Meals Under 100kcals - NEVER GO OVER!



  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Still not sure the point of this post is as I am too lazy to read every comment due to arguing about it but I did look at the list and I wish I had this Mon April 1st when I had a personal pan pizza for lunch and when I got home had a freaking orange for dinner! I was so pissed I hate being hungry, I esp hate going to bed hungry and I didnt even know at that time my FP RDI was set wrong lol FML lol BUt if some chance I ever get in a situation like that again I am def gonna go to this list and pick one of these for a dinner they look healthier/more filling than just an orange :drinker:
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Look, you've got a friends list full of young women with names and pics that are clearly indicative of eating disorders and you post tips on how to eat practically nothing and avoid getting questioned on it. Tell me how we shouldn't make assumptions, without coming all unhinged.

    They're not 'tips' they're meal/snack (whatever you want to call them, if meal offends you...) suggestions on how to stick within your calorie budget.

    The people I am friends with on here have nothing to do with my current feelings on dieting. I want to get to 131lbs which is perfectly acceptable for a 5' 3" girl. You are judgemental and rude. Two things you never mentioned on your profile on how you want to bring your daughter up.
    I only questioned where this was all coming from based on what I see. There's a difference between being judgmental and just being able to evaluate things. I certainly hope you don't have the relationship with eating that your friends most likely have. If you go back through my comments I think you'll be hard-pressed to find an example of me being rude, even as you were getting a little nasty with me. So I'm feeling pretty good about everything that went down here.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Look, you've got a friends list full of young women with names and pics that are clearly indicative of eating disorders and you post tips on how to eat practically nothing and avoid getting questioned on it. Tell me how we shouldn't make assumptions, without coming all unhinged.

    They're not 'tips' they're meal/snack (whatever you want to call them, if meal offends you...) suggestions on how to stick within your calorie budget.

    The people I am friends with on here have nothing to do with my current feelings on dieting. I want to get to 131lbs which is perfectly acceptable for a 5' 3" girl. You are judgemental and rude. Two things you never mentioned on your profile on how you want to bring your daughter up.

    I don't think she has been rude at all. She disagreed with you, but in a respectful way. You, in the other hand, compared her to WBC, which is about as rude as one can get.
  • iwillbetinytea
    iwillbetinytea Posts: 264 Member
    I think you'll be hard-pressed to find an example of me being rude, even as you were getting a little nasty with me. So I'm feeling pretty good about everything that went down here.

    I hope you understand why though.

    Ok I used the word 'meal' suddenly everyone thinks I'm the 'ana witch'. I've got people ganging up on me left right and center for blogging about some food. People assuming I'm the devil for 'restricting' my diet.

    Like I said before, this is precisely why people hide eating disorders from friends and family because everything is so uptight because you eat a salad.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    the wording on the blog is definitely red flags for disordered eating habits and thoughts. if you don't want people to think you have an ED, avoid that language.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I am reading your blog, and I don't understand. Why do you need to "make it look like you are eating more"?

    100 calories is not a meal either, unless you are on a 20 meal per day diet?

    I know from experience that having a lot of food on my plate is always visually pleasing and gives me the train of thought that I am going to have one hell of a meal, even leaves room to be proud I didnt eat it all. For example if I had to choose a weight watchers tv frozen dinner or the dinner I had last dinner wins. My plate was covered while every time I consume that little plastic frozen dinner the whole time I am thinking..this isnt gonna do it lol and TBH it never does. Dont know if its the crap in it or the portion but I am still hungry after. So making it look like I am eating more is def a factor. Maybe its my old habits screwing with my mind since I used to consider a whole whopper large sized fries and large size drink a filling meal oh and those little brownie bites for dessert cuz yo HAVE to have dessert *rolls eyes* The fact of the matter is no matter how clean you eat, or what ever diet you are following the chances that you will never have days that put you off track is BS and needs to be acknowledged and addressed not judged so negatively like this is how you are going to eat the rest of your journey. As much as I hate to be hungry I would never eat a full meal if it put me over my calories PERIOD, but then again I dont have my calories set to starvation mode so it is impossible at this point for me to go over them :laugh: :tongue:
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    the wording on the blog is definitely red flags for disordered eating habits and thoughts. if you don't want people to think you have an ED, avoid that language.

