30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just finished Day 4, Level 1! I'm definitely getting over the hump of the cardio being too much. I can get through it all without taking a break, and I even increased the weights for a few exercises to 5 lb weights (all of circuit 2 and the chest flies in circuit 3). And... for the first time ever... I managed to keep my legs up for the whole time for the bicycle crunches!!! I think I'll stick to doing 10 days on Level 1 and then move up. I'm definitely getting more comfortable with the Level 1 workout.

    And I treated myself to much needed new workout sneakers!! I got Brooks Ghost 2 running shoes and they are great! They were $100, but I think it's well worth the investment. I have flat, wide feet and these are the most comfy sneakers I've worn. I wore them for my 30DS workout and my EA Sports Active workout today and it was quite comfy.
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    today was L1D6 for me and I noticed a huge difference just from yesterday.I'm getting a little bored though so I might switch to level 2 tomorrow if I'm brave enough lol. Even though I still have a ways to go to be as fit as I'd like to be, I feel better each day knowing I'm taking the right steps to get there by doing this. I hope everyone is doing good! keep up the great work!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I started L2 two days early. I wish I gave myself the 2 extra days. But L1 was feeling too easy and I felt I had to up my weights. L2 is kicking my *kitten*. L1D1 hurt my calfs big time. L2D1&2 are killing my calfs and back of my thighs. I took today off and will get back on it tomorrow. I have not lost any weight but my pants fit better.

    I also feel that its lacking in the tricept area. Maybe L3 will do something with that area.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Just noticed this thread.

    I started 30 Day Shred this morning.

    CW - 196.2lbs

    Waist - 35 inches
    Hips - 43.5 inches
    Bust - 40 inches
    Neck - 13.5 inches
    Left Arm - 14 inches
    Right Arm - 14 inches
    Left Thigh - 27.5inches
    Right Thigh - 27.5 inches
    Jeans - UK Size 16
    Top - UK Size 16
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Hi Everyone, Happy Monday :)

    I completed L1 days 3, 4, and 5 over the weekend, and I have to say that the muscle pain does go away. Just keep pushing through!

    I weighed in yesterday and was a little disappointed b/c I only saw a 0.7 loss, my lowest loss yet. I had to go shopping for some new summer work clothes, and was going through the racks at Banana Republic looking for some size 6 dresses. I found a super cute fitted dress (in a size 4) and thought I'd give it a go. IT FIT. And so did the size 4 capris. So, even though I haven't seen much of a weight loss since starting the shred, I went from hovering between sizes 6-8 last week, to fitting in a size 4. Unbelievable! You should have seen my shock when zipping up that dress. It turned out to be a really motivating day :)

    So how long are you guys going to do level one? I thought I would do each level for 10 days, with maybe one day of rest in between each level? I'd love to hear everyone else's plans.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My goal is to shoot for 10 days on Level 1. I've upped the weights for about half the strength exercises from 2lbs to 5lbs. The anterior raises and squat and press are still a bit too much for 5lb weights. Also, I want to be able to all the exercises without modifications, excluding the pushups, before I move up. At this rate, I'll be able to do that in 10 days. But just see how you feel and if Level 1 is getting too easy in less than 10 days, try moving up. You can always go back if Level 2 is too challenging.
  • cbmillz
    cbmillz Posts: 16
    Hi All,

    Is anyone also following the food/ recipe guide for the 30 day shred in Jillian's book. I know for me it has been tough to stick to a strict diet in her order.

    Anyone found an easier way to do it?
  • doll2002
    doll2002 Posts: 427
    I started level 2 yesterday and I was disappointed that I was not able to do a lot of the exercises. However, I was the same way when I started level 1. I stuck with it which is what I plan to do with this level. Some of the exercises I will not be able to do in this level due to knee pain but I plan to give it my best. Jillian is not playing in this video, but if you stick with it, you will see amazing results.
  • dawnieqt
    dawnieqt Posts: 26
    Hi All,

    Is anyone also following the food/ recipe guide for the 30 day shred in Jillian's book. I know for me it has been tough to stick to a strict diet in her order.

    Anyone found an easier way to do it?

    I had no idea she had a food guide for the 30 day shred! May need to take a trip to the bookstore!
  • cbmillz
    cbmillz Posts: 16
    Yes! And it details what types of food you should eat based on your body, food lists and how to do all of the exercises!

    I love it.
  • TradeWinds
    TradeWinds Posts: 3
    Hello everyone. I've lost .5 lb after day 2 of level 1. I started on Friday and took the Sunday off and I still feel a little sore. I have to admit that some of the routines were very difficult to pull through. Anyway, wish me luck for day 3 and the rest...
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    Had horrible day of illness yesterday, recovering today but have done my 'day 3' with lighter weights. Phew.

    Been finding it really difficult food wise while I've been under the weather, all I want is comfort foods - does anyone have any magic foods they eat to boost energy after illness without over doing it?!?
  • what is shred? I haven't heard of it before.....
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,
    Just back from my weekend away starting Shred tonight so excited to get started wooohooo!!!!! I will post tonight
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All,

    Is anyone also following the food/ recipe guide for the 30 day shred in Jillian's book. I know for me it has been tough to stick to a strict diet in her order.

    Anyone found an easier way to do it?

    Are you talking about Master your Metabolism book????
  • Well I completed day six of level one today and decided to use some higher weight dumbells than I have been. I feel great. So far the results are good and I can't wait for them to be great!

    I use the weekends for rest and other exercise and I was worried that taking a couple days off would set me back, but I felt better than last week! I have kept up with Natalie on all of the exercises except for pushups, they are just way to hard for me and I have been doing them daily for months! I guess I need to up my reps :)

    Keep it up everyone!
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I started L2 two days early. I wish I gave myself the 2 extra days. But L1 was feeling too easy and I felt I had to up my weights. L2 is kicking my *kitten*. L1D1 hurt my calfs big time. L2D1&2 are killing my calfs and back of my thighs. I took today off and will get back on it tomorrow. I have not lost any weight but my pants fit better.

    I also feel that its lacking in the tricept area. Maybe L3 will do something with that area.

    Well since you said that I'm gonna go ahead and finish out the last 3 days I have of level 1 so I don't get ahead of myself.
  • lovmykids
    lovmykids Posts: 51
    Hope everyone had a great day! I did day 5 today!!! I think I am going to stay on level 1 for a while!!! I am not even close to moving on!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    i just started level two and man oh freakin MAN....it was haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrdddddd but i kept at it and did it....this was WAY more of an intense work out that level one was and this is TOTALLY what i expect of jillian...THIS is the level im gonna keep at for a while until i can do the moves like i was doing the moves in level one.
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