For everyone NOT losing or Stalling Out! READ THIS NOW!



  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Good post. however, I disagree with the part that suggests making lower cal substitutions. why eat an apple and Peanut butter if you want a candybar? Why stop eating cheese? Why switch to Lean cuisine portions (which are not filling, BTW )? I believe all those things have their places in a healthy diet,provided that they fit your macros.
  • mike667grace
    No offense to the way i'm going to put this, but your response to mitch is kind of like what i say to christians about gay marriage. Don't marry someone if you don't want to, and don't tell others what to do with their love life and time.
    It's a polite STFU
    How does it feel having that pointed out?
    Probably makes you annoyed as your trying to make him.
    Now, since the shoe is on the other foot, let's try jesus advice, shall we?
    get the beam out of your eye before worrying about the skyscraper in mine or the dust mote in Mitchs, ok?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Well said OP...

    I would also add that focusing on the process of improving your overall health and well being generally results in achieving other goals like weight loss, looking more fit, etc. I think too many people put the focus strictly on seeing Lbs move off the turn, they often end up even more unhealthy than they were.

    When you focus on the results, you rarely see the change; when you focus on the change, you always see results.
  • nisey_75
    nisey_75 Posts: 9 Member
    Ever heard the saying - you catch more flies with honey that you do with vinegar. Try Kindness next time and maybe those who care what you have to say or might be helped by what you say might actually read the whole thing
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Ironic that this is ONE MORE post about something that has already been said 100 times before in other posts, especially since this poster says "READ ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER THREAD ABOUT THIS!"

    Very true. But most of the people I was directed at, do not want advice, they just want to complain. I just thought I should get as much advice I could out there in one post instead of posting on every single person's complaining thread. But I understand. lol.

    ...Isn't that what this post is? A complaint because of all of the complainers?

    I want to complain about the complainers who complained about the other complainers who were complaining in the first place about.... Wait what was I talking about?

    I'm filing a formal complaint against you. You're "complaint-shaming!"
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    First of all, stop netting so low. If you want to work out, your body needs energy and if you are only eating 1200 cals or lower a day and then working off 400-500 a day, you think your body can handle that?! You are hurting it. Eat back your exercise calories, otherwise your body will STORE anything it can find just so it has energy for the next day and work out. Not only will you not lose, you may even gain weight.


    Do simple things! Instead of regular ice cream I have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and cookies and cream truffle bars. Take cheese and heavy dressings out of your sandwiches, subs and salads. Switch to whole grain or whole wheat or rye bread instead of white. Eat your tuna without mayo. Eat an apple with peanut butter for a snack (which is just as filling) than a candy bar every day. Instead of pasta and mac & cheese every night, have them in a lean cuisine or smart ones meal (portion control). Instead of brownies, have special K 100 pack brownies. THIS IS ALL SIMPLE STUFF! I can even go to McDonalds with my friends, I just get a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo on it instead of a big mac and fries. Is that really so hard?

    Lol, whole grain bread, special k 100 cal brownies and lean cuisines?

    AND If you really are a plateau because that happens when you become closer to your goal weight: USE THE ZIG ZAG METHOD! it has gotten me through every plateau. Eat your amount of calories average over a weeks time instead of everyday, eating more some days and less others. This "tricks" your body and it always works for me. So before you post another thread about not losing weight. TRY ALL OF THIS FIRST AND THEN TELL ME IN A MONTH IF YOU STILL HAVEN'T LOST ANYTHING!

    lol, tricks your body eh?
  • glassxxballerina
    It's good to have a little tough love, but I think I'll be choosing Breyers ice cream over Skinny Cow and Annie's organic mac & cheese over Lean Cuisine because I actually know what all the ingredients are.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    No offense to the way i'm going to put this, but your response to mitch is kind of like what i say to christians about gay marriage. Don't marry someone if you don't want to, and don't tell others what to do with their love life and time.
    It's a polite STFU
    How does it feel having that pointed out?
    Probably makes you annoyed as your trying to make him.
    Now, since the shoe is on the other foot, let's try jesus advice, shall we?
    get the beam out of your eye before worrying about the skyscraper in mine or the dust mote in Mitchs, ok?

    Jesus really said that about skyscrapers?
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    YES, this!


    (also, I didn't think the OP came off as rude or bossy, that some others have commented... just telling it like it is!)
  • glassxxballerina
    Do simple things! Instead of regular ice cream I have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and cookies and cream truffle bars. Take cheese and heavy dressings out of your sandwiches, subs and salads. Switch to whole grain or whole wheat or rye bread instead of white. Eat your tuna without mayo. Eat an apple with peanut butter for a snack (which is just as filling) than a candy bar every day. Instead of pasta and mac & cheese every night, have them in a lean cuisine or smart ones meal (portion control). Instead of brownies, have special K 100 pack brownies. THIS IS ALL SIMPLE STUFF! I can even go to McDonalds with my friends, I just get a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo on it instead of a big mac and fries. Is that really so hard?
    Lol, whole grain bread, special k 100 cal brownies and lean cuisines?