    I thought the title was attn grabbing and it worked! I dont see any ED issues with the OP at all. I think it was very helpful and I am going to use it as a go to if/when I have a out of whack day because unlike all of the negative commenting ppl who are ranting about this...I am not perfect and I love to eat esp the foods that got me here. So if i have an off day and I can have a tastier 100 cal meal intead of a freakin orange....I am all over it.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Sorry OP but controlling your food intake (and feeling as if you have some control in your life) is exactly what EDs are all about.

    Controlling it to 1500kcal is an ED? Seriously?

    Isn't controlling your calorie intake, whether its to gain or lose weight, what MFP is all about!?
  • piq0409
    piq0409 Posts: 8
    thanks for these! some of them look really yummy. I am always looking for a nice side to finish off my meals. I also understand what you are saying about the salad and filler foods to help your stomach (and mind) learn what the new full is. When I tried weight watchers I added green beans to almost everything for the first few months!!

    I also found it helped when I switched to smaller plates. To this day if I have a frozen meal, I put it on a plate with a side salad or green beans. If I ate the same exact thing on a bigger plate, or from the frozen container, it just seemed like less... Silly tricks our minds play!!
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Sorry OP but controlling your food intake (and feeling as if you have some control in your life) is exactly what EDs are all about.

    Controlling it to 1500kcal is an ED? Seriously?

    Isn't controlling your calorie intake, whether its to gain or lose weight, what MFP is all about!?

    Technically yes. But their are so many opinions from what your RDI should be and so on. Then you have ppl that only care about weight loss not health. But at the end of the day the website was made to count calories. I have no issues agreeing with the post as unhealthy as if may/could be to eat a 100 cal meal for dinner if you have stuffed your face all day to remain under your RDI. If you are doing it more than once or twice a week than um yeah you need to seek help.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry OP but controlling your food intake (and feeling as if you have some control in your life) is exactly what EDs are all about.

    Controlling it to 1500kcal is an ED? Seriously?

    Isn't controlling your calorie intake, whether its to gain or lose weight, what MFP is all about!?

    she's referring to the emphasis put on it by the OP. the OP feels like she needs to trick her family and friends into thinking that she's eating more than she is, because she supposedly binged earlier in the day. part of maintaining a healthy mentality towards dieting is realizing that sometimes things are out of your control and you have to just take them in stride. i think it's also very suspicious to refer to 100 calories as a meal. they are small snacks that can help keep you under your daily calorie goal if you end up over eating earlier in the day. but doing so in order to make people think that you're eating a lot when you're not, and to dodge questions about why you're not eating, is deceptive and can lead to disordered eating mentality (or aggravate already disordered behavior).
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Wow, are you angry and defensive. I'm gone.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    100 calories isn't a meal; it's a snack. In fact, it's a small snack. :ohwell:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am reading your blog, and I don't understand. Why do you need to "make it look like you are eating more"?

    100 calories is not a meal either, unless you are on a 20 meal per day diet?

    I didn't read the blog, but I was thinking the same thing re: meal. And why can't a meal be a dip. I often have veggie or apple slices dipped in hummus or peanut butter for a 300 calorie lunch. In fact, that's what I'm having today.

    The only way you are going to get a 100 calorie "meal" that looks like a lot of food is to go very low fat. And low fat is not good on a regular basis.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Sorry OP but controlling your food intake (and feeling as if you have some control in your life) is exactly what EDs are all about.

    Controlling it to 1500kcal is an ED? Seriously?

    Isn't controlling your calorie intake, whether its to gain or lose weight, what MFP is all about!?

    she's referring to the emphasis put on it by the OP. the OP feels like she needs to trick her family and friends into thinking that she's eating more than she is, because she supposedly binged earlier in the day. part of maintaining a healthy mentality towards dieting is realizing that sometimes things are out of your control and you have to just take them in stride. i think it's also very suspicious to refer to 100 calories as a meal. they are small snacks that can help keep you under your daily calorie goal if you end up over eating earlier in the day. but doing so in order to make people think that you're eating a lot when you're not, and to dodge questions about why you're not eating, is deceptive and can lead to disordered eating mentality (or aggravate already disordered behavior).

