Vegan Cat help!!



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    How would you like it if one morning the cat announced that due to his ethical concerns over the lives off plants you would now be eating a diet of nothing but mice, rabbits, birds and the odd blade of grass to help you digest the hair you licked off your *kitten*? He's only doing this for your own good because hey, he feels great eating that diet.

    Totally ludicrous to assume that what makes you feel better carries over onto another species. You probably wouldn't want to be in water all day so are you going to put your fish out on the table to dry out because it will feel better? For that matter, why are you trapping and keeping an animal in your home? Let it run free to enjoy life as intended, not as your pet slave for your enjoyment.


    I really feel like I am being attacked here!

    First of all I'm not the one killing innocent creatures.

    Second, the diet that you said my cat would force me to eat. Is that paleo?

    Also, I'm a responsible pet owner. I'm not going to let Nadia run around the neighborhood to kill innocent creatures or even worse, get killed herself!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If you don't feed your cat meat, it will just go and find it elsewhere by catching mice and birds, etc.

    Nadia is an indoor cat.

    That would be highly unlikely.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    This is awful, I can't believe that you are making your cat go vegan - it's a disgrace. CATS NEED MEAT. It's fine for you and your family but don't force this diet on your cat..

    If you don't think you can lok after the cat properly and are in the UK I'll happily take her for the sake of her health.

    Some people just shouldn't have pets :explode:

    I'd love to see the science to support this statement! You won't though, because it doesn't exist. As long as cats get regular protein, it doesn't matter where it comes from. Their bodies can't tell the difference. smh Some people...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You say you want ethical treatment of animals but it doesn't seem that poor Nadia gets a say in what would be ethical for her. Yes, you are being attacked on behalf of Nadia who doesn't get to speak for herself. Nadia is a carnivore. She stalks prey, she eats meat. No different than a lion in the wild. You're trying to force your feelings and comforts onto another species. She isn't your child, she's a cat.

    I'm also for the ethical treatment of animals, all of them, including your cat who does not want to be vegan.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    You say you want ethical treatment of animals but it doesn't seem that poor Nadia gets a say in what would be ethical for her. Yes, you are being attacked on behalf of Nadia who doesn't get to speak for herself. Nadia is a carnivore. She stalks prey, she eats meat. No different than a lion in the wild. You're trying to force your feelings and comforts onto another species. She isn't your child, she's a cat.

    I'm also for the ethical treatment of animals, all of them, including your cat who does not want to be vegan.

    For the love of all that's holy ... THIS ^^^^^^

    Or better yet, find a new, loving home for the kitten

    Of all the problems in the world and struggles that folks face each and every day .... OMG
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    ummm if you're going to actual have a vegan diet for an animal that shouldn't be vegan I'd suggest trying a product that actually has all the things your cat will need rather than a homemade mix. Peta has a product listing that might work better.

    Thank you so much for this link!

    Now I'm sure that I'm doing the right thing for Nadia!

    The only problem is that none of those stores seemed to be based in the UK and I have yet to find a UK distributor. Also I'm not sure they're organic . . .

    But this quote made me sure I was doing the right thing.

    "If you have been feeding your companion animals commercial pet foods, you may be jeopardizing their health. Supermarket pet foods are often composed of ground-up parts of animals deemed by U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors unfit for human consumption. The flesh of animals who fall into one of the categories of the four D's—dead, dying, diseased, or disabled—is what often goes into pet food. Many of these animals have died of infections and other diseases.

    In all but a few states it is legal to remove unusable parts from chickens and sell them to pet food manufacturers. Most pet foods contain the same hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics that are found in commercial meat products for humans. If you are concerned about your companion animals' health and about the cruelty of the meat industry, now is the time to stop buying meat-based commercial pet food."

    Please read this if you think I am harming my pet. Because the truth is you might be harming yours.

    My family was never big on commerical, chain pet food. Our great dane has major issues with digesting it. We bought our pet food from a small store in my home town that had brands that were low in carbs and had more real meat. Once you weed through all of the crazy peta rhetoric some of the things they say make sense. It can be a lot more expensive but we made the decision to have the dog so we had to feed him.

    Try searching through the product list for what's availlable near you and of course be sure to work with your vet while trying new foods.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Please find a new home for the cat.

    Volunteer at no-kill rescue shelters to get your "cat fix" and help other cats find good homes.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Cats are obligate carnivores. Feeding your cat a vegan diet is detrimental to your cat's health.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    good luck ur cat will get pissed of hunt mice and rats and probably leave home ....
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You say you want ethical treatment of animals but it doesn't seem that poor Nadia gets a say in what would be ethical for her. Yes, you are being attacked on behalf of Nadia who doesn't get to speak for herself. Nadia is a carnivore. She stalks prey, she eats meat. No different than a lion in the wild. You're trying to force your feelings and comforts onto another species. She isn't your child, she's a cat.

    I'm also for the ethical treatment of animals, all of them, including your cat who does not want to be vegan.

    How dare you speak for Nadia!

    Nadia is like my child and also how can I instil the principles of veganism to my children while feeding Nadia thing like horses and pigs?

