

  • nanasorchid52
    Hi ladies

    Just checking in quickly while the kitchen floor dries!

    Not had time to post lately or catch up with posts but have religiously logged food.

    Yesterday I went to slimming club am and was yet again a proud mum as my daughter was slimmer of the month yet again - so proud of her.

    Then we went out after for our monthly meal to a quaint village pub. This is the first time I have joined them for a meal and it was a real eye opener!! I asked the chef about a couple of meals and settled for a two course healthy option.

    We all make choices and there was lots of talk about cheat days! My thoughts are that the only person I would be cheating was myself! I by no means have good will power, but I have worked hard to reach target, am enjoying the health benefits and love wearing lovely fitting clothes.

    I came straight home had a walk to the beach and back, then walked to my daughters to help with my DG 8th birthday tea party! Stayed away from the cakes! Such a lovely time!

    Straight from there went to a biodiversity area for a nature walk with friends. It was so interesting and nice exercise. Last year I helped at the conservation day cleaning the beach and laying paths! going to take the DGC there this weekend to show them the swans nesting, the oyster catchers and the Queen bumble bees. Then went for my second pub meal to a quaint village pub with a thatch roof and quaint little rooms (established 1380) - chose a salad starter! DH drinks there after he finishes training at the swimming club he runs and I came home with him.

    So all in all a great day!

    I hope you all are enjoying each day - it's so hard to fit everything in isnt it! Thought I would have more when I retired but that doesn't seem to be the case. Back to housework 2day but will go down to the beach and back this afternoon to get my steps in.

    Wherever you are I wish you a happy successful day

    Keep smiling
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I`ve read all the posts and I have plenty to say:laugh: , I just don`t have time this morning:grumble: ! Maybe this afternoon I`ll be able to come and chat more.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday...Yay, it`s Friday:bigsmile: !!!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful sunny NC:glasses:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning all, I just wanted to pop in since I won't be around until Tuesday.

    I got up early this morning to color my hair. then after work I will head to the airport. DH and I had a spat this morning. I think he is upset that I will be gone all weekend. :cry: I hate it when we part on less than happy terms. I might try to go by and see him at work today to see if he is in better spirits.

    Have a great day all,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Just a quick post to Jodios

    Hosting the Picture

    1) Go to an image-hosting site (for example, photobucket or tinypic- photobucket requires making an account). Upload your picture. To do this, click the button that says "Browse" and choose your photo from there. When you have selected your photo and clicked "OK", click the UPLOAD button.
    2) Wait until it is completely loaded and shows you a bunch of different codes. We're going to use the URL that's called IMG (or Image) code. Highlight the entire code, right click, and click "copy".

    Placing the Picture on MFP
    1) Get onto your favorite board or wherever you would like to post the picture, and start your message. Now, right click inside this typing/text box, and click "Paste", The code that you coped earlier should show up. You may notice that the code looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ IMG ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /IMG ]

    Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that we can't have those capital letters in there.

    2) Take the code that you have down, and change the capital IMG to lowercase img (on both ends of the code), so that it looks something like this: (without the spaces)

    [ img ] http://i48.tinypic.com/qqebzq.jpg [ /img ]

    3) Write whatever else you feel like writing in the space, then click the Post button, and you're done!!

    Happy Friday :flowerforyou:
    Carol in WNY

    P.S. Jodios.... I hope this helps you :smile:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    I'm back after being away FOREVER !!!!

    It was just a crappy winter for me. But I am thankful that spring is here and I'm able to get back outside to do my gardening and yard work. I'm just a happier person when I can get outside.

    My son is getting married in June so we have that to look forward to.

    My husband will start working 1st shift in May (after working 2nd for over 15 yrs). I'm really looking forward to that. I think we will adjust just fine.

    I hope everyone has a good day and makes good choices.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :yawn: Awake way too early again this morning. Have had too many of these lately. Lack of sleep is not helpful for making healthy food choices. Very busy at work, but that's okay.

    Putting the coffee on, and pretend I'm awake. I've already spent way too much time on the computer this morning catching up on all the posts.

    Hope you all have a great Friday!

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    katla - there is a place here in Hickory called "The Crushed Olive". They have all different types of flavored olive oils and vinegars. Someone brought it here, I don't think I'd ever buy it myself. Glad your dh is getting more tests

    Linda - I do find that the brussel sprouts need to have something added to them, but I don't want to add butter or cheese. Right now I'm putting them in my salad with vinegar on them

    grandmalle - so sorry you're in such pain!

    cityjane - what is the 5/2 diet? Good for you having healthy snacks with you! That's the way to go. As I recall, the fruit in Paris was quite expensive. Sounds like you had a wonderful time ! Hope your bp test comes out the way you want it to

    tammy in VA Beach - one of our cats has a seizure disorder. Do you have to give your cat any medication? You might want to consider medication to keep them in control. Otherwise it begins to affect their brains (which controls the rest of their bodies). I so wish I knew how to use Pinterest

    Cheryl - your daughter sounds amazing, you must be ever so proud!

    katla - what a nice gift to give a newborn -- a clock. When my children entered kndergarten, I planted a tree for them. Only now we've moved from that house! Glad to hear you're over the grumpies.

    kathy - happy birthday to your daughter. WTG girl on the fitness assesssment. I'm sure you'll get more motivated now.

