Water sucks, it really really sucks!



  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Filtered water is pretty delicious. I don't know why you don't like it.

    I just get a few 5-gallon jugs filled at the local water shop and go to town.

    Every now and then I'll use Mio. (Aspartame isn't bad for you unless you seriously over-consume it. As in several gallons of diet soda a day.)
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    ditto on the adding things to the water that aren't calorie filled

    I keep a bottle at my desk so it's right there in front of me and I don't have to make it a concious thing.

    Also just try for a glass at lunch or with whatever other snacks you are eating so that if you are adding that a few times a day that should tip you to that # you are hoping for

    lemon or lime juice
  • Flyersteve18
    Flyersteve18 Posts: 53 Member
    every hour at work i chug a glass of water. I also have a glass of milk with my oats and a glass of water with each meal. I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, I stop after I finish my workout (4:30 or 5:30 pm) so I don't have to wake up and pee at night (go to bed at 9pm). Works wonderfully, even if you don't like the taste thats why I recommend chugging. Another reason is that I'll forget to sip on the water and end up not drinking 8-10 glasses, chugging makes things easier even if sipping 8-10 glasses is better for you, still get the same outcome. Hydration.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Chug a glass of water every time you go to the bathroom. You just have to make it a routine.
  • piper1721
    I have to agree with you!! I struggle with water, I just has NO taste and is not what I grab first! If you get any good ideas, please share!
  • EgyptianGirlzCurlz
    As crazy as it may sound, get a glass of water, add a few ice cubes to it and then add some slices of cucumber. You will be amazed at how crisp and refreshing the water will taste. It almost changes the flavor of the water to taste like a small glass of heaven. Then afterwards you can eat the slices of cucumber and have a drink and a healthy snack at the same time.
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I hate water too I had gastric surgery and that made it even worse now it literally HURTS!!!! to drink it I do the best I can I get about half of what I am supposed to and seem to be doing fine on that intake not gonna kill myself to get in 8 glasses
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    Its not that I don't like it I just am struggling with make it a priority in my "routine" of the day.

    When I struggled with a health condition (dysautonomia) that's now "in remission" I was instructed to keep a LARGE glass of water next to my bed and in the morning when I wake up, sit up in bed but to drink the entire glass of water before I stand up. (It was to help raise my blood pressure, and stay hydrated therefore helping my struggle w/ the effects of the dysautonomia.)

    Come to think of it - that would be good for me to start doing again just for the health of it. :-)
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I just bought a really cute 32oz bottle from VS Pink and I fill it about 3 times/day. For some reason water tastes better when it comes from a cute bottle. lol
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 330 Member
    Use a straw so it goes down faster?

    Honestly I enjoy water, so i don't really understand why you hate it, unless like Coach Reddy said it's crappy and then filter it.
  • DeeC01
    DeeC01 Posts: 70 Member
    I was very like you before I started. I drank NO water what-so-ever. I didn't drink tea, juice, coffee - anything. The only thing I drank was diet 7-up (sprite) and maybe half a bottle a day so I totally understand where you're coming from.

    I now keep a 500 ml bottle on my desk in work and try to get it filled at least four times during the day. I actually get thirsty when I don't get the water into me. I honestly have no idea how I survived before!!

    I now love love love sparkling water so try mix it up every second day. .

    good luck :)
  • jakescastle88
    This one is hard for me too... I feel like a swollen water balloon when I get in my full 8 tall glasses a day, not to mention feeling like one of those people from the overactive bladder commercials. :wink:

    The thing about water is that its essential. Your body is made up of water more than any other compound, and all of your body's processes revolve around having a constant supply of fresh water. It is so important, that you can (and probably will) die after three days of severe dehydration. You need plenty of it for proper electrolyte function and to flush toxins though your body among many, many other things. Bearing that in mind, it seems ridiculous to drink anything else.

    I would stay away from flavoring water with things that contain sugar (or worse, sugar substitutes). Sugar intake is the direct antagonist to weight loss, and sugar substitutes are widely speculated to encourage cancers. What I might suggest to you is looking into teas. I drink a lot of Green Tea and Yerba Mate, both because of the positive correlation between regular consumption of these brews and increased metabolism, and the boost of energy I get. They both taste fine cold in a water bottle if you are looking to take it on the go, and to my knowledge (feel free to refute this anyone) they don't dehydrate you like coffee does.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I love drinking water, I take a liter to work with me and I fill it up when I get home, so I don't really understand this issue... BUT, that being said, when I want "something" that isn't water I choose:

    Coffee with almond milk
    Green tea (decaf)
    Sparking water with lemon juice or pomegranate juice and lime. Really any fruit juice is good and you only need a splash.
    There are lots of teas that have good flavor too them, so that's an option too.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    Carry a water bottle with you everywhere. If you don't like the taste add fruit to it or consider getting fruit teas (i.e. http://t2tea.com/tea/herbal-fruit-tisanes/fruit/) and chilling it.

    While tea is good for you, I'm pretty sure ONLY tea is isn't probably the best idea. Keep in mind there's caffeine in tea.

    I find it bazaar when people say they don't like water. You don't like air too?

    Fruit tisanes are a great idea - no caffeine, plenty of flavour. If you have only caffeinated drinks, you're going to get dehydrated because caffeine is a diuretic (makes you pee).
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have always loved water, bottled, tap, etc. especially like to add ice to it .

    I read about a recipe once where you make a pot of green tea, let it cool, add oranges limes and/ or lemons and apparently it's delicious:).

    But don't sweat the water. Lettuce has lots of water in it. Can you think of other foods that might have a large water content? Eat those.:). Not sure what your goals are but if they include weight loss just eat at a calorie deficit and you'll be golden:)
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    Try drinking it room temperature. I love water, I drink about 3-4 liters a day, but I could never get it down if it was cold! Also using a pre-measured bottle helps as well. I have a one litter bottle that I drink out of all day and make myself drink at least 2.

    ^I thought I was the only one! My friends think Im a weirdo for drinking room temp haha.

    I usually carry a large water bottle wherever I go. I end up drinking a lot of water on my commute to work or school.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    If you are use to the hyper sweetness of sugar. Then yeah, water sucks. Once you get away from that sucrose/fructose poison, then water isn't half bad. I use to feel the same way, until I quit sugar.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Mio's are sucralose instead of Aspartame. I can't consume aspartame as it makes me feel sick, but sucralose I can eat just fine. They get me through my water intake (though I should probably drink about 2 more cups a day.)
  • rleemead
    rleemead Posts: 1
    You could always try eating ice, ice chips, or shaved ice instead of drinking water :flowerforyou:
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Maybe think of it in terms of vanity... What helped me was when i forced myself to drink the necessary amount of water I noticed I looked younger, a bit more glowie. drink the water for a few days and then really look in the mirror