Vegan Cat help!!



  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    Whole foods is a grocery store catering to people like you lady! Geesh where do you live under a rock?

    Whoah! That's a bit rude. Let me guess, you've never been abroad? I've never heard of Whole Foods so I'm assuming that it's a store in the US? Hint: not everyone on this forum lives in the US.

    I do not intend for it to be rude as I have friends all over the world. Some in Germany, some in the UK, and some in spain. There are whole food stores all over. Not just in the U.S.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    If you were really concerned about animal welfare, you'd let your cat go free. Animals are meant to live in the wild. I do not understand why vegans don't have a problem with turning animals into slaves for their own pleasure.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    What your doing is really unhealthy for your pet. No kidding. Your pet NEEDS the protein from the meat. If your not gonna feed it protein and make it happy then it will be better off with someone else.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    If you were really concerned about animal welfare, you'd let your cat go free. Animals are meant to live in the wild. I do not understand why vegans don't have a problem with turning animals into slaves for their own pleasure.
    I agree with you.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    \ They should eat whatever they want until they are grown enough and old enough to make their decision

    ...I understand what you are getting at, but ^ isn't eating whatever you want the same as making your own decision?

    Also, this whole thread I'm pretty sure is a joke..Haven't you noticed theres a lot about cats on the forums today?

    There are, where?

  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    If you were really concerned about animal welfare, you'd let your cat go free. Animals are meant to live in the wild. I do not understand why vegans don't have a problem with turning animals into slaves for their own pleasure.

    I never looked at it this way before. This is an interesting point!
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I had a dog that was pretty much a vegan, (he had horrible allergies and his body couldn't handle meat/dairy, trust me when I say we tried). We used to use rice as a base in his food and then add in fresh veggies and nuts.
    We also used to feed him food from the bag (depending on how sensitive his body was at the time, it varied).This brand: makes a GREAT veggie dog food so if they have a cat option then that might be something for you to consider.

    Good luck!

    Well your a different case I mean he had allergies to meat but as for the cat, then I disagree
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    The OP is obviously a control freak who is too weak and narrow minded to follow her own diet so now everyone in the house including the cat must be vegan. It shows how little she cares about anyone. It is sad because even though it is POSSIBLE she is subjecting her growing kids to it as well. They should eat whatever they want until they are grown enough and old enough to make their decision I just hope she is not feeding them soy as the recent studies show hormone imbalances in children, and for goodness sakes she needs to go cook her husband a steak for being tortured that way. I couldn't imagine my hard working meat eating his entire life husband coming home and I feed him a bowl of salad just because I do. My man deserves that steak. The day he asks me for some Bok Choy is the day he will get it. OP I advise you to do as you wish but not force your lifestyle on others. It is like people who do not date interacially telling others not to marry interaccially, or a person of specific religion condemming a a different religion all because of their choices. I have to agree with the other lady on here. I eat like a rabbit but my family makes their own decisions and we are all happy. Feed your cat meat your cruel cruel lady.

  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Please tell me this is an April fools joke. I work at a pet store and had a million hours worth of training through a vet, cats eat meat. They do make vegan dog food, but not cat.
    Why is ok for dogs to be vegan, but not cats? Thats seems a little discriminatory if you ask me.

    Because they are different species. Dogs and Humans both have the ability to process and combine amino acids to create complete proteins. Cats do not. :)

    So you're sayin, I am the same species as a dog?!?! Mind. Blown.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    If you were really concerned about animal welfare, you'd let your cat go free. Animals are meant to live in the wild. I do not understand why vegans don't have a problem with turning animals into slaves for their own pleasure.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    If you were really concerned about animal welfare, you'd let your cat go free. Animals are meant to live in the wild. I do not understand why vegans don't have a problem with turning animals into slaves for their own pleasure.

    If you were really concerned about animal welfare in general, you'd kill your cat. Outdoor domesticated (not feral) housecats kill 15 Billion small birds and animals a year.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    \ They should eat whatever they want until they are grown enough and old enough to make their decision

    ...I understand what you are getting at, but ^ isn't eating whatever you want the same as making your own decision?

    Also, this whole thread I'm pretty sure is a joke..Haven't you noticed theres a lot about cats on the forums today?

    There are, where?


    I fixed it for you, because I love a good cat .gif.. there was a thread I stumbled upon last friday and spent easily three hours watching, laughing, awww-ing, and crying, and wishing my boyfriend wasn't allergic so I could get a kitty.
  • Mousiechan
    Cats need to eat
    Meat or fish
    That's their dish.
  • jgsc6d
    jgsc6d Posts: 18
    This person is either pulling a prank (and not a very good one) or is clueless. Either way...
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, we rescued a cat that had been hit by a car and when the vet. was giving us dietary instructions she specifically said no vegetarian diet, that they need primarily protein.... I hope this helps!:smile:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Whole foods is a grocery store catering to people like you lady! Geesh where do you live under a rock?

    Whoah! That's a bit rude. Let me guess, you've never been abroad? I've never heard of Whole Foods so I'm assuming that it's a store in the US? Hint: not everyone on this forum lives in the US.

    LOL, yep, they do not need Whole Foods in Europe because they are not allowed to put the crap in their food that the US companies are.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    It was said before but let me reiterate, go ahead and give that kitty the meat she is craving.
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    \ They should eat whatever they want until they are grown enough and old enough to make their decision

    ...I understand what you are getting at, but ^ isn't eating whatever you want the same as making your own decision?

    Also, this whole thread I'm pretty sure is a joke..Haven't you noticed theres a lot about cats on the forums today?

    There are, where?


    I fixed it for you, because I love a good cat .gif.. there was a thread I stumbled upon last friday and spent easily three hours watching, laughing, awww-ing, and crying, and wishing my boyfriend wasn't allergic so I could get a kitty.

    That is so considerate of you!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    The OP is obviously a control freak who is too weak and narrow minded to follow her own diet so now everyone in the house including the cat must be vegan. It shows how little she cares about anyone. It is sad because even though it is POSSIBLE she is subjecting her growing kids to it as well. They should eat whatever they want until they are grown enough and old enough to make their decision I just hope she is not feeding them soy as the recent studies show hormone imbalances in children, and for goodness sakes she needs to go cook her husband a steak for being tortured that way. I couldn't imagine my hard working meat eating his entire life husband coming home and I feed him a bowl of salad just because I do. My man deserves that steak. The day he asks me for some Bok Choy is the day he will get it. OP I advise you to do as you wish but not force your lifestyle on others. It is like people who do not date interacially telling others not to marry interaccially, or a person of specific religion condemming a a different religion all because of their choices. I have to agree with the other lady on here. I eat like a rabbit but my family makes their own decisions and we are all happy. Feed your cat meat your cruel cruel lady.

    First of all I'M A MAN.

    Secondly I've already looked into what cats need in order to live!

    They do need taurine which is available as a supplement I know because I TAKE IT!

    My children are 4 and 6 years old. That is hardly old or grown enough to be making their own decision and my WIFE has happily joined me on my quest to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

    Thank you very much for getting all of the facts before you decided to insult me and my family.
  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    The only thing I see that I got wrong is that you are a man apparently with an attitude of a middle aged woman going through menopause. If you have questions ask an animal dietician, and let's hope you take their word for it and no do further damage. Your kids will get sick if you aren't careful with what you give or take out of their diet. So please for your childs welfare be careful. Even though they are YOUR kids, people have a right to be concerned. That's why there is such a thing as child protective services. Vegan is OK for kids but it should be a measure taken with caution so your kids don't grow up to be 4 foot tall/