200+ (Week 29) Let's Get Moving in May Begins!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Erin - the stress of a wedding - glad you have it and not me. It sounds like things are coming around for you. Enjoy this time and try not to stress out over all the details.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    arg. the kickboxing class was cancelled today because the instructor has poison ivy. :frown: guess that means I should start back up with c25k.

    TOM showed up today too. What a lovely week this is turning out to be...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey gals.. just checking in..

    No surprise after my pub food goodness last night combined with my TOM, I was at 195 this morning (UGH!!). On Sunday morning I was 191.4- I hate how my weight can swing with my TOM. I'm just hoping that eating well the rest of the week and continuing with my exercise will end with a maintaining weigh-in or just a tiny gain (followed by a decent loss next week). Keeping track of the net calories I'm under the amount needed to maintain and see if it all evens out in the long run.

    So, craptastic weather today. I had the appointment to look at the apartment this morning. It seems like whenever I'm looking at places, it ends up being cloudy or rainy. Boo. Anyways, it's a bit north of Ann Arbor, in Whitmore Lake, which I don't know how I feel about it. I know it's still close to town, but I like all the goodies that AA has to offer and I'd miss being as close. Though, in reality, this might be more mileage away from downtown, but really isn't any further driving time than the place I currently have my name in for on the far west side of town. I'm a homebody and really never go out on the town anyways. And, this is right on the lake- small private beach for the complex, cute clubhouse right there as well. Super pretty (even in the rain), AND because it's outside of AA, the price is much better. I can afford a 2bed/1bath here for about 60 bucks less a month (with their UM discount) than my current place (1bed/1ba) I have my name in for. It's a hard deal to pass up. I'm really attached to living in AA though. *ponders* Still am relooking at a complex I saw earlier in town on Saturday (later in the afternoon, Victoria- I'm still good for our race!), and the condo which I really like Sunday afternoon. Super cute place (small, but nice- looked at the same layout unit a while back- it was the one with the basement and hardwood floors and super close to my current office) What to do what to do. Hrm..

    Plan today is to hop on the elliptical again, though I'm cramping like whoa today. :grumble: Food intake should be on point.

    Victoria- can't wait to see you this weekend!! Wish some more of us could run as well with us! Hey, if everyone keeps upping their running, maybe one of these days we can have a group meet-up/race for a longer distance race. That would be sweet!

    Kendal- I swear several of our TOMs have become synched. I didn't think that was possible over the internet. haha.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Mon 139 min ex that included a 5 mile run, walking 1.5 miles, my Tahitian Dance class and stretches. Consumed 2168 cal and under by 314... My body aches today and I'm kinda bummed that it's so cold and windy. I think I'll take a bath rather than try to deal with the hot tub. Most of the snow has melted from the weekend - I can't believe that we got 5 inches on Sat but that's crazy Michigan weather for you.

    Sorry to hear you gals aren't having the best day. Mine was great!!! I think I'm still high on endorphins from my longest run ever. See you in the morning.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi girls!

    In Sudbury and jet lagged. I've been on 7 different airplanes and 7 different airports in three days. Good customer meetings today.

    Funny for the day: In Toronto airport (which is so nice and clean and quiet) going up escalator, running late, trying to get through security. I have a HUGE suitcase that is hardside, I call it rubbermade-esque. Well..>I let go of it and my tiny rolling carryon at the same time of snickering in my head at the poor woman at Chicago the day before who lost control of her suitcase on the escalator and it rolled all the way to the bottom. Guess what happened? Yeah. Thats right. My big suitcase tipped over and instead of tumbling like a cloth one would it super slided at mock speed to the bottom. THANK GOD there was no one else on the escalator. I mean is that not by the Grace of God? Because when isn't an escalator packed with people?? OMG. THere were two tiny women at the bottom who thankfully saw what happened and didn't get on. And thankfully a guy grabbed it for me and brought it and my computer cloth bag that had slid a couple steps down up to me. Scott(boss) and I were cracking up so hard I couldn't hardly breathe.
    Then I get to security and forget to take my watch off. Funny thing in Canada they don't make you take off shoes like they do in the US so thats nice I thought I was free and clear, but then my watch pinged going thru the gate and I had to get searched with the wand front and back. Good gracious it took forever to get to our gate.

    We dubbed the suitcase escalator approved and decided that were we running late again we'd use it to slid down the escalators to make up time. LOL.

    Graet job on your running and working out everyone!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:

    2426 cals needed to maintain
    1667 eaten /787 burned /-1546 (day)/-4659 (week)
    65 minutes on the elliptical- 5.4 miles

    Yes, but as it's my TOM, I'm up 4 pounds from last week. I was 195 yesterday. Today? 196. &#*(^% *rages*

    Victoria- 5 mile run?? Way to go! How did it go for you? I was on an endorphin high as well after mine last week

    Lacey- funny story about the luggage. you're a traveling machine this week!!