    LaurelFisher - so sorry to hear about Branda and Patty. Two in such a short time! My thoughts are with you.

    tari - I hear your frustration, but think of where you'd be if you weren't doing the 30DS. Accupuncture to prevent gallbladder surgery? Never heard of that. I always thought most people found out they needed gb surgery when their gb was inflamed.

    jmkmomm - I agree with Juanita, crockpot recipes are for the most part very easy, basically you put the ingredients in the crockpot in the a.m. and eat in the p.m.

    Sue in TX - your pic looks great!

    Today did 1-1/4 hr Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD. Tomorrow I'll do a spinning downloadable workout. I found out that I can use their new bikes, so I want to try them out. The guy who is going to be building our pergola is supposed to come here tomorrow a.m., then Vince mentioned about going looking for furniture for the outdoors. Personally, I'd like to get this landscaping done.

    After volunteering at the Green Room took my dress to the lady who does alterations. When I put it on, even she said "that's not right". I showed her how they took up the shoulders and she said "that's not how you do it". Hopefully, she can get it right. but she did say that she thought the dress was really nice. I decided I really didn't need the ribbon around the waist so she's going to use that to make these things that you use to snap your bra to the shoulders of the dress.

    Came home and filled the whoopie pies. Honestly, I think you probably need to get the filling stiffer, but I'm really not sure how to do that. If it's much stiffer, I don't know how you can mix in the sugar.

    My eyes are burning, I think from allergies, so I'm going to lay down and rest them a bit.

    jodios - stay safe!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • mommahice
    Hello all, I am new at this and seeing all these posts is overwhelming. It is nice to see that friendship have evolved on here. Motivation and Support for over 50 is what I need! I hit the big one this past Christmas and it seems like the only thing that is happening is my belly isn't getting smaller.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Busy busy.Moving the final stuff in our rental home in the am.
    Will catch up,when life slows down.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I admire your dedication for cooking "just enough." We have also cut out most sugar and white flour for DH’s health. I find I’m not missing it at all. A year ago I knew what sweet potatoes were, but not how great they are. Now we eat them several times a week. We also cook one and split it.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I didn’t think about how something like lash extensions could simplify your morning beauty routine and give you confidence. You’ve opened a door in my mind. Thanks.:flowerforyou:

    cityjane: DH had been taking blood pressure medicine for years without understanding its significance. It was just another pill among many that he was taking for diabetes. When he had his stroke in February it started to sink in that blood pressure is an issue he has to deal with. He’s been working hard at it. We’ve eliminated salt in our cooking. I add mine at the table and he uses salt substitute instead. He drinks a LOT of water each day, takes his pills with understanding, and tests his blood pressure every day. We’re giving up eating Chinese food in most of our favorite restaurants except for the rarest of treats. It is all working and his numbers are getting better day-by-day. He uses a blood pressure cuff he bought online that works with an iphone app to read and record the information. Discipline in following healthy practices is so important. Understanding how blood pressure affects your health is crucial because it supplies much needed motivation. Good luck to you and your family. :flowerforyou:
    Nanasorchid: I don’t understand cheat days, either. I do make the occasional bad choice, but then I deal with it and keep going. Maybe some people are restricting so many things they love that they need to indulge once in a while and do it all in one day. We all tend to make deals with ourselves.:wink:

    Robin: Sorry to hear about the spat. I hope you’re able to see him later and that he’s in better spirits by then. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in WNY: Thanks for the picture posting lesson. I saved the message so I can refer back to it. I don’t know if you helped Jodios, but you sure helped me.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: Welcome back. :flowerforyou:

