30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i did 8 days in a row last month and then of course something came up....i will do my best to get the 30 day shred into my schedule and participate in this challenge...thanks for organizing...
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    I love the JM 30 day shred. I have been doing it many more days than 30... a coupla months really. I have lost 21 pounds, and I have stayed at level 3. She has COMPLETELY changed the shape of my body. I've been doing it long enough that I'm looking for more JM stuff!

    You guys are going to love it! When you upgrade a level, you think you're going to die... but that's when you start seeing REAL change! It's amazing! My body changed before my eyes. I couldn't believe it!

    I have some rotator cuff injuries and this video actually made me stronger, and I don't struggle with them as much anymore. Just guard your injuries and do what you can.


    Have fun guys!
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    We are in!! We rock!
  • Today I will do my 4th day of level one and I am excited. After the first two days I was sore in my legs, but I woke up today and NOTHING. Not sore! I can't wait to do day 4 today. I have already seen a 1 pound weight loss since starting 3 days ago.
  • amyh2005
    amyh2005 Posts: 4
    This sounds like a great idea... good way to motivate eachother! Especially for those of us that don't have workout partners. I am so in! However, I don't have the DVD... is there anywhere you can buy the DVD or do you have to order it online?
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    This sounds like a great idea... good way to motivate eachother! Especially for those of us that don't have workout partners. I am so in! However, I don't have the DVD... is there anywhere you can buy the DVD or do you have to order it online?

    HI there, I am in the UK and purchased mine for £5.99 from amazon...although I have heard it being a supermarkets in the US? I'm not actually sure...the only thing with online purchasing is the time you have to wait to get the item...I'm still waiting for mine! Maybe some others could help you locating the dvd?

    Fantastic that you want to give it a go too....you've got plenty of workout partners now :happy:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Today I will do my 4th day of level one and I am excited. After the first two days I was sore in my legs, but I woke up today and NOTHING. Not sore! I can't wait to do day 4 today. I have already seen a 1 pound weight loss since starting 3 days ago.

    wow...1lb in 3 days...that is fantastic...what is even more fantastic is your lack of sore legs! That was kind of worrying me a little but a few people have said that the soreness subsides after you get the first few days over with...so I'm really looking forward to getting the DVD and having a go myself
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I finished Day 1 last night. WOW. It was really intense (in a good way.)

    So my husband decided he wanted to give it a go, too. He's much more athletic than I am, and I thought he'd breeze through this. No way. He was DYING!!! Jillian totally kicked his butt :) It was pretty entertaining to watch him struggle through the circuits, and made me feel better about myself for being able to complete the workout.

    Here's to a challenging month!!

    SW (5/9): 137
    Measurements: TBD - I need to buy a tape measure!

    I soooo understand where you are coming from..I've just managed to get my OH onto MFP and when I told him about this DVD he looked so excited! He was very fit 5 years ago before we met...but my homecooking soon out that right :ohwell:

    Will be interesting to see how we cope over the first few days
    Glad you're enjoying the programme...I can't wait to start :drinker:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Going to buy some dumbells tomorrow, anyone who is the UK know where I could get them?

    Would they sell them in a sports shop? I can't give any examples because sports shops are only now becoming a friend of mine :blushing:

    Keep up the shedding peeps...you're all doing fantastically...your stories are very inspiring and giving me confidence to tackle this head on when my dvd finally arrives :wink:

    These workouts are messing up my spelling bigtime! sorry guys
  • mltierney
    mltierney Posts: 23 Member
    D1L1 all done! Did a 4.7 Km walk in under 45 mins then went home and did the Shred, it sure does help to limber up before the workout. D2L1 today!

    SW- 210: Jan 1, 2010
    CW- 186
    Will post mesurements on Saturday which is my normal weigh in day
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in guys!! I have done the 30 Day Shred several times but never on a consistant basis, so I'm anxious to see what changes happen when I do it daily!! Sometimes I have a really hard time finding the motivation to do it. I'm home with my 2 year old all day....and honestly, when she goes down for a nap....I really wanna go down with her!! So, I may need a little help staying on track!! Here are my stats:

    Waist: 28
    Hips: 34
    Thigh: 22
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Fellow Shredders,
    I am away this weekend for a ladies retreat so I will be starting my shred on Monday the 17th excited to get started!! I wouls also recommend a yoga mat for the floor portion of Jillian's exercises (we have ceramic tile in our workout room and it's not very comfortable to be working out on and slippery at times) happy Thursday!!

  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    This sounds like a great idea... good way to motivate eachother! Especially for those of us that don't have workout partners. I am so in! However, I don't have the DVD... is there anywhere you can buy the DVD or do you have to order it online?

    You can find it at Target or Walmart for $9! Cheap :)
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    Going to buy some dumbells tomorrow, anyone who is the UK know where I could get them?

    Would they sell them in a sports shop? I can't give any examples because sports shops are only now becoming a friend of mine :blushing:

    Hehe yep you can buy them at sports shops, Decathlon are good if there's one near you? e.g. http://www.decathlon.co.uk/EN/pvc-dumbbells-2-x-3kg-4193022/#
    If not I'm sure any other sizeable sports shops will sell them :)
  • cbmillz
    cbmillz Posts: 16
    Hi All! May I join? I noticed the shred doesn't start until the 15th. I have been doing it for a few days.
  • cbmillz
    cbmillz Posts: 16
    Oh. i started in Jan at 152. I am teetering bt 140 and 139 right now.

    I haven't taken my measurements but I will tonight!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi All! May I join? I noticed the shred doesn't start until the 15th. I have been doing it for a few days.

    Hello & Welcome! :flowerforyou:
    It doesn't matter if you started a few days before or after May 15th ..the more members the better :drinker:
    I'm hoping to start tomorrow...I just need my DVD to arrive :grumble:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys

    30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) BLOG!

    Thanks to Nursee for suggesting this idea! Sometimes the forum groups get a little swamped in with all of the new posts being added...Please still coming on here though =) I've started a blog where we can all log our beginning measurements and our final measurements following the 30 day shred.

    Maybe we could possibly do measurements after every 10 days? Not sure yet...what do you guys think?

    I hope I do a good job at this and don't let any of you guys down.....but as long as we're getting fitter and more toned....nothing else really matters does it? :bigsmile:
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    HOLY COW! I decided to go ahead and start instead of wait until Monday once I had my hand weights. After about 10 minutes I thought I was going to die (even without the weights). Also realized I DEFINITELY need a sports bra! This DVD is kicking my butt! I will try again tomorrow and hopefully make it through! I have to admit... I think it would encourage me more to see overweight girls doing these exercises instead of super skinny chicks. However, I'll definitely be back at it tomorrow!! :)
  • paulafudge
    paulafudge Posts: 3
    I'll be doing this with you all too! @DAWNIEQT Try the Enell sports bras, they are compression bras and work really well. Worth the $$$. You can friend request me if you want to see each others progress.
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