Stop the hate.



  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member

    Smile K

    the gingerbread cookie person hates have cleavage
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    I also hate black licorice. And clowns.

    i dated a clown once. true story
  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    I also hate black licorice. And clowns.

    i dated a clown once. true story

    Why? Why would you do that! Clowns are NOT made for dating!!!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I think this was addressed, though, because it was a poor analogy to begin with. Gay marriage =/= smoking debate. Are there similarities if we debated the issues? Yes. Is disagreeing with something the same as hate? No. Are these issues even remotely similar in terms of rights, historic discrimination, etc.? No.

    Just saying.

    I agree. And I was just saying that it doesn't need to be discussed because people have a tendency to let it get out of hand.
    ANY analogy would be "poor" because no matter what the analogy someone would not be able to understand that is not a debate on the issue, but a point being made about hate. Dislike of what someone does, does not equal hate. Insert any analogy you like if it pleases you.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It's not the intermixed relations that bother me, but the whole "full of hate" bandwagon. (not saying that is YOU, just saying it's widespread) If someone says they don't agree with gay marriage for example, they are accused of being "full of hate! :sad: )
    I don't think disagreeing with certain unions or lifestyles means anyone is full of hate. That's like saying a non-smoker who doesn't want to be around smoke, hates smokers. I don't hate smokers, I just don't like their smoke. I think it is possible to have respect for others choices even if you don't agree with them. I also think the people accusing others of being "full of hate" should understand that they also should have some respect for others. There is such a victim mentality these days. That being said, I am sure they will be along to shut this thread down soon enough, as there will be someone who gets a bee in their bonnet.

    The "intermixed relations?"

    Hey, the 1950's called. They want their polite euphemisms for "we don't like the colored folks minglin' with us white folks" back.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I am a person that believes in E.L.E. (Everybody Love Everybody). I feel like we as a people hate too much. We hate each other, we hate other countries, we hate celebrities, athletes, etc. What do you think? (Lets try to keep this positive that's why it's in chit-chat.)

    Reminds me of an older song by Stevie Wonder: "Loves in need of love today." Very uplifting.

    Reminds me of


    well, whatever helps.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I also hate black licorice. And clowns.

    i dated a clown once. true story

    Why? Why would you do that! Clowns are NOT made for dating!!!
    NOOOO they AREN'T for dating...only hating!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    The "intermixed relations?"

    Hey, the 1950's called. They want their polite euphemisms for "we don't like the colored folks minglin' with us white folks" back.
    Well, that little lovefest of a thread was nice while it lasted.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It's not the intermixed relations that bother me, but the whole "full of hate" bandwagon. (not saying that is YOU, just saying it's widespread) If someone says they don't agree with gay marriage for example, they are accused of being "full of hate! :sad: )
    I don't think disagreeing with certain unions or lifestyles means anyone is full of hate. That's like saying a non-smoker who doesn't want to be around smoke, hates smokers. I don't hate smokers, I just don't like their smoke. I think it is possible to have respect for others choices even if you don't agree with them. I also think the people accusing others of being "full of hate" should understand that they also should have some respect for others. There is such a victim mentality these days. That being said, I am sure they will be along to shut this thread down soon enough, as there will be someone who gets a bee in their bonnet.

    The "intermixed relations?"

    Hey, the 1950's called. They want their polite euphemisms for "we don't like the colored folks minglin' with us white folks" back.

    I'd still like to know what the actual intention behind those particular words was..... I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but my eyebrow did ratchet upwards a few notches!

    Still in the spirit of the thread I won't hate her even if her views are that appalling!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's not the intermixed relations that bother me

    What are intermixed relations, pray tell?
    That's when a Democrat marries a Republican.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    No kidding, I'm reading this thread and the song that comes to mind is "Love Train" by the O'Jays. To some of you, Archie Bunker would be so proud. :tongue:
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    It's not the intermixed relations that bother me, but the whole "full of hate" bandwagon. (not saying that is YOU, just saying it's widespread) If someone says they don't agree with gay marriage for example, they are accused of being "full of hate! :sad: )
    I don't think disagreeing with certain unions or lifestyles means anyone is full of hate. That's like saying a non-smoker who doesn't want to be around smoke, hates smokers. I don't hate smokers, I just don't like their smoke. I think it is possible to have respect for others choices even if you don't agree with them. I also think the people accusing others of being "full of hate" should understand that they also should have some respect for others. There is such a victim mentality these days. That being said, I am sure they will be along to shut this thread down soon enough, as there will be someone who gets a bee in their bonnet.

    The "intermixed relations?"

    Hey, the 1950's called. They want their polite euphemisms for "we don't like the colored folks minglin' with us white folks" back.

    I'd still like to know what the actual intention behind those particular words was..... I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but my eyebrow did ratchet upwards a few notches!

    Still in the spirit of the thread I won't hate her even if her views are that appalling!
    My intention, (as if I am obligated to explain) is to cover any and all possible variances of people getting together in anyway be it sexually, socially, racially or what ever. It is a blanket statement to cover any and all possible combinations of differences. You would think people here could be less ridiculous about the words they try to put in someones mouth.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think a lot of times, specifically on MFP it's not hate as much as it's just plain ignorance and lack of tact.

    Like for instance with all the various types of body shaming. There are basically polite and intelligent ways to say things, and there is just having no tact and not caring.

    People could do a great deal towards goodwill if they just chose their words a little more wisely. But a lack of tact means they just don't care.
    It's my observation that the happier a person is with themselves, the less they appear to "hate". When one is focused on their own endeavors they are much more likely to "live and let live".
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    i hate black licorice. it's evil.


    Love Natalie Dee!

  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    i may hate alot of people, but some people genuinely deserve it. Honestly, i hate myself and that's what keeps me going sometimes. I hate the way i look and it pushes me harder or i hate what someone said about me and i work harder to prove them wrong
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am a person that believes in E.L.E. (Everybody Love Everybody). I feel like we as a people hate too much. We hate each other, we hate other countries, we hate celebrities, athletes, etc. What do you think? (Lets try to keep this positive that's why it's in chit-chat.)

    As a libertarian, and a Christian, I believe in live and let live, and like unto it, treat others the way you wish to be treated. When others don't adhere to that philosophy, I just ignore them. (Unless they are trying to use the force of government, in which case I fight back.)
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    I also hate black licorice. And clowns.

    i dated a clown once. true story

    Why? Why would you do that! Clowns are NOT made for dating!!!

    she was hot
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    I also hate black licorice. And clowns.

    i dated a clown once. true story

    Why? Why would you do that! Clowns are NOT made for dating!!!

    she was hot

    and she was a good clown too. balloon animals, squirty flower thing, big shoes and everything
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It's not the intermixed relations that bother me, but the whole "full of hate" bandwagon. (not saying that is YOU, just saying it's widespread) If someone says they don't agree with gay marriage for example, they are accused of being "full of hate! :sad: )
    I don't think disagreeing with certain unions or lifestyles means anyone is full of hate. That's like saying a non-smoker who doesn't want to be around smoke, hates smokers. I don't hate smokers, I just don't like their smoke. I think it is possible to have respect for others choices even if you don't agree with them. I also think the people accusing others of being "full of hate" should understand that they also should have some respect for others. There is such a victim mentality these days. That being said, I am sure they will be along to shut this thread down soon enough, as there will be someone who gets a bee in their bonnet.

    The "intermixed relations?"

    Hey, the 1950's called. They want their polite euphemisms for "we don't like the colored folks minglin' with us white folks" back.

    I'd still like to know what the actual intention behind those particular words was..... I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but my eyebrow did ratchet upwards a few notches!

    Still in the spirit of the thread I won't hate her even if her views are that appalling!
    My intention, (as if I am obligated to explain) is to cover any and all possible variances of people getting together in anyway be it sexually, socially, racially or what ever. It is a blanket statement to cover any and all possible combinations of differences. You would think people here could be less ridiculous about the words they try to put in someones mouth.

    Surely consenting adults can chose to be together if they want? I don't see what everyone has to get their panties in a bunch about. Gay/Straight/Black/White/Rich/Poor, who cares? I suggest focusing on your own life, it'll make you a happier person in the long run......
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Hate stems from fear and aversions either learned or experienced. Homophobia is a good one being a popular subject...the so called fear today supposidly stems from challenged sexuality, in the past it was fear of homosexual men taking away little boys and abusing them. The communists were feared and hated as we were taught they would drop the bomb and us, rob our identities, turn us into slaves and eat our children. Fear can be a good thing, if the thing you fear causes harm or threatens rights rights and liberties. It is a sad thing when it is from learned or forced behaviour that is based on twisting the facts or truth to serve other agendas. We believe today it's pedophiles that cause harm, not the homosexual...but the stigma of past fears are difficult to aleviate such as allowing homosexual men to be boy scout leaders etc. So don't necessarily hate the "haters". In most cases that hate stemmed from past predudices that were forced upon them.