30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    April- Im now working out barefoot too!

    Found my measuring thinger!

    Weight: 154
    Thigh: 26.5

    I did my waist wrong... And for your hips, how do you measure them without encompassing your *kitten*? Is your *kitten* included?
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    :frown: I'm gutted that I couldn't complete my 30DS today...and my knee is still playing up...hopefully, a nice bath will help speed up the healing process...fingers crossed :huh:

    What's up with the knee stuff? Mine has been hurting me for weeks now. I was running everyday and had to stop that because the knee pain got so bad and now its not as bad but I have to take it easy on the jumping jacks, and the lunges on level 2. it pops when I bend too far I'm like grrrreat. aren't we a little too young for knee issues? man.

    on a lighter note, I just did L2D2 and MAN!! Jillian ain't jokin' around this time! I'm lovin' it though and finding I burn 2x the cals than on level 1. I was able to get through the entire workout today but yesterday I kept having to stop in between the cardio stuff.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I made promise to myself that i'd workout for an hour this morning to make up for not doing the 30DS yesterday. Well, mission accomplished! I did 49 minutes of actual hardcore working out, with some warming up and cooling down and Wii/DVD setup taking up the rest of the hour. That was L1D7 for the Shred for me. I'm anticipating starting Level 2 on Wednesday. I'm going to be in Jersey for Memorial Day weekend so I might try to do the Shred from home or just do interval running on my mom's treadmill at least 2 of the 3 days.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Just finished D1L1 a little late to the party. Not as bad as I feared (had nightmares about... Let's be honest) I only had to stop a few times cause my feet were killing me! sweat like a pig and feel a little out of it now... Time for some water, a snack, and a shower.

    youre not kidding about your feet killing you!!!!!!! my ANKLES were killing me....i tried it barefoot, with sneakers, with socks....nothing helped...so i just do the work out barefoot now...doesnt make any difference. lol

    Hi guys, I am doing this challenge for maybe the 4th time (started around the same time as you to support a challenge on a different website) and I had a few comments:

    1. It is worth your time to practice landing very lightly. The person in the next room shouldn't hear you, and your feet and joints shouldn't hurt if you are landing softly enough. My hubby pointed this out to me when I was doing it the first time. It took me a while to get it down, but it made a huge difference.

    2. It is also worth your time to make SURE you are doing the lunges and squats properly, ie without letting the knee go past the ankle. This also makes the exercise harder and works your butt more. On lunges, you should be able to even touch your back kneed tomthe ground without your front one going over the ankle.

    3. For those like aprilchampalmer who found level 1 easy, I would suggest heavier weights, really deep form, and even doing the moves faster so you can get more in. Also make sure your stomach is pulled to your belly button the whole time, your butt is squeezed, and contract all your muscles as you do it. I have always been able to find a way to push myself and create a challenge.

    4. I highly suggest jillian's other DVDs, especially Burn Fat Boost Metabolism (!), No More Trouble Zones, and Yoga meltdown. cardiokickboxing is a great one to do on lighter day that will still blast calories.

    My results with Jillian have been fantastic, and she got me in enough shape to do p90x and insanity, but still works me when I come back. Something about circuit training really melts the fat off. By the end of the first month, everyone noticed the differences in my body and loved them, especially hubby :wink:

    Wishing you all the same or better results with Jillian, I'm probably her #1 fan
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm still hanging in there...Just completed Level 1, Day 5.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Hey everyone! I'm still hanging in there...Just completed Level 1, Day 5.

    Congrats on sticking with the workout! I have missed a couple of days this week with headaches but I will be working out today.
    Good luck and keep working out! :flowerforyou:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did the 30DS two mornings in a row! Altho Jillian nearly killed me this morning since I decided to save breakfast for after my workout. Badddd idea. I needed an hour to recover from feeling ill. I'm now alive again after a diet soda (soda always calms my tummy) and my lunch. Time for a shower and a shopping trip I think. I'm out of one of my teas from Teavana and I'd like to get more. I just need to have control and not buy a bunch of other stuff. I already shopped on Friday and got some clothes and stuff. Only 2 more days until I switch over to Level 2. Level 1 still isn't easy, but I'm using 5 lb weights for everything except anterior raises so I'm not expecting it to be a breeze. I'll probably start level 2 on 2lb weights until I am ready to use the 5 lb again.
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi fellow shredders I missed working out today I have been busy packing for a trip to Chicago (i've got a conference but the whole family is tagging along so I've had to pack for all 4 of us) sooooo no shred for me but tomorrow before I leave it will be L1D7 and then I am hoping to move up to level 2

    cutmd I agree you can still push yourself in level one by increasing weights and also deeper lunges and squats and yes Jillian can certainly help cut the fat :bigsmile:

  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I completed L2D3&4 ON Friday and Saturday. I took a break yesterday and will continue today. I will be L2D5 which will be day 10 in all. I'm getting a little bored, but I really wanna complete my 30 days because I feel like I've made a commitment to myself. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think I'm finally seeing the results of the 30 Day Shred. When I started, I was stuck at 183.4 for almost a week. Now, a little less than 2 weeks into it, I'm fast approaching the 170's! I wasn't feeling too good this morning so I didn't weigh myself, but as of yesterday I was 180.8. I should cross over into the 170's by the middle of the week at this rate :D And I can definitely feel a difference in my arms. I'm much stronger than when I started. Level 2 will likely commence on Wednesday at this rate. Whoot!
  • capturethemoments3
    I finished 10 days of level one this weekend and today I will start level 2 (in an hour!) Level one has gotten fairly easy for me but I am a littel worried to start level 2 as I hear it is really hard. But hard equals results doesn't it? Good job everyone!
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    L2D5 is done.(Day 10 of 30DS) I never thought I would say this,but...... I THINK it might be getting a LITTLE easier! Good luck everyone!!!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys! Just me checking in and updating on my knee problem! It's not good news at the moment and I am so upset :frown:

    I managed to do the shred on friday with only a little niggle from my knee. The next day when I woke up, I had an incredibly funny feeling in my left heel :grumble: My heel has rapidly deterioated since then and I am currently sat down with my heel elevated above my waist. It is swollen and really sore and I'm having difficulty walking on it, nevermind working out.

    I am soooo low today...my fitness regime was going so well and now it has to come to a halt for my heel to "heal" If it's any worse in the morning, I'm going to visit the docs! I'm still determind to complete the shred but I'm going to be at least 3 days behind everyone!

    Hope everyone is doing well...and watch your posture when doing the shred....I think that's how I've managed to hurt myself

    Going now to sulk :mad:
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    Well I'm completely and utterly frustrated!!!!!!!!!!! I have been doing Zumba two days a week and Pilates at least once a week for four months and the scale has stayed on 145, so I started really watching my calories about three weeks ago. Now I am on L1D6 and decided to weight again and guess what......I GAINED 2 pounds!! Please please dont say muscle weighs more than fat. I still have been doing Zumba and Pilates. I am just sick!!! I have no idea what to do!

    I would like to weigh 130. I am 5'4. :sad:
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    L2D5 is done.(Day 10 of 30DS) I never thought I would say this,but...... I THINK it might be getting a LITTLE easier! Good luck everyone!!!!

    I am still sweating like crazy and I am just on L1D8....I hope I will be ready for level 2 when it is time to move on. Congrats on feeling more comfortable in level 2! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Did L1D9 yesterday, and I think I've finally gotten to the point where the cardio in the first circuit doesn't kill me. I've realize how important it is to focus on breathing and that really helped to get through it. I'm having an internal debate about what to do after I go to the gym after work. I could be really good and go home and do the 30 Day Shred, but on gym days I've been usually too tired from 45 minutes on the elliptical to do it. Or, I could treat myself to a MUCH needed mani/pedi. It's been like a month since I've gone and my nails are a mess. I'm leaning towards the mani/pedi and I'll likely start Level 2 tomorrow well rested. Also, I'm hoping my heart rate monitor comes in from Amazon today or tomorrow so I can use it when I do start Level 2.
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hi guys! Just me checking in and updating on my knee problem! It's not good news at the moment and I am so upset :frown:

    I managed to do the shred on friday with only a little niggle from my knee. The next day when I woke up, I had an incredibly funny feeling in my left heel :grumble: My heel has rapidly deterioated since then and I am currently sat down with my heel elevated above my waist. It is swollen and really sore and I'm having difficulty walking on it, nevermind working out.

    I am soooo low today...my fitness regime was going so well and now it has to come to a halt for my heel to "heal" If it's any worse in the morning, I'm going to visit the docs! I'm still determind to complete the shred but I'm going to be at least 3 days behind everyone!

    Hope everyone is doing well...and watch your posture when doing the shred....I think that's how I've managed to hurt myself

    Going now to sulk :mad:

    I am still having my knee problem, as well! I pushed through days 8 and 9, and now I've been incredibly sore for the past 2-3 days, around the clock. I finally decided this morning that I am going to have to stop doing the shred indefinitely. My knees are just in too much pain. I've been feeling pretty low about it, too. I was really enjoying the workout, and was seeing positive results. Now this. UGH. I hope you feel better soon!
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    Just finished L2D6(day 11 of 30DS). I didn't get to work out yesterday...I was at the hospital most of the day with my grandpa. It's definitely getting easier, but its still a tough tough workout. I hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys

    Thanks all for your good words of advice! I will definatetly be working on my upper body and abs from now on. Especially after the news I had today

    Tried phoning the Docs this morning to book an emergency appointment and line was engaged for a whole hour. My heel and ankle was particularly stiff and sore this morning, so I asked my mam to take me to the hospital. I had an xray which was clear although the doctor diagnosed tendonitis of the achilles tendon

    He told me that it was difficult to treat and provided me with some super strength Ibuprofen. He was lovely fair play. I have to see my own GP tomorrow to arrange to have a splint/boot fitted sometime this week to encourage the healing. He said it should take between 4 - 6 weeks to heal if I correctly identify the cause of it in the first place.

    I am 100% sure it has a lot to with the footwear I have been wearing for the past 3 months...they have been basically extra flat sandals and I have done a LOT of walking in them. I have quite a high arch on my feet and have therefore been stretching my achilles for a very long time (I live in the Welsh valleys so mountains are a regular thing to walk up).

    I cannot start any physically demanding exercise for quite sometime and have been pretty C**P all day. However, over my mams earlier, I stepped on the scales and they had stayed at the same point since friday (phew....after a pretty naughty weekend) This reset my mind and thinking and I realise that there are people out there who are considerably worse off than myself and I CAN still be positive about my weightloss even without physical exercise.

    Thanks again everyone for your kind words....I am, right now, feeling much much happier about my current status! With all this free time too, I'm sure I'll be filling up the forums with (hopefully) positive words of advice and encouragement! Thank you! This forum is fantastic xxxxx
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hello fellow shredders :o)

    I'm 10 days into L2 and for the first time today I didn't need to towel myself down in between circuits (sorry, TMI!) It's sweaty work! I still find the chair squats with V-raise/military press combination a killer; am wobbling about all over the place for most of that 2 mins.

    I've said it before, but I find L2 a lot easier on the knees. For those suffering with knee issues on L1 it might be worth taking a look at L2.

    I can't bring myself to start L3 just yet, because then I'll almost be at the end - and will miss Jillian and her girls *sniff*