

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I sympathize with your situation with your daughter. I’ve been there. My daughter is now a mom and, in a few more years, she should be getting her own dose of teenage daughter behavior.:laugh: I’m looking forward to it. Raising kids is a huge challenge. I wish you the gifts of patience and humor. Moms need both.:flowerforyou:

    I can share the macaroni salad recipe, but you’ll have to reach your own conclusions about whether it is healthy.:wink: This was how my mom taught me to make macaroni salad, although no ingredients were ever precisely measured. I cut everything down to provide reasonable portions for two adults to share over 2 or 3 meals. We usually make a huge batch for picnics and get togethers. Just multiply everything for the size of your group.

    1 C salad macaroni( dry) boiled until al dente (2C cooked)
    2 HB eggs, peeled & chopped
    1/8 C green onion, chopped
    2 Nalley baby dill pickles, diced (any brand will do but might change the nutrition info)
    1/8 C celery, chopped
    2 tablespoons Best Foods Mayonaisse (Hellmans)
    1 tsp yellow mustard (to taste)
    pepper to taste
    Fresh parsley, chopped and stirred in, or sprig on top.
    Mix it all together and chill.
    Makes 3 cups
    Serving size ½ C
    Calories 164, Carbs 16, Fat 4, protein 7, sodium 114 (and I added none), sugar 2. I added a little salt to mine at the table but DH didn’t. He liked it fine, and I honestly liked it without added salt, too.

    Renny: Congratulations on completing your 10 K!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m sure my husband would like to order the spice mix for home made salsa. Can you give enough details for us to find it online?:flowerforyou:

    Today we went out looking for a plant to fit a shady spot where the boxwood died and was taken out. Boxwood is out of the question because the old one died of a soil born boxwood virus and a new one would also die. I have a list of plants I’m interested in as possible replacements. We saw one of the plants on the list, but it was only about 3 inches tall and will have to audition again when it grows up. :wink: We tracked two others down in a Portland Nursery. We’ll go in and have a look on Wednesday when we’re in Portland anyway.:bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement!

    Today had been very beautiful weather wise just lovely. I went to church and than grocery shopping. Other than that it was a day of rest for me.

    @Meg I am sorry about the hard time you are having with your DD. My 19 yr old still has those moments. Its hard but I know it won't always be like this.

    @Michele I enjoy doing workouts on my Wii. I haven't in awhile. Your posts reminds me of this. I will need to get it out next time.

    @Jane glad your move is done.
    @Katla. I like your macaroni recipe. I have one that is similar too it I will have to give yours a try

    @Renny. Congrats on completing your 10k.

    On my way to bed. just exhaust.

    Good night everyone!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have been looking at recipes and I found this one that looks simple and it has weight watcher 7 points plus on it. What does that mean???
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from blue skied London.

    It is not warm and is decidedly blustery, but I’ve managed to have the back door open for a while to ‘air the house’. Just about to hang out the second load of washing. A satisfying feeling – watching clean laundry dance on the washing line.

    I’m not sure why, but the protein mix breakfast that I have every day has suddenly started to make my stomach feel really heavy and bloated so I’m going to try having scrambled eggs and spinach for the next couple of mornings, see how that feels.

    This morning I have to take my dad to the hospital for an appointment and then I’m taking him shopping. I really want to buy myself a yellow dress for my niece’s first holy communion. Truthfully I should just wear something I already have. There are so many dresses in my wardrobes – many that I haven’t even worn yet. For some reason I want yellow! There’s just about every other colour in my collection, but not yellow. My niece is called Daisy Bee and I have a beautiful bracelet with daisies on that would look fab with a yellow dress. I do get ideas stuck in my head sometimes!

    Well, the washing is not going to hang itself out, so I’m off to do that.