    Also I'm pretty sure cats in the wild DID eat a lot of plant matter naturally. Furthermore, if I was so worried about what they naturally ate shouldn't I be feeding them whole mice and birds? Human beings have adapted just fine to being vegans and I'm sure Nadia will too.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    How would you like it if one morning the cat announced that due to his ethical concerns over the lives off plants you would now be eating a diet of nothing but mice, rabbits, birds and the odd blade of grass to help you digest the hair you licked off your *kitten*? He's only doing this for your own good because hey, he feels great eating that diet.

    Totally ludicrous to assume that what makes you feel better carries over onto another species. You probably wouldn't want to be in water all day so are you going to put your fish out on the table to dry out because it will feel better? For that matter, why are you trapping and keeping an animal in your home? Let it run free to enjoy life as intended, not as your pet slave for your enjoyment.


    I really feel like I am being attacked here!

    First of all I'm not the one killing innocent creatures.

    Second, the diet that you said my cat would force me to eat. Is that paleo?

    Also, I'm a responsible pet owner. I'm not going to let Nadia run around the neighborhood to kill innocent creatures or even worse, get killed herself!

    MFP is full of bullies! Watch out!
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member
    If you truly believe in the ethical treatment of animals then I suggest that what you are doing to your cat is highly UNETHICAL.

    There are many vegetables and fruits that will cause a feline to have kidney failure - I would be very careful what you give the cat to eat....
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Also if you insist on slowly killing the cat with a vegan lifestyle, please read about taurine and the roll it plays in a cats diet. If you want to feed it a wheat and corn concoction you've made yourself you'll need to find an ethical source of taurine to add to it so the cat doesn't go blind or suffer heart issue.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Please find a new home for the cat.

    I'm telling everyone now.

  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Just divorce her; she clearly doesn't appreciate you or the innocent lives of the animals you're trying to save!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Cats are much more picky eaters than dogs, so I can totally understand your dilemma. A dog will eat it's own, or another dogs "droppings" so I'm not sure a dog cares what it eats.

    I find it funny that someone will go on about the ethical treatment of animals and still insist you feed your cat some sort of animal flesh, like that is a requirement. I, personally, have nothing against eating meat, but I do respect your boundaries and will not try to force you to change. It just seems hypocritical to me to think that you are trying to make a change for what you deem is a more healthy lifestyle for you and your family and other people are attacking you because you are choosing not to feed your cat meat based products.

    As stated by someone, there are some veggie based cat food that should allow your cat to reach it's protein goals for each day, and I doubt your cat will know any difference. Seriously, how much "meat flavor" can come in one of those kitty nibble bags anyway.

    If your cat were outside, like the previously posted lion, then yes, I would assume it would eat birds and mice and whatever. However, the fact of the matter is, the cat is inside and protected, it doesn't have to hunt for food, and it doesn't have to defend itself from other animals, it doesn't have to get cold or hot or wet or freeze. As a matter of fact, for you to throw an indoor cat outside to fend for itself is inhumane!
  • Jude_V
    Jude_V Posts: 72 Member

    Nadia is like my child and also how can I instil the principles of veganism to my children while feeding Nadia thing like horses and pigs?

    You teach your children Your principles - and explain that Nadia is a cat and needs meat...they are human and do not!
    Also I'm pretty sure cats in the wild DID eat a lot of plant matter naturally.

    Yes make themselves vomit up the bones, fur and undigestible bits of the ANIMALS they have eaten....

    Human beings have adapted just fine to being vegans and I'm sure Nadia will too.

    This HAS to be a joke....we are OMNIvores...we are made to digest plants and meats...cats are CARNIVORES made to digest meat and not plants. And yes...Nadia will adapt (whether she likes it or not apparently) but it may take a few generations before she becomes a HERBivore......

    I don't know about anyone else but this thread makes me want to weep :((
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    1. It is not advised to make a cat eat vegan. They are carnivorous animals and it has not been scientifically proven it is health for the cat. Cats can have many issues arise such as the formation of crystals in their urinary tract.

    2. It is unvegan to force an animal to be vegan. That is if are vegan because you care about animal's...I could be wrong... Maybe you don't. But I don't see it as vegan to force a pet to be vegan with you, especially an animal that is carnivorous by nature. That's disrespectful.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    what would happen if when your kids are up hanging with their friends they decide hm i like meat and have a cheese burger? i eat veggie myself but my 2 year old and my husband eat meat .. my son can decide when hes older if he wants to eat like mummy he likes meat not my choice im his mum but hes going to grow up and be his own person same reason i refused to have him circumcised or baptised .. just because your cat cant speak doesnt mean he loves someone making desisions for him. i have two dogs who get dog rice and meat proper meat as i dont like the idea of dog food i hate touching it infact ive amost been sick cutting it up but my dogs a dog before i got them i knew they ate meat just like wolfs do its like getting a rabbit and forcing it to eat steak
  • LovesStrays
    This is awful, I can't believe that you are making your cat go vegan - it's a disgrace. CATS NEED MEAT. It's fine for you and your family but don't force this diet on your cat..

    If you don't think you can lok after the cat properly and are in the UK I'll happily take her for the sake of her health.

    Some people just shouldn't have pets :explode:

    I'd love to see the science to support this statement! You won't though, because it doesn't exist. As long as cats get regular protein, it doesn't matter where it comes from. Their bodies can't tell the difference. smh Some people...

    here is the link you wanted

    It's insane that you think that it is ok to do this to your cat, I hope someone reports you :mad: