What did your significant other do to piss you off today?



  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    blew his nose into his *hand*

    Why do men do this?!?!?! I have several boxes of kleenex strategically located around the house. There is just no excuse. The scary part is that he has a bad cold right now so he blows into his nose and then touches everything. :sick:
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    My partner is a little socially off he never sees how what he says will hurt others and never thinks before he speaks, I get comments all the time like....

    "I would never marry you especially looking like that god could you imagine if you let your self go"

    "you're like an old TV, big and bulky and everyone these days has the newer flat screen model"

    or ill be excited over a loss could only be 1 or 2 lbs but ill be happy and he comes over pokes my stomach and tells me I missed some.

    Half the time he ends up asking why I'm upset, and never seems to get it, but always apologies and says he was joking.... still its annoying as hell that he has not learned yet. ¬_¬

    And you're with him because...?

    I hate to say it but you let him do this to you by staying with him and not actively doing something about it.
  • LoveCR22
    LoveCR22 Posts: 75 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    Seriously? :huh:
    Only thing that lie is missing is alien abduction and tin foil hats.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    He got abducted by aliens. AGAIN. Because he refuses to wear his tin foil hat in the shower.
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Got up and went to work, it left the bed cold. What a jerk, hah.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Share the good stories!!! Mine breathed! Just kidding..........mine is still trying to explain drinking and calling an ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night over tooth pain to get med (that I didnt know about.......I was sleeping) and got a ride home from a girl who apparently hung out in our back yard smoking a cig and using his computer (all at 4 am and I was sleeping, I say again) and he doesnt understand why I am mad!! Beat that one! I know nothing funky went on but damn, what happens to drunk men that they don't have a brain to say......."You gave me a ride, thanks!!! Let me get out at the front of my house and you leave here!"

    On a serious note, 2 things jump out. First - taking an ambulance to the ER to get a shot / meds for a toothache is a classic move by people who want a quick oxycodin fix - this is based on some experiences I've had with people addicted to pain killers - your SO may not have this issue but it is suspect. Secondly, nothing good happens after midnight and probably worse things happen at 4am. I believe you that nothing went on but please protect yourself. There are a couple reasons to be wary: STDs and crazy insomniacs. Seriously, protect yourself - this sounds like madness. Also, you don't need this stress when you are working on losing weight. If your SO is an alcoholic, I promise you (from first hand knowledge) that he will do whatever it takes to keep you down - belittle you, cause drama in your life, sabotage your dieting efforts, etc. You don't need this chaos in your life. Sorry.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Shot me in the ear with a nerf bullet the other day. >.< I've been plotting my revenge ever since.
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    :D Nothing! I love my boyfriend so much. We get a long so well, and I take pride in our relatively healthy relationship.

    Show off.

    wait till you have been married to them for 11 years and 12 years together :P

    My hubby is working away from home on a job so he is not upseting me at all. He is my bestfriend, lover and my soulmate. And we have been married also 29 years. But wait he will be coming home and who knows maybe then we can have a tiff and have fun making up. Got to just love him!!!
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    My partner is a little socially off he never sees how what he says will hurt others and never thinks before he speaks, I get comments all the time like....

    "I would never marry you especially looking like that god could you imagine if you let your self go"

    "you're like an old TV, big and bulky and everyone these days has the newer flat screen model"

    or ill be excited over a loss could only be 1 or 2 lbs but ill be happy and he comes over pokes my stomach and tells me I missed some.

    Half the time he ends up asking why I'm upset, and never seems to get it, but always apologies and says he was joking.... still its annoying as hell that he has not learned yet. ¬_¬

    Yeah, I would dump that guy.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Not exist.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Not exist.
    That pisses you off? I'm pretty fond of that quality.
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    Not exist.

    How do you put up with that? What a bish.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Not exist.
    That pisses you off? I'm pretty fond of that quality.

    But who do I blame the sabotage on?
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Not exist.
    That pisses you off? I'm pretty fond of that quality.

    But who do I blame the sabotage on?
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    He silly-stringed my car as I was pulling out to go shopping! Yeah, I'm married to a 5 year old!:laugh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Not a thing. It's been a lovely weekend.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My partner is a little socially off he never sees how what he says will hurt others and never thinks before he speaks, I get comments all the time like....

    "I would never marry you especially looking like that god could you imagine if you let your self go"

    "you're like an old TV, big and bulky and everyone these days has the newer flat screen model"

    or ill be excited over a loss could only be 1 or 2 lbs but ill be happy and he comes over pokes my stomach and tells me I missed some.

    Half the time he ends up asking why I'm upset, and never seems to get it, but always apologies and says he was joking.... still its annoying as hell that he has not learned yet. ¬_¬

    WOW what a complete ahole!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    been married to mine for 27 years...knew probably 2 months into it...bad idea. ..but still here. I bought a house ..he's still here. I won't leave ..he won't leave ...rut....he is a 5 year old acting 56 year old toddler.
    I have explained to him the door operation of how he can go out it and not come back in...but apparently he doesn't get it. Blah

    and ps when I started house hunting I went with the first one I liked that had an extra bedroom cuz I WON'T be in the same room with him.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    My wife put on a tiny purple bikini and rubbed sun tan lotion on me after making pizza for lunch. I'm pretty sure she's going to grab me a cold beer soon too.

    Yea. I got nothing. :bigsmile:
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    We had so much fun with my friends last night partying it up and everyone loved him! And this morning has been rather special too;).

    I wasn't thinking about getting pissed off....... I'll just bump this thread for now and start trying to find something:). That way it will be easier to find for when I want to have a ***** sesh:)