Things that restore your faith in society



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Policemen, firemen, marines, airforce, military, first responders, basically any one who puts their lives on the line for people that they've never met.

    They stand in the line of fire, and take the hits aimed for us... they go out of their way to protect and enrich our lives... and are often forgotten, insulted, or treated with disrespect.

    I respect and admire them.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I agree with a lot of these!

    Also, working at McDonalds, life is pretty bleak and no one cares. I worked there for many years and I'd always get stuck taking cash at the first window...which I hated. But sometimes people would come through and offer to pay for the people behind them and the look when the next car pulled up and I told them their meal was paid for was so worth it on those days. A lot of times they'd pass the favor on too and I'd get three or four cars in a row that would do it, even if it was more than what their food cost. I've had it happen to me at Starbucks once so I passed it on.

    I also recently read an article about people going in to coffee places or local restaurants and paying for their coffee and then 2 or 3 extras. I forget what they called it but someone could come in that was homeless and ask if there were any available and get a warm cup of coffee or sometimes meals.

    I'm not a religious person, but it warms my heart when I actually see people living what Jesus preached and not just spewing it when it works in their favor.

    Also, when I was serving at a small cafe in Columbus, OH, there was a guy that would come in, order 2 meals, eat one and box the other one up for a homeless guy that hung out in the area. He was super nice and everyone wanted him in their section because he had this way of talking to you and making you feel special after a day of being treated like a servant. He also tipped very well so that helped.
  • Brianna72994
    Love this thread :heart:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Watching kids chase bugs, lizards, or butterflies just to see them up close.

    parents who actually get off their phone when their child asks them to watch something.

    people who let someone with 3-4 items in a buggy go ahead of them.

    People singing and dancing to the radio in dead stopped traffic.

    Adults splashing in puddles

    This whole thread is awesome but all of the above suits me to a tee. I catch frogs, toads, bumble bees, preying mantis...I love nature. And I get lost in the music and I dance like nobody is watching. I had a lady in front of me at Kohl's the other week and she had coupons that she couldn't use so she gave them to me, it saved me over $15 (I only spent $60)
    When I see how good of a job my sisters are doing raising their kids to be kind caring people when we were raised so horribly, it makes my heart swell with pride. And I would add dancing in the rain too.
    Thanks for starting a thread worth reading Sandy! You Rick!

    I like you! I, too, dance like nobody's watching. It's my tag line on all my emails: Dance like nobody's watching. And I've splashed in puddles, watched spiders spin webs, caught lightning bugs in jars, all while an adult.
  • Raphael144
    Raphael144 Posts: 14 Member
    those who notice the good in people. like those posting in this topic. i thank you all, now lets please try to all keep it up and 'pay it forward', everyone continued success in their weight loss, and thank you
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    One time, I saw an elderly man pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair. When they got to a hill, he stood on the back of her wheelchair and they went racing down the incline. That was awesome.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I saw a father walking around the store holding his young (probably 4ish) daughter's hand. He engaged her in conversation and actually paying attention to her. So stinkin cute :heart:
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    Me too!

    ok... I cried.

    Ok good it wasn't just me.

    Wow...SO inspiring :heart:
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    1. People who adopt pets from shelters.

    2. People who raise good kids instead of spoiled brats.

    3. People who work hard and pay attention in class.

    4. Someone who stands up for someone who is being cyber-bullied.
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    Every minute I spend with my kids makes the world a better place!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    1. People who adopt pets from shelters.

    2. People who raise good kids instead of spoiled brats.

    3. People who work hard and pay attention in class.

    4. Someone who stands up for someone who is being cyber-bullied.

    My fiancee and I decided we wanted to adopt a pet when we get one. I'll be so excited to give a puppy/dog a good home.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Every minute I spend with my kids makes the world a better place!

  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    my friend, who spied a dying cat on the side of the road and took it to the vet--even tho she's as poor as a churchmouse.

    That NYPD cop who bought the barefoot homeless guy a pair of boots b/c it was winter and he needed them.

    every person who does a kindness anonymously, with no hope of repayment.

  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    This thread is exactly what I needed today! Thank you all! :flowerforyou:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    This post isn't to toot my own horn but I went out and bought a bunch of fishing equipment. I could tell the cashier was new. Anyway, I get home and see that she didn't charge me for the fishing pole. Instead of saying "cool, I got a free pole." I brought it back and paid for it. The cashier must have just gotten off work. The assistant manager looked at my receipt to see who the cashier was who rung me up the first time and said "oh she is new and WAS doing so well. I said " She did great and I saw her scan the pole, so it is the scanners fault not the cashier, she did a great job." The assistant manager gave me an extra 10% off the price. So, being honest=10% discount
    Restoring someone's faith in humanity= priceless
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    This post isn't to toot my own horn but I went out and bought a bunch of fishing equipment. I could tell the cashier was new. Anyway, I get home and see that she didn't charge me for the fishing pole. Instead of saying "cool, I got a free pole." I brought it back and paid for it. The cashier must have just gotten off work. The assistant manager looked at my receipt to see who the cashier was who rung me up the first time and said "oh she is new and WAS doing so well. I said " She did great and I saw her scan the pole, so it is the scanners fault not the cashier, she did a great job." The assistant manager gave me an extra 10% off the price. So, being honest=10% discount
    Restoring someone's faith in humanity= priceless

    I bet a lot of us do things every day that people see as a blessing, so even if it's kind of tooting your own horn, it's just one more thing someone did that is positive.

    I've given complete strangers $100 for something important to them. I enjoy doing it and when I can afford it, I know it's a blessing to people. I don't need praise for these things, I just hope they pay it forward.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    19 years ago, I had just had my eldest son. He was only a few weeks old. My husband and I were all of 21 years old at the time, and had been the subject of a certain amount of judgement because we were parents so young. We were broke college students, and new parents, but somehow we'd scraped together enough money to go out to dinner to celebrate our birthdays. During dinner, an older couple (they were actually probably just in their mid-late 40's) kept looking over at us. I had been nursing our son at some point, with a blanket over him, but I was still pretty self-conscious about it. My assumption was that the couple was like so many others, and were judging us harshly for having a child so young. When they got up to leave, she came over to our table (me thinking "here we go") and tells us to buy ourselves dessert, that we remind her of them at that age. They left a $20 bill on the table for us.

    It was a beautiful gesture, and one I've never forgotten.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Life is like Windows...The restore button doesn't always work.
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    When I ask a customer if there is anytihng else I can do for them today and they say "yes there is you have a great day!" sounds corney but makes me smile they usually ask for a million dollars or winning lottery numbers. lol sure buddy ill get right on that.