raise its tail, to me, means it was in real real pain. But I do think that now Vince realizes just how hard it was (emotionally).

    You know, I love my children dearly. Jessica and Bryan are here right now. Honestly, I've gotten to where whatever I make, I have to double the recipe. But the absolute worst part, to me, seems to be that whenever I think I'm done with the dishes, I look in the sink, and there are more there. Of course, when I was their age, I probably did the exact same thing to my father, "oh, it's home, I can just leave the dishes in the sink". Yes, they live on their own. Oh well, it won't be for very long

    Thank you everyone for your good thoughts.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think that I am better. I am still sore, but not as much. I think that I will be limping for a while though. My head is tender to the touch, but otherwise fine. Thanks for all of the well wishes!

    Hope all have a good night, and what precious new babies!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all. Just stopped by to do the HAPPY DANCE…..What a week a new grandbaby and lost 3 lbs. :smile: Earlier in the week my scale at home said I lost 4 but that was after an ummmmmmm evacuation. I don’t care I’ll take the 3lbs. :happy: I will tell you that gardening is even better exercise and burns more fat than my Leslie Sansone DVDs. :heart: Stopped by the hospital on the way home so hubby could see baby Conner. Can’t wait for him to get home so I can really get to know him.
    :heart: Thank you to everyone for your congrats.
    :noway: Mary-OUCH… hope you are feeling better soon
    :heart: Barb- you are such a good daughter to your parents and sister to our MFP family. Your stories are a bright spot in my day.
    :drinker: Birdie-congratulations on another pound
    :cry: Jeannie-so sorry about Scott. My prayers are with you and your family.
    :happy: Doobiedoo-I have been looking for Oat Fit by Better Oats to no avail. I wonder if I could order it on line?
    :smile: Alice-happy belated birthday.
    :happy: Barbie-hope you’re enjoying your trip and come home safe.
    :cry: Donna- I am on face book Rosemary Wood and so sorry about princess, I feel the pain
    :cry: Michelle- so sorry about P.J.
    :embarassed: I am so sorry if I missed anyone.
    :drinker: Welcome to our newbies, you are going to love it here. I am going to celebrate my one year anniversary next month, In the last 11 months I have lost 46lbs, gained back 18 and have lost 13 lbs of that again. It is an uphill battle but you will get alot of love and support on this thread. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: It is getting very late and I have to get up early.
    :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers, Rose
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: Been MIA a tad since DH came back. I was so much more DISCIPLINED when he was not around, both with food and exercise that bugs me. I am such a push over. :grumble:

    What a week for everyone: births, deaths, falls, conflict, happiness, annoyances, weight-loss, new ways (like gardening) to exercise, you name it......I am reading about it all and currently can't keep up, but my thoughts are with all you lovely ladies. :heart:

    WRT Facebook, I keep my circle of friends to a minimum, no offense. Mostly use it for family near and far away.

    :flowerforyou: signing off now :flowerforyou:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Another busy day with the grandkids. I do count my blessings, being able to spend so much time with them but, wow, I’m glad I don’t have to do it full time! I’m especially glad I can pitch in just now as DD has her hands full with work. With the economy taking a bite out of her DH’s paycheck, she’s glad to have the work (she designs houses and remodels, so having the work is a semi-miracle).

    It’s so nice to relax in the evening reading all your posts. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing, especially, heaven forefend, supervising the munchkins or even interacting with adults. Sometimes it’s really nice to be single!

    I visited our FreshMex fast food restaurant tonight. I haven't been for about 6 months. It used to be great, lots of really fresh, homemade Mexican food for a reasonable price. Maybe, after eating healthy foods for 4 months, my perception has changed or maybe the food has changed. I had a burrito bowl with their chile verde. It was super fatty. The radishes (they usually have fresh ones) looked like they had been sitting in the water too long. The only really good thing was the green sauce. Boy, do I feel cheated! Tomorrow, it's back to my wraps. Much more reliable.

    Barb, that’s good news about your mom. I read a book called Strong Women Stay Young. There are several other “Strong Women…” books by the same author. She’s a prof at Tufts and makes a very good, well-supported case for the difference strength training can make even in the frail elderly. Getting in the water with your mom sounds like it could be nice for you too.

    BirdieM, congrats on the pound! That’s great progress, especially when you’re so close to your goal. Thanks for your MFP/MFP post. You made me smile.

    VickiM, another new baby on the way. Very exciting. I saw your goal of working up to an hour of exercise a day. That’s a great goal. I’m at half an hour most days, which is up a lot for me. Next month I’ll get in your groove with an hour a day. Inspiring!

    Kackie, one pound more and you’ll be half way to your goal. WTG!

    Laura, you have your hands full. I’ll be thinking of you and your DH and all the challenges. Moving your mom has got to be a hard place to be in.

    Ainslieglen, I’m so happy for you, seeing your older son and #1 grandson. 4 years is a very long time. I’m smiling just thinking about you seeing them.

