Meals Under 100kcals - NEVER GO OVER!



  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Please stop judging so much. I never see people judging others for being happy to be overweight, but if someone dares to mention 1200 cal or other similar subjects, then it becomes ok to do it. It's everyone's free choice what to do with their body and what to eat.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    but Im sure theyll get it sometime (exept men) hehehehe we work three times harder for our weight

    no you don't.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    As I already told you as an answer to the private RANT message you sent me:

    All I did was question your intention as a reaction to you captioning your blog posts 'No more "Why you don't have dinner?"' and a sentence like "Have a salad on side to make it look like you eat more". It's not like I made a negative comment on anything someone who's got a serious ED wrote. This is such a sensetive topic that with hints like you give on your blog (as stated above) whether they're intended or not MIGHT lead to people being wary about this post.

    I'm sorry if you feel offended by my question in any way, but acting as if I was being disrespectful in any way when I wasn't & sending me weird hate message isn't a way to deal with that.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    As I already told you as an answer to the private RANT message you sent me:

    All I did was question your intention as a reaction to you captioning your blog posts 'No more "Why you don't have dinner?"' and a sentence like "Have a salad on side to make it look like you eat more". It's not like I made a negative comment on anything someone who's got a serious ED wrote. This is such a sensetive topic that with hints like you give on your blog (as stated above) whether they're intended or not MIGHT lead to people being wary about this post.

    I'm sorry if you feel offended by my question in any way, but acting as if I was being disrespectful in any way when I wasn't & sending me weird hate message isn't a way to deal with that.

    Lol you make it sound like I sent an essay! It's not hate mail, it was a response to an unecessary and unwanted comment. All I said was it must be awesome to be able to judge someone. I sent you a PM cos some people don't tend to come back to the post.

    You did offend. You were disrespectful.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    If you bothered to look at her profile you would see a normal weight girl wanting to get a bit skinnier. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Bump for ideas!
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    these are great ideas! ignore the haters, they are just being childish.
    its always good to have things like this on hand for the unexpected times when you dont have enough calories at the end of the day.

    and guys, stop judging. she just posted this to help others. im tired of seeing people flaming because you dont like HER ideas. didnt your mothers tell you to keep your trap shut if you have nothing worth while to say?
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    Thank you, nicely put :3
  • dmb0114
    dmb0114 Posts: 49
    Bumping for snack ideas. Thanks!
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    I wasn't trying to be rude in my original post, this just happens to be my first time stumbling on proana / thinspo whatever stuff. I had to look it up - had no idea what this was. :) Have fun. I think there is enough information on this forum to eat more to lose more. If you have no calories at the end of the day and so desperate to eat, then some effort is needed to adjust your macros to feel full at a reasonable amount of calories.

    It's not easy as someone claimed it must be, but it doesn't have to be so hard. There's lots of support here, and I don't think this is the type of support this site was meant to harbour.
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    I wasn't trying to be rude in my original post, this just happens to be my first time stumbling on proana / thinspo whatever stuff. I had to look it up - had no idea what this was. :) Have fun. I think there is enough information on this forum to eat more to lose more. If you have no calories at the end of the day and so desperate to eat, then some effort is needed to adjust your macros to feel full at a reasonable amount of calories.

    It's not easy as someone claimed it must be, but it doesn't have to be so hard. There's lots of support here, and I don't think this is the type of support this site was meant to harbour.
    "thinspo" gets a bad wrap a lot of times, and most of the time is linked with ED. im glad you posted this, and i take back my comment. It just goes to show to be a bit more informed before you make a comment that could possible hurt someone. i get where you were coming from.
    however let me just say this, i would be careful of what you say and how you say it. i read what you said and it COULD have been taken as you being judgmental and hurtful.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    The blog entry title says "Meals 100kcals and under, no more 'why arn't you eating dinner?'"
    This plus the sentence "makes it look like you eat more" got me a LITTLE wary.

    Do you eat 100kcal meals (with a salad on side) so family member or whoever don't think you skip dinner when you actually do?

    I actually agree with this comment and no thanks, OP, I don't need a PM. drop_it was just picking up on some strange wording that you've used and it's exactly what I picked up on as well.

