What did your significant other do to piss you off today?



  • soundasleepx
    That's too bad. Quiet quality time is something that many people overlook in a relationship, but it is crucial. If you can't stand the silence between the two of you, then something is wrong...

    It's not that he can't stand the silence with me - it's that he can't stand it at any point! He's like a restless child and always gets bored.
  • soundasleepx
    I only have insignificant others.

  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    nothing yet, he's still sleeping.
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    nothing yet, he's still sleeping.

    If the Ravens hadn't have won the super bowl I'd hate that profile picture
  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    Nothing.... cause we are no longer together :(... but with that being said.... he never did anything to upset me or piss me off when we were together.... so I would have nothing to post about if we were together lol
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    He's sleeping in! Seriously, that gives me time to get stuff done without interruption. My SO is fantastic.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    well right out of the gate you took my answer...breathing was my answer! :drinker:
  • kcatlin9
    kcatlin9 Posts: 321 Member
    Where do I start...?
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    Where do I start...?

    ^^this! Lol
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Nothing today. He does tickle me. That's it. In 3 years, that's all he's ever done. And it doesn't really piss me off; it kind of perturbs me. Well, I enjoy it sometimes. Okay, most of the time. I like it when he touches me... it usually leads to more amorous activities.

    Now that I think of it, nothing he does pisses me off.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    My wife sometimes wakes up mad at me for things I did.... in her dreams!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    This wasn't today, it was a few days ago, but here goes;
    We passed each other in the hallway in the morning, me coming downstairs from my bedroom, he coming out of his, and wished each other "Good morning, happy anniversary". The day went on as normal...he played online poker at noon and again at three. I did all the barn work, hauling hay, feeding horses, cooked and ate meals and logged into MFP to post my diary. I thought we might possibly go out to dinner; he'd said something the day before about going out for an anniversary dinner.. At six he started playing poker and played right through until nine-thirty, when I gave up waiting and went to bed. A while later he came upstairs, got in bed smelling of tobacco, started coughing, coughing, coughing, waking me up of course, then got up and went back downstairs to his bedroom, with never a word said. And that's how we spent our 42nd wedding anniversary.

    Separate bedrooms.....? I have heard this before but it really, really confuses me. I think it definitely helps creating distance between you two.

    The worst thing my SO did today... We were playing PS3 (Saint's Row), he went to the kitchen to feed the cats, then stayed there doing dishes, while I was waiting to continue the game.

    How terrible to have a boyfriend who is more into cleaning than me (A)
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I've lost enough weight that my pants are big and baggy (I'm trying to skip a whole size before I buy new ones, though I did break down and buy smaller scrub pants after mine fell off, luckily not at work). My husband thinks it's hilarious to sneak up behind me and "pants" me when I least expect it (not in public thank Dog), then laugh uproariously. OK, it is kind of funny and it doesn't piss me off all that much except when I'm BUSY, dammit! :grumble: I guess I need to buy some belts, but I hate them.

  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    You sure are a sound sleeper....
  • sarah_jones3
    My partner is a little socially off he never sees how what he says will hurt others and never thinks before he speaks, I get comments all the time like....

    "I would never marry you especially looking like that god could you imagine if you let your self go"

    "you're like an old TV, big and bulky and everyone these days has the newer flat screen model"

    or ill be excited over a loss could only be 1 or 2 lbs but ill be happy and he comes over pokes my stomach and tells me I missed some.

    Half the time he ends up asking why I'm upset, and never seems to get it, but always apologies and says he was joking.... still its annoying as hell that he has not learned yet. ¬_¬
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Nothing yet. He doesn't piss me off ... just aggrivates me to death >.<
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Oh don't get me started. I'm divorced now but used to maintain a blog called "My Husband is a Bigger Idiot Than Yours!" Very few commenters could top my stories. And yes, no surprised that I'm divorced. (Happily!)
  • soundasleepx
    My partner is a little socially off he never sees how what he says will hurt others and never thinks before he speaks, I get comments all the time like....

    "I would never marry you especially looking like that god could you imagine if you let your self go"

    "you're like an old TV, big and bulky and everyone these days has the newer flat screen model"

    or ill be excited over a loss could only be 1 or 2 lbs but ill be happy and he comes over pokes my stomach and tells me I missed some.

    Half the time he ends up asking why I'm upset, and never seems to get it, but always apologies and says he was joking.... still its annoying as hell that he has not learned yet. ¬_¬

    Oh my god THIS my boyfriend is like this. He says " I don't really mean it" but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Pretty much breathed too. I'm so sick of his attitude it's never ending 9am throwing a friggin cleaning fit
  • TBirdColorado
    TBirdColorado Posts: 18 Member
    :D Nothing! I love my boyfriend so much. We get a long so well, and I take pride in our relatively healthy relationship.

    Yes, THIS.
    My husband and I respect each other, talk to each other, and support each other.
    I used to be married to a drunk who liked to pick fights. I got over it and dumped him. You (original author and a ruined anniversary person) should too. It's much more fun to have a GOOD relationship than a frustrating one.