Not pregnant... but thanks for asking?



  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    The only time pregnancy should be questioned is if you can see the head!

    I think a 'No, I am just fat, you ignorant a-hole' would be an appropriate response.
    Or 'Are YOU?'
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    Ugh I had this happen to me last time I started putting weight on, a customer at the bank walked in and asked (almost upset) why I didn't tell him I was pregnant and he was happy for me. When I said I wasn't pregnant his response was "oh well you must have put a lot of weight on because you look like you are!" The same afternoon a customer said I was "glowing" and pregnancy must agree with me. I went home and threw away all junk food ate a salad and went to bed depressed.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    It's worse when they say that to me. I don't even have a uterus.
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    I swear, if I had a dollar for every time someone awkwardly asks me if I'm pregnant... I'd have enough money for liposuction. :wink:

    Seriously though...

    And then there's the awkward "oh, I'm not..." and like, what do you say then? "Sorry I have so much belly fat that it confused you and made you think i was actually growing another human being in there? Nope, I'm just fat."


    For Pete's sake. YOU are not the one who should feel embarrassed here. It is FAR worse to be rude than be overweight.

    So turn the tables, look them straight in the eye and answer the question with a question of your own.

    "What makes you think I'm pregnant?"

    Who feels awkward now?
  • PaperDahlia
    PaperDahlia Posts: 41 Member
    Someone once asked me how many children i had. None was my answer and she said "don't lie to me, you look like you've had at least 3"

    Real confidence boost...

    Now THAT comment is FLAT OUT rude!!! (gah!)
    you know to all the ladies who have ever been told or asked this-- just remember, it's people and their own perceptions.

    just as a courtesy or rule of etiquette-- you should never assume anything about anyone! period.
  • PaperDahlia
    PaperDahlia Posts: 41 Member
    I swear, if I had a dollar for every time someone awkwardly asks me if I'm pregnant... I'd have enough money for liposuction. :wink:

    Seriously though...

    And then there's the awkward "oh, I'm not..." and like, what do you say then? "Sorry I have so much belly fat that it confused you and made you think i was actually growing another human being in there? Nope, I'm just fat."


    For Pete's sake. YOU are not the one who should feel embarrassed here. It is FAR worse to be rude than be overweight.

    So turn the tables, look them straight in the eye and answer the question with a question of your own.

    "What makes you think I'm pregnant?"

    Who feels awkward now?

    ha! you're so right :wink:
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Just tell people you ate your twin.
    But seriously, here's to you not having to deal with this in the near future! :drinker:
    hahaha love that:flowerforyou:
  • Some times I wonder how STUPID/ignorant can someone be? I've had this happen to me not once, not twice but THREE times over the course of being age mortifying...In college I worked at gymboree (at 19 i looked about 16) and some lady asked me when I was due... I simply replied "I'm not"... one time when I was out I heard a guy make a comment "look that girl is drinking with a bun in the oven"...and the most recent I was at the hair Salon and the girl washing my hair asked if I was pregnant, and I was just so mortified that I went along with it. Mind you I am 5'3" and 130lbs with chicken legs, chicken arms, but my weight just rests where my "baby bump" would apparently... I would never ask someone this question who I didn't personally know, not only bc if its unclear if they are actually pregnant it's rude to ask someone such a question so early on....but unless they are 9 months and buying baby registry items then why would you ask someone this??????! Actually come to think of it four times... a past student of mine said to me "my mommy told me you were having a baby" REALLY?!
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Happened to me... I told her it belonged to her son :)
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I had this happen to me at a chinese restaurant. The waiter informed me that they had non-caffeinated soda "for the baby" as he touched his stomach (he didn't speak English well). I thought it was kind of funny actually and I joke about it all the time now.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    I taught my step son at like 8 y/o- you never ask a woman if her jewelry is real and never ask if she is pregnant.
  • what if someone was pregnant and just had a miscarriage...people do not THINK
  • ehdub
    ehdub Posts: 37 Member
    ugh. hate this. ran into an old friend who had been preggo at the same time as me near the beginning of my pregnancy (while my 9 month old was in the stroller). i told her her daughter was beautiful and she was getting so big. she says "speaking of big! when are you due to pop? again, while my 9 month old was sitting there. she felt bad and i felt bad BUT it did motivate me to start logging my food intake again.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    OMG I hate that! Long before I ever had kids, I was in a restaurant. We were seated near the kitchen. I don't think I actually looked prego at the time. However, the booths were funny shaped, and I was kind of slouching in the booth. The waitress came up to me, RUBBED my belly and asked when I was due. I looked at her and very sharply said "I'm not pregnant and get your damn hand off me."

    Well, she went into the kitchen, clearly mortified by what she had done. But we were seated so close to the kitchen, that everyone was peeking out to see the chick that was so fat she looked prego. Needless to say, I was MAD. The manager came up and apologized. Apparently the waitress told him what she had done and refused to come back out of the kitchen. I told him we were leaving the restaurant, since I didn't feel like being on display for their staff. He graciously packed up our meals and allowed us to leave without paying.

    The moral of the story. Unless you see a head coming out, NEVER assume a woman is pregnant!
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    this has happened to me over 3 times. i think cause a lot of my weight was in the stomach area.
    i was working retail and some lady looked at my stomach and asked "are you pregnant?"
    i looked at the other lady in line, and she raised her eyebrows and left the store. then i looked at the woman who asked and i replied "nope, just fat"
    the woman looked shocked and i looked at her with the dirtiest look ever and said "you shouldn't ask girls that question. ESPECIALLY if you don't know them"
    she just looked down and said "i'm so sorry" and walked out.
  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    Oh no! :frown:
    Next time someone says that- please say "I am not, are you?" And try that on guys too!
  • As I hate handbags, I wear a 'bumbag' all the time. In cold weather, it's nicely tucked away under jumpers and coats. When I was 32, and about 6 months into married life, the mother of one of my pupils met me on the street, and whooped with joy at my 'bump'. I had been trying to get pregnant for years with my partner/now husband. I duly peeled off enough layers for her to see that I was not pregnant. She was so upset, that I ended up consoling her for her mistake.
    Over 20 years later, I still remember this moment, but can now laugh at it. (I never did get pregnant)
    I agree that being so overweight that one is mistaken for being pregnant is no joke. (And yes, losing a baby and still looking pregnant is one of the universe's nastier little jokes.) I do understand why people do it, though. Pregnancy is a blessing and a joy for most people, and those around you like to share in the pleasure and pride that surrounds the mum-to-be. That's why people touch others' bellies when they are pregnant. It's totally instinctive. (Offensive for the touchee, perhaps, but a natural response nonetheless.
    You must have looked fabulous for someone to have thought you were expecting. Radiant, even. Perhaps your weight loss journey has reached a point where you are beginning to shine with some of that confidence that comes from knowing that you are succeeding.
    See if you can recapture that joie-de-vivre. Don't let these incidents get you down, or turn you away from your path. Looking at the photo attached to your message, I can see that people would think you had something special happening in your life. You do look so very happy.
  • Happened to me a few times:

    When I was in my early 20's a child asked me if I was having a boy or girl the baby. It made me upset but not at her cause she was only a child and didn't know better.

    About 6 months after I had my daughter a family member (totally unprovoked, we weren't talking about weight or anything) said to me "you are the about the weight now as you were when you were 9 months pregnant hey?" I was LIVID! My daughter is now 13 and I still get angry about that. How rude, crass, and tacky.

    OTOH, many years ago I saw someone at my OBGYN office that I knew. I asked her when she was due and she said the she had the baby already and was back for her check up. I nearly DIED of embarrasment and apologized!

    I never never never ask now.
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    Happened to me twice this week! I've recently gained some weight back and of course I gain it mostly in the tummy. It sux and makes me feel horrible. Especially since my husband and I have been trying unsuccessfully for over a year to get pregnant.
  • befitbre
    befitbre Posts: 12 Member
    I had a coworker ask me that a few months back. She's typically on the other side of the building, but we crossed paths one day and she asked me how the baby was doing. I told her I don't have kids, but I have a cat, and he's doing fine thanks.