30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group

Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi guys, after a great amount of interest I have decided to create this topic/group for all individuals who would like to take part in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Although the group "officially" starts on friday..anyone who has recently started the shred can take part. I think this will be a great motivator for people too...listening to others who have successfully completed a shred level!

It will be my first attempt too so I can't wait to meet others who are working through it :bigsmile:

I'm hoping Amazon will deliver it by friday...fingers crossed :happy:

It would be interesting to see how the shred worked for you...so keep a note with your vital statistics (weight, measurements) and we can see how these change throughout.

So...who's with me? :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • mebras3775
    mebras3775 Posts: 50
    well i have already sent you a message but i am in.
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm in for this one, keep me motivated to get back into using it.
    Good luck!

    I'll post my stats Friday morning!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I posted on the previous board, but I'm in too! Here's my starting stats, I'm going to be doing Day 1 today.

    Weight: 183
    Waist: 37.5"
    Hips: 44"
    Thigh: 27"
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    I am new to MFP and have done the 30 day shred at home on my own in the past and would love to enroll in this new fitness challenge so if you don't mind I would love to hop on board with you folks. Please let me know if it would be ok to join your group thanks happy shredding :bigsmile:

  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    I'm in!! I'm hoping mine arrives by Friday too!!! Here we go :)
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    Count me in!! I have the dvd sitting by my TV and I have been scared to try it. LOL
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone! I bought the dvd oh about 2/3 months ago and yesterday I finally had the courage to get my fat *kitten* up and do it. I know I started a few days before ya'll but I hope you don't mind if I join in with ya'll.

    Pre-Pregnancy weight - 220
    Delivery weight - 248(9.1.2008)
    Current weight - 258
    Long term goal weight - 145-150ish
    Height - 5'6''
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I am new to MFP and have done the 30 day shred at home on my own in the past and would love to enroll in this new fitness challenge so if you don't mind I would love to hop on board with you folks. Please let me know if it would be ok to join your group thanks happy shredding :bigsmile:


    Of course you can join :happy:

    Your previous experience will help us get through it too!

    How did you find it before? What can we expect from the first few days? I am anxiously excited to get started now!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I posted on the previous board, but I'm in too! Here's my starting stats, I'm going to be doing Day 1 today.

    Weight: 183
    Waist: 37.5"
    Hips: 44"
    Thigh: 27"

    Fantastic! Let us know how you get on with it...
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hello everyone! I bought the dvd oh about 2/3 months ago and yesterday I finally had the courage to get my fat *kitten* up and do it. I know I started a few days before ya'll but I hope you don't mind if I join in with ya'll.

    Pre-Pregnancy weight - 220
    Delivery weight - 248(9.1.2008)
    Current weight - 258
    Long term goal weight - 145-150ish
    Height - 5'6''

    Of course you can join! How are you finding it at the mo?
    Can't wait to begin now...going to look at it on youtube now....a little preparation :ohwell:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Looks like we need dumbells for some of the exercises?

    What does the DvD recommend? I have weighted balls but don't know if these will be ideal for the workout!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    If there is a handle or something on the weighted balls, then they should be ok. I've never heard of those before. I have 2lb and 5lb free weights that I'm going to be using (I'll stat with the 2lbs and work my way up I think).
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a little sore today but not to bad. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it today though:( The living room is the only room in the house big enough for me to do the work out but I can't get anywhere near the tv or the remote because my mom is home today and wants to be a couch potato and not just let me have the tv for 20 minutes...and it will be even worse when my brother gets home:angry:

    Oh and I don't have free weights right now. Yesterday I used a couple of soda cans that my mom hasn't drank yet and if I can today then I'm just going to use some full water bottles as substitutes until I can either find my free weights or get new ones...I hate moving...you can never find anything after you move when you need it
  • lyndsay53
    lyndsay53 Posts: 2 Member
    Looks like we need dumbells for some of the exercises?

    What does the DvD recommend? I have weighted balls but don't know if these will be ideal for the workout!

    The dvd recommends 2lb weights. I was super sore the first week but I made myself keep doing it and it did get better. Jillian definitely knows how to whip you into shape...lol
  • jaysen05
    jaysen05 Posts: 29 Member
    Im in
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Count me in. I am working Friday so I will either get up the nerve to do it first thing in the AM...my shift starts at 645 or I will do it when I get home 13 hrs later....
    I will post measurements and weight at that time.
    How about a blog to keep track of everyone? Might be easier to find...
    Good luck everyone. I have stsrted the workout before but did not stay consistent. I do know...if you need a drink of water or catch your breath...you better pause Miss Jillian...cause she gives you absolutely no time...lol!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hopefully starting tonight.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Excited to try this again, didn't get too far last time but I will just keep trying. My first workout left me in pain so I thought it would help to rest my muscles but the next day I was still in pain so I did the workout again to see if it would help to stretch the muscles and it did! I felt great....now if I can just keep it up for all 30 days instead of crapping out after a week. :laugh:

    Ms_Natalie: Is it ok for me to wait to post my measurements until Friday morning? :flowerforyou:

    Good luck to all!
  • cayzapp
    cayzapp Posts: 13 Member
    My sister and I have been doing the shred for about a month now, and we switch back and forth on all 3 of the levels . (Have to modify on some of the moves for now because of a toe injury, but I refuse NOT to do it, even though it hurts like hell....I actually have been doing it barefoot) We use 3 lb., 4 lb. and 5 lbs. weights, depending on how we feel that day. On level 3, we use a 10 lb. weight for one of the exercises. I just know that it has really, really helped in my 13 lb. weight loss and I highly recommend this DVD. Even if you think it's too hard, just modify....and stick to it....you'll be glad you did!!! Good luck to all of you just starting!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Excited to try this again, didn't get too far last time but I will just keep trying. My first workout left me in pain so I thought it would help to rest my muscles but the next day I was still in pain so I did the workout again to see if it would help to stretch the muscles and it did! I felt great....now if I can just keep it up for all 30 days instead of crapping out after a week. :laugh:

    Ms_Natalie: Is it ok for me to wait to post my measurements until Friday morning? :flowerforyou:

    Good luck to all!

    Hi there...of course it is!

    Let me just say...this isn't MY group..it's OUR 30 day Shred group! If this group helps to motivate us and help us through the next month then it has done it's job!

    So use this thread to your benefit and post your questions, worries and experiences on here however you wish! I'll try and make a note of all the measurements people put down on here just incase some go missing.

    The idea of a blog sounds fab! nursee67...how do we go about doing that?

    We'll all be a bunch of slim jims in no time at all! :happy:
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