    Have a good week my Vit Fs.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    well I have payed for my sins I guess...I got on the scale and have gained 4 freakin lbs overnight..
    that is just sad..oh well.. I did go to the gym yesterday ,but wont go this morning because my heel is really aggrivated...:grumble:
    I will get back on track today I guess and keep on truckin..
    no more eating alot of sugary stuff.. even though I count it ,it still does damage:embarassed:
    hope everyone enjoyed there weekend and will enjoy the week. will check in when I get home from work:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Monday morning....once again I have very little time:grumble: :sad: !

    Katla:smile: thank you for the recipe, it sounds delish! Looking forward to trying it out!

    Amanda:smile: I think you would look lovely in a new yellow dress:smokin: ! I know what you mean when you get something stuck in your head like that, one year I searched and searched for a teal dress, when I finally found it I was a happy girl:bigsmile: . Hope you find the perfect one! Maybe new shoes to go with it too?

    I`m having lunch with a friend today, her choice...we`re going to a hot dog place:sad: , I like a hot dog on occassion but I really have to be tasting for them, today is not one of those days:frown: :ohwell: . I really dread all the sodium:grumble: .

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    Grumpy DeeDee in rainy and chilly and just blah NC
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning all

    It was a busy weekend. A conference all day Sat and Church on Sunday.

    A very rainy day with more expected today. I'd love to be hanging clothes outside too but that just won't be happening. No gardening either. It's just plain soggy here!

    My goal this week is to be faithful with my food diary and to get my exercise going again. Last week I was going gang busters working in the yard.

    We have our son's wedding in less than 8 weeks. My dress will fit better if I lose a little.

    Have a good day

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm coming back again for the upteenth time. Started back with tracking which I need. Need to get the scale and my diabetise at a good level. Been bad for about two weeks now that's enough. Working this morning but will be back this afternoon. I need this place bad.
    Linda in Northern Ontario where spring finally hit.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: Drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: and plan revenge on your friend. :devil: Have a good time visiting.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: Exercise is my balance strategy. It allows me to “buy” more calories on occasion, and always makes me feel better. I choose exercises I like-yoga, walking, and riding my bike. Barbie dances, and I envy her that but I have two left feet.:flowerforyou:

    Lin C: I am so glad you’re back. :bigsmile: I LOVE your sense of humor and miss it so much when you’re not here. Good luck getting back on track.:flowerforyou:

    It is raining, there is nothing on the calendar, and I have no plans for the day. In the past I’d spend the day snacking or reading. I need to figure out something more productive to do with my time. I’m between books. I can ride my recumbent on its trainer in the garage but not all day. I’d love to hear other ideas for rainy day activities. Cleaning house has no appeal, whatsoever.:noway: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a dry spell so I can go walking without getting soaked.

    Katla in rainy NW Oregon
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee -- maybe you can get the bun and they'll have veggies you can fill it with. Or maybe they'll have other options available.

    RE: my wrist - there is a potential scaphoid bone fracture. Have to get a special brace for now, but a radiologist will review the xrays in the next day or to to determine if I need to see orthopedic doc to be in an actual cast. Hopefully just the brace, but in any event it takes 6-12 months to heal. :cry: Guess I'll be sticking to legs/back workouts for the forseeable future.

    Came back home after the doc to get breakfast and now have to go get the brace and go to work.

    Have a great day!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts over the last couple of days, but got a cute video on facebook wanted to share with anyone who needs a little smile on this monday morning - get your exercise and have some fun with your fur baby:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts over the last couple of days, but got a cute video on facebook wanted to share with anyone who needs a little smile on this monday morning - get your exercise and have some fun with your fur baby:


    I LOVE Carolyn and Rookie. I've had this saved on my computer for a long time but haven't seen it recently. THANK YOU!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    trying to catch up on the posts.Have a Violet day,so got a break from unpacking.
    Nice warm day!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Don't you hate it when you're doing push-ups and you lose count after 1,000... :laugh: I saw this online and thought I'd share it with you all to brighten your day! I had my fitness assessment at the gym after water aerobics class except there wasn't much the trainer could assess since I can't do the treadmill or squats at the moment due to painful knees and foot.:grumble: However, my blood pressure was pretty decent and BMI was in overweight, not obese category (just barely but I'll take it)! She pretty much said to keep doing what I'm doing but to do interval walking instead of just one pace. Then stopped atth e grocery store on the way home and got fixings for a yummy salad for lunch.

    Jodios528-Loved the video of Carolyn and Rookie!! Thanks for sharing it!

    Gail-Sorry to hear about your wrist!

    Will try to catch up on more posts later!

    Hugs, Kathy:drinker:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning from overcast San Diego,:laugh:

    One more shift to work tonight and then I have one day off! :flowerforyou: Will make it to the gym today. I have taken almost 2 weeks off at the gym with the elliptical and recumbent bike. I have to shock away this plateau somehow.:drinker: So, if my body was used to the exercise and not working to burn more calories....well,, well now have I got a "shock" for it. :laugh: :laugh: I am hoping this mix up will break the plateau.:noway:
    Have my pre-op visit tomorrow for surgery on May 8th!:ohwell: Coming up fast! So, carpal tunnel surgery should be easier than a knee replacement! :wink: Trying to live in the moment as Barbie has told me!:bigsmile:
    We are having a nail trimming clinic at home today! Lol 3 dogs and 2 cats :noway: :noway: all need their nails trimmed and it takes at least 2-3 people to accomplish this feat!:sad:
    Let have a good week of taking good care of ourselves, one day, one moment at a time! We are so worth it!:drinker: :drinker:
    LindaS-:heart: soon to be sunny and warm San Diego! :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well I just found otut DeeDee and I live in neighboring cities. She's actually in my home town. I think that's cool.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Okay, it's official: Mother Nature needs to have her meds adjusted! :bigsmile: I've just seen that while we will have a beautiful sunny day today with a high of 78, Wednesday's high will be 37 with snow and rain - - - Really???? I simply don't have room in my closet for sandals AND snowboots! :huh: :grumble: :huh:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Mind before mouth, always.” ( this applies to words AND food)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Hello All,
    Just thought I'd update you on my face exercises.
    I must have been doing them for about a month now and I do believe I can see a difference. The lines between
    my nose and mouth are definitely smoothing out so I have less of a sad bloodhound look. :laugh:
    A bit of smoothing around the eyes. Anyway, it's enough for me to feel it's worth keeping going. I did think I was
    looking SAD and saggy and that has gone. Hooray!
    It only takes me 5 minutes each morning and whenever else in the day I remember to do it. In the morning I do foot and ankle, face
    and pelvic floor exercises before I get up. I also have to do lymphatic drainage massage, but the whole thing is done while DH is preparing the muesli and fruit so it doesn't eat into my time.
    I know one or two of you were interested.
    Doing research on my new dress. It's harder than you think to decide on what you want and what you would get at least some wear out of. I rarely go to smart occasions so don't want anything too dressy or it will stay in the wardrobe. In normal life I never wear a dress. - I'm always in trousers and am not keen on getting my legs out. I feel more like it now I've lost weight and have got some leg makeup to hide flaws and my luminous whiteness! :frown:
    Why does something that should be such fun cause such anxiety.? Oh dear!
    Love to all and especially those who are wrestling with much bigger problems than I am. :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hello All,
    Just thought I'd update you on my face exercises.
    I must have been doing them for about a month now and I do believe I can see a difference. The lines between
    my nose and mouth are definitely smoothing out so I have less of a sad bloodhound look. :laugh:
    A bit of smoothing around the eyes. Anyway, it's enough for me to feel it's worth keeping going. I did think I was
    looking SAD and saggy and that has gone. Hooray!

    I would love to know how to do this. Can you share or point me in the direction to find the information?:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon where the sun has been playing hide and seek. Its out at this moment.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Sending everyone a quick "bark out". Benny is awake and doing fine. Gallbladder did not look too bad. Liver looked good but they went ahead and biopsied it in three places. They were also able to remove a big fat tumor on his leg that had been growing. More later but I wanted you to know I appreciated all the good thoughts! Meg