30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • mltierney
    mltierney Posts: 23 Member
    I started the Shred, got a 2+ week cold, went to Vegas and fell out of the routine. I am starting L1 (again) tonight. The first few days are the hardest, don't let the pain stop you! I take one day off between levels as a treat for myself. I reccomend watching the work outs before you start it (it will reduce the amount of swearing at Jillian during your first workout!).
  • andygirl
    andygirl Posts: 18
    Ok, so here is my starting info - weight 196.8, waist 40", hips 47", thigh 25.5"

    Did my first workout this morning and I am eager to do it again tomorrow :happy: Looking forward to seeing how much progress we all can make in 30 days!!
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I'm SOOO in!!! Thanks for the idea - LOVE it! Did it this morning....really brings back memories of gym class LOL!! So fun!!!
  • hey everyone, i started today but id love to be part of the group! :)
    add me!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    If there is a handle or something on the weighted balls, then they should be ok. I've never heard of those before. I have 2lb and 5lb free weights that I'm going to be using (I'll stat with the 2lbs and work my way up I think).

    I bought them from Asda in the UK for the ticked pink breast cancer charity! They are bright pink but unfortunately don't have handles...so it looks like I'll be buying some new ones before friday! Will look for 2lb ones or maybe even a set that will allow me to increase it gradually.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred complete! I thought I was getting in decent shape... Jillian Michaels has reminded me I have quite a long ways to go. My arms aren't quite as strong as I thought, and half this workout is arms. I have literally no ab muscle strength, so the ab sections should really help that. I couldn't do the bicycle crunches without putting my legs down each time, but hopefully that will improve over time. My cardio/endurance wasn't too bad. I didn't have to really take a break to breathe, so that's one positive thing. Overall, it kicked my butt in a good way. I think I'll be trying to do this workout almost every day, unless I'm too tired after my usual gym workout. I might cut my elliptical down to 45 minutes again and then come home and do this... we'll see how it goes.
  • I would love to be part of this group! I started on Monday so I have three days of level one done. So far I have no complaints, I love it!
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I just started yesterday but I'd love to be a part of the group also!

    How do we input the workouts into our exercise log though?
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    im in!! just bought the disc today after doing the first workout of level one last night as a test and i love it!! :-)

    so here are my stats:

    starting weight 150
    currently 134
    need somethin different,,,

    ultimately want to be 120.

    measurements are neck 13 in
    waist 30 in want to be 26/28 inch
    bust 31 ( i dont really care what i am here because my ribcage is rather large so no amount of weight loss is going to make that shrink...though if i was able to get down pretty small id be happy...)
    hips 35 in would love to be 34.

    thought im curious....what would we put it in as exercise??? "30 day shred" isnt listed in the exercise database...though it should be.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I logged my 30DS workout as Circuit Training, General I believe. That's what most people I've seen doing it enter it as. Alternatively, you could wear a heart rate monitor during the workout and that would be the most accurate. I'm happy with counting it as circuit training for now. 22 minutes and 243 calories burned! Whoot!
  • Donnavdh
    Donnavdh Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! I'm in, I started on Monday and I'm loving it. Sore but the feeling of success you have after you've done the workout is so worth it! Will let you know how tomorrow goes!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    (The idea of a blog sounds fab! nursee67...how do we go about doing that? )

    I believe that you just write a blog...then post the URL on this thread...we can all subscribe to it. Each time you update...weekly or whenever...people can reply with their weights and measurements.
    I am currently involved in a Losing for Life challenge and that's what our leader does.
    I will message you the link then you can see what I am talking about.

    Not quite sure about the quote thingie...
  • learning2fly4
    learning2fly4 Posts: 303 Member
    I am really excited for Friday - that is my normal weigh in day so I will def start then. I cant wait to give it another go.
    I started the shred in Feb, but work got crazy and leaving early and not getting home until late.
    Its best if you have hand weights, but you can use cans of soup or anything that you can hold in to easily while doing something.

    Good luck everyone, you will be sore for a few days :)
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    i just finished day two of level one and i feel SO fantastic...im sweaty which is a FANTASTIC thing for me because im NOT a sweater unless its INTENSE so i know this is going to be a fantastic thing for me!!!!!!!!! I cant wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    Just got the DVD! I'm ready but scared at the same time! I've never done a workout dvd before... I'm not an intense exerciser but I want to be. I plan on taking a look at the DVD tomorrow but probably will not get the chance to actually start until Monday the 17th. I need to buy hand weights and I have classes all weekend. Anyone else new to the "workout dvd" world?
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    I am new to MFP and have done the 30 day shred at home on my own in the past and would love to enroll in this new fitness challenge so if you don't mind I would love to hop on board with you folks. Please let me know if it would be ok to join your group thanks happy shredding :bigsmile:


    Of course you can join :happy:

    Your previous experience will help us get through it too!

    How did you find it before? What can we expect from the first few days? I am anxiously excited to get started now!

    Hi Natalie,
    Thank you so much for letting me hop in on this challenge I am so excited to have the support of others while doing Jillian Michaels:sad: (Jillian and I have a love/hate relationship she loves to drill me and I just plain hate her... just teasing!!! seriously at first I hated having to do the workout it was hard but at the end of the 30 days I was loving it!!)
    I did the program back in the fall and actually completed the full 30 days and was doing great with the workout until vacation and Christmas and going back to work and it has been non-stop ever since. I am super excited to start again I have a ton of fellow co-workers who own the video and love it!! The first week I was sore but I certainly would work at a pace thats comfortable for you and do not rush moving to stage 2 until you're ready and likewise withstage 3. You will be amazed at the end of 30 days how far you've come yeah!!!!:bigsmile: So Happy Shredding and thanks again I am looking forward to getting my butt kicked by good ol' Jillian gotta love it and spending 30 days with this support group :wink:

  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey everyone, I started it this morning, I love it! It's tough but it flies by in no time because of how she splits it up into 3 rounds, and you always know how much time you have left on each bit.
    My friend's got my weights at the moment so I did it this morning with 2 bottles of wine... haha.. I think the fact that I have 2 bottles of wine in my room and no weights shows how much I need to do this ;)
    I have no scales or tape measures so I'm going to have to judge the effects of this solely on how I feel/look.. which is going to be quite a nice change for me actually.
    Good luck everyone! :)
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, i weighed myself this morning...........a THREE POUND WEIGHT LOSS already!!!!!!! in two DAYS!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think my muscles are grouchy at me for giving them a new workout. My scale was up a pound from yesterday... boo. I've also been under on my calories on my workout days, by as much as a few hundred sometimes. I think I need to start having healthier snacks more frequently during the day to boost my metabolism and so my calories aren't so far under. I don't want to go into starvation mode when I've been doing so well. I've been losing at least a pound a week since I started, usually more. I'm planning to do 45 minutes on the elliptical today after work and then come home and do the 30DS on top of it, instead of 55 minutes on the elliptical. At least I'm not really sore from yesterday, aside from my abs a bit. Definitely an improvement from when I tried it January of last year and could barely walk to class... lollll
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I finished Day 1 last night. WOW. It was really intense (in a good way.)

    So my husband decided he wanted to give it a go, too. He's much more athletic than I am, and I thought he'd breeze through this. No way. He was DYING!!! Jillian totally kicked his butt :) It was pretty entertaining to watch him struggle through the circuits, and made me feel better about myself for being able to complete the workout.

    Here's to a challenging month!!

    SW (5/9): 137
    Measurements: TBD - I need to buy a tape measure!
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