    Am I reading a different post? lol I am reading it over and over trying to get what you are getting out of it and it just isnt happening lol I feel like some ppl may be over reacting and not understanding the situation. I have an orange as a dinner entry...that was my meal for dinner because I chose a bad choice for lunch. PLZ enlighten me what am I missing here? Do you personally know this young lady? I dont understand the animosity towards the post or the projections being made over it lol
  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53
    I get it. This is about things you eat as a snack or in-between meals. I seen it mentioned that one should try to stick to a 100 calorie snack. Of course this wouldn't work for everyone, especially a cycler who burns 1000 calories or a strength trainer who can burn a lot at the gym.

    A 100 calorie snack for me in a simple banana or hummus with cucumbers. I'll eat this kind of thing before lunch or around the 3pm lull.

    Forgot to mention, as I'm not a binge eater, I didn't understand that you have trouble convincing people you eat enough. I guess what ever works for you, as long as you are healthy and getting the right amount of nutrients. Good luck. :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sorry OP but controlling your food intake (and feeling as if you have some control in your life) is exactly what EDs are all about.

    Controlling it to 1500kcal is an ED? Seriously?

    So, do you eat 15 meals a day? I did take a look at your blog and some of those are good ideas for snacks or side dishes, but I doubt many people would realistically call them a "meal".
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member

    Am I reading a different post? lol I am reading it over and over trying to get what you are getting out of it and it just isnt happening lol I feel like some ppl may be over reacting and not understanding the situation. I have an orange as a dinner entry...that was my meal for dinner because I chose a bad choice for lunch. PLZ enlighten me what am I missing here? Do you personally know this young lady? I dont understand the animosity towards the post or the projections being made over it lol

    trying to trick people into eating when you're not and dodging questions about your intake is classic ana behavior. if i had seen that post online, i would have skipped it without bothering to read it after the title and the first few sentences. yes, sometimes people have 100 calories for dinner because they had a lot earlier in the day. but that's not really what this post seems to be implying. she's talking about how to cover up the fact that you're eating a snack as a meal because otherwise people will bug you about it. this blog post really just seems like some ana tips disguised as a "healthy" tip sheet.

    again, these are fine as snacks or something to help you keep your daily calorie count down when you have a one-off day. but the blog intro seems to imply that you can eat these daily in order to cover up the fact that you're not eating anything at all.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member

    Am I reading a different post? lol I am reading it over and over trying to get what you are getting out of it and it just isnt happening lol I feel like some ppl may be over reacting and not understanding the situation. I have an orange as a dinner entry...that was my meal for dinner because I chose a bad choice for lunch. PLZ enlighten me what am I missing here? Do you personally know this young lady? I dont understand the animosity towards the post or the projections being made over it lol

    trying to trick people into eating when you're not and dodging questions about your intake is classic ana behavior. if i had seen that post online, i would have skipped it without bothering to read it after the title and the first few sentences. yes, sometimes people have 100 calories for dinner because they had a lot earlier in the day. but that's not really what this post seems to be implying. she's talking about how to cover up the fact that you're eating a snack as a meal because otherwise people will bug you about it. this blog post really just seems like some ana tips disguised as a "healthy" tip sheet.

    again, these are fine as snacks or something to help you keep your daily calorie count down when you have a one-off day. but the blog intro seems to imply that you can eat these daily in order to cover up the fact that you're not eating anything at all.

    Okay I hear you and I understand the point you are attempting to make.That being said....I didn't get any of the ED stuff out of this nor do I see any hints of making this your lifestyle or tricking anyone (maybe yourself) that you are eating more. The reaction is a little reaching TBH. If this were a court of law your allegations would be immediately dismissed due to lack of proof if you were indeed trying to prosecute the OP for supporting an ED. I compare it to jumping down someones throat for smoking just because they are reading a cigarette isnt proven,fair and not nice lol No one likes to have assumptions made of them. If in fact the post was an ED trick of the trade then kudos to the OP for masking it so well lol