

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    MSN has a list of US cities by fattest to leanest. It is interesting to say the least.

    The Leanest Cities

    Ranking City State Grade
    1. San Francisco Calif. A+
    2. Burlington Vermont A+
    3. Washington, D.C. A
    4. Seattle Wash. A
    5. Austin Texas A
    6. Albuquerque N.M. A-
    7. Portland Ore. A-
    8. Cincinnati Ohio A-
    9. Denver Colo. A-
    10. Aurora Colo. B+

    See Mexican food can't be that bad as Albuquerque is the 6th leanest city in America. lol

    We are usually at the bottom of everything, so I have to gloat a little.

    I hope everyone is having a great day,

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good afternoon all :smile: I am taking a break right now from my zumba dvd. I don't know that I'll ever be able to keep up but I figure if I do some of the steps, I'll still be burning calories. I don't log it in as hard aerobics, I just log it in as dancing, general. I take breathers as needed.

    Renny- Thank you for sending me a friend request, I can use all the friends I can get through this journey :happy:

    Barbie- You are right, I just need to say no thank you and smile. I know he just does stuff like that to be nice and sometimes I really want something like that :blushing: I have been doing pretty good with switching from horrible foods to better ones.

    Laura- I wasn't really discouraged, not too much anyway. I know that today is another day and to just move forward. The only time I think I would really get discouraged is if I ate all the bad stuff and went back to my old eating habits, which could probably kill a horse :laugh:

    Well I am going to go back to my beginners zumba and work up another sweat :laugh:

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening everyone ...

    Hope you've all had a good day. Mine was good ....My DIL and GS were over for the day ....:heart: he's so adorable you could eat him up ...How many calories???? Definitely not for the food diary!!! He munched away at a beef and vegetable casserole for lunch ...while us grown ups were good and had a ham salad. We visited Mum in hospital and she was so excited to see him.

    :smile: And.....tonight I went to the Zumba class and have logged down an hour of aerobics ...is that about right?? It was definitely a good work out. I took painkillers and ibuprofen before hand and made it through the class without too much shoulder trouble. DH will have to change his work night to enable me to go when Mum comes home!!!

    :smile: While I was on my own last night I had a trying on session ...to make sure my dress for the christening in June and those posh frocks for the cruise still fit me. Phew ...they do!!! Maybe losing a few more pounds will help them look better though.
    :laugh: Less like a sack of potatoes maybe!!!
    Fashion seems to go around in circles though doesn't it ...... I've noticed shoes with lots of straps seem to be "In" at the moment .. Mmmm ....vaguely familiar I thought!!! Dug deep in the shoe box and lo and behold ...a great pair of strappy shoes for the christening (They were expensive ...Made by Bally and......I think 15 years old. ) Good job my feet size hasn't altered as the weight has gone up!! I'd be a UK size 6 by now and not a size 4. :glasses: In my mind, because I've saved on the shoes I can spend that on something else!!!

    Anyway .... I'm off to have my sandwich I'd planned and then try and find something to wear for my GD's Hawaiian birthday party on Saturday.:happy: I got a grass skirt outfit from the Card shop and a garland and think I can wear the skirt over some pink crop trousers .DH has yet to find something ....shame he had such a great parrot shirt years ago that he could have worn!!!

    :frown: The exercise must have done me good ...i'm starting to ache now!!! Hot shower coming up I think!!

    Cheers everyone

    :heart: Jackie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm surprised LA didn't make the list of Top 10 "least fat" cities.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :frown: What a stressful day. I am definitely an "emotional" eater ! I have not been too bad although I did have a half a russian slice (I think they are called) at work today. Elaine popped in to do a handover with Beccy who is now doing her job and brought cakes :ohwell: I think if it had been a normal day I would have resisted (?) :huh:

