

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    But they still don't taste very good.
    Taste is subjective.

    You're kidding. Really?

    Yeah, pretty much eggs are gross. And what they really are is a hen's period. Eating period. Eating a chicken's loaded maxi pad. NOM NOM NOM....VOMIT.


    1. Only mammals menstruate - - a hen is not a mammal
    2. A period =/= an egg - it's womb lining
    3. You are eating an ovulation, not a period

    wtf is this thread! lmao
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    One of my co-workers tried to buy me an ostrich egg from Whole Foods the other day... due to my love of the egg... <3

    Whole Foods sells ostrich eggs?! :D *runs off to Whole Foods*
  • raisingemilyjune
    mmmmm eggs. i love eggs. i eat ALL the eggs.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    So the egg council got to you too!

  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Has anyone considered what happens to all the male chicks that are not required for the egg-laying part of the egg industry.

    Do you know what happens to the hens when they have gone past efficiency in egg laying?

    Eggs - a great source of protein, but at what cost? - no thanks.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Has anyone considered what happens to all the male chicks that are not required for the egg-laying part of the egg industry.

    Do you know what happens to the hens when they have gone past efficiency in egg laying?

    Eggs - a great source of protein, but at what cost? - no thanks.
    Hey, as long as the eggs are free-range, who the hell cares about those pesky male chicks. Right?
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Has anyone considered what happens to all the male chicks that are not required for the egg-laying part of the egg industry.

    Do you know what happens to the hens when they have gone past efficiency in egg laying?

    Eggs - a great source of protein, but at what cost? - no thanks.
    Hey, as long as the eggs are free-range, who the hell cares about those pesky male chicks. Right?

    Hey, let's all use the assumption that the egg-laying industry has the same practices across the board. Let's also pretend that small farmers who take good care of their birds don't exist, and we should totally not eat eggs because factory farming makes some farming bad.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    YEP, devilled eggs with beer, YUM!
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I eat many eggs weekly, at least 7! I have a total cholesterol of 138 and while I don't remember exactly the ratio, I do remember that my doc said that the LDL is low and the HDL is high. It's the total diet/lifestyle that determine the outcome, on cholesterol, weight and everything else.I will def keep eating my eggs! =)

    Thanks for posting.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Has anyone considered what happens to all the male chicks that are not required for the egg-laying part of the egg industry.

    Do you know what happens to the hens when they have gone past efficiency in egg laying?

    Eggs - a great source of protein, but at what cost? - no thanks.
    Hey, as long as the eggs are free-range, who the hell cares about those pesky male chicks. Right?

    Hey, let's all use the assumption that the egg-laying industry has the same practices across the board. Let's also pretend that small farmers who take good care of their birds don't exist, and we should totally not eat eggs because factory farming makes some farming bad.
    Alright then. What happens to the male chicks from the farm you buy your eggs at?
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    Eggcellent thread. this thread is making me laugh :laugh:

    Just in case anyone else needs a laugh...I'm with the ladies that thought the yolk was the chicken. WTF? I'm pretty sure someone told me that when I was young. And until reading this thread I was also pretty sure that the white part that is sometimes with the yolk and attached to it was the baby chick that started developing or its umbillical cord!

    Anyway, I've always only eaten the whole egg - never been on the whole egg white train. In fact, I boil them up every sunday and bring one to work as a snack every day! Protein and fat work for me to keep me full so it's a perfect snack.
  • AshatanViz
    AshatanViz Posts: 34 Member
    Just make sure your eggs come from an ethical producer! When I get back from Spain, it's veganism for me until I can raise my own hens.
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    I love eggs. I love whole eggs scrambled. However trying to watch calorie intake as well as cholesterol so I have recently switched to just egg whites. Still have some bacon with it and low fat cheese on a low carb wrap and some hot sauce. Ummm
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    Thank God you posted this, because I have a dozen colored eggs in my fridge. Every time I open that dam fridge they call out to me, Just eat me! Eggs and Franks Red Hot, NOM NOM!

    I put that **** on everything!
  • tealbubbles
    tealbubbles Posts: 21 Member
    I love eggs....and I LOVE Frank's Red Hot Sauce... never thought to try the two together!! Wahoo!! Thanks for the idea :)
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I love eggs! I had one for breakfast :)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I love eggs! From my head down to my legs!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I do... and I am...
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Fabulous!! I've been wondering if my typical daily egg was too much or if 1 or 2 more a week would be ok! YaY!! Thanks for posting this. It clarified a lot about fats for me. That link is going on my blog today.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Has anyone considered what happens to all the male chicks that are not required for the egg-laying part of the egg industry.

    Do you know what happens to the hens when they have gone past efficiency in egg laying?

    Eggs - a great source of protein, but at what cost? - no thanks.
    Hey, as long as the eggs are free-range, who the hell cares about those pesky male chicks. Right?

    Hey, let's all use the assumption that the egg-laying industry has the same practices across the board. Let's also pretend that small farmers who take good care of their birds don't exist, and we should totally not eat eggs because factory farming makes some farming bad.
    Alright then. What happens to the male chicks from the farm you buy your eggs at?

    Not that is is relevant to the broader topic, but they either raise them for meat or sell them to other farms that need a rooster.

    In any case, presenting a false dichotomy is erroneous.