90lb in 14 weeks with pics (hopefully!)



  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    UMMM WOW FAB job keep it going and well done x
    you look REMARKABLE! and in such a short time!
    top bloke :drinker:
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    Well I seem to have created quite a debate by posting what I considered to be a reasonable post of success.

    Thanks for all those messages of congratulations and encouragement from most posters. However to the weight loss stazi:

    I will first say that this is MY way of doing it. I was being seen regularly by a doctor for months before I started and being treated for very high blood pressure. He continued to monitor my progress on a monthly basis and not once have I been told to stop or change what I am doing. He stopped my blood pressure medication 6 weeks into my regime as it was getting too low. It has been normal since.

    I detect a lot of animosity from many "weight loss gurus" whose only qualifications seem to be to have lost some weight and whose obsession with adhering to the mantra of "the only way is 2lb per week" seems to cause them to go into a rage when someone like me pops along.


    My loss rate is what it is because of the WORK I am putting in.

    I can manage to do this on 1400 calories because like it or not my 1400 calories is made up of the most nutritious food one can find. I eat zero crap or processed food. I believe my 1400 is probably 50% more beneficial that most of the stuff I see on members open diaries. I model what I eat on much reading of athletes nutrient intake. This includes many freshly prepared green vegetable juices per week.

    Yes I do also measure muscle mass and I am under no illusions that this regime will reduce this. But for now I will accept that. As of this morning only 11 lb of the loss of 96lb has been muscle mass.

    Finally I would address my greatest detractor MB_positiF.

    All I can say is that "haters are gonna hate"

    How do you know what my future calorific intake requirement is going to be? Do you know what my body burns during waking and sleeping hours? Do you know what my future 1/2 marathon and marathon plans are? Do you know my current resting heart rate is less than 45? Do you know what my "actual BMR will be? NO! Yet you are sure I will need exactly 2600 calories when I reach my target.

    My choice of method is down to certain race targets I have set myself and the need to take pressure off a arthritic knee. This morning I completed my second 5K. I have clocked up 13 mile of running this week. 3 months ago I was obese, my arthritic knee was playing up and I could hardly move. If I had chosen to follow your MANTRA I would probably be around 270 -280 lb now. I would have probably given up as most who come on here do. The rapid progress spurred me on and on.

    Finally MB_ positif you will be "enraged"to learn that at my weigh in this morning I had lost another 6 lb and 1.5% body fat which is now at a level of 20.5% which is better than the 41.7% when I started.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Check back with me in a year. If you have maintained your weight loss within 20%, I will organize the OFFICIAL BEN 1960 FAN CLUB. Currently I have my doubts that this lifestyle is sustainable and will defer my congratulations until then.
  • sarahmrozek
    sarahmrozek Posts: 1 Member
    Excuse me but what ways may that be? I am sure if it was going to damage his heart in any other way the qualified Doctor would have told him so. His method of weight loss is working extremely well for him and it angers me to see people on these forums having nothing better to do than try to put him down. I see exactly what he eats, three proper substantial meals a day all healthy with plenty of nutrients. This post was not written to tell people they should be doing what he does, everyone loses weight in their own ways, so there is no need for the spiteful and malicious comments.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Check back with me in a year. If you have maintained your weight loss within 20%, I will organize the OFFICIAL BEN 1960 FAN CLUB. Currently I have my doubts that this lifestyle is sustainable and will defer my congratulations until then.

    This. :flowerforyou:
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Are you a doctor? Or even better, the OP's doctor? What gives YOU the authority to say short term stress on HIS body is no big deal.

    Or you to tell him otherwise? You're just a stranger online.. I'm sure all your "helpful" posts won't change his mind. I get where you are coming from but I can't think of very many people on here who come to a thread about someone's success and tell them they are doing it wrong. More meant for a PM I think.. you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you

    What's done is done for the OP. We're speaking out in an attempt to dissuade others from reading his plan and thinking that it's a decent blueprint for weight loss. Because it isn't. On his profile the OP tells a story of an up and down cycle of weight loss and gains. There's a reason for the yo-yo-ing and it lies in these drastic, draconian, unhealthy and unsustainable tactics.

    People like to say that Success Stories isn't the place to pick at people, but I disagree. I got here a year ago and Success Stories was the place I was in the most. I never posted or commented, but I looked at the before and after photos and that's where I got the motivation to make this site work for me. These pages are very influential to new people that don't yet know what is and isn't a good idea. I'd feel terrible if I didn't speak up on something like this simply because of the thread in which it was placed.

    Bad, unsustainable plan is bad and unsustainable. I don't care what forum section it's in.

    Exactly this. I could start doing coke and lose a ton of weight, but it absolutely shouldn't be celebrated. Skinny =/= healthy, and dangerous is always dangerous.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Are you a doctor? Or even better, the OP's doctor? What gives YOU the authority to say short term stress on HIS body is no big deal.

    Or you to tell him otherwise? You're just a stranger online.. I'm sure all your "helpful" posts won't change his mind. I get where you are coming from but I can't think of very many people on here who come to a thread about someone's success and tell them they are doing it wrong. More meant for a PM I think.. you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you

    What's done is done for the OP. We're speaking out in an attempt to dissuade others from reading his plan and thinking that it's a decent blueprint for weight loss. Because it isn't. On his profile the OP tells a story of an up and down cycle of weight loss and gains. There's a reason for the yo-yo-ing and it lies in these drastic, draconian, unhealthy and unsustainable tactics.

    People like to say that Success Stories isn't the place to pick at people, but I disagree. I got here a year ago and Success Stories was the place I was in the most. I never posted or commented, but I looked at the before and after photos and that's where I got the motivation to make this site work for me. These pages are very influential to new people that don't yet know what is and isn't a good idea. I'd feel terrible if I didn't speak up on something like this simply because of the thread in which it was placed.

    Bad, unsustainable plan is bad and unsustainable. I don't care what forum section it's in.

    Wasted effort, unless you are bored :laugh:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    How do you know what my future calorific intake requirement is going to be? Do you know what my body burns during waking and sleeping hours? Do you know what my future 1/2 marathon and marathon plans are? Do you know my current resting heart rate is less than 45? Do you know what my "actual BMR will be? NO! Yet you are sure I will need exactly 2600 calories when I reach my target.

    My choice of method is down to certain race targets I have set myself and the need to take pressure off a arthritic knee. This morning I completed my second 5K. I have clocked up 13 mile of running this week. 3 months ago I was obese, my arthritic knee was playing up and I could hardly move. If I had chosen to follow your MANTRA I would probably be around 270 -280 lb now. I would have probably given up as most who come on here do. The rapid progress spurred me on and on.

    I can assure that you that professional trainers eat more than 200 calories a day. It's silly to compare yourself with them.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I have been on and off diets all my life. I have done the MFP preffered weight loss several times also. Well, Im here again so even the so called one and only method of losing weight does not guarantee anything. I does not guarantee to keep the weight off, thats for damn sure. I bet most of MFP posters have been in the same boat. So to sit there and say you are going to form a fan club if the OP sticks with his weight for another 6 months is only hypocritical.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Check back with me in a year. If you have maintained your weight loss within 20%, I will organize the OFFICIAL BEN 1960 FAN CLUB. Currently I have my doubts that this lifestyle is sustainable and will defer my congratulations until then.

    Is this the first time you are losing weight? If not, all the previous times you lost weight, why did you gain it back?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Excuse me but what ways may that be? I am sure if it was going to damage his heart in any other way the qualified Doctor would have told him so. His method of weight loss is working extremely well for him and it angers me to see people on these forums having nothing better to do than try to put him down. I see exactly what he eats, three proper substantial meals a day all healthy with plenty of nutrients. This post was not written to tell people they should be doing what he does, everyone loses weight in their own ways, so there is no need for the spiteful and malicious comments.

    The problem is that those meals are being burned off my exercise and not eaten back.

    Say you're building a house and you need four girders. But there's a fire and three of those burn.

    You need to get another 3 to complete the house or else it all falls down.

    Food is the girder. Exercise is the fire. He's burning off what he needs, effectively negating the nutritious meals he's eating.
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    Amazing dedication! Ignore the meanies. What you did worked for you and that is great! Keep up the fit new body. And your wife is smokin hot!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    That's awsome ^^. Great for you. But 130/45...
    45 is that even possible? Taking a&p class now and 120/80 is normal. So 130 is also good. But 45 is way too lo?? Or no?

    130/45 is ok. Been a nurse 30 yrs. 130 is acceptable, 45 is on the low end, especially with a systolic of 130. Completely acceptable though.
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    A job well done! Congratulations on all your hard work!
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member

    You look great so fantastically well done. It gives me hope that I can lose the weight in a relatively short space of time, but my target is Xmas. Im the same age as you and have slightly less to lose.

    I am in awe of your determination and focus to achieve so much so quickly.

    I read your profile and am begging you to rethink your target.

    You are not 20. Don't try and get to that weight or less!!. There is a physiological reason for putting on some weight as you get older - okay you are not female but you still need some fat to store hormones.

    That aside, you need some body fat just to stop your face collapsing. Yep look great from behind and like a sharpei from the front.

    Please rethink your target.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Check back with me in a year. If you have maintained your weight loss within 20%, I will organize the OFFICIAL BEN 1960 FAN CLUB. Currently I have my doubts that this lifestyle is sustainable and will defer my congratulations until then.

    Is this the first time you are losing weight? If not, all the previous times you lost weight, why did you gain it back?

    @ Karen, I assume this question is posed to me, rather than the OP. Yes, this is the first time I have attempted to lose weight. in 2000, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and was prescribed a mood stabilizer that is notorious for weight gain. At the time, weight gain was more acceptable than the complete manic episode I had been experiencing for several months. BTW, that manic episode, along with active alcohol addiction, spurred a weight loss of 40 lbs, down to 124lbs. Since some people believe that the end justifies the means, maybe I should start hitting the booze big time and become med non-compliant in order to lose the weight I gained as a result of sobriety (yes, I substituted food for booze for a couple of years) and medical treatment for my BP.

    I have lost 20lbs in 3 months by eating well (1800 cals/day) and moderate daily exercise. I have a sustainable lifestyle that has resulted in slow, but gradual and continual weight loss. I can do this for the rest of my life. Question is, can the OP say the same?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member

    Finally I would address my greatest detractor MB_positiF.

    All I can say is that "haters are gonna hate"

    How do you know what my future calorific intake requirement is going to be? Do you know what my body burns during waking and sleeping hours? Do you know what my future 1/2 marathon and marathon plans are? Do you know my current resting heart rate is less than 45? Do you know what my "actual BMR will be? NO! Yet you are sure I will need exactly 2600 calories when I reach my target.

    My choice of method is down to certain race targets I have set myself and the need to take pressure off a arthritic knee. This morning I completed my second 5K. I have clocked up 13 mile of running this week. 3 months ago I was obese, my arthritic knee was playing up and I could hardly move. If I had chosen to follow your MANTRA I would probably be around 270 -280 lb now. I would have probably given up as most who come on here do. The rapid progress spurred me on and on.

    Finally MB_ positif you will be "enraged"to learn that at my weigh in this morning I had lost another 6 lb and 1.5% body fat which is now at a level of 20.5% which is better than the 41.7% when I started.

    I feel special because I got addressed specifically by the OP. No, I don't know what you BMR will be, but the 2600 calories that I threw out there was saying that the average person eats around 2,000 calories to maintain their weight. Then if you burn 600 calories a day DURING MAINTENANCE you will need to eat those or you will continue to LOSE WEIGHT, which is not the goal DURING MAINTENANCE.

    SO WHAT if you were still 270 or 280 right now? You would still be well on your way to a healhty weight. I hate to break it to you sir, but you are going to have to MORE THAN DOUBLE your food intake during marathon training. See the calculator on this site: http://www.joybauer.com/photo-gallery/marathon.aspx For example, if you weigh 180 when you do your marathon training and training runs are in the range of 2 hours (some days will be more) you will need to be eating nearly 3,000 calories on those days just to fuel your body.

    I am absolutely not even remotely enraged that your body fat percentage went down. What I hope that the average MFP member will understand from reading anything that I and the rest of the *kitten* that don't want to see people killing themselves is that YOUR results are not TYPICAL. I do not HATE that you have lost weight quickly and maintained muscle mass. I HATE that some other poor soul is going to try this that it does not work for.

    I DO NOT believe that I am an EXPERT on weight loss. What I do believe is that people will read this and try this and it could be detrimental to their health. Kudos to you for doing this with doctor supervision. I personally was thin and fit my whole life. I gained weight when I was pregant with my son. A lot. Then I lost it all without trying. Then I gained it all back because my life was full of excuses for why I didn't have time to prepare healthy meals or exercise. It took me from Januray of 2011 to Januray 2012 to lose about 50 pounds. Then I spent more time lifting and less on Cardio and lost a couple more pounds, but lost major inches, went down 3 clothing sizes in about 7 months. THEN I became highly symptomatic with a brain disorder. I posted the link to my story on Page 2 of this thread. Anyhow, even while being terribly sick I still fought hard to maintain my weight. I was not going to let it ruin all of my hard work. And YES, it was hard work even though I averaged less than a pound a week for that year. From July 2012 through my surgery on February 18th of this year, I maintained my weight without any exercise.. I am up 6 pounds since surgery mainly because I spent about 3 weeks mostly in bed and I was on narcotics which have thoroughly screwed up my poop schedule.

    You know why I could maintain my weight during the absoulte worst part of my life? Because I had made significant lifestyle changes. Do I have days where I eat 4 cookies like yesterday? Sure. Did I make it fit within my calorie goal for the day? Yes. For me personally, had I lost all of that weight in 3 months, I know I would have not had the tools to maintain my weight under my belt yet. So again, let me say, YOU have done well by accomplishing what you wanted, BUT your results are not typical and this method WOULD NOT be considered SAFE for all people. That is all. I am done here.
  • Bekkah376
    Bekkah376 Posts: 23
    Great job & congrats on the loss! :smile:
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    WoW! Amazing! CONGRATS!
  • sabbrown40
    Sweeeeet BABY JESUS! 90 lbs in 14 weeks is incredible. I see that some say it is unhealthy and some say you can gain back if you lose to fast but I say you go boy. That is incredible, amazing and inspiring. As long as you feel good and are able to sustain it, then hey, how can I say it is not right for you. I wish you nothing but the best in your continued maintenance. WOW
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