    Well, it's raining here all this week, which makes for a grumpy Kristina, but at least the weekend weather should be nice for once, which is great for the 5K this weekend. The weather once again is affecting my ability to get my running in, as I've pretty much transitioned completely off the treadmill (so boring). I got my 4 mile run in on Sunday, but don't know if I'll get another one in this week. I might try and suck it up and do a shorter run on the treadmill later this week.

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday! This week is dragging for me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Really didn't want to go to zumba last night but I made myself go anyway. About 10 minutes into it I was glad I did. We had a substitute instructor and it was a LOT of fun cause we learned ALL new dances. I went to bed 45 minutes earlier than normal but I'm still exhausted today. I'm so tired and crampy this morning I forgot to put on makeup! :noway: (makeup is eye liner and mascara for me....I'll use eye shadow if I'm dressing up fancy-like)

    I've been looking at people's food diarys lately and I can't believe what they are eating! Just a yogurt for breakfast......or two pieces of toast for lunch! They're goals are set for about 1200 cals/day but they come in at 700 or 900. Please tell me you guys eat like normal people! I like food too much to just eat two pieces of bread for lunch.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I'm so glad you enjoyed Zumba last night. Certainly sounds like it was worth the trip! As for the food diaries, hells to the no am I not eating that few calories. Anyone who's friended me can see my food diary and see what I eat. There are probably less than a handful of days that I ate those few calories over the 6+ months I've been here. Those peeps aren't going to be to be able either maintain that little food intake for the long haul or their metabolisms are going to slow down to nothing. You're doing just fine!

    This day is dragging...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    This day is dragging...
    could not agree more

    I just changed my ticker so that my goal is now 188.7. Thats when I will no longer be obese. I don't even know the last time I was 188 pounds. I know I first hit 200 when I was 15.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I too love to eat. My food diary is also available to friends. During the week, I eat 1600 - 1900 but on the weekends I'm normally in the 2500+ range. For breakfast, normally I eat Greek yogurt plus fruit and may make some juice. I don't really take a lunch since I'm seeing clients but eat something every hour between clients (100 gr baby carrots, cup of soup, Heath food bar, banana, etc.). My biggest meal of the day is dinner. I use evening snacks to make up calorie deficits. 50% of my food is clean eating - which I think is helping. I eat all food rather than restricting anything from my diet. I just try to watch portion control.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- I LOVE THE QUOTE IN YOUR SIGNATURE!!! :laugh: :laugh: I was in the backyard with Lexi yesterday and a neighbor was making bacon and it smelled SO GOOD! And I hardly even like bacon!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I forgot to mention- I also found out this week that Joey took that $lut to the concert that was supposed to be my Christmas present. The concert was in February. the day after I asked Joey about it, the picture of the two of them at the concert was gone.

    TOM is not making it any easier to deal with this crap.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Internet troubles trying to post while I can and catch up

    only 30 mintues walking, but did orgainize my sewing room all day....but didn't count calories...I should of had my HRM on!
    1355 calories allowed/1241 eaten/114 left over

    I'm going to try my best to catch up posts guys...but I keep getting kicked off and it takes like 10 minutes to re-boot everything...I gave up last night and I just now was able to get on today...but now I have to finish up some things and we are out the door at 4 PM, we are traveling over an hour away for a baseball game tonight....My TOM is coming soon and I am very miss crankypants today...I finally stopped spotting yesterday after having that issue for like...3 weeks...and now according to the pills...I should be starting again....my weight was up a little today and I mindlessly ate 2 chocolate chip cookies...my son turns 12 tomorrow and he asked that I make cookies for the team tonight...I made them at 5 this morning and they were cooling on the racks and I came thru and had 1, then a little bit later I had another and then I realized...WTF????am I doing???? Honestly, I ate them with out even thinking....oh bother....going to post and try to catch up on posts...this is the longest I have been on....fingers crossed it will post.....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Debra- glad you were finally able to post!

    Victoria- I'm trying to convert to greek yogurt, but it's taking me some time to figure out what I like and to get used to the more tart taste and thicker texture. But, I love the extra protein you get. Any suggestions? I've tried Trader Joe's f.f. vanilla and honey ones which were okay. I would have them again. Today I had chobani's strawberry (have vanilla in the fridge for tomorrow), which I actually really liked. It's just so dang expensive- I'd really like to have one a day, but pricey! Thoughts? Or anyone else?

    Ran a 5K today. The rain held off. It was just cloudy and windy. I ran 3.1 miles, which I've never really done, in that when I go outside to run, I've always done less, or more often, more mileage. I did it in 38 minutes, so my time is dropping! That was with some hilly nastyness, so I have faith my speed with continue to improve and YAY after 2 weeks only getting one 3+ run in, I got my goal of 2 for the week! :drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Greek yogurt's taste grows on you. I had to cover it with ciniman (?sp) and lots of fresh fruit (strawberry, blueberry and/or pineapple are my fav). I try to stick to plain (80 cal) or vanilla (110 cal). You could try fresh honey or malple syrup. Good luck.

    Oh - wonderful!!! I see DH taking the hottub cover off - yeah.. That means I'm off to soak.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ugh. tried to do c25k tonight but had issues. It felt like the speeds had been recalibrated cause I was jogging at 6.5 tonight. Not that I was trying to go faster, when I was jogging slower I felt the belt slide forward as I was running. So even though I was running at 6.5, I had to hold on to the sides cause I was freaked that it would slide again.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I couldn't even imagine running at 6.5! Sorry you were having treadmill difficulties though :(

    Checking in for the day:

    2426 needed to maintain
    1528 ate/443 burned/-1341 (day)/-6000 (week)

    38 minutes of running. Total of 3.1 miles ran (average of just over a 12 min mile)

    So, if I am at a -1000 net loss for tomorrow, I'll hit my goal of -7000 (2 pounds lost) for the week. Funny, how I'm up 4 pounds at the moment. Damn TOM! Hopefully all the hard work will pay off for NEXT week's weigh in.

    Tomorrow's my busy day of the week. Umm yay for a 12 hour work day? :grumble:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hi every body sorry i haven't been around. things have been really crazy around here. i have been working alot and taking care of my dad. he has been kinda sick these last two weeks. so i missed the last weigh in this past weekend but im sad to report there was no loss but also no gain i have stayed at 230. (sigh)

    so is it to late for me to join this challenge ladies? i think i am going to give the elliptical another shot. see if the change in my work out will help get this moving again. so my starting weight for this challenge was 230 (that is if its not too late) and i am going to set 3 goals for my self and try my best to report back here every day. by the end of this challenge i want to lose 5 pounds and get down to 225, i also want to be able to go 30 minutes on the elliptical by the 18th, and i want to stay under my calories for at least most of the week. (sometimes there will be slip-ups but they happen).

    oh also going on in my already stressed out life i am 3 weeks late on my TOM. i don't think im pregnant but i cant be sure. im hoping that is just my body reacting to stress and being out of routine. anyway, i am looking forward to posting with you ladies again and i hope your day goes well tomorrow. see you super heroes tomorrow night!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi everyone. In Toronto today and don't have another flight until Saturday to go home. Thank goodness. That stuff sucks I have to say.

    My eating, aside from drinks the past two days has been good. It is completely off though. Like we don't eat anything until 10-11 east coast time...which I guess is right for our west coast time bodies? And then because of our travels we don't eat until 8 at night. I'm not hungry thouhg. And even though the water here even in bottles doesnt taste very good I'm trying to make sure I keep sipping it all day long.

    Congrats to everyone on their running and zumba! I can't wait to get back next week to the gym and get going. I've been thinking about getting a personal trainer. There is a guy here in town who gets good reviews and he has a special right now for $99 for the month, diet plan and 5 sessions plus access to the gym. It might be a good thing for me to use for a month to get headed in the right direction. I know my biggest issue is the eating on the weekends and not tracking. I either need to really bump up the exercise during the week to negate the extra cals I eat on Sat & Sun or just start tracking better and eating less.

    It is shaping up to be a beautiful day here. I've got the door open to the outside looking down on this little street and the birds are chirping and it is quiet....very nice!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amber- of course you aren't too late to do the next challenge!

    I forgot to weigh myself this morning before hopping in the shower, but I doubt I'd want to see it anyways. Somehow, I managed to be REALLY GOOD yesterday and stayed 500+ cals UNDER my daily goal even though I had a 330 cal Little Debbie Oatmeal cake, but I was 2000+ OVER on sodium (turns out pickles are incredibly low calorie (20!) but INCREDIBLY high sodium (1000+))! :noway: I guess l will be drinking tons and tons and tons of water today. And then I will be going and going and going to the potty all day. I don't want to see a gain from last week, even if I can blame it on TOM.

    I'll also be fighting baked goodies tonight. We had a bake sale tomorrow at work and I plan on making cookies, cupcakes and rice krispie treats tonight. And since I'll be baking most of the night, I won't have any time to go to the gym. UGH.
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