    Terri, all the exercise will stand you in good stead. It’s hard when you can’t plan what you’re going to eat. Try to make good choices when you do go out. And, if you have a setback for the week, just jump back on board next week. That’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? Being able to be “normal” with how we think about eating and compensating when we overeat. Even my skinny friends do that!

    MacMadame, I’m glad you’re doing better and that the eyes are healing.

    Mary, I got scared silly after reading all the posts cautioning you about the head injury. Egads. They were right! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.

    Alice, Alexander William is a hunk! Just beautiful.

    Michelle, you remind me of another plus about being single – I can choose my own menu! After, let’s see, 30 years of being single, I’ve grown to like the freedom. But the companionship you have in a good marriage is an appealing tradeoff
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am probably wrong, but you are about the only other "single" on here I can think of at the moment. There is much to be said for independence. Around here it is relative. I am independent as three little pesties will let me be!!:laugh:

    Thank you for mentioning the books about health. As for me going in the water to exercise, that won't happen. The pool is chlorinated, and I can't tolerate the level of chlorine that exists in a pool on my skin. It will be challenging enough to breathe while I am in there. I don't have a bathing suit that fits and I am not about to buy one now, so it will probably be t shirt and shorts and in the water long enough to help her in and out, and then shower ASAP to minimize the after-effects of the chlorine exposure.

    I have to go find something to nibble on. I had a late lunch, so no dinner until now. I have to get up too early tomorrow for a breakfast meeting.

    Hello to everyone else no time to do more posting now.

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Just checking in. Hello to mimi, rebel, mary, barbie, and others.
    May is a very very busy month for me. Worked the last three nights!
    As for MFP, I'm just trying to stay even. (Actually scale showed I had lost a half pound this morning but I refuse to post any number that doesn't last for at least 2-3 days.) Soooo busy.
    Bye for now.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Rose; Connor is adorable. Congratulations!:heart:

    This is Alexander William my new great nephew, he was born on my birthday!
    Nine and one half pounds and 22 inches long.

    :flowerforyou: Alice - Alexander is gorgeous. :heart: :heart:
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning everyone! :smile: I am going to start out by saying that I was a bad girl lastnight.:noway: I ate an angus burger and had a handful of chips and dip for a late dinner! I hate to say it, but it was soooooo good:laugh: The first thing I did this morning was jump on the scale and to my surprise, it treated me nice, not too nice, but nice. I was down a half of a pound. :drinker: Tomorrow is my weigh in day so I am going to excercise my butt off ( no pun intended) today. :bigsmile:

    I hope my HRM arrives today. I don't know why I am so excited about it, I guess I want to make sure I don't kill myself trying to do this zumba stuff. I wish I could do that like it is supposed to be done, but I don't see that ever happening :laugh:

    Well you ladies have a great day and congratulations on the new babies, they are both adorable :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michelle - I am sorry about PJ also.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Rose and Alice--the babies are SO cute! My grandson arrives in just over a month. Seems like a long time!

    Mimi and Barb--iI'm 'single' too. I share a house with 2 of my children but they are adults and we all do our own thing, so to speak!

    Michelle--I'm so sorry about PJ. It's so hard to see a beloved family member go downhill.

    Well, I need to get ready for work. Hope to get back here later!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I have had a rough weight week so far TOM puffed me up. As of this morning I am back to last weeks weight so hopefully I will lose something tomorrow. I am really enjoying working out. I am sure that I am over doing it but I really like it I am averaging about 1300 calories burned a day. this is based on my HRM. Before when I was using machines, MFP and Wii estimates I would be burning around 1900 cals per day. I burn so much less than those things say I do. But I am feeling so strong. yesterday I was able to jog for 25 minutes on the tread without a walk break. I slowed it down a bit from before. I was not enjoying the running anymore and I realized that running at 5.5 was tiring me out to quickly so I slowed down to a jog at 4.5 and was able to really go. Tomorrow I aim for 30 minutes.

    I hope you are all doing well. I have been reading daily and posting specific little responsess but there are so many on here I get overwhelmed. Please know that I truly value all of you as my support system and I am here to support you as well. Have a great day.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Thursday Morning All!

    Well I started this about an hour ago, then my computer crashed....I had comments made...so I wil just say

    Good job to those that have lost, are drinking their water (& running to the restroom all day long) and CONGRATS on the two new little baby boys!:drinker:

    Was able to get home earlier yesterday so I got in my exercise and am hoping that what the scale said this morning will still be there tomorrow for my weigh in:wink:

    I got the papers for the Adult Foster Home for Mom and have those to fill out today with a deposit to hold her room, those papers are what kept me awake:grumble: from 3:47 until the alarm going off. Just trying to go thru the house and picturing all the work that's needed to be done:grumble: I'm tired from lack of sleep and just thinking about all that's ahead of us.