    Not only am I stressed with work I had to phone the doctor for my uncle Derrick. :frown: I must admit to feeling a bit guilty that I didn't do it earlier, but it was the Bank Holiday weekend and getting hold of a doctor is almost impossible. Anyway I went to check on him this lunchtime and he was still in bed, this means he had not been out of bed since Sunday. I left soup and drinks by the side of him on Monday when i visited, but my dad said that when he went on Tuesday, Derrick hadn't touched them. I didn't bother asking Derrick if he wanted me to phone the doctor as I knew he'd say he was ok (like he had been doing since last week) I just phoned them, the receptionist said the doctor would phone back in the afternoon, After I explained that I had to go back to work and there would be no one to take the call she said the doc would call in to see Derrick after his clinic, I said I would have to leave the back door open as I had to get back to work. Luckily my Aunt came to see how Derrick was, and I asked if she would stay until the doc had been. To cut a long story short, my Aunt waited until 2:30 p.m. before the doc came, he examined Derrick and said he was dehydrated, had a fast pulse and slight breathing difficulties and needed to go into hospital, then arranged for an ambulance to take him in. The ambulance didn't arrive until nearly 6:00 p.m. Poor Carol was waiting for nearly 3 hours. Anyway Uncle is now safe in hospital and should get the care he needs to get him back on his feet again :smile: I'll check on him in the morning and try and get to visit if they allow visiting at lunchtime otherwise I'll pop over after work.

    I am so tired I think I'll get an early night, usually I say that and I am pottering about doing bit and bobs and before I know it, it's 11:30 p.m. so tonight I think I'll really get an early night. :smile:

    Meant to ask - lots of talk about Zumba - what is it? :bigsmile: sounds fun whatever it is :bigsmile:

    Night Night :yawn:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Michele the Beginners Backside DVD is from 06 or 07 I think. I am sure most of this and more is on her current Backside DVD. It's a series of circuts and it and the Boosted 1 mile for a warm up, are a more than fair workout. The bridges with your shoulders on a chair seat are killers, and then she has the audacity to ask the demonstrator to raise one leg and hold for a 20 count. She can I can't.

    Started the day off with a bang. Got lots of early exercise and have had plenty of water 14C.
    Large wind storm and no power this afternoon put my exercise to carrying buckets of water, and securing animal areas.

    Lost the big maple tree just outside my livingroom windows. Ran out and retreived my bird feeders. I am going to need drapes or shades for sure. We live 1/4 mile off a country road with no close neighbors, so have no need for drapes in the living room. Tree shaded the west side of my house. I will miss that tree, but it missed the house ( Thank You Jesus) and even had the good grace to miss the flowerbeds. Winds were nasty.

    Prayers for those who have real problems today.

    Power back on at 5:00pm so now I must play catch up. Off and running. Alice
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Barb (weaklink) - the vet checked PJ's teeth. She couldn't see anything suspicious. Of course, there might be something under the gum that she can't see.

    Thanks barbie. I just might bring some things for myself. One group that they started was this "fitness" group. Actually, I was already in a group that did most of what this group does, and more. Anyway.....the point is that SUPPOSEDLY there are SO many people who are interested and going to these meetings/walks. Deep inside they'd probably congratulate me for bringing my own food (even tho there are signs that say "no outside food"). On another note - when you are exercising, do you wear your pedometer? I've found that that number can sometimes be off. Like it'll register a few steps when I'm going to the bathroom.

    vicki - saying that "I don't care for ballpark food" is a great thing to say. Thanks so much. We moved to North Carolina from southern PA almost 3 years ago. Talk about culture shock! Most things I can adjust to, but not having decent food stores, decent food in restaurants (I one time asked for a sweet potato plain. I was told that it was served with brown sugar and butter. Now why in the world would anyone want to put sugar on a sweet potato? It's a sweet potato for a reason -- it's sweet! So I asked "Can't I get it plain". I got it plain, but you should have seen what it looked like! I swear the life of it was cooked out!) and decent gyms.

    Terri - I, too, have a box of things for the Salvation Army. When the box gets filled up, then I make a donation. I'm the same as you, whenever I try on something and it doesn't fit me, in the box it goes!

    Did 1 hr of the deep water aerobics today. Tomorrow I'll take a pilates class. We're going out for lunch, but somehow I would like to get in 30 min of strength training. Then Fri. will be a step DVD. I just got the "I want that body"by Tamilee, which I'm dying to try. It's only 30 minutes. Sometimes I can do an hour, sometimes I combine it with something else (like tomorrow)

    Laura - I hear ya about being an only child and having to take care of an ailing parent. Before my dad passed away, each and every weekend (except for one) I had to drive from our home to his apartment (1-1/2hr away). I'd drive up on Sat. then back on Sun. See, we had this WONDERFUL woman living with him. Honestly, if you want to know what an angel looks like, I'll send you her picture. She would clean, cook, and when he got to the point where he was soiling his clothes, she would wash them out by hand! But she did need a day off to spend time with her sister, so I made that trek since there wasn't anyone else to do it. When MIL was sick in FL, guess who was down there taking care of her (and FIL for a time)? You'll get thru it, think of the wonderful example you're setting.

    Jam - interesting list. I am surprised that Colorado isn't higher. You have much to be proud of, that's for sure

    Have a great night, everyone!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Viv you are a wonderful niece. So good of you to take care of your uncle that way. That is stressful though.
    Alice you are so blessed you are right but that had to be a frightening experience. So glad it was not bad. You can replace that tree.
    Michelle I am so glad my idea appealed to you. Also I agree with the potato. I eat mine plain usually sometimes a little butter but not usually. You have to be diligent about asking for what you want that is for sure.
    I did well on food again. When I finish my post I am going to jump on the exercise bike while I watch Criminal Minds and get a little cardio in. I will go to gym again tomorrow after dropping off the girls. I think I am back on track. My clothes are fittin loose again. I will probably weigh on Friday or Sat morn.
    Hubby called and he will head back on Friday. Not sure when that puts him home but it is sooner than expected so that is good.
    Have a good evening.
    Vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I have had a pretty good day food wise, but no time for exercise, as I had choir practice at church. Tomorrow I plan to get back to the pool and get my swim in. It's "Hump" Day - Happy Wednesday to all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: I think today was my highest calorie burn ever........I got up early and had time for pilates and the exercise bike before going to line dance class
    after lunch I did about 30 minutes of wii sports (batting, tennis, bowling, and golf) before going to the dog park for over an hour
    after supper I did yoga and rode the exercise bike.....I'll get a sticker on the calendar tonight and probably won't be able to move tomorrow :laugh: I'm alternating days on the wii sports and playing right handed one day and left handed the next

    :flowerforyou: It was the line dance teacher's birthday today and someone brought a huge chocolate cake and apple juice. I took time to admire the cake before class but ignored it when it was served.....one woman said something about the big piece of cake being her lunch and I suppose just counting calories that would work, but I can't imagine fueling my body with all that sugar instead of the pepper stuffed with ground turkey and rice and the yummy salad I had for lunch.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, congrats on sticking to your plan----your day sounds like mine, full of exercise.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thanks for sharing your inspiring thoughts on balanced eating and gratitude

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, thanks for sharing the list.......I read an article today that said the most obesity and overweight was in the southern states (I think Mississippi had the most obesity)

    :flowerforyou: Michele, the problem with my pedometer is that it is very accurate and only measures "real walking" so it doesn't count a lot of lateral or bouncing moves in line dancing or any of the movement in any of the wii sports that I do and certainly nothing in yoga and pilates or the exercise bike....that's why I had to stop using the pedometer as the main judge of my exercise success.

    :flowerforyou: The phone just rang so I gotta go. :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Barbiecat--

    That list you referred to was a study that was done about overweight children. Oregon has the lowest rate of childhood obesity and Mississippi has the highest. Food for thought --no pun intended (for once:bigsmile: )

    Alice--Sorry to here about your maple tree, glad it missed your house!!

    Viv--Hope your uncle is better soon. It is good that he has you looking out for him,

    Just dropped in for a sec. Doggies making posting difficult. You would laugh if you could see me trying to post with only my one knee to hold the laptop.


  • terrill
    terrill Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone, Just finished my first week and lost 5 pounds - thanks to free dump day. I spent several hours hauling heavy bags, old lumber, old furniture, etc. I'd almost forgotten what it feels like to use my muscles. Thanks for the welcome and encouragement. Terrill
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Afternoon All .....
    Grey and dull here on our election day. :noway: No sunshine in that either I think!!

    Viv ..... Google Zumba and look at the web sites. It's a keep fit / dance sessions to great music . latin and more.
    It's a franchise so there's more springing up in the UK now. Sorry to hear your Uncle ended up in hospital ...I hope he's on the road to recovery now.

    I did my first Zumba last night ...feel ok today!!:laugh: I'll take my belly dance skirt/scarf next week as we did some of that too The scales were good this morning too ...that spurs me on.

    BUT ....:smile: off out to lunch today. I've diaried in the garlic chicken with salad and hope I decline the free ice cream. I have some spare calories just in case. No exercise planned but will try and do my 15 minutes on the exercycle.

