


  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    A yard full of cans and `classic cars` near to the railway in a nice country town with around 1000 people and several `no trespassing signs` prickly bushes and dogs barking everywhere before you get the chicken coop and your shotgun,

    OMG seriously? sounds awful :tongue:

    Maybe he was just trying to clean up a little?

    no, seriously-we have a 1965 mustang AND a 1983 f350 ;)
    And they RUN! :D

    heehee-if he was just here to help with yardwork, id have poured some tea and set him to work-ive got four trees i need help cutting down before they grow against the fence! :)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Agreed that the guy was a douche, but I dont think anyone should be killed over a couple of cans.


    This isn't about cans.


    It's about an individual thinking he is entitled to the fruits of the labor of another.

    Sure it is. If you feel your life is being threatened, Im all for defending yourself. And I agree that what they guy was doing was seriously wrong. But I dont feel he should be killed over it. Sorry. I wouldnt sleep at night knowing I killed a guy over cans. Douche or not his kids deserve a father... Seriously.

    There you go with the "cans" again. Way to miss the point.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    The audacity upsets me more than anything. Around here-we hunt at age five. Everyone does. There couldnt have been any doubt with him that i know how to use my own rifle. Thats just plain stupidity or arrogance. And he had to have seen it was a RIFLE. not a .22 rat killer. But to come back TWICE?! Im still angry.
    Next time, go out with the rifle and a wooden bat.
    Toss the bat at him, scream "Please don't hit me" and shoulder the weapon.

    LMAO! you win the thread! Bahahaha
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good for you!! This time cans what about next time when he wants something else. I think he was a real jerk and needed to be shown he can not take something even cans just becuase he wants to.
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    I live in a (pretty) nice neighborhood in a small country town of about 1000 people. my yard is 7/8 of an acre, with a 30'x32' garden , several vehicles, and a 15x15 dog kennel we are cleaning out to turn into a chicken coop. My property line starts 20' off the railroad behind the house. We have several No Tresspassing signs in plain view at all sides of the yard (peopke like to come lookat the clasdic cars and my dogs yank my arms off.when i walk them and people are randomly in the yard).

    Earlier today, a man was picking up cans from the railroad. We have a large pile of cans inside and beside the kennel that are going to end up buying our chickens. Man (who is in a polo shirt with pressed jeans and a very large belt buckle) sees my cans and immediately begins trudging through the blackberry thorns into my yard towards them. Neighbors dogs are going beserk.

    I step outside in a bright yellow shirt, slamming my door. He sees me and goes back to the railroad.
    I pick up my garden rake and head out to my garden so i can pull dirt to my plants and keep an eye on the guy. I notice he goes back to a brand new dodge truck with dealer tags on it.

    I finish pulling dirt and head inside to finish making lunch. Within twenty minutes, neighbors dogs and mine all go beserk barking. I go into the kitchen and see the same guy pulling cans out of the pile and bagging them. He is now over 30 yards into my property. Now, this county has a very "dont care unless youre dying" attitude. It takes cops over 30 minutes to get here in an emergency-and theft isnt an emergency. (i caught a guy cutting copper pipe off a neighbors house-i kid you not, dispatch suggested i go tell him to stop so they wouldnt have to send units to my town.)

    I am 4'8" and 120lbs. i am alone. The guy looked me in the eye not twenty minutes prior-he KNEW i was home. Something aint right with this guy, but im not letting him run off with over $150 in scrap metal.

    I grabbed a hunting rifle and slammed my door again. He started towards me intil he saw the gun. His excuse?

    "im cleaning the railroad."

    I told him he was in a dog kennel, not a train-and he was a long way off the railroad. I expkained that he had walked directly past two No Tresspassing signs and was on private property. He left when i told him that ny rifle shot rounds that now cost $1.07 a piece and im not wasting my money on a warning shot.

    Now, im mad. i prop the gun up inside the door and resume my lunch, irritated but thinking that he learned a lesson despite getting some of my cans. I ate, put on a load of laundry, and started getting ready to shower and work out. A half hour later, i heard the neighbors dogs again. I looked out my window and the guy was BACK IN MY YARD.

    When i shut the door, he never even looked up. When i chambered a round less than ten feet from him, he booked it. His bag got ripped on a stick as he ran. I got my cans back, plus a few.

    I am beyond livid. it is broad freaking daylight. He not only knew i was home, but knew i was ARMED and DTILL he had the nerve to try and steal directly out of my back yard?! TWICE?!

    i called the sherrifs dept to let them know someone is stealing scrap. they said theyve been getting a ton of calls like this.
    I said theyll get one less if i catch him again.

