30 Day Shred - Starting April 15 2013



  • SherryLynn82
    SherryLynn82 Posts: 69 Member
    I did L2D1 today *yes, I know I'm a little late!* but I kind of thought it was more fun than Level 1! I like the holding better than the up and down and it's so much easier on my weak ankle...I didn't make it all the way through without a little cheating of course, but it was only the first day!
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L2D5 down, HALFWAY THERE!! And once again, I'm still alive!! Managed 25 squat thrusts today, up from 15 yesterday. My shoulders and arms still won't let me do a plank jack, don't know if they will any time soon!!

    Johla, it is a small world!! I checked your profile, and was wondering where you teach? I have two teachers who teach at Roxboro Community School....and I agree, I'd better be at least close to smoking hot when I get done with this!!

    SherryLynn Even though level 2 is challenging me more in some respects, I like it better too. Mainly because it's easier on my weak knee, maybe there's something about this level that's easier on the joints??

    Aliann I was sweating a LOT more today than any other....I think maybe it's because in the back of my mind I knew I'm coming up on 2 rest days, so I put in just a tiny bit more effort!!

    Melissa KUDOS to you for keeping up with Natalie on those moves!! I'm hoping I will one day be able to....maybe if I did 3 or 4 rounds of 30 day shred!!

    PS.....I thought I was feeling so drained the past couple of days from being tired (since this is the first time I've done exercises in like 15 years. Turns out, my monthly visitor decided to show up a few days early!! At least the worst couple of days will be over with when I get back Monday!!
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    Did Level 2 Day 1 yesterday and leave it to Jillian to make you feel like you've accomplished NOTHING in the previous level.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    L2D5 done WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!

    LOL Amy - I TOTALLY agree! However, I definitely feel like I'm progressing even FASTER in level 2! I only just finished Day 5 and I'm already able to make it almost all the way through the plank jacks (when the first day, and even yesterday I was struggling just doing the modified version!). Today I did almost the entire first set of squat thrusts with Natalie, then had to modify the second set with Anita. I did both sets of plank jacks with Natalie though!!! Although it did KILL me and I could barely keep up with the jump ropes. I am so stoked and shocked and PROUD of what my body is accomplishing! Definitely took a LOT less breaks today, and even made it all the way through the first set of oblique twists nonstop.

    Now for a 2 day break and back on Monday!!! Happy weekend everyone!!! :drinker:
  • SAB8A
    SAB8A Posts: 27 Member
    L2D5.. Glad I did it because the fat girl in me wanted to take a rest day today which I'm saving for Sundays.. I was shocked with myself because this day I actually was able to go through the majority of the workout without stopping.. So excited about that plus I burned more calories today than I had from the beginning of this level.
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    Happy to report - LEVEL 2 DONE!!!! YAY!!!!! Keep it up everyone!!!! I'm gonna take a break tomorrow and Monday, onto Level 3!!!
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    OMG...I'm only watching the warm-up of L3 and I'm already scared!!! (double jump rope and butt kicks in the warm-up?!?)

    BTW - am I the only one who can't reach their hand to the opposite foot on the "high kicks"? I'm sure it's because my arms are too short ;)

    PS - Looks like Anita and I will be pretty good friends again!
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    I am also starting AGAIN JM 30Day Shred. Today was my first day. I am also doing JM Ripped In 30.
    I do them back to back giving me a total of 40minutes of excersing. I am on level one for both. I plan on doing what you are doing, 10days for each level. What poundage of weights do you use? For the 30 Day Shred they just recommend one set of weights and for JM Ripped in 30 they recommend one set of light and one set of heavy weights. I use 3, 5 and 10lb dumbbells. The 10lb
    are for the chest flys she does on the floor with the Shred video. Are you able to do the military push ups or do you have to be on your knees? How do you record it on here. I use general circuit training.
  • alisa1958
    alisa1958 Posts: 16
    So today L1D1 of the Shred and the same for Ripped in 30. Is anyone else doing the Shred and her RIpped in 30 at the
    same time? I just didn't think a 20minute workout is all the exercise I should get in one day so I double up her workouts.
    I have to say her side lunges really bothers my knees. I don't think I am doing it right. Anybody else has issues with the side
    lunges with front raises. Other then that all the other moves are OK for me.
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    WOW - great job, alisa! Not doing it at the same time, but thinking about doing "Ripped" later. The funny thing about the side lunges is that the part that hurt me were the arm raises :) I usually have no problems with my knees (knock on wood!), but Level 2 of 30DS seems to be bothering them just a little bit. I had to start with 2lbs and then I was able to use 5lbs (on most movements) towards the end of Level 1 & Level 2. I've made it up to 15 in-a-row "on my knees" push-ups and about 3/4s of a "real" one :) Yep, circuit training...but the calories burned seemed a little high, so I lowered them just to be safe :) Best of Luck!
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 2 Day 2 down. Not as bad as yesterday but still crazy hard! The cardio in level 2 is sooo much harder for me than level 1. And those V-raises!
  • corrsfan
    corrsfan Posts: 26
    Hi everyone!

