30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Day 19 was done today (technically yesterday). I'll be saying farewell to level 2 tomorrow once I'm done. Level 3 on Sunday! Good timing because I'm starting to get used to this level. Not quite sure what to do afterwards. I don't think anything could make me sweat so much in such short time. Might just make my own circuit training up with my playlists on and the stopwatch on full screen. Did that once, using 3-2-1, about a week ago and it was good.
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    awww I've sucked the last two weeks (I was at a conference in Chicago so we ate out 3 times a day plus snack and deserts you name it I totally blew my plan to work out everyday) sooo here I am to start again so tomorrow I'm restarting the 30day shred and I hope I will be much more focused this time around

  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    L2D12(Day 17) done!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did L2D5 and L2D6 this weekend, so more than halfway through the program! Level 2 is still pretty hard, but I've started using 5 lb weights during Circuit 2 to add a bit of difficulty. I still can't do the plank moves with Natalie, my heart rate is up pretty high already by time I get to the cardio part of the circuit, so jumping while in plank position just kills me and I can't breathe. So I think I'll stick to what I can do. I'm planning to move up to Level 3 once I've done 10 days on Level 2, but if Level 3 is still too much, I'll spend a few extra days on Level 2. I've seen great results since starting the Shred, over 5 pounds lost I think, and I cheated and did a quick measurement of my waist and it appears to be an inch smaller :) We'll see when I measure again on the 18th like I do every month. Still awesome progress, it's good to see that everyone is doing well!
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Natalie and all you fellow shredders,
    I have been missing in action in regards to my commitment to the shred. I am back with renewed energy!!!! All of your progress has inspired me!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys!
    It has been two weeks since I was diagnosed with Tendonitis of the Achilles Tendon and I have listened to the doctor and continued to treat it and stay off my left foot as much as possible. I was given a heel block to help support the pressure on my heel and things were progressing slowly, but surely. I was in absolute agony and at one point my right foot started playing up due to the extra work I was using it for!

    But today, I have been 3 days without a single niggle, ache, shooting pain and am finally able to begin my 30 day shred again. I stopped at level 1 day 7 after starting a group on here all taking on Jillians challenge. Unfortunately, I couldn't remain with the group as they have progressed so far! WELL DONE GUYS! I am starting from day 1, level 1 and will be wearing trainers at all times...to ensure my heel is constantly being supported.

    I have managed to lose a 1.5lbs in the past 2 weeks whilst still being immobile and am really looking forward to taking on the challenge again. I would like to advise people here though that when beginning a new fitness regime, please take all necessary action to try and reduce the risk of becoming injured and ensure that you are not trying anything too strenuous. If you have a significant ache in a particular part of your body...you NEED to rest for a day or two and nurture the injury to ensure the injury does not become a serious injury.

    I am lucky that I have healed fairly rapidly although i am now susceptible to the injury reoccuring. Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this surprisingly difficult time of my new lifestyle...you guys on this site have encouraged me to continue eating healthily, and I am 100% sure that if It wasn't for MFP, I would be steadily increasing back to my original starting weight!

    I am now going off to do a little exercise! WOOOOHOOOOOO!

    Take Care All
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Starting 30 Day Shred today! When does everyone do the workouts? How many times a week? Ready for her to kick my butt!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Starting 30 Day Shred today! When does everyone do the workouts? How many times a week? Ready for her to kick my butt!

    Eeeeevery morning! Even when I feel awful and I want to pack it in. Only a week left for me, I'm on Day 23, so I can't give in now.
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Natalie -
    I'm so glad you're healing so quickly. Yay! You can credit that to healthy food and the workouts you did before that woke up your body.
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    L1D1 for me this morning! Kicked my butt but definatly woke me up, plan to do it every morning!
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Starting over with new commitment L1D1. Also added the 200 sit up challenge, modified to the 200 crunches.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm up to L2D7 as of yesterday's workout, and I'm really starting to notice a difference in my body. I can tell that my waist is narrower and my stomach doesn't stick out as much as it used to. Looks like all the abs and planks that it makes me do are paying off. I'll probably start Level 3 this weekend, that'll be painful. I've read that it's a bit of a jump from Level 2. I have no problem following Anita for the whole thing. I still follow her about half the time for Level 2. I can't do the jumping plank moves or the intense version of the chair squat/v-raise torture, but it's still challenging.
  • xDeannaGarciax
    SO I'm joiningthis group. I started the shred a couple weks back buut fell off track a lil and was occupied with other workouts.
    I started over and currently am starting level 2 again today. Completely motivated. On top of the shred I power walk 2 miles a day at 4.0 and am also doing a sit-up, Squat, and push-up challenge that only requires 3x a week, but I do it all 5 days. Look forward to hearing about everyone's results :)
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    So, I haven't posted in quite a while (I think I was just starting level 2, so maybe 10-13 days???) but it is going SO SO SO WELL!! I didn't do it yesterday, but hey every now and then that is completely OK!! I did level three for the first time and LOVED IT SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! I think it helped that I went for a nice walk/run session first. I honestly didn't think I would be able to make it through level three the first day when I was putting the DVD in but I DID IT - ALL OF IT!!!! Jillian was like, "OK, jumping jacks with weights" and I thought, "Lady, you are crazy!" but I picked up my 5lb weights (the only ones I have and the ones I have been using all along which explains why my arms feel like they are going to fall off or explode by the end of the workouts) and DID IT!! SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!

    If you are struggling, DON'T give up!! It is SOOOO worth it! My endurance has improved massively! I don't necessarily wake up excited to exercise, but MAN does it feel GOOOOOD when you have finished!!!!!!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    If you are struggling, DON'T give up!! It is SOOOO worth it! My endurance has improved massively! I don't necessarily wake up excited to exercise, but MAN does it feel GOOOOOD when you have finished!!!!!!

    Ah, my thoughts exactly.

    Tomorrow morning I'll be onto Day 24. I can see the end in sight! Been getting more frequent compliments from my boyfriend. He's really seeing a difference so that's definitely good. I haven't missed a day yet. My workouts have been wavering away from the early morning ones that I did for the first two weeks or more but I've only gone past midday twice. My waist has already become much longer and leaner.

    Just yesterday my boyfriend was noticing the changes, he put his hands round my waist and said "Don't know what you're complaining about, there's nothing on you there." Haha, I doubt that but hey I'll take it! :laugh:
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    How long does everyone stay on a level? I'm on level 1 and thinking I'll only be on it for a week, then do level 2 for 2 weeks and end with a week or two on level 3.
    Let me know how others are doing it... and if you do it everyday or how many times a week you do it?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    How long does everyone stay on a level? I'm on level 1 and thinking I'll only be on it for a week, then do level 2 for 2 weeks and end with a week or two on level 3.
    Let me know how others are doing it... and if you do it everyday or how many times a week you do it?

    It's suggested that you spend 10 days on each level. However, it's not a requirement. You can move past Level 1 sooner if you don't find it challenging enough, or spend a few extra days on Level 2 if it's still difficult. I've been sticking to the 10 days/level plan, but if I try Level 3 this weekend and it's too hard, I'll go back to Level 2 for a few more days.

    I also don't do it every single day. I go to the gym twice a week for cardio so I don't do it those days. I try to do it the other 5 days, but it usually ends up being 4 days a week. It's more like the 40 Day Shred for me... hehe
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    C'mon peeps, we still at it? Just about to go to bed and when I wake up it'll be Day 27. Nearly there!!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    It seems I'm the only one left! It's my final shred tomorrow morning then I'll take measurements (and then again the morning after so it's accurate) and report back.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm still going with the Shred too :D I just started Level 3 yesterday and I think I like it better than Level 2. I found I didn't burn as many calories doing it though (according to my HRM). Now that I know what to expect, I think I'm gonna use my 5 lb weights for some of it, and try to do more moves with Natalie. It's taken me a bit longer to get to this point since I don't do it every day. I'm going to Zumba class tonight so I'll be doing L3D2 tomorrow after the dentist... whoot... :/