    WTF is wrong with people nowdays that they look you in the eye while they steal from you?! In broad daylight?! And the prospect of a bullethole doesnt dissuade them?!

    If he needed money to eat, he should have knocked on the door. id have given him lunch and all the cans in return for cleaning out the last half of the kennel. I worked my butt off digging that stupid thing out-theres no way you profit off my hard work (and wadp stings. and mosquito bites. and blisters.)

    It really bothers me that walking outside and showing him someone was home was not enough-that a gun was not enough until i loaded it and pointed it at him. Nobody should be so bold that they would wager their life on whether a gun is loaded.

    Also? I dont care what your personal gun feelings are. Im protected by Castle Law-if im defending myself or my property i have the right to use deadly force. Im not about to get in a fistfight with someone twice my size-nor will i hide in my house while they rob me blind.

    This IS about cans. Thats what it comes down to.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Thats nutty! you go girl defending yourself what a jerk!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Are the dogs in your kennel full grown Yorkies, by chance?
  • wick09
    wick09 Posts: 22 Member
    After warning him the 1st time, I would have shot him the second time around!!!! You shouldn't have to tell someone a second time to leave your stuff alone.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    What if i had caught him trying to steal my car? Or my trailer? Or copper?
    If its just about cans-at what cost must his theft have been for it to be enough to run him off my property three seperate times?

    Im not being ugly, im just curious how big or significant the stolen object mist be before its acceptable to NOT let him steal it? :)
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Are the dogs in your kennel full grown Yorkies, by chance?
    the kennel was used when our cocker spaniels were alive about ten years ago-now it holds scrap metal until we save enough to cash in.

    my three are inside-all over 60lbs. my neighbors have a husky and a shepherd mix in their fence :)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Then maybe build a bin and put all the cans into it?

    You could put an electric fence around it or booby trap it?

    Or maybe just keep stuff nice n neat n tidy, squish all those cans into a tiny pile?

    I know you said you live in this nice town, but have you ever watched `hoarders` on the CBS channel where people have the yards full of `stuff`

    I understand you want to protect yourself and your property but if people can not see it then they do not know it exists?
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    I live on 15 acres and I have a psychotic red heeler. I would have unleashed my psycho dog on his *kitten*.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Agreed that the guy was a douche, but I dont think anyone should be killed over a couple of cans.


    This isn't about cans.


    It's about an individual thinking he is entitled to the fruits of the labor of another.

    ^the above, plus the fact that he was trespassing, told he had trespassed and was not welcome on property and disregarded that notice.

    Clearly, a warning did not deter this man; what if he'd come back at a later date for something more? Something inside the house? For those who think the OP overreacted, what would you suggest then?

  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    wow... let me get this straight, he's stealing empty cans? And you want to shoot him for it?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Personally I think you did more then enough warning... He was tresspassing, your a small female and were attempting to protect your property. 150 dollars is not chump change no matter how people feel about it.... You didnt shoot him you threatened him there is a difference. I heartily approve
  • juliana813
    juliana813 Posts: 67 Member
    Wow! What an idiot! I'm happy to live in Los Angeles, where no one can steal my recycling! :p
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    wow... let me get this straight, he's stealing empty cans? And you want to shoot him for it?

    It's not about stealing empty cans. It's about him thinking he can go onto someone else's property after knowing that person is home and armed, and take whatever he wants back to his big shiny truck. He's obviously not lacking for $$ with a vehicle like that. He also is possibly lacking some sanity... I would have fired a warning shot too. He didn't take you seriously before. As a small woman at home alone, you do what you need to do to protect yourself.

    If you did nothing, what if he came back for more? What if he wanted to come in the house?

    Good for you for standing up for yourself and your property.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Then maybe build a bin and put all the cans into it?

    You could put an electric fence around it or booby trap it?

    Or maybe just keep stuff nice n neat n tidy, squish all those cans into a tiny pile?

    I know you said you live in this nice town, but have you ever watched `hoarders` on the CBS channel where people have the yards full of `stuff`

    I understand you want to protect yourself and your property but if people can not see it then they do not know it exists?

    they are in a kennel, with the exception of the squished pile beside the fence :)

    You cant see them at all from the front or sides of the property (the kennel is behind a large pine).
    Hed have never seen it if he wasnt walking up to the back of my property. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Then maybe build a bin and put all the cans into it?

    You could put an electric fence around it or booby trap it?

    Or maybe just keep stuff nice n neat n tidy, squish all those cans into a tiny pile?

    I know you said you live in this nice town, but have you ever watched `hoarders` on the CBS channel where people have the yards full of `stuff`

    I understand you want to protect yourself and your property but if people can not see it then they do not know it exists?

    That is the mentality that results in women being forced to wear burqas.
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