    :laugh: I have a feeling my GD's Hula party on Saturday will bring some dancing too, as half her dance class and the teacher will be there. Hips , thighs and bums tone maybe!!

    :smile: Anyway ... off to vote now. Not that I think my vote will change what we do in Wales. There again ...maybe!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just checking in. Beautiful day in IL. Have been good with the food this week and upping my water. Barb, your workouts this week are inspiring. Good job on passing up the choc cake! That is willpower!

    Am feeling like I am able to give more of myself to working out. I actually feel like my fitness level is improving.Yeah! Can't wait until next week is over...summer will allow me to focus more on workouts.(school teacher) I do have a surgery scheduled at the end of June that will stall my workouts. So glad I have MFP to keep track of calories and nutrients.

    Jackie, it is so nice to read your humorous posts from Wales. Keep up with the fun workouts. I will have to google zumba. I am not sure I am coordinated enough to do this! I may have to do my own version! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day all. We are officially "over the hump!":heart:

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning all. It looks like today is going to be a pretty nice day and then it is going to turn chilly ( in the 50's) for the rest of the week. We had a couple of pretty hefty storms roll through here lastnight. I know at 11:10 pm, I jumped out of bed! :laugh: I thought lightning struck something but I guess not, the thunder was just very loud. My poor little Simon was shaking so bad :brokenheart: It's funny how he loves and misses dh when dh is gone to work or outside doing something, but let something happen to scare him and he comes running to me :smile:

    Viv - Zumba is different latin dances that is turned into excercises that is more or less an aerobic workout. It is great for losing weight because it gets you really moving all parts of your body. Most people take the classes as they are so much fun, but I bought the dvd's because, due to heath issues, I'll never be able to keep up for the full hour. Everybody that I have talked to loves zumba. It gets you going that's for sure, but you don't look at it like it is excercise because it's so much fun to do.

    Well today is young yet so I really don't have much to report. I forgot to complete my diary last night so I guess I'll do that now. Yikes! :noway: I hope everyone has a nice day :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I scanned the posts and everyone seems to be doing well with all the usual stuff that life throws at us.

    I've been going through my closet and I can wear stuff I haven't worn in a while. In August 2001 I bought a pants suit for my high school reunion. The good news is that I can wear it again, the bad news is that it is in dark colors and not something you wear in the summer around here. My favorite $9.99 dress from Target fits again and I'm wearing it as I write this post. Good thing too as I can't seem to find anything new at the stores that I like. The material is so thin and see through.

    I did realize from reading all the posts that I do have a big problem not drinking enough water. I do retain what little I do take in and still had swollen feet the first hot day this year. So, I know what I need to work on. Thanks for all the posts on water, exercise and food tips.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :heart: Good Morning lovely ladies. It is going to be a sunny day here today. One more day and DH will be home again. I have missed him so much.

    Speaking of Zumba, I am trying out a class at lunchtime today and am dragging some co-workers with me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great day, and will check in with you'll later.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning ladies

    I'm back to posting. I have been reading a bit but there are soo many posts now its hard to keep up. I have recovered enough to go back to the gym. Not a moment too soon either! I will go at my own pace but am excited to see just what I can do. I might not be saying that tomorrow:laugh: I am, sadly, almost back to square one trying to eliminate the cookies and soft drinks etc. from my daily intake. I need to work more on my inner strength. Just because these things make their way into my home doesn't mean I have to indulge.

    Belated goals for May

    Excercise class 3-4 times per week
    Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily
    walk from home 3 times per week
    quit the junk
    eat more veggies and fruit

    Take care ladies

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny (and finally no wind) Thursday!

    The Adult Foster Home called me yesterday and because they have been visiting Mom they were under the impression that she would be moving in this week AAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!:grumble: I explained to them that the Dr. hasn't released her from rehab yet and I would be the one that fills out the papers for her so to send me the paperwork and I will be the one to send them a check to hold a room for her. Talked with Mom too and had to explain again that until the Dr. releases her she stays there until all her rehab is complete, of course then she didn't want to talk with me anymore, just more things to deal with:grumble: This too shall pass and "I will NOT become my Mom" that's why I'm here at MFP to get in shape, start the life style change :drinker: before I get (if I get) to her age (83).

    VickiM- I hear about Music Fest every year on the radio..maybe one of these years I could talk the hubby into going:wink:

    Jeannie - Since I live in a suburb of Denver/Aurora I can say that I could see :noway: why it made the top 10 list there are people all the time in all kinds of weather outdoors exercising:drinker: Isn't it fun to try on clothes that used to fit and now fit again:drinker: ....and who cares about style at our age:flowerforyou:

    To all you Zumba Gals - WOW how many calories does that burn...it must be a lot:noway:

    Jackie - So glad that the clothes for the cruise fit:flowerforyou: and hou have a good time at the Hula Birthday Party...go ahead and dance your....... off:blushing:

    Viv - Sorry to hear about your Uncle Derrick, but glad you got him to hospital in time, once they get the fluids back in him he should be back to his old self in no time:smile:

    AliceLMS- Glad the Maple tree missed the house:smile: but I understand about missing the shade in the heat of the summer and those trees take a long time to grow!

    Michele- One hour of deep water aerobics - Wow:noway: how many calories does that take care of...I'm sure a lot.

    Barbie - No one can come close to you in the calories burned area:flowerforyou: You set the bar for all of us and maybe one day I will get there.

    Terrill - good job on the 5 pounds lost:flowerforyou: that's the way to get started and to give you the incentive to keep it up:drinker:

    Sharon - glad you are able to get your fitness level up :drinker: Yep now is the time especially with your surgery in June (hope it's nothing serious)

    Heather - Sorry you are feeling like you are back to square one...:flowerforyou: take it one day at a time and begin anew today!


    Today the scale was kind to me, but I don't log it in as tomorrow is my official weigh in day so i will hope it hold until then. :huh: One thing that I've discovered is that when I eat fish for dinner the night before the scale ALWAYS is lower the next day:drinker: The bad part is that over the weekend I have a tendency to over indulge:blushing: maybe I can be good ALL weekend...will keep my fingers crossed. I always start the weekends with the best of intentions.

    Everyone have a good day:drinker: and keep fighting off those pounds.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Ta da….I weighed in (a day early) this morning at 227, a loss of 2.4 pounds for the 6 days. I know you can’t trust the darned scaled but I admit I love it when it shows a loss. It feels like a reward and puts a smile on my face. And I exercise harder for the next week because I don’t want to see the numbers go up or stay the same. :happy: (Even though I know they could, and have, when I’ve done all the right things. :ohwell: )

    I’ve been hesitating to post lately because I've wanted to say “hi” personally to everyone. I saw Barbie’s advice, though, and am giving up saying a personal hello to each and every one (even though I read all your posts, am thinking about you, and really *want* to!). It’s more important to stay connected. When I have time, I definitely want to respond more personally. But, when I don't, instead of feeling like I'm not doing my share (ahh, that old failure feeling), I'll share a little about myself and stay connected. :love:

    This group has made a big difference to my motivation. You and the structure of the MFP site keep me on track with weighing and logging my food. So many of you have inspired me to exercise more. It’s still hard for me and I drag my feet but I’m seeing progress.

    About 8 pm last night, my daughter asked if I wanted to go with her to Home Depot. I wanted to get out, but I had already logged a half hour of stationary bike exercise (because I hate to see my calories over my target! :laugh:) I told her “yes” as long as we could go quickly. (Had to get back to see American Idol, which, by the way, had the most sickening performance (by Lady Gaga) :sick: that I have ever seen. I’m just about done watching AI, unless they can get their performances out of the gutter.)

    We got back late (of course :wink: ) and I went straight to her house to watch AI. I told myself I could catch up on the exercise the next day. I really tried to convince myself. But Rjadams and RebelRenny had already commented about my good job on the exercise. I was torn. Ultimately, I got on that bike, and pedaled for half an hour! :happy: Without their encouragement, that never would have happened. So, thank you once again to my MFP friends for keeping me on track…and keeping me honest!

    The other thing I appreciate - and is working for me - is the delicious food I’m eating. When I see posts like Barbie’s, describing how someone was going to eat a big slice of chocolate cake and that would be her calories for lunch, I grimace. There’ve been so many times I’ve counted calories and used “diet” foods to try to get the old “taking care of myself” feelings I craved. I am so much more satisfied with healthy foods. I’m also filled up! I can’t imagine going back to the highly refined foods. I’m not good at sticking to a diet where I’m hungry all the time! My diet now makes me feel coddled and indulged. :heart: I love it, and I’m losing weight. I wish I’d discovered this way of eating years ago, but NOW is good!