    @travlinmel101: I couldn't touch my foot during the high kicks at first but I was able to after a few days. Like most of the other moves, it does eventually get easier (I hope to someday be able to say that about the Natalie Push-ups because I am nowhere near able to do even one of those :-))

    4 more days to go till this 30DS is done. I've been comparing photos from before I started to this point and I'm thrilled that I can see a change even though it's a small one. This morning I woke up and I was just so sick of this workout and couldn't imagine doing it 5 more times but I guess that happens when you've been doing the same thing over and over and over. So I am really looking forward to moving on to something else next week. I think I'll start with Walk Away the Pounds cause Leslie Sansone is so kind and gentle and I need that after 6 weeks of Jillian Michaels.
  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L2D6 done!! I really didn't want to get started this morning, but now that it's over and I'm "well on my way to being shredded", I'm so glad I did!!

    Alisa, I couldn't imagine doing both workouts in the same day!! Just the one is all I can handle!!

    Aliann...congrats on the plank jacks, today was the first day I was able to do ANY!! I think the 2 rest days did my body good!!
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 2 Day 3 done. It is starting to get a little easier but some exercises are still crazily hard (squat thrusts and v-lifts are my least favourite). I like all the lunges though!
  • travlinmel101
    travlinmel101 Posts: 243 Member
    I am happy to report, that WITHOUT A DOUBT, I'd rather do L3 than L2 - YAY!!!! Best "Day 1" ever! :) I always allow myself my own "warm-up" of some kind, so Jillian's wasn't as bad as it looked when I watched it. I was really surprised by my abilities this workout! The first strength move of C1 are "walking planks," these were the kind of "planks" that I traditionally think of, where you hold yourself up on your forearms/elbows - I could never even do one of these...now, I was doing it, holding myself up and even doing the "walking" part AND WITH NATALIE!!! Ok, I couldn't do "all" of them, but pretty close for Day 1! I did feel a little "extra burn" on some of the leg-strengthening moves, so I'm thinking I'll be a little sore in the morning (kind of like L1), but I'm feeling really good about my next 9 days!!!

    Keep going everyone...we're doing great and we will be shredded!!!
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    Level 2 Day 4 done! Its got a lot quieter in here... is everyone still going???
  • chipmunk_87
    chipmunk_87 Posts: 42
    I am happy to report, that WITHOUT A DOUBT, I'd rather do L3 than L2 - YAY!!!! Best "Day 1" ever! :) I always allow myself my own "warm-up" of some kind, so Jillian's wasn't as bad as it looked when I watched it. I was really surprised by my abilities this workout! The first strength move of C1 are "walking planks," these were the kind of "planks" that I traditionally think of, where you hold yourself up on your forearms/elbows - I could never even do one of these...now, I was doing it, holding myself up and even doing the "walking" part AND WITH NATALIE!!! Ok, I couldn't do "all" of them, but pretty close for Day 1! I did feel a little "extra burn" on some of the leg-strengthening moves, so I'm thinking I'll be a little sore in the morning (kind of like L1), but I'm feeling really good about my next 9 days!!!

    Keep going everyone...we're doing great and we will be shredded!!!

    Great to hear the positive review of Level 3! I am really not enjoying Level 2, although I can tell its a great workout and is making me stronger. I'm struggling with keeping my arms directly under my shoulders for the Level 2 planks and I think the forearm planks might be easier.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Im still on Level 1 - day 7. Seem to be dragging! lol. Having a fab time doing it (although my knee's hurt quite abit) and already seeing results with lbs lost & inches. Will LOVE to see results in another 23 days ;)

    You ladies seem to be doing well on L2 & L3 - keep it up =)

  • leeroxboro
    leeroxboro Posts: 142 Member
    L2 D7 done!! I still can't do all of the v raises, but I did manage to push through both sets of squat thrusts, and one set of jump planks, although I need to work on my form quite a bit!!

    Kitjos, my right knee gave me a fit, to the point where I thought I was going to have to find a different program....I don't know what happened, but it hasn't bothered me at all in the past couple of days. I guess I'm getting stronger!!

    mel, thanks for the report on level 3!! I was so dreading it until I read your post, now I have yet another reason to want to "graduate" out of level 2!!

    Chipmunk, I still have to put my weights down in order to finish those v raises, I really need to work on upper body strength!!

    It has gotten quiet in here....there's no way I would have gone this far without "checking in" here daily!! Please don't leave me all alone with JM!!