    DIL #2 is expecting our #2 GS to arrive in about 6 1/2 weeks, unfortunately #2 Son won't be home for the birth because of his Army training taking place, but we are hoping he's able to come home for 5 days over the July 4th weekend.:smile:

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water:drinker: get in some exercise:wink: and try to eat healthy:flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Wow! I can't believe all the posts since the last time I was on. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to catch up with them and will just dive in from here. I hope everyone is doing well and I think of all of you everyday whether I post or not.

    I'm dong well with eating and exercise and I hope the scale will finally move again. I've gone back to weighing in just once a week on Wednesday. It seems to work better with my drinking water. <-seems like an odd thing to say, but what ever works works and I know I need to drink lots more water especially now that it is getting warmer outside.

    Thanks for all the warm thoughts and kind words about my cousin's son Scott.

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon Everyone ....... Cold and some sunshine here today.

    :love: All these new babies!!! Don't you just love them to bits.Alexander's a cutie too isn't he!!

    :ohwell: I'm still feeling "redundant" with mum staying in hospital. No sign of the Occupational Health dept. getting their act together to get her home. It's so hard to see her .... know she's not eating anything, hardly drinking etc. I just want her home to begin helping her to be a liitle active and to feed her up!! Patience Jackie ...patience!!!

    :smile: DH is home tonight .... chinese chicken stir fry planned and logged. Once again ...no exercise. I'd like to do some Salsa but again ...the shoulder and arm are still playing up. Keep taking the tablets and ...patience Jackie ...patience!!

    :glasses: We're off to stay with friends in Southport tomorrow night so my start to the weekend may well be a bit naughty. I will admit it and log it. So you'll know just how naughty when you look at the diary!!!

    Bye for now anyway
    :heart: Be good
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone....

    More of my brother's family arriving today from Colorado! Holy Smoke...it will be a zoo around here. My brother's son,dil and gd live next door, and these are dil's parents and dog. GD spends a lot of time over here once Bill and Lynda get home from work. Then my peace is shattered...lol! Of course, I'd love it if it was my grandchildren! Everything is relative, I guess. The conversations don't really involve me so I get bored:yawn: I want to brag about MY grandkids:bigsmile: Sometimes we (I) are very self centered.:glasses:

    Mimi, thank you for your comment about my son and #1 grandson.It meant a lot. You do understand my anticipation!:bigsmile:

    I've lost 11.5 pounds since April 18th. I'm blown away by that!! If I add in the 10 pounds I lost before joining mfp, it's a total of 21.5 since mid February. I just don't look different! I guess I'll just have to work hard at losing the other 23 before I see physical progress. However, I FEEL better and stronger, and that's what really counts! Once I get to the goal weight I set, I want to lose another 6 pounds to get to a healthy bmi. I can do it!:flowerforyou:

    Have to go get my day underway now. Babysitting dog and cat!! BIG job:bigsmile:

    Here's a hug for all of my pals here at mfp:heart: ainslieglen
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey Ladies, just stopped by while on my lunch break to tell Alice what a beautiful baby and look at all that hair. I am envious of babies with hair. My kids were all bald until they were about a year old. Have a wonderful day, Rose
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Well I couldn't wait until tomorrow to weigh myself and THANKfully, I was exactly where I was when I left for the Bahamas! That was great news and was my goal. I have really upped my exercise today after reading everyone's posts...wow...some of you are unbelievable! How do you fit in 1000 or more calories burned? I am even retired and can't seem to do that, so I am impressed!
    I hope to be as focused as I can be the rest of the month so I can get rid of a few more pounds! All of you certainly help!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Thinking of all of you and your PJ....

    Rebel: Give yourself a little celebration time with DH...you earned your splurge. But I can relate...my DH traveled all of his career and I ALWAYS did better with my food choices when he was away and struggled with choices when he was home...it is a strange thing that I never quite worked out. At least you won't have to worry about that often. I think I got myself into this "fix" once he retired and I celebrated with him every day!!! That certainly doesn't work! So.....thank goodness for MFP, right?

    Jackie: Hang in there. You are a good daughter

    Have a good day all!!! Take care, Kackie
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning ladies. Have scanned some of the posts (not all though). Congratulations Alice on the new great-nephew and Rose on the new grandbaby!! How precious they both are! To everyone else...hope life is treating you kindly. Jackie, sorry to hear your mum is not doing well...also about the shoulder and arm pain...hope you are feeling better soon.

    I had a better day yesterday. I still overdid it a bit on the food but at least it was on high fiber/low fat veggies, fiber select crackers and roasted garlic hummus. Yum!! I plan on doing even better today...1) exercise. 2) Healthy food choices and 3) practice true portion control!

    I got to swim and enjoy the pool and jaccuzi last night! Good exercise on top of the 2.5 mile walk. Yeah...that's what I need!

    Have a great day all. Congratulations to those who have lost weight...to those like me who are barely hanging on...hang in there...we REALLY can make better choices and not let the food take control of us. For today my watch word is FOCUS...And in the words of one particularly wise lady...I WILL NOT trade what I want most for what I want right now!