    It's great to have a list of ideas of things to eat when you've only got 50 or 100 calories left for the day. But it's not cool when you are trying to cover up undereating and advertising this to others, which was what it appeared to me to be.

    drop_it was trying to be supportive so being so defensive also rings the alarm bells for me!
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Since people have already raised an eyebrow at your phrasing I went and looked at your friends list. Seem to be a lot of young women perhaps struggling with EDs on there judging by pics and names. Thanks but I think I've seen enough; this doesn't look like it's coming from a positive place. And before you tell me if I don't like something shut up and move on, I'm speaking up for anyone else who might stumble on this and not know better. Not trying to be mean. Good luck.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    I wasn't trying to be rude in my original post, this just happens to be my first time stumbling on proana / thinspo whatever stuff. I had to look it up - had no idea what this was. :) Have fun. I think there is enough information on this forum to eat more to lose more. If you have no calories at the end of the day and so desperate to eat, then some effort is needed to adjust your macros to feel full at a reasonable amount of calories.

    It's not easy as someone claimed it must be, but it doesn't have to be so hard. There's lots of support here, and I don't think this is the type of support this site was meant to harbour.

    Thinspo isn't all proana. There's good thinspo too. I don't want to look at skin on skeletons - honest, it isn't a good look! But if that is the only thing people are clearly taking from this post, I must write my whole life story on my profile!

    Yeh I do find losing weight pretty hard. I have massive issues with food. I'm dealing with it in my own way. Calories are so easy to log I don't want to get bogged down with macros too. I know that sticking to my calorie limit, no matter how little it means my dinner may be because I slipped up in the day is a good thing to me. It gives me a little control back.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Instead of being mean you should show concern and offer help, not scare people with ED's into hiding. This is the general feeling I get on this forum.
    Before starting to point fingers at me, I'm just a girl that wanted to fit perfectly into her wedding dress and lost the weight slowly(1year)
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    Thinspo isn't all proana. There's good thinspo too. I don't want to look at skin on skeletons - honest, it isn't a good look! But if that is the only thing people are clearly taking from this post, I must write my whole life story on my profile!
    It just goes to show to be a bit more informed before you make a comment that could possible hurt someone.

    Type in google "what is thinspro" or just go to
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    The blog entry title says "Meals 100kcals and under, no more 'why arn't you eating dinner?'"
    This plus the sentence "makes it look like you eat more" got me a LITTLE wary.

    Do you eat 100kcal meals (with a salad on side) so family member or whoever don't think you skip dinner when you actually do?

    I actually agree with this comment and no thanks, OP, I don't need a PM. drop_it was just picking up on some strange wording that you've used and it's exactly what I picked up on as well.

    It's great to have a list of ideas of things to eat when you've only got 50 or 100 calories left for the day. But it's not cool when you are trying to cover up undereating and advertising this to others, which was what it appeared to me to be.

    drop_it was trying to be supportive so being so defensive also rings the alarm bells for me!

    SIGH. Ok the reason behind the title of the blog was because I went to an all you can eat buffet for lunch. I must have ate like 2000kcals at least. When dinner time came around everyone thought I was mental because I didn't want to eat dinner as well. And why should I after having such a large lunch? It's excessive.

    I thought people might want to see them for ideas. Not to under eat.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    With all due respect, the idea of such low calorie goals is counterproductive to any healthy weight loss goals. On top of that, the reason why you are met with such hostility here is because people on this site who have been around a while (or people active in the fitness community at all actually) have come to associate such low calorie goals--along with words such as "thinspo," as well as the comments you make in your own profile which show signs of self-hatred (calling yourself a fat ****) with the disordered eating community. If this isn't you I am sorry. It's just that all the obvious signs point to it. If you would like some tips on how to do it without depriving yourself, though, feel free to send me a FR. I have lost 138 lbs so far without depriving myself or keeping to such low calorie goals.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    Thinspo isn't all proana. There's good thinspo too. I don't want to look at skin on skeletons - honest, it isn't a good look! But if that is the only thing people are clearly taking from this post, I must write my whole life story on my profile!
    It just goes to show to be a bit more informed before you make a comment that could possible hurt someone.

    Type in google "what is thinspro" or just go to
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    Thinspo isn't all proana. There's good thinspo too. I don't want to look at skin on skeletons - honest, it isn't a good look! But if that is the only thing people are clearly taking from this post, I must write my whole life story on my profile!
    It just goes to show to be a bit more informed before you make a comment that could possible hurt someone.

    Type in google "what is thinspro" or just go to
    oh come on! every adult out of 5th grade knows that wikipedia isnt a accurate source. Thinspo gets a bad wrap because people with ED use it. ALL IT MEANS IS THINSPIRATION. inspiration to be THIN! no where does it mean I WANT TO BE A SKELETON! she obviously has a healthy goal for her height and weight. how ignorant can you people get?