Love your fat *kitten*? Stop running on the treadmill!



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I run on the beach barefoot. So there. :tongue:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    I never can/could equate exercise and reading as a joint experience. Just doesn't work in my head. I'm an either or type of girl lol. You must be a multi tasker lol

    That's because you're doing it right.

    Also for everyone saying they can't run in there neighborhood because it's dangerous who's to say the treadmill is safer?

    I know whenever I ran on that thing I had violent tendencies.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    wow, there are a LOT of running snobs

    If you want to run outside - great
    If you want to run on a treadmill - great
    If you want to run in a spot in your living room - great

    All are certainly better than doing nothing.
    I've done all three at different times.

    When i'm on a treadmill i don't "loathe myself", it's simply what works for my lifestyle that day
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I want a flatter butt so I'm in.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member

    Also for everyone saying they can't run in there neighborhood because it's dangerous who's to say the treadmill is safer?

    I don't know about how nice some of your guys' neighborhoods are but theres people selling drugs in mine and lots of registered sex offenders and gang grafitti.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Im not anti-treadmill. I have one in my house. I'm just saying outside running is better for you because it works more different muscles that can not be duplicated by a tread mill. IMO it's not the treadmill and/or not running that gives you a fat *kitten*. It's eating too much and genetics. Some people have a naturally round big behind and no matter what they do that pear or curvy shape might get smaller but wont go away.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I respectfully disagree.

    People running on treadmills are clearly there for some sort of punishment and the only guess I can possibly venture as to why somewhat might do that is that they clearly don't love or respect themselves enough to go for a nice run outside.

    All you have to do is strrap your shoes on and go outside. Chances are you already did that to get to your treadmill in the first place.

    Wow how nice it must be to live in a place where it doesn't rain or snow! Or drop below freezing. You must also be childless. And clueless.

    I live in London.

    I also am the proud owner of a rain jacket and winter coat.

    London must be a funny place where people ran with winter coats....Uhmm...Don't think your rain jacket and winter coat would be musch help in minus 33 degrees C while running on ice..... There is a big world out there and it does not all look like your little one....
  • Ranna51
    Ranna51 Posts: 24
    Here is an interesting article about one woman's experience.*kitten*-or-how-to-avoid-treadmill-*kitten*-syndrome

    Thank God I hate the treadmill.

    I HATE the treadmill too - always run or walk outside, anything to avoid the DREAD mill, regardless of weather....
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    My right knee is a mess. For some of us on the treadmill, it isn't an exercise in self-loathing. It's an exercise in loathing YOU, because YOU can still run outside!
  • KtotheD78
    KtotheD78 Posts: 58 Member
    [/quote] can run outside with rain and snow with the proper clothing. I run outside in the rain all the time, and some of my best runs have been in bad weather. So please don't use weather as an excuse for running inside. Same goes to can drive to a good area (such as a park or something) and you can carry OC or something, and you can take the kids with you in running strollers. So all those -excuses- are just that...excuses.

    *lol* yeah, gonna take my 6 and 10 year old in a running stroller. Even if they could bike while I ran - really? You want me to take them in inclement weather? Come on now.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Hilarious article! And good to know...
  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member
    Wow. It's almost like different people have different subjective preferences.

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    London must be a funny place where people ran with winter coats....Uhmm...Don't think your rain jacket and winter coat would be musch help in minus 33 degrees C while running on ice..... There is a big world out there and it does not all look like your little one....

    I've lived in London, San Diego, Alaska, Philidelphia, Mexico, and Lake Tahoe. Please tell me more about the big scary world as I clearly haven't seen it.

    And no . . . I wear thermals, sweats, and gloves when I run in winter. Do eskimos never break into stride?
  • ImpossibleGrl
    I would only run if there was a reason to. Like a clown waving a bloody knife behind me.

    I like stairs. I live on the 12th floor, and regularly climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator (as in, 2-3 times a week) And I prefer walking outside, but in a pinch I don't mind the treadmill or the elliptical at all.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I run almost everyday on the treadmill (hey, I like to run) and I haven't noticed any flattening. Firming, yes, flattening, no. But I do also run on the highest incline setting on my treadmill and strength train so who know.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I respectfully disagree.

    People running on treadmills are clearly there for some sort of punishment and the only guess I can possibly venture as to why somewhat might do that is that they clearly don't love or respect themselves enough to go for a nice run outside.

    All you have to do is strrap your shoes on and go outside. Chances are you already did that to get to your treadmill in the first place.

    Wow. You are really assuming facts not in evidence here. If you have any kind of gait problem running outside can be torture. I've tried many times, even when I'm in my best shape it's like beating myself in the shins with a 2x4. There are plenty of people out there who don't have perfectly aligned athletic frames but can get a lot of benefit from running on equipment in the gym. I use the elliptical every day and ignore the advice of tall men who have never had to run with a hobbit waddle, and I'm a much happier person.
  • kenorus
    kenorus Posts: 62 Member
    Any form of exercise is good. I have a personal trainer, she does all different workouts on a treadmill. Incline by 2's is great 3 minutes a piece right up to the top then back down. Before and after this i run for 15 minutes. Spend 1 hour a day on it as running outside is harder on the knees. I find the treadmill much more of a workout and burn than the eleptical.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Huh, interesting, I'm better at walking on an incline anyhow. : p Thanks for the article.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Options can run outside with rain and snow with the proper clothing. I run outside in the rain all the time, and some of my best runs have been in bad weather. So please don't use weather as an excuse for running inside. Same goes to can drive to a good area (such as a park or something) and you can carry OC or something, and you can take the kids with you in running strollers. So all those -excuses- are just that...excuses.
    *lol* yeah, gonna take my 6 and 10 year old in a running stroller. Even if they could bike while I ran - really? You want me to take them in inclement weather? Come on now.

    Okay, I have to comment to this one! Your 6 and 10 year old should be running with you. There's absolutely no reason kids of those ages can't run. Maybe you slow down for the 6 year old, maybe he/she rides a scooter for longer runs, but the 10 year old should be able to keep up with you. It will do them both a world of good. My older daughter did 15 kms with me on her scooter quite a few times, starting at 5 years old, in a large city, in all sorts of weather. Kids don't melt.

    At the end of the day, do what works for you, but don't use your kids as an excuse not to enjoy running outside.
  • LouisianaHott
    London must be a funny place where people ran with winter coats....Uhmm...Don't think your rain jacket and winter coat would be musch help in minus 33 degrees C while running on ice..... There is a big world out there and it does not all look like your little one....

    I've lived in London, San Diego, Alaska, Philidelphia, Mexico, and Lake Tahoe. Please tell me more about the big scary world as I clearly haven't seen it.

    And no . . . I wear thermals, sweats, and gloves when I run in winter. Do eskimos never break into stride?

    She must live where I used to work with the killings and the selling of drugs...nope not it. Must be where I work now with alligators that walk in the machine shop or snakes that get in the building...nope not in Louisiana it isn't scary here