What did your significant other do to piss you off today?



  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    We work in different countries at the moment, and since we just spent a long easter vacation together, we didn't meet this week-end. But he also didn't get online, didn't phone, didn't email, didn't text, and didn't let either of our kids know where he was either. Considering the weather where he is, I am not pissed off, I am worried sick!

    I, of course, was online all of yesterday. I have to admit that's because I am spending this week-end working, not because I am lovingly there for him. If I had time, I would have been busy shoe-shopping without a care in the world. But I won't tell him that ;-).
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    Healthy_fresh_start Posts: 183 Member
    yesterday he cooked me dinner and brought me my fave wine..... today no such luck :/ i think its unacceptable haha

    we get on fine 95% of the time, but that other 5% its like a bomb and all should clear the area haha
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Do you actually believe all that nonsense?

    This sounds just like the stories my sister's ex would come up with when he was actually out doing drugs/screwing other women....she bought those ridiculous tales for a few years, but I think she tired of it eventually and they divorced.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    mine is usally very nice and considering but i get annoyed by his all day long computer playing and tapping his foot on the floor making almost the whole living room shake but i guess its more me and my hormons then him, he is a good guy and i am happy we are together
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Wait, he went to the ER without you knowing it? In an ambulance? For tooth pain. THEN got a ride home from some random girl who was smoking on your property?! That's just all sorts of No-no's. I'd ask for the doctors report.

    I agree, something sounds funny to me about all that. Ask for proof and verification. If I were married (and I used to be several years ago) and did something like that (drunk, ER visit, hospital meds, then random guy brings me home and I let him stay over while I'm drunk&possibly high on pain meds...) I'm guessing my husband would be pissed as well. Nothing makes sense about that story.

    I am sorry for laughing at OP's story but my goodness, you've got to be really naive to believe that :P An ambulance showed up to your house and you didn't notice? Then he got a ride from a random girl, who smoked in your backyard, using his computer at 4am, all while you were sleeping and you say "I know nothing funky went on" girl....
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    That doesn't sound right... Do you believe him?

    Well mine keeps drinking my protein shakes..I offered to buy a bigger tub if he wanted some..no he didn't want any...
    3 days in a row...I will never buy double rich chocolate again :laugh:
    He is a really good guy I'm pretty lucky.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    He didn't exist.
  • He is at work, I will let you know when he gets home muahhahahah!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    blew his nose into his *hand*


    Hahahahahahaha ewwwww
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Mine pissed me off for doubting that I went to the hospital in the middle of the night and got a ride home from a random chick I'm telling you that's what really happen, there may have also been an alien abduction involved
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    This didn't happen yesterday, but it drives me a little bit insane every time he eats at the computer and then just leaves the half-eaten bags of chips / crackers / cookies etc and five zillion soda cans all over his desk and the floor. The trash can is literally ten feet away!!!

    Ah well. I just make him do the vacuuming to get all the little food bits out of the carpet :tongue:

    Edit: But really, he's pretty cool most of the time, and does chores when I ask him to. Plus he hates wearing clothes when it's just the two of us... and I'm all right with that!
  • I guess mine pisses me off cause he ALWAYS has to be entertained. And with his erratic work hours we don't get much proper time together, and when there is time, all he wants to do is play games cause he has to always have some sort of entertainment. We can't even watch telly without him pulling out his phone and playing a game or something. I want chill time where we just talk with the TV in the background! And he always has something to do. When he's not working full time, he's playing football or at his mates or playing a game. Annoying moreso cause I don't have a job and he's the only person I get to socialise with. I know I'm being too needy, but we need compromise!
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Be non-existent.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I guess mine pisses me off cause he ALWAYS has to be entertained. And with his erratic work hours we don't get much proper time together, and when there is time, all he wants to do is play games cause he has to always have some sort of entertainment. We can't even watch telly without him pulling out his phone and playing a game or something. I want chill time where we just talk with the TV in the background! And he always has something to do. When he's not working full time, he's playing football or at his mates or playing a game. Annoying moreso cause I don't have a job and he's the only person I get to socialise with. I know I'm being too needy, but we need compromise!

    That's too bad. Quiet quality time is something that many people overlook in a relationship, but it is crucial. If you can't stand the silence between the two of you, then something is wrong...
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    ummm....seriously? You bought this BS? An ambulance for tooth pain? And where exactly did this girl come from? And why didn't he wake you? :noway: The more elaborate the story......well, you know. Just saying. :huh:

    Anyway.....today, he's been at work since early this morning but he did mess with drivers seat in the car yesterday and now I can't get it back to my comfy, usual driving position. So yeah, I guess that pissed me off a little UNTIL I READ THIS! :indifferent:
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Nothing. He's several states away doing training (Army) I barely got to talk to him for 5 minutes on the phone.

    And I so wouldn't believe a word of that story you were given. Definitely verify.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

  • Just picking fights, instead of telling him to f*** off I went and worked out.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    This wasn't today, it was a few days ago, but here goes;
    We passed each other in the hallway in the morning, me coming downstairs from my bedroom, he coming out of his, and wished each other "Good morning, happy anniversary". The day went on as normal...he played online poker at noon and again at three. I did all the barn work, hauling hay, feeding horses, cooked and ate meals and logged into MFP to post my diary. I thought we might possibly go out to dinner; he'd said something the day before about going out for an anniversary dinner.. At six he started playing poker and played right through until nine-thirty, when I gave up waiting and went to bed. A while later he came upstairs, got in bed smelling of tobacco, started coughing, coughing, coughing, waking me up of course, then got up and went back downstairs to his bedroom, with never a word said. And that's how we spent our 42nd wedding anniversary.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    He definitely did her.

    THIS ^^ plus an ambulance wouldn't come out for tooth pain :huh:

    Yes they do. I'm a 911 Telecommunicator. You call for ems, we have to send them. Even had someone call for hiccups before.... SMH!

    As for my fiance.... They only thing he does to annoy me is procrastinate! Sometimes i feel i have another child. Lol
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I only have insignificant others.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Wait, he went to the ER without you knowing it? In an ambulance? For tooth pain. THEN got a ride home from some random girl who was smoking on your property?! That's just all sorts of No-no's. I'd ask for the doctors report.

    Agree. Something sound fishy with this story.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    Well he almost got himself a new *expensive* toy yesterday, but when I pointed out he's been getting more of those lately than I have he got me a Fitbit, so it could have turned ugly but it didn't... He's safe from my wrath today haha ^_^
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Reading this back it does sound like an excuse to 'justify' if any of your neighbours ask why they saw your so with a random girl at your home.xx

    Eta: he brought a random woman into your home when you have kids at home. Seriously messed up, if his story has an ounce of truth what about the safety of you and the kids???xx
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    Mine pissed me off for doubting that I went to the hospital in the middle of the night and got a ride home from a random chick I'm telling you that's what really happen, there may have also been an alien abduction involved

    Comments like this make me wish there was some kind of upvote feature :p
  • Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    I admit, I had to re-read this a few times. I thought I was misunderstanding it, but nope. It really is as ridiculous as I thought it was. An ambulance? For a tooth pain? Wouldn't you have heard the ambulance? And then he got a ride from some girl...? Why didn't he call you to take him home? This makes NO sense. I may be young but even I know these are huge red flags. Girl, you need to investigate. And find out who this woman is.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Nothing I was with my lover.
    FTSTL Posts: 260 Member
    That constant breathing... In and out, in and out.
  • Nothing I was with my lover.

    You have a lover and a significant other?
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Slept soundly, while I tossed and turned in bed. :grumble: