I may be chubby BUT I run Half Marathons



  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I started walking toward the end because my of shin splints and the guy next to me commented that he can't understand why people couldn't run "2 miles, Come on!". there were survivors and people like myself out there running for loved ones, not because we were athletes. that was very tacky to me. I was too hurt to say anything. Fortunately, there was a woman near the end who cheered us on and made me feel better. It was my first and ONLY race, I'm not a runner.

    When I walk/run past people near the end of a 5k I yell out encouragement to them, and appreciate it when they yell things out to me. The people holding signs, giving time, and yelling "you're half way there! Don't give up now!" push me along and give me a burst of energy. That person you were talking about could have been me trying to ENCOURAGE you not discourage you! I'll say things like, "Only a mile left! Come on!" or "Don't give up now! You're almost there!"

    I'm overweight and wear giant knee braces when I run (there's a pic in my profile pre-race that shows what I look like when I run, hah). I get mixed looks, but they're usually smiles or nods - sometimes the up-and-down wtf look. I live in a college town that was voted one of the best running towns in the South (#3: http://www.running.net/read_feature/top-running-towns-south), and also the second least obese city in the US (http://www.gallup.com/poll/161717/boulder-remains-least-obese-metro-area.aspx). Imagine how I felt before I got my running confidence up?! It is not uncommon for me to see 10-15+ runners within the span of a 1 mile walk, especially on beautiful sunny days.

    At races, I have a lot of people come up to me and strike up conversations to ask what's wrong with my knees, and it always comes around to me losing weight and getting into shape after I tell them about how I couldn't even walk around the block two years ago. They always leave me with a smile and tell me how much I inspire them.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    For everyone defending the gawkers, when people give them dirty looks or stare, one can't help but to assume that someone is talking about them. if you are having a bad day, keep that to yourself, don't make nasty faces at people and stare at them and ruin THEIR day. I was taught from birth that staring is rude. I wouldn't have commented back like the OP because I don't say anything to people unless they say something to me first.

    I wish I would have commented to the jerk at the breast cancer 5k I entered a few years ago. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer that year and I entered the run portion as a personal challenge to myself and to support the cause. I started walking toward the end because my of shin splints and the guy next to me commented that he can't understand why people couldn't run "2 miles, Come on!". there were survivors and people like myself out there running for loved ones, not because we were athletes. that was very tacky to me. I was too hurt to say anything. Fortunately, there was a woman near the end who cheered us on and made me feel better. It was my first and ONLY race, I'm not a runner.

    You may only be thinking someone is giving you a dirty look or stare. Last Saturday, at the end of my eighth mile, the wind was about 25 mph, it was freezing, my eyes were not only tearing from the wind, but from the moisturizer I had put on my face, including forehead (which I generally don't do for this very reason) was dripping into my eyes, and it began drizzling. I was not a happy runner and just wanted to get it over with.

    I know my face was not looking happy--and may have even been looking downright miserable--so if you or I was unfortunate enough to catch each other's eyes, someone could've assumed my scowl and misery was in response to their run (which is actually laughable at that point because you only care about your own). And I wouldn't feel it necessary to make an attempt to splash on a grin because someone is overly sensitive.

    One should always assume the best about people, and really should never lower themselves to the level they think others are operating on.

    I also need to take my own advice on occasion. ;)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Do your thing girl! One of my best friends and I do half marathons too and believe me we are FAAAAAAR from first. One Disney race we actually started in the very, very back....I'm not kidding you like the back of the back, farthest back as back can get. haha. I figure if i'm out there doing it, it's better than me sitting around doing nothing. I love Disney races by the way, they are expensive but the night ones are just about the only way I can make the half distance.

    I'm just starting to try to run. Seriously, I can barely run more than a minute before I need a break to walk right now. But I have a goal to do the Disney Princess Half Marathon with my sister before I turn 30 (I'm 25). I'm going to do it! :happy: