

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thank you Caminogirl. I was so fed up with my weigh in I wanted to go into a closet and yell! I truly kept track and the only thing different is I hardly drank any water. Thought endless cups of tea was ok. Evidently not. I really appreciate you taking the time to post to me. The support means a lot.:flowerforyou: Ainslieglen
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thanks, Barbiecat! Today the scale was definitely a source of concern to me. I want so much to be successful at losing weight this time! I know I can do it and I will do it with all the help and love from all of you.:flowerforyou: Ainslieglen
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    I was just out on whitefly patrol on my eggplant and peppers. Does anyone know a good insecticide for whitefly? I don't have fruits yet, so I can zap them, if I can find anything that will work well. :angry:


    Faye--Whiteflies are very difficult to get rid of so your best bet is to try to prevent them. Here's a link to WAY too much information about them. (I have started my first real vegetable garden in YEARS so I have been doing all kinds of research!)


    Ainslieglen--I don't weigh more than once a week (at least I try not too!) because the ups and downs of the daily fluctuations would really discourage me! Now I weigh once a week and take measurements 1-2 times a month. I find that my measurements go down even if the scale hasn't moved!

    Well, I'd better get out to the yard and garden before the next rain starts! The weather here just cannot make up it's mind!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Monday Afternoon

    Welcome to all the new ones...:flowerforyou: so many of you I can't remember them all:flowerforyou: this is a great place.

    It feels like forever since I've read and posted:blushing: it took me quite a bit of time to read.

    :drinker: To all of you that met your goals YEAH and to those that didn't :cry: Don't give up...this is a new month and we can do this.

    My weekend was good and bad, I started out being so good when we went to Houston's to hear #2 Son playing the piano with the jazz trio, had grilled salmon and spinach...it was afterwards that I wasn't so good...I talked hubby into going to Marie Callendar's for pie:sad: only had four bites but it was enough:ohwell: Saturday night we had #2 Son and #3 Son & DIL over for a good bye BBQ for #2 son who will be leaving for his Officers Army training in S. Carolina for 3 months and I ate way too much BBQ! It's still with me today...I will be good the rest of the week:bigsmile:

    Denise (it was Denise right?) that is going to be helping with the cleanup in the Gulf...you inspire me!:flowerforyou:

    Work is crazy busy so not sure when I will be able to post again...but I will continue to lurk around:huh:

    Everyone have a good evening and continue to drink plenty of water and keep eating healthy:drinker:


    Forgot to mention...Since I started this I have lost 16.5 inches all over...that's a good thing:flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    congrat MacMadame. You are so inspiring. I just can't imagine a half Ironman. Wow. It makes my little five minutes sprints ( I am up to 5 of them in 30 minutes) seem puny. You rock.

    Just remember I started out going to the gym 1-2x a week for 30 minutes and couldn't run for more than 2 minutes at a time!

    I remember how nervous I was for my first 5k and not sure I'd be able to run the whole thing and I remember my first triathlon and being afraid I couldn't finish. Everyone starts somewhere. I just started where I was and slowly built up!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Alice thanks for your comments on my post. I have never heard of that Jillian DVD. Have a few of them but not that one. Keep up the good work.
    Vicki M
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Good tip, Kathy (pmjsmom). I could drive myself around the bend weighing every day. I'll just do it one morning a week on the same day.:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    General comment on the scale going in the wrong direction - when that happens to me and I don't have a good reason for the bump up, I check all my measurements again. It seems that there is always another inch missing somewhere and I attribute the small bounce to gained muscle.

    Sometimes, though, it is a bump up. I agree with Barbie in that if the bump doesn't stay there for a week, I don't change my ticker. It could be so many things.

    MacMadame - Congradulations! It is amazing how far you have come since I first joined this forum. You are an inspiration.

    I loved the goat/dog story. There are so many good stories posted here we could call it the Women over 50 Comedy Tour.
    Animals are our best friends in so many ways.

    Have a great evening all!

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Just popping in for a quick good night to all my MFP friends.

    Ainslieglen -- definitely DO NOT beat yourself up. As Barbiecat says, the scales can lie to you so don't take them too seriously. We ALL have off days and even though we wish we were perfect, none of us are. What I have found so different this time, as I have said before, is the fact that I can have a bad evening and get right back on track the very next morning. Since joining MFP, my "hippo moments" (I too love this caminogirl) have been drastically reduced. Journalling and every once in awhile stopping and thinking about how far I have really come helps me get through the rough patches.

    Thank you everyone, for your kind words, kudos, and encouragement. You are such a great group of ladies!!

    Alice, I loved your story about the dog, the goat and your mother!

    I have been hitting the consignment shops and thrift stores and let me tell you, I have been having FUN! I've gotten some great bargains and have virtually restocked my closet for a very modest sum. I am happy to say that the only things from last summer that I can still wear are some tank tops along with a few other tops. All of the capris had to go!

    I added a couple of new pictures to my profile. As everything done fairly recently looks awful:sad: ...I went back a few years:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !

    Have a good night all!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Just a quick nip ....
    Barb ...:noway: .I can't take credit for - Caminogirl's - :laugh: very funny and apt "Hippo Moment"
    Mind you it's very like something I would say ...I like it!!

    I'll try and post later.:love: I'm waiting for my DIL to arrive with our GS. We haven't seen them for 5 weeks ( getting withdrawel symptoms)I know he's crawling now and eating "Real" food ..... :laugh: he's probably 6' tall and engaged by now!!!! ...they grow up so fast.


    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Jackie,

    I am up early this morning--insomnia--so I popped in here to see what was new. Re: your comment about "hippo moment"--I didn't give you credit for her comment. I just said you and I had some competition in the "funny" department.
    I had my own "hippo moment" last night at a meeting where pizza was served. Unfortunately, someone remembered my saying the last time we met there that I preferred vegetarian pizza, so they made sure that was one of the options. I did plan ahead--eating light during the day--and although I did have 4 slices of pizza, I still ended up under my calories for the day, since I was busy shagging boxes yesterday. The sodium was over, of course. By the time I weigh again next week, the sodium should be a distant memory..

    Have a good morning, all.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning everyone :flowerforyou: I don't know what this day is going to be like for me, but I hope it is better than yesterday. I just logged in yesterday for the sake of logging in. I had some kind of sinus thing going on. I didn't eat right at all, skipped breakfast, had a sandwich for lunch, and a couple things of yogurt for the sake of eating something. I didn't get any excercise in at all, but I don't guess it matters seeing I barely ate anything :grumble: I just really felt horrible yesterday :sad: Okay, enough whining:cry::smile:
    I got a phone call in the middle of typing this post and forgot half of what I was going to say so I'll just say that I hope everyone has a good day :flowerforyou:

    Barb - I am glad you decided to keep posting. You are the one that introduced me to this wonderful group of people and you are one of the people that keeps it interesting so please, stick around. :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    My goodnes......I'm just now getting in the action for May and there are already 4 pages of posts.

    Now that my busiest season is gone for another year, my May goals are to watch portions, cut out mindless snacking, drink my water and make it to the gym 4 days a week. Since April 16, I've done great with these same goals and I'm seeiing the rewards.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today is the day my DD's PT and rehab schedule changes from Mom having to do something everyday for 30 minutes to Mom not having to do ANYTHING but make sure DD does her exercises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Her new schedule is core training one day, cardio the next with 1 rest day a week. So, I can do her exercises with her and start getting more exercise in. We need to join a gym now for sure as we don't have everything at home we need, so I guess it will be the Y.

    It looks like most of you are doing well and some need words of encouragement. All I can think of saying is to treat each day like it's the first day. Just wake up, don't worry about yesterday's failures, just do your best today and look forward.

    I am so, so happy today!

  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    Good morning. I just found this group and think it is a great idea to have this kind of support.
    I am inspired by how much you all exercise! That is clearly my downfall and will make that my goal for May.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Patti,
    When I started MFP over a year ago the only thing I knew was that if I planned my food for the day and stuck to the plan, I'd be better off. I went to line dance classes and walked my dogs for exercise but my weight had stayed in the 180's for at least 10 years. One day at a time and making changes in baby steps, I now eat better, and exercise more.......a lot of the exercise I do I learned from women on this thread. Stay with us, make small changes and remarkable things will happen in your life.:bigsmile:
    and drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all, It is currently sunny and not windy. I wonder how long that will last. I would really like to work on my wall. Oh well. I measured this morning and I finally have a almost healthy waist, 34 inches.!!! I lost in my hips too (which I definately do not need to do.) I wish I could loose in my bust. :ohwell:

    I got in 1125 exercise cals yesterday so I am ainimeg for another 1000 today. And I promised myself I would actually do some cleaning today yuck.

    Surveyed the damage to the yard from leaving Bodi outside during the outing to the M's game. He ate two brandches off one of our best blueberry bushes. I love the boy but I was really upset with him. DH was really PO'd too. Of course he has been forgiven.

    So DH finally went to work today. I am so glad to have him out of my hair. I love him but he cramps my workout style. (he usually has the tv on some hunitng or fishing show and I don't want to watch that stuff when I am on the treadmill so I have to kick him out.

    I know I rambled but I had all these disjointed thoughts to get out. I hope you all have a great day. Welcome to all of the newbies, there are so many I am a bit overwhelmed. :noway:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi from a snowy day in Edmonton....

    Couldn't believe it when I looked out this am...SNOW, and 2 days ago I could wear shorts and sit in the sun!

    After yesterday's whine and "hippo moment" ( love that phrase), I mainlined water and got on the scale this am. I was down 3 pounds....the unrecorded gain of yesterday and an actual 1.5 pounds since last week. That makes 7.5 since mid April. I'm ON TRACK, and soooo happy! Won't weigh again until next Monday! Thanks for all your input pals.

    Having a great time with my family here. I spoke with my Calgary son yesterday and he and #1 grandson will be up to visit soon. Jared is 20 now, and such a nice guy. My son is 49, I can hardly believe it. That makes me officially....old(er).

    I wish everyone a Happy Day ! Hugs to all:bigsmile: ainslieglen
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday (and wishing it was Friday)

    Only time to pop in quickly before lunch. Yesterday i was pretty good, my exercise should have been a bit better, but when I get off work late and don't get home until after 6pm it makes it hard to want to exercise...just feed me dinner and let me be a vegatable on the couch until bed time:wink:

    MacMadame - Wow! You are the living example of what we can do if only we continue to work on it, all that weight lost and now a marathoner!:flowerforyou:

    Terri- is that a picture of you?:noway: So cute! and boy are you the super shopping woman finding the bargins:flowerforyou:

    Donna - hope you are feeling better today:drinker:

    Louise - glad you survived tax season...now if I could survive Spring and all it entails in the landscape world it would be wonderful:wink:

    Patti - :flowerforyou: Welcome...this is a great place for friends and encouragement:flowerforyou:

    Robin - Super woman when it comes to exercise / calories maybe one day I will be so inclined:smile:

    Ainslieglen - Glad that the water worked for you in ridding yourself of those extra pounds that thought that they'd found a home...enjoy the time with your family...they do grow so fast:flowerforyou:


    I did spend some time last Saturday trying on some of my "wish I could wear" clothes. Some are getting there:wink: and some are gone:drinker: to the goodwill because they are too big. YEAH:drinker: :drinker:

    Everyone have a good day, and keep up the good fight:flowerforyou:

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thanks Laura(80111)...it was a relief to see the scale this AM. :happy: ainslieglen