

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, they tell it will be sunny today. but not yet. I am well on my way with the calories burned. I have made it well over 1000 each day. yesterday was 1285. I just ordered the Zumba DVDs I took a class and I liked it but the time was horrible. It was at my normal dinner time and time away from my hubby. Since I am not working I don't see any reason to be away in the evening so I will do the DVDs at home. It is a good burn. I also got ChaLean Extreme so I can add some strenght training to my workouts ( more than I do now) I am still running and trying to increase my time every time.

    You ladies all inspire me so much.

    the scale is still moving down. it was at 160.4 this morning but I don't log in weight until tomorrow that is 2.4 pounds down from last week. All this hard work is really paying off.

    Alice - the wind here was scary the other day and I can sure relate to the maple coming down. so glad it missed your house.

    Viv - sorry about your unc but glad he is getting the help he needs.

    Reb - so glad your DH will be home soon.

    To everyone else you are all doing great. keep it up.
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Just checking in for this day in May. It's still snow covered, cold and VERY depressing here right now. :sad:

    I've read the new posts, and almost everyone is doing so well. I think I'll exercise after this post and try to feel more positive. Mimi, I'm so inspired by your hard work, and also by Barbiecat's sound advice. Everyone who posts gives me something to think about. :smile: I really know that I wouldn't be successful at weight loss if it wasn't for my friends here.

    Ever feel like you just want to sit in a corner and cry? Well, that's whiny me today:sad: I think some exercise and a hot bubble bath will help a lot.:bigsmile: I miss Victoria and the happy weather , but I'm sure it'll warm up here soon. Amazing what sunshine accomplishes when it's around.

    Once I'm back home, I'll have time to comment individually to posts. Right now, I'm limited in the time I can spend on the computer. Don't want my family to think I'm antisocial!

    Be happy...hugs to all:drinker: ainslieglen
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Finally! :bigsmile: I am at a double digit weight loss. Just barely, but dang it I'm there. Good hard cardio pump class, pilates, 45 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the elliptical helped on Tuesday. I sure wish my gym had those two classes more than once a week. Thursday they have spinning instead of cardio pump ( a step areobics class) but I can't yet trust my knees to stand up on the bike, so I don't get the full benefit and besides my butt hurts :sad: :embarassed: sitting down for the entire class. Tonight I'm seriously thinking about skipping the spinning and ramping up the difficulty on the elliptical instead and then doing the pilates. I know my butt will thank me if I do!

    Say, I found a neat video on how to help solve the oil spill problem. American good 'ole boy ingenuity at work here! If you want to see a cool environmentally sound way to fix this mess, give this a look. http://www.waltonso.org/ (You need to type in the whole thing even the "understood" beginning for it to work or just cut and paste)

    Go down to the second video the one where you see two guys, one in bib overalls. For those not from the country part of the southeast US, the word "ol" is oil. :bigsmile: I sure hope the powers that be listen to these people and start rounding up some trucks of hay soon! This former farm kid is smiling here. :bigsmile:

    Thank you to the person that gave me the website for the whitefly problem. I should have started a reply file right when I read it but I got lazy and didn't and now I can't remember who you are. Thank you again! I'm slowly winning the war. I look for bugs before I bring plants home but I either missed them or they found me on their own.

    Well it's time to get busy; here's to a happy successful day for us all!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :heart: Laura, my boss is an only child and I saw how everything landed on HER shoulders when dealing with her mother.:frown: It is no easy matter, but thank God your mother has YOU! :flowerforyou: It will all work out in time and you will never regret being there for her.:wink:

    :heart: Jeannie: Where’s RI on that list? Haha I guess all the good Italian food has taken its toll!:laugh:
    Congrats on your $9.99 dress! I agree…it is hard to find things that are NOT see through or so low cut that you have to wear a tank top with them!!

    :heart: Donna: I would love to try Zumba….is it really, really hard? I’m over 60 :blushing: and although I still love to dance, I wonder if it’s testing the waters a little too much :laugh: I, like you, would get the DVD because I can’t imagine keeping up with an hour session!

    :heart: Jackie: You’ve GOT to take a picture in the grass skirt….but NOT with the strappy shoes OR while doing your Zumba class!!!:laugh: Belly dancing?! WOW I feel lazy just doing the treadmill!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Viv: How sad about your Uncle Derrick!:cry: I’m sure you would have gone sooner had you known he wouldn’t get out of bed. Don’t feel guilty, you are doing whatever you can….you ARE the one to initiate his rescue…so thank God for YOU! :flowerforyou: We all do what we can in situations and if we could see things in hindsight..... our choices would be different! Glad all is well……. and forget about getting into cake yesterday at work. You are now into TODAY so stay focused!

    :heart: Alice: So good to hear from you! Glad your house was protected! Ditto to….Thank you Jesus!:love:

    :heart: Michele: That’s crazy about the sweet potato! I’m with you! It’s called SWEET potato for a reason! But on the other hand, you don’t taste the “sweet” in sweet potatoes if you’re always eating things with tons of sugar.:ohwell: I really started appreciating the real taste of foods when I stopped putting all the crap on it!:bigsmile:

    :heart: Vicky: Enjoy hubby when he gets home! :love: Absence makes the heart grow fonder….true?:bigsmile:

    :heart: Mary: If singing and/or playing music burnt a lot of calories…..you wouldn’t have to swim! :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie: Congrats on a Sticker Day!!!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Barb: Those doggies sure keep you busy!:laugh:

    :heart: Terri: Welcome and Congrats on the 5 lbs! Way to go!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Sharon: Glad you’re making progress with the fitness part of losing weight. :flowerforyou: I’m convinced that the exercising is what’s made the difference in my losing weight (as well as drinking LOTS of water!):drinker: :drinker:

    :heart: Rebel: T’is the season for husbands to return! :laugh: Glad he’ll be home soon!:happy:

    :heart: Heather: One day at a time! Winners don’t quit they just keep picking themselves up! :happy: Good for you!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Mimi: Great job on losing over 2 lbs! :flowerforyou:
    Don’t worry about greeting each one of us!:noway: This is the first time I am able to do it in months!!! (And I probably won’t be able to do it very often as I am at work and have NOTHING to do…so I have the luxury of posting!:wink: ) Just stay connected! That’s what will get you through. We all love to hear more about you…so keep on….keeping on!

    :heart: RJAdams: YOU inspire US with all those calories burnt! :happy: I have just GOT TO get a Zumba DVD!:smile:

    :heart: Ainslieglen: Try not to be too depressed with the snow! :frown: I DO agree with you about the sunshine. I notice a positive difference in my disposition when days are longer and brighter!:bigsmile:

    :heart: Faye: Isn’t it great to see that double digit weight loss!!! Congratulations!
    BTW…..What is the difference between bicycling and spinning?:huh:

    :heart: Where's our friend from Greece? :frown: Lots of problems over there! Hope you're keeping safe!!:smile:

    When I started my journey with MFP in August of 2009…there were a handful of us and posting greetings to each one….was a cinch! Now our family has grown so much:noway: …it’s almost impossible to keep up! I THINK THAT’S GREAT!!! :flowerforyou:

    So have a great day ladies!!!! You’re all wonderful!:flowerforyou:
    and I probably won't be able to post like this for another few months!!!:laugh:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    BirdieM -

    Just came back in from the garden for a minute to send that video to my friends and checked back in here too.

    Spinning is just like riding a many geared bicycle up and down hills, depending on how you set the resistance, except you do it indoors on a stationary bike. Hence the name I guess - you're just spinning away going nowhere. :laugh:

    It's different from the recumbent bikes in the gym, at least my gym, because of the higher gear ration and naturally the fact you spend part of the class standing up in the pedals, like we all did as kids.

    My poor old knees are not yet willing to hoist all of me up reliably. I may be able to do it but don't want to blow out a knee and be back to square one exercise wise. I'm going to wait 10 pounds or so and try again.

    I think a good deal of the benefit comes from the standing in the pedals thingy. However, I may be way off there. I'm sure not a spinning expert. I've been on one exactly 3 times. I was sure tired, had jello legs and felt like I had a workout, as I set the resistance as high as I could when the rest did. But I know I didn't get the full benefit of the class. I will soon!


    Oh, and BTW a spinning bike has the skinniest seat you have ever seen!!! :noway: I have no idea why....
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Evening ....me again!!

    :ohwell: I'm posting in the hope I won't be eating things I shouldn't!!!
    Bad day ...after I posted this morning.
    We didn't actually get to eat out as DH and I had ....a "Tiff"...:frown: Over nothing .Me being me ,blew his remarks out of proportion and sulked . So ...I went off to see my mum on my own, DH cooked tea and we did at least say goodbye to each other when he went off to work.
    Kiss and make up tonight ...I hope!!!

    :grumble: I've already had cereal ...doesn't sound too bad but when you add the sugar and CREAM on it ...I know it's a NO NO.
    I am in the calories ....just.

    Oh well ... sorry to whinge
    :heart: Jackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mimi – “Ta da….I weighed in (a day early) this morning at 227, a loss of 2.4 pounds for the 6 days.” Congratulations!

    Robin - “that is 2.4 pounds down from last week” Congratulations!

    Faye - “I am at a double digit weight loss” Congratulations!

    BirdieM – RI wasn’t at the top of the list. The worse cities were all in Texas. Real homemade Italian food is very health (and goes well with wine). lol

    All I have time for right now. Best wishes to all and an early Happy Mother's Day to all Moms in this forum.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Oh, and BTW a spinning bike has the skinniest seat you have ever seen!!! :noway: I have no idea why....

    Maybe to encourage you to stand?!! LOL:laugh:
    I just bought a new seat for my bicycle (outdoor bike) but it wasn't because it hurt me as much as...... I kept sliding off of it!:noway: :grumble: Have to admit it was graet exercise for my ARMS! :laugh:
    Thanks for the explanation of spinning!
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    bad bad day; as i signed in at work, what was on the desk.... a huge box of soft pretzels.
    my willpower was gone and i took one.
    wow, i had no idea it was so many calories.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    bad bad day; as i signed in at work, what was on the desk.... a huge box of soft pretzels.
    my willpower was gone and i took one.
    wow, i had no idea it was so many calories.

    The pretzel is not half as bad as what you might do next! When that happens to me, I DO NOT give up on the rest of the day! I try to exercise, if I can, I drink tons of water, and I have a great "rest of the day"! Don't be so hard on yourself! :flowerforyou: This is a journey, and it won't be the first time you slip! JOIN THE CLUB!:wink:
    Last night I got into a bag of rice cakes :angry: and went a few hundred calories over my calories. :grumble: So, I tried to learn something from it ........(like I find these Ranch Rice cakes too addicting to have in my house, so no more Ranch Rice cakes in my house)! :flowerforyou: Today, I got up with a positive attitude and am having a great day!:bigsmile:
    IT'S NOT THE SLIPS THAT MAKE US GAIN THE WEIGHT... AS MUCH AS ....WHAT WE DO IN BETWEEN THE SLIPS!!! Give yourself a hug for posting and be positive! You can do it!!!!!!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Wanted to chime in before I take off for the Bay Area. I look at those slips (pretzels, rice cakes, chocolate, whatever) as training for the rest of my life. As Birdie said, it's what you do between the slips that counts.

    Feeling guilty often leads to "going unconscious" and that leads to disaster. Keeping track of food and calories has worked well for me. Sometimes I "feel" as though I've failed. Then I take a look at the calories, realize they're really not that bad, then get back on track.

    Years of self-flagellation (figuratively speaking of course!) did nothing but motivate me to numb myself with more food. The support we give each other on MFP is huge. We're gentle with each other because we know that works. We need to be gentle with ourselves too.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone

    :heart: Thanks for all your good wishes for my uncle, glad to say that he is feeling much better, :smile: he's had antibiotics and plenty of water and is feeling much like his old self again. I think he'll be home soon, I hope he doesn't come home at the weekend though because I was planning on giving his place a bit of a spring clean on Saturday morning. It would be so much easier if he wasn't there. :bigsmile:

    :frown: I feel fat today, the scales were up by half a pound but I feel fat and heavy. Do any of you have "feeling fat" days?

    :heart: Reading all the posts has made me realise I need to exercise properly. You all are so energetic with all the classes you do, I feel I need to get on board, but need to plan my days. I think I am going to have to have at least one non dog walking day when Heather does the evening walk on her own, so that I can either join a class or buy a DVD to workout at home.

    :bigsmile: Just googled Zumba and it does look fun - very fast not sure I could keep up - but fun.

    Well I still need to fill in my food diary see how I did today and enter breakfast and lunch for tomorrow so I'll say goodnight and catch up with you all again tomrrow. :wink:

    Viv :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have heard so much about Zumba that I considered taking a class---there are several even in the small town I live in, but since I go to three line dance classes a week, it was hard to plan one more class so I kept putting it off. A few weeks ago I attended a demonstration of Zumba performed by a group of children from a local school.......the music was engaging and the children were having a great time, but the longer I watched, the more I was convinced that I'd need to have a chiropractor on call if I ever tried Zumba.......I need to do things that are more controlled.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi and Birdie, thank you for the wise words about "slips".........if someone is looking for an excuse to go back to their old ways, then those slips are perfect, but if your goal is a whole new way of life, then the slips are just little bumps in the road to be left behind you

    :flowerforyou: I love my workout DVDs and my wii sports.......they allow me to work out for 10-60 minutes with little preparation and no travel time.......I just finished 20 minutes of pilates in the den (I put the DVD in the computer) while DH finished watching a DVD movie in the living room....later I'll claim the living room for yoga.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I'm so glad to hear from you again.......just take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: in the last 14 months I've gone down from size 16 to size 4 pants and from size large and extra large tops to size small and extra small.......I've given away almost every item of clothing I owned when I started this including some size 12, 10, 8, and 6 stuff that I bought along the way........some days I still feel fat and it can happen an hour after feeling fabulous......feelings aren't facts so I just keep on keeping on
    :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    "Feelings aren't facts"

    I love that, Barbie. I need to remember that when I start feeling that the last year is just a fluke and the weight will come back.

    :drinker: Thank you for some very good 'Food for thought'.
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I’m laughing at myself and LOL at Mimi’s “going unconscious” phrase as I think this afternoon I took it to another level altogether! :glasses: Right after I finished explaining to my neighbour in great detail about MFP and how I’ve been writing down my food, and watching my caloric intake, and drinking my water, and what great support everyone is to each other :flowerforyou: – she offered me a homemade Italian biscuit and a beer and without even blinking an eye, I said “Oh, yes please”! Honestly, now what on earth was that about?! :huh: Is my brain completely disengaged from my mouth, stomach, resolve?? I know old habits die hard but really…! So for my penance the dog got an extra long walk (he's happy with that :happy: ) and I got a salad for supper. :tongue:

    Salute! :drinker:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Today is a very sad day for my family. We had to put to sleep our beloved Starr. Starr was, is and always will be our baby girl. I watched her and 8 siblings being born on my bedroom floor 14 years ago. I will miss her terribly. We came home from work today and she was laying on the ground outside her dog house and I couldn't get her to get up. I called for my husband and when he came out she sat up but couldn't stand. I called the Vet and they siad they close at six but were backed up and to bring her in, They said we could just leave her in the back of the truck and they would come out to examine her so as not to traumatize her by moving her more than necessary. Starr is an 86lb German Shephard and it was not easy to get her into the back of the truck without causing her pain. We arrived at the vet and was joined by our son and his wife, who are expecting their first child any day. After an hour wait the Vet came out and examined Starr and was very concerned when she felt a mass in Starr's stomach. She said that the mass was huge and that she could give her medicine that could shrink the mass but it was just a matter of time and it would be kinder not to make her suffer. The staff were really gentle with her and gave us time to say our good byes. They put her on a stretcher and carried her inside to put an IV in. Then they brought her into a room so we could be with her while they first gave her a sedative and then the second shot. Starr went very peaceful with people who loved her at her side. It was so hard but I didn't want her to be alone. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Today is a very sad day for my family. We had to put to sleep our beloved Starr. Starr was, is and always will be our baby girl. I watched her and 8 siblings being born on my bedroom floor 14 years ago. I will miss her terribly. We came home from work today and she was laying on the ground outside her dog house and I couldn't get her to get up. I called for my husband and when he came out she sat up but couldn't stand. I called the Vet and they siad they close at six but were backed up and to bring her in, They said we could just leave her in the back of the truck and they would come out to examine her so as not to traumatize her by moving her more than necessary. Starr is an 86lb German Shephard and it was not easy to get her into the back of the truck without causing her pain. We arrived at the vet and was joined by our son and his wife, who are expecting their first child any day. After an hour wait the Vet came out and examined Starr and was very concerned when she felt a mass in Starr's stomach. She said that the mass was huge and that she could give her medicine that could shrink the mass but it was just a matter of time and it would be kinder not to make her suffer. The staff were really gentle with her and gave us time to say our good byes. They put her on a stretcher and carried her inside to put an IV in. Then they brought her into a room so we could be with her while they first gave her a sedative and then the second shot. Starr went very peaceful with people who loved her at her side. It was so hard but I didn't want her to be alone. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to post twice. I didn't see it pop up so I clicked again. I put a picture of Starr as my main for today.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Donna: I would love to try Zumba….is it really, really hard? I’m over 60 and although I still love to dance, I wonder if it’s testing the waters a little too much I, like you, would get the DVD because I can’t imagine keeping up with an hour session!

    I would say this... for me it is alittle hard, but I can't do alot of it because I have early stages of emphazyma and asthma, but for you, I would say go for it! I do what I can do and don't regret any of it because I know in my heart, at one time, I could have done it all. I may never be able to do all the program, but even for me, it is a great thing. The only thing that is hard for me is I lose my breath and I have to stop in mid stream. On another thread I was on, I was talking to a person whom is a zumba instructor. I will send you her name and you can ask her anything you want to know about it okay?
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry::cry::cry: :cry: Today is a very sad day for my family. We had to put to sleep our beloved Starr. I will miss her.:heart::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I feel for you, my friend. It's tough to lose a four legged member of the family.

    :bigsmile: Speaking of ZUMBA, wouldn't you know there was a demonstration class today and I went? I worked my butt off and sweated like a (......) and....I loved it. It was so much fun. It can burn over 500 calories/hour. I can't keep up with all the moves, but I sure put in the effort. I may get myself a dvd of some sort, because the class is not at the best time and at the best location.

    :bigsmile: The other thing to report is that the scale showed a 2 pound loss this morning. Yay. I thought there was something wrong with the scale today, because since I started I have not yet seen this loss. The only thing I can attribute the difference to is more exercise. So, this is very exciting for me.

    :bigsmile: DH is coming home tomorrow night. Hope we can catch the last ferry back to the island. If not, we'll have to find a hotel and get back on Saturday.

    :bigsmile: The weather is finally starting to look like spring here. I hope to wear capri pants tomorrow. Yay again.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart: