Body image self-assessment quiz



  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    I pose this question as i got a 58. What is WRONG with BDD? What is WRONG with not accepting anything but perfection? What's wrong with not liking the way I look?

    No, seriously.... i'm waiting.

    From the opposite sex point of view. Confidence is attractive. If you are not comfortable with yourself you are not confident. Nobody is perfect so you will never be happy.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Surprise, I got a 38. I guess the quiz would rather have fat people be in denial about their size and just never think negatively at all about how they look or how others perceive them, even if negative thoughts are right. Sounds healthy.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    38 for me the first time I took this. The results said i needed therapy, PDQ!!! So, I took it again, thought about it a
    little a 28...the results said a massage would help. I like that answer sooooooo much better!!!!
  • JessieePoooh
    JessieePoooh Posts: 27 Member
    I scored a 57! Yikes... But being honest, I really do hate how I look, and that's why I'm trying to change it. Isn't that the case for most people???

    Totally agree.
    I took the test: "You have scored 54 points."
    Ehh, well I'm sure that will change.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I pose this question as i got a 58. What is WRONG with BDD? What is WRONG with not accepting anything but perfection? What's wrong with not liking the way I look?

    No, seriously.... i'm waiting.

    Because physical perfection's unobtainable without significant sacrifice, to the detriment of other things that might be more worthy of your time and energy, like relationships, hobbies, fulfilling work, that will offer longer-term and deeper rewards. What do you value other than physical appearance? How much time do you put into that compared to body stuff?

    Your body might not actually work with your idea of perfection. Even if you get to be 'perfect' for a while, it's temporary. If you get thrown for any reason you'll be disappointed. You might get injured. You WILL get old.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    18, pretty accurate for me, I am much happier than I was a year ago, but there is still room for improvement!
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    35. :( I knew that I had poor body image though. I think about it daily. Just trying to improve it now. I've lost 25 lbs before and my body image got tons better...I didn't worry about what people thought about me at all...I felt comfortable.
  • misskelly03
    Mine was 39 which is kind of why I am here. I am ready to make the changes so I can feel positive about my body, my health and my life!
  • Lyby
    Lyby Posts: 42
    I pose this question as i got a 58. What is WRONG with BDD? What is WRONG with not accepting anything but perfection? What's wrong with not liking the way I look?

    No, seriously.... i'm waiting.
    I understand!
    I personally think that a normalized scale in comparison with other women would be more productive.
    Statistically speaking, there are probably many more of us in the over-40 range than there are in the under-10 range.
    Most things work out to somewhat of a natural bell, so there going to be about as many in the highest 10% as in the lowest 10%.
    In 'Murica we like to take what is the norm and somehow make it the high end of a negative scale. (i.e. size 14 is a plus size)

    I don't set my goal to get to 120 pounds and a size 7 anymore than I'd set my goal to get a 10 on this "assessment tool".
    I want to lose enough weight than I can feel comfortable in my own skin again (i.e. breathing, normal daily activities, making love to my husband for more than 5 minutes without getting out of breath). There's not some terrible ideal of what I should look like in comparison to society that makes me a 49 --- it is a reasonable understanding of what I've done to myself and what nobody can change but me.

    But this "quiz" just tells us what we've all heard too many times --- go out and spend lots of money on a professional who is going to tell you two things: 1) eat less and 2) move more.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Surprise, I got a 38. I guess the quiz would rather have fat people be in denial about their size and just never think negatively at all about how they look or how others perceive them, even if negative thoughts are right. Sounds healthy.


    Um, feeling worthy and loveable is only for thin people? SMH.

    There wasn't anything in this quiz about health issues and weight -- it's just based on how you view yourself. I scored a 6 on this quiz -- I am far from perfect and have all kinds of goals for myself -- but um, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter what. Nobody "deserves" to feel shame and embarrassment.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    There wasn't anything in this quiz about health issues and weight -- it's just based on how you view yourself. I scored a 6 on this quiz -- I am far from perfect and have all kinds of goals for myself -- but um, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter what. Nobody "deserves" to feel shame and embarrassment.

