30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Day 1, Level 2 COMPLETE! It wasn't as horrible as I was expecting. I went back down to 2 lb weights, and after doing that workout I think that's what I'll stick with for a while. I definitely agree that the squat and v-lift and military kick thing is TOUGH. The v-lift uses muscles that have never been used, or so it felt like. And then, as if Jillian wasn't enough, I just did a 25 minute workout on my Wii. I'm kinda dead right now. I need to make dinner, but I can't get up... haha. I'll take that as a good sign.
  • capturethemoments3
    I have done 2 days of level 2 and all I can say is I am not a fan of double jump ropes. Hahaha. I know it will get better.
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    L2D7 is done! (Day #12 in all). I am feeling more comfortable with the workout every day. I love to see what exercises I can do today that I wasn't able to do yesterday! It's really fun to feel proof that my body is getting stronger. I definitely struggle with V fly things too!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    just finished L1D8 and its definitely not as hard as it was in the beginning. the only thing that's still killing me is the pushups. still have to do those on my knees and i can barely do any after doing the squat-things.

    tomorrow's weigh-in day so i guess i'll see what jillian has done for me.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Well, it has been a great week off! I didn't lose any weight this time but I still lost inches so I will am fine with that. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is doing well, have a great weekend! :happy:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So after one week I've gone from 181.8 lbs to 179.2 lbs! THAT'S 2 1/2 POUNDS IN A WEEK! That's crazy... I'm blaming/thanking Jillian Michaels for that one. I did the Shred 5 of the last 7 days and I was at the gym the other two days that I didn't do it. I've only done one day on Level 2 so far, but since I've started the Shred, I've lost 4 pounds. I'll take that as great progress :D And it couldn't come at a better time, I want to look good in swimsuits! I'm definitely looking better in my regular clothes. My best friend's mom asked if I was losing weight and told me I looked great last night. The last time I saw her was March, so I was excited. I had a cheezy pickup line used on me at the bar last night... hahaha. Love it...
  • capturethemoments3
    I have done 10 days of level 1 and 4 days of level 2 and I am defintley seeing results :) I have gone down 5 pounds and I am sure a bunch of inches. The double jump ropes are getting easier and so are the chair squats iwth a V raise, finally!
  • disnylndprincess
    Hey guys! I am doing the 30 Day Shred too, and definitely loving it :o) Do any of you out there know of a good way to record it for your exercise? I know I'm doing it daily even if I can't factor it in, but it sure kills me to look like I am under my exercise goal for the day...
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Did Day 12 today which was better than yesterday. Also, I got bored this evening because its my first free day in a loooong time so I made a workout playlist on iTunes, loaded up a stopwatch and made up my own 3-2-1 workout with three circuits. Burned 240 calories in 23 minutes. Not half bad!
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    I'm getting set to do L2D9 in about 15min!!! Just did L2 for the first time yesterday..... Holy Toledo!! Wonder how much harder it gets at L3, which I'm hoping to push myself by June 4th! Great work everyone!! Keep it up :)
  • ladybug220
    ladybug220 Posts: 14
    I just finished up with L1D10 and I'm starting L2 tomorrow... I'm a bit nervous, but still super excited!

    I can't believe how far I've come in just these first few days! Day 1 was so hard, and as I finished up tonight I realized that I wasn't following Anita as much as I was pushing myself with Natalie. Yes!

    Anyway... Good job to everyone, we're doing it!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    I nearly gave up this morning and took a day off but I pushed myself and forced myself to do it. 270 calories burned in 27 minutes. I'll take that.

    Day 14 done.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just finished L2D3 and it's still kicking my butt. But I love having my new heart rate monitor to use with it. I'm burning a little over what MFP predicts, maybe because my heart rate is pretty high during it. I've averaging around 150 for the whole workout, maxing out at 180. Seems kinda high, but I'm burning lots of calories... hehe. I'm actually at my parents' house in New Jersey for the weekend, so the fact that I actually got up at 10, ate breakfast, and worked out is awesome. My sister was still in bed so she didn't want to do it with me.

    Also, I bought a new swim suit top yesterday... SIZE 12!! WHOOT! It's a tankini, but it looks great and my sister said that I was looking skinny... haha. I'm still 30 pounds away from where I want to be, but the 30 pounds I've lost already has made a huge difference. Buying clothes was quite fun yesterday, I got two cute dresses and a new pair of brown work pants in size 14 petite. They fit much better than the regular 16's I was trying to wear to work. They looked terrible. Little successes :D
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    L2D8(day 13) was done on friday. I took a break for the holiday weekend(BIG mistake.....the scale said I'm 3 pounds up!). When I don't work out, I tend to eat alot worse! But, I'm getting back on track...just finished L2D9(Day 14 of 30DS). I'm going to try to do the Shred for the next 16 days without missing a day. I do have an out of town wedding to attend this weekend.....but I'm up for the challenge!!! Good luck everyone!!
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    Just finished L2D10(day 15 of 30DS) and honestly....i felt like throwing my weights at Jillian Michael's today!! Those dang chair squats w/ V-fly KILL me!!! I am officially half-way through this program! When I finish this one, my husband and I are going to start P90X....I hear it's pretty intense! Hope everyone is dong well!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Just finished L2D10(day 15 of 30DS) and honestly....i felt like throwing my weights at Jillian Michael's today!! Those dang chair squats w/ V-fly KILL me!!! I am officially half-way through this program! When I finish this one, my husband and I are going to start P90X....I hear it's pretty intense! Hope everyone is dong well!

    I know what you mean! I also have a problem keeping my balance for the (I think they are called) military presses. The standing on one leg and moving your arm up and down. I'm on L2D3. Congrats on being half way through! I couldn't even think of doing P90X, I have watched clips of it and it does look intense. Have a great evening! :)
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 18 done. Phew! I'm enjoying this. The endorphins I get during this shred... its goooood! I love circuit training, too, because when I've done one bit I get such satisfaction. The shred has so many bits in it that I can feel good for. I love circuit 3 of level 2 because I feel most comfortable with it. It pushes me the hardest, for sure, but my balance is pretty perfect so I get a bit of a cheap thrill when I see Natalie put her foot down. Haven't struggled even once with my balance for that.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did L2D4 yesterday. Circuit 3 strength with the balancing isn't one of my strong points. By the end of the 3 minutes my arms are killing me. And I'm using 2 lb weights... haha. I'm hoping it'll get better in time. I'm getting better with my plank moves, I'm trying to follow Natalie a little bit more each workout. I'm definitely seeing results from the Shred though. I've lost nearly 5 pounds and I'm not quite halfway though it. I'll remeasure when I'm finished with it. I'm not sure what I want to do next once I finish it. I'm thinking another Jillian Michaels DVD, any suggestions?
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    L2D11(Day 16 30DS) finished. Today was a bit easier than yesterday. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • sumblondchic
    Hey everyone! I am on Day 15 of the shred, still on Level 2 but getting ready to move to Level 3! I have been using 5 lb weights the whole time and some of those strength moves almost kill me! But the good thing is Im starting to see my arms change, which is awesome! Im counting on Jillian to get me bikini ready for my upcoming vacation. I find this workout so awesome because even when Im so exhausted I tell myself its less than 30 minutes of my day, and I always push through it. I havent missed a day yet. Ive lost 3 lbs...I wish it was more but thats actually not bad for me considering Im in my last hard to lose 10lbs. Just wanted to wish everyone good luck! And dont forget to keep posting your good results to keep everyone motivated!!! :wink: