What was your wake up call?



  • I have two wake up moments-

    1- A cashier I know asked me if I was already pregnant again (I have two boys ages 3,1) in front of several people .

    2- My boys are active I want to be able to keep up with them , they are only young once I don't want to miss a minute of it.
  • kaperlinger
    kaperlinger Posts: 66 Member
    After my two children were born I used work, school and parenting as an excuse not to be healthy. It depressed me to look in the mirror and not see myself anymore. I had never had such low self esteem. Last year I watched my obese enemy lose weight. Not the healthiest motivation, but I realized that if she could do it as heavy as she was I had no excuse. Once I started working out it became about me though. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed leading an active life.
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    back in aug I weighed myself I was 236 I was like hell no I was never that big that is when I went on my weight loss journey I was looking at my Christmas pics with my son 2011 I was like omg I look like a beach whale I couldn't belive how big my *kitten* was and my hips was huge it kinda gross me out
  • Tired of being tired and making excuses. Enough is enough, I can do better than this!
  • the1captain
    the1captain Posts: 24 Member
    When the doctor told me I had sleep apnea and had to wear a mask when I slept. Tried it for a week and thought I would go insane. Doctor told me if I lost a lot of weight I would sleep better and might not need the mask. That was about 2 years and over 70 pounds ago. I sleep just fine with no mask.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I went had talk to the doctor about my concerns with my weight, My mother had developed Diabetes, and my OBGYN said she thought I might be insulin resistant. The doctor had said I had a few precursors to diabetes, and it was likely I could become Diabetic. Then he asked me if my mom, and her mom, and so on were bigger. I responded with yes. He said well you might have a predisposition for being bigger. WTF! He said it will be possible to lose weight, but it will be difficult! That set it I was going to prove him wrong. I will get to my "Just Right Size" even if it is hard! i was taught if it isn't hard it's not worth it! Why I never applied that to my weight before I do not know. I piddled around for a few months trying to figure out how to do it. Then September 2012 I adopted the philosophy To "JUST DO IT" (thanks NIKE :flowerforyou: )! I know what healthy eating is. I know how to get my butt up and move. I am going to stop with the second guessing myself, and the others come first attitude, and start with me :smile: ! If I am healthy, then my family and friends will do it too! Now everyone in my office is conscious of the foods they eat. My friends too! In December we found out my 9 year old son has high cholesterol, and now my husband is forced to follow my lifestyle change for him. I still eat pretty much what I want but pay attention to how, when, and why. If I can make something healthier then I do. Form me it is working! I losing it, and I am not tired, or run down. I now have more energy then my kids...lol. It is worth it for me, because I AM WORTH IT!:blushing:
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    It has been two years since my 2nd son was born. No more excuses to get the pregnancy weight off. I was eating fast food almost every day. I lost 20 pounds last year and then gained it back from eating fast food all over again.

    I have a closet full of my pre pregnancy clothes and I want to get back into them.

    I feel so much better now. I know this is a lifestyle change this time and every time I lose more weight, I know I will never see that number again.
  • nick64quandry
    nick64quandry Posts: 20 Member
    mine ia 3x tall shirts are hard to find and kids ask me if i am pregnant and i am a male. plus me health is at risk
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Hitting 90 kilograms, and heart palpitations getting more frequent. Those things scare the hell out of me. I have not had palpitations since I started doing this.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    Sitting at home one day watching the TV show on MTV , called "Made" ....(a high school nerd wanted to be made into a cheerleader....or the "Ugly Betty" wanted to be a pageant queen, or the nerdy heavy set kid wanted to be the jock ) etc...

    I thought to myself, "Dang..... I USE to be the cheerleader AND the pageant girl....what the he&$ happened to me?" lol! 5'3 hitting 230... something had to be done! So I called my trainer friend and started working out again! It's been years, battling the bulge....eating healthy and working out. I always knew what to do, like most...but just had to commit and apply it.

    Needless to say.....5 years later, it has FINALLY CLICKED and it's a lifestyle...and not a fad/get-slim quick plan. But a life plan.

    Also having a family with blood pressure and other issues, I have to do this for me.

    Plus our body is A Temple God gave us, so don't abuse it...or we lose it! ;)

    What a journey it's been!

    Shan, ATL
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    seeing myself in pictures and in mirrors, and legs and back hurting.
  • Going to the doctor and being told that if I want to avoid my PCOS from being any worse than it already is, I need to lose the weight.
  • joyfulrunner22
    joyfulrunner22 Posts: 33 Member
    I was in college, and was "that girl," socially awkward, unattractive, and almost 200lbs (I am just under 5'5"). One night on the weekend, some drunk person pulled the fire alarm in our dorms and I had to climb 17 flight of stairs. I simply could not do it. I was embarrassed as people were flying up the stairs past me. I wanted to crawl in a hole and not come out. The next day I took a look at myself in the mirror and hated what I saw and who I was becoming. I ate because I had no self esteem. I made a resolve that day to lose the weight. I took me almost 2 years but I lost close to 70lbs. Since then I have lost a total of 80lbs and have kept it off.
  • I've always tried to love myself and my body however I thought I would try to sharpen up and be the most beautiful bride I can be to my fiancé. My friend was doing my fitness pal so I thought I would give it a go too.

    My wake up call was how easy MFP is. When I tried on my jeans and went down a belt notch... then another one... now i've gone down two dress sizes the feeling is undescribable! I can get myself out of bed in the morning.

    My fiancé and I have never been 'big', my heaviest is 154 pounds... We are now both loving our new bodies and happy we have exchanged the beer belly for abs. :)

    Roll on February for the wedding!
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    When I realized how close 281 pounds was to 300..
  • I saw myself in a full length mirror and didn't recognize the person staring back at me. I started my diet the very next day and haven't looked back.
  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    Forcing myself to take a good look at myself in the mirror and being really disgusted with what I had done to myself. :mad:
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I needed two attendants to push the handle bars down so that I could fit into the seats of a roller coaster. It was embarrasing and my son just looked at me with shame.
  • MummyTina29
    MummyTina29 Posts: 60 Member
    I stood on the wii board and it told me i was obese so i done a Google check just to make sure and yip obese and in the red zone :cry: now am in the yellow zone and no longer obese :happy: still got a long way to go before i get to the green zone which is a healthy weight but am sure it will be worth it in the end :happy:
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    When my pants size went up. I was in denial and told myself I was "maintaining" but when I went up a size, I knew I wasn't