    We have a little more power washing to do, and may do it today. Luckily we got nearly everything done yesterday so it shouldn’t take long to do the little bit that’s left. And if we don’t get to it, it will keep. I hurt so bad after the power washing marathon yesterday. Then I used my noggin (and things I’ve learned in my yoga class) and stretched out. It made a huge difference right then. This morning I'm still doing okay, and much better than I expected.:bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Good morning all. Sounds like everyone is keeping busy and keeping on keeping on..The sun is finally shining here in Nebraska. Sounds like it is going to be a beautiful weekend and I am off. Doesn't get much better. We are going to an CMA retreat tonight and all day tomorrow. So looking forward to that. Well just wanted to check in and say Hi. Thanks for all the good messages and support.
  • luvbuttons
    The sun has finally decided to come out and shine gloriously! It's wonderful. I spent some time walking around the yard admiring the spring flowers. As a result, I know I need to get out there and weed and mulch. It's not a job I hate and it uses calories. Win, win. I hate to be too hopeful or excited but at my weigh in last night, I LOST 3 pounds--that's 1.5 pounds I had gained and 1.5 more. Whoo hoo. What's better is that I figured my BMR from the apps and realized my body is starving so I increased my calorie intake by 100 a day. It was so much easier to get in all the nutrients I need. Thanks for your help, ladies. I do so appreciate your wisdom. :smile:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Checking in before I lose sight of the thread. I have been busy and so has this thread :bigsmile: here's a pic of my new grandson born 04/17/2013 9lbs 4ozs and 20.5 inches long. He's my 7th grandchild, 5 boys 2 girls


    Wish you all a Fabulous Friday! Life is GOOD!
  • BridgeKiki
    I love the VitaMix. Thanks for sharing.
  • BridgeKiki
    Soooo Cute!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    I am hoping that all of you are having a good day,being self aware and making healthy choices. :drinker: I have been staying away from the gym and doing work in the garden etc.My body got used to the bike and the elliptical,so am going to confuse my muscles! Like they had a brain of their own.:laugh: Lol I will be working the next 4 days in a row,so at least I dont have to get the girls up for school for the next 3 days.:smile: I get my best sleep on these days! DD # 1 has a shooting competition out of town tomorrow,so DH will take her! Praying that she will be focused and do really well!:drinker: Doing well is such a good motivator for her and "makes her day!" I hope you all have beautiful sunny warm weather this weekend. :bigsmile:
    Remember , that this is the first day of the rest of your life,so make it a healthy ,self caring one! You deserve it! :drinker:
    LindaS is sunny San Diego
    Viv,:flowerforyou: sorry to hear about daughter. The good news is, social anxiety is very treatable with therapy and medication(for some). Many people think these children are “shy” timid etc, In children the term is selective mutism. Their speech is the only thing they can control, so they choose to be selective mute. SM is more common than autism. Early treatment is the key.SM can be overcome, especially if treatment begins at a young age. So, if you know of any children that are chatterboxes at home, but won’t talk in school or other places, consider they might have SM. Early treatment = better outcome. I don’t think you would have noticed it unless it presented when she was younger, or there was more information in the health care community. I still encounter many health care providers that have no clue about SM.
    Have a great weekend!
    Amanda:flowerforyou: - thanks for the info on the lash extensions. That is absolutely fabulous that you can go without make up and still look finished! Send the gremlins’ to take the cold cloudy weather away!
    Grandmallie:flowerforyou: - I hope the boot helps you! I have to work this weekend too, so I will be thinking of you! I am a sugar addict too!
    Cityjanelondon:flowerforyou: -have your clothes altered to fit you! Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it going!
    Jo in Wales-:flowerforyou: wow, what an amazing food and exercise day! Yes,it is true that we only cheat ourselves, but for me my mind sometimes wins that battle! Congrats to you for your determination.
    DeeDee-:flowerforyou: Hi,hope you have a fabulous day!
    Cindy:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: - welcome back! Glad to see you again!
    Renny-:flowerforyou: I agree with you about the lack of sleep! Lack of sleep for me equals a sugar,carb craving day! NOT GOOD! Hope you get some sleep this weekend!
    Michele:flowerforyou: - Brussels sprouts are so bitter. I don’t know how anyone can eat them? I love my kale, chard broccoli, so I should like Brussels sprouts!
    Mommahice:flowerforyou: - welcome to the group,just jump right in a share with us. Let us know a little about you and where you are from!
    Jane:flowerforyou: , Hope you get a chance to rest the weekend!
    Katla:flowerforyou: - glad your getting un stiff! Think of the calorie burn!
    Vickil57:flowerforyou: - have a lovely time at the retreat! Let us know how it goes!
    Luvbuttons:flowerforyou: -Congrats on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Teri:flowerforyou: - thanks for sharing the picture of your DGS! So, precious and truly a miracle!
    Laura:flowerforyou: - have a great bike ride this weekend and fun with your DGS! Hope all went well at the MD visit!
  • Rudie0618
    Hello Everyone, this is my fifth day on MFP and I wish I had know about it long ago. I have always fought my weight issues; still hold a membership with WW but I would not be a great spokesperson for them as it took me over a year to lost 18 pounds.