    Thank you for understanding the whole point.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I pose this question as i got a 58. What is WRONG with BDD? What is WRONG with not accepting anything but perfection? What's wrong with not liking the way I look?

    No, seriously.... i'm waiting.

    I guess if you enjoy feeling endless disappointment with yourself, nothing's wrong with it.

    It's only dissapointment if you give up. The quiz doesn't address trying to FIX the problem, why should i just settle and be happy with something that is clearly not where i want to be?

    It doesn't mean there wont ever be a time when i'm satisfied, simply that i'm not at the current time.

    There is a huge difference between wanting to improve yourself and basing your self worth on how you look. The quiz shouldn't take into account whether you are "fixing" anything -- that's like saying you are worth less one way ... that's horrible.

    I must be horrible. I'm a very black and white person. You are either perfect, or worthless. Hmm... maybe that embedded somewhere deep in my psyche now that you put it that way. :O

    You're not horrible, but the perspective is horrible (to live with, I am guessing) in that it's self-punishing basically at all times because perfection isn't real.
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    36 I'm not surprised at all my husband and sister think I need help I disagree.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I got a 24.
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    Hm. 70. Damn. lol
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I got a 16 and the description was pretty accurate. I'm mostly pretty confident and happy and self-loving but I still have those moments and feelings of self-doubt and criticism that creep up from time to time.

    Filling in the answes for how I felt a few years ago, it came out as a 36, which was applicable both to a time where I was heavier than I am now and to a time where I was 20 pounds lighter than I am now. At my thinnest, my motivation to get there was self-hatred and therefore, it was very unhealthy and I ultimately gained all of the weight back and then some. Now, I workout and eat healthy because I love myself and I know that I deserve to be happy and healthy--and I understand now that the physical part of health is just one piece of the puzzle, not the whole thing. I still have physical goals for myself and want to better myself and my life in many areas but I don't have to hate myself or feel constantly uncomfortable in my body and myself because I'm not perfect.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member


    Um, feeling worthy and loveable is only for thin people? SMH.

    There wasn't anything in this quiz about health issues and weight -- it's just based on how you view yourself. I scored a 6 on this quiz -- I am far from perfect and have all kinds of goals for myself -- but um, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter what. Nobody "deserves" to feel shame and embarrassment.

    Exactly. You can recognize that you need/want to lose weight/gain muscle/whatever your goal is without being negative and hurtful to yourself. From my experience, any changes you make will be more lasting when you come from a place of self-love rather than being motivated by self-hate.
  • diolpah
    diolpah Posts: 134 Member
    You have scored 49 points.

    SCORE 40+
    You are suffering from a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) which is translated as body hatred.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member


    Um, feeling worthy and loveable is only for thin people? SMH.

    There wasn't anything in this quiz about health issues and weight -- it's just based on how you view yourself. I scored a 6 on this quiz -- I am far from perfect and have all kinds of goals for myself -- but um, I deserve to feel good about myself no matter what. Nobody "deserves" to feel shame and embarrassment.

    Exactly. You can recognize that you need/want to lose weight/gain muscle/whatever your goal is without being negative and hurtful to yourself. From my experience, any changes you make will be more lasting when you come from a place of self-love rather than being motivated by self-hate.

    Good posts.
  • AllisonEBrown
    I got a 13. I have always had a good self-image, and have always thought I was thinner than I was. That is what got me to gain...40-50 pounds over the past decade. Every time I had gained some weight, my reaction was "It's okay, only x pounds, i can lose that easily". The shock of my appearance came to me over Christmas, when I looked pregnant in every single photo. I have gotten myself more active, and more conscious about what I put in my body. I am down 20 pounds since I started in January, halfway to my goal weight. My biggest downfall with this quiz is that I have social anxiety