    I love the fact on MFP that I can see everything, know how much sugar I am having in a day as well as my sodium. I do have high blood pressure but have dropped down from two pills a day to one. Six years ago this coming June I had both my knees replaced (at the sametime) and life has been so much better. I take spin classes three times a week and water aerobics twice a week as well as weight training. I do all this and the scale never moves so I am hoping with my new MFP tracking it will give me more hope. The Dr. tells me to stop looking at the scale, but its a habit I've had for years. I have gone done many sizes but would like to take the extra pressurer off the knees. Would prefernever to have knee surgery again.

    My next goal is to get through the weekend, I do so well during the week as I am at work, lets see how the weekend goes. Have a great one.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Happy Friday! Doing the happy dance! Quiet day at work, going to be in the high 50s! May not sound like much but it’s a huge big deal here! I waited too late to log on last night so only said hi on my home page so the silly thing would count my days. I have been trying to re-motivate myself and think I have a good plan, at least through summer. You have no idea how glad I am the semester is winding down! I already feel like I am on vacation.

    Brooke: OMG I blew coffee out my nose when I read your latest quotation! And yes I can relate!

    Jmkmomm: your cooking skills remind me of me…when I was first out on my own. I could hardly boil water and make toast. What a learning curve. Lower calorie meals will definitely be different. They are just as good but you will notice the difference. What is your favorite food? I’ll see if I can come up with a lower cal version for you to start with. You need to substitute lower cal things for instance use the cream of mushroom soup but get the healthy request version. Switch to a lite whipped butter or something like “I can’t believe it’s not butter” (which is actually good). Use lite sour cream instead of full fat. Little changes like that can make a huge difference over time. Perhaps you can cut your recipes in half so there aren’t leftovers or immediately package them up and freeze them. Put the tupperwear out while you are cooking.

    Cooky: in my secret life I am either a pole dancer or a lounge singer LOL

    BettyAnn: you joined by posting! Come back often

    Katla: fingers crossed for good test results!

    Lindasundance: does your daughter have an anxiety disorder or is she autistic? I sure hope the web conference helps! You’ll have to let us know. Hope you had a great day off and got some rest. It sure is exhausting being a good mom like you.

    Amanda: sending you some virtual sunshine! Where do you get your lashes put on? I hope the cousins’ visit goes well.

    Cityjane: I am so jealous of your trip. I would love to go back to Paris (spent 2 whole days there on the way to Germany once) again. I’m so glad you had a great time and are back with us safely.

    Tammy : we have salmon once a week for sure. I have never put it in a cold oven though, what does that do? We marinade ours in soy sauce, broil for 5” to get a nice crust on the top, then drop the heat to 375 or so. I’ts a little higher in sodium, but most days I get under 2000 mg, so I think that’s ok. There is a lower sodium soy sauce too. Hope the doggy is better soon!

    Kathy: hope you stay strong at Red Lobster. Fortunately I hate the biscuits! LOL

    Laurel: so sorry about your heartbreaking losses. Prayers and blessings to you and your families.

    Jodios: keep us posted on the plateau breaking plan!

    Gail: I love the farmer’s basket idea at the Y. what a great idea!

    Jo: your day sounded delightful!

    Robin: hope it works out that you can see DH before you leave!

    CindY: So nice to see you again! You have been missed!
    Nanasorchid: everyone has to decide for themselves about “cheat days” . I do it because I find if I don’t, I sabotage myself. This gives me a way to eat without counting for a day (every 2 weeks) and I find that I don’t go crazy anymore. If I try to stay on my plan every single day I go nuts and then go on a wild eating binge. This way I have permission to be “bad” without the guilt and it’s self limiting!

    Texasgal: wow 7 grandkids! That’s amazing! He’s adorable.

    Well ladies I have been prowling here for nearly 2 hours and have a student coming to see me about a test, so I must run even though I didn’t get to everyone today. Relish the fact that it’s TGIF!!! Take care! Meg in (finally) sunny Omaha
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Quick update. My husband decided to leave work early. (he just didn't feel like working and he has the time to burn) He gets in a 5 so he was going to leave at 9. I didn't have time to get over to see him so I was a littles sad. But he surprised me by coming over to my building. He had picked a little purple flower on the way and snuck up on me at my desk and put it on my keyboard. I walked him back out and had an opportunity to kiss him goodbye and to know that we were happy and on good terms. :love:

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    On my phone so this post may come out wired!

    Meg- my DD has social anxiety.
    Robin- so glad you and DH have worked things out!
    Rudie618- welcome, you have come to the right place for ideas, recipes and support!

    I just did this quiz on web md and thought it had a lot of good info
    about metabolism, metabolic rate! I hope this link works. I sent the article
    To my email and then copied and pasted!


    Sent from my iPhone ... Hugs, Linda S