    Oh man, I missed that! 100 calorie packs = "diet" gimmick that's a waste of money. Why not choose something a little more filling and less processed? Like almonds, fruits or veggies?
  • Kevintron2
    Kevintron2 Posts: 101 Member
    Options for later!
  • rebeccamcarthur1
    rebeccamcarthur1 Posts: 14 Member
    Well said! I am glad someone had the courage to actually say something.
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Ironic that this is ONE MORE post about something that has already been said 100 times before in other posts, especially since this poster says "READ ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER THREAD ABOUT THIS!"

    Very true. But most of the people I was directed at, do not want advice, they just want to complain. I just thought I should get as much advice I could out there in one post instead of posting on every single person's complaining thread. But I understand. lol.

    ...Isn't that what this post is? A complaint because of all of the complainers?

    I want to complain about the complainers who complained about the other complainers who were complaining in the first place about.... Wait what was I talking about?
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Ironic that this is ONE MORE post about something that has already been said 100 times before in other posts, especially since this poster says "READ ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER THREAD ABOUT THIS!"

    Very true. But most of the people I was directed at, do not want advice, they just want to complain. I just thought I should get as much advice I could out there in one post instead of posting on every single person's complaining thread. But I understand. lol.

    If they don't want advice, then no matter how many more posts are written about this very topic, they will still not read it. I'm not trying to burst your bubble here, but the reality is, people only read, listen, hear and react to what they WANT to hear, not what they SHOULD hear.

    True. Just putting it out there. Maybe I can get through to someone, ya know?

    And somehow, your specific post WILL do what the other 100 posts won't, can't or haven't? Sounds like you've just started beating another dead horse here.

    If we see any posts on here that say "Gee, I never thought of that or read about it before, that's an EXCELLENT point you're making -- I will definitely make those changes right away. I am totally enlightened now, thanks!", then you've somehow succeeded where numerous others have failed, and I'll offer a hearty congrats to you.

    It's cool. From the messages I have received in the past 10 minutes, I have helped several people, so my job is done :bigsmile:
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Do simple things! Instead of regular ice cream I have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and cookies and cream truffle bars. Take cheese and heavy dressings out of your sandwiches, subs and salads. Switch to whole grain or whole wheat or rye bread instead of white. Eat your tuna without mayo. Eat an apple with peanut butter for a snack (which is just as filling) than a candy bar every day. Instead of pasta and mac & cheese every night, have them in a lean cuisine or smart ones meal (portion control). Instead of brownies, have special K 100 pack brownies. THIS IS ALL SIMPLE STUFF! I can even go to McDonalds with my friends, I just get a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo on it instead of a big mac and fries. Is that really so hard?
    Lol, whole grain bread, special k 100 cal brownies and lean cuisines?

    Oh man, I missed that! 100 calorie packs = "diet" gimmick that's a waste of money. Why not choose something a little more filling and less processed? Like almonds, fruits or veggies?

    Totally agree, that's just for the people who REALLY want their chocolate. haha. Sometimes I just really crave chocolate! Rarely, but it's nice to have around.
  • Cloud9Momma
    Cloud9Momma Posts: 11 Member
    Good post!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Ironic that this is ONE MORE post about something that has already been said 100 times before in other posts, especially since this poster says "READ ABOUT THIS BEFORE YOU MAKE ANOTHER THREAD ABOUT THIS!"

    Very true. But most of the people I was directed at, do not want advice, they just want to complain. I just thought I should get as much advice I could out there in one post instead of posting on every single person's complaining thread. But I understand. lol.

    If they don't want advice, then no matter how many more posts are written about this very topic, they will still not read it. I'm not trying to burst your bubble here, but the reality is, people only read, listen, hear and react to what they WANT to hear, not what they SHOULD hear.

    True. Just putting it out there. Maybe I can get through to someone, ya know?

    And somehow, your specific post WILL do what the other 100 posts won't, can't or haven't? Sounds like you've just started beating another dead horse here.

    If we see any posts on here that say "Gee, I never thought of that or read about it before, that's an EXCELLENT point you're making -- I will definitely make those changes right away. I am totally enlightened now, thanks!", then you've somehow succeeded where numerous others have failed, and I'll offer a hearty congrats to you.

    It's cool. From the messages I have received in the past 10 minutes, I have helped several people, so my job is done :bigsmile:

    Actually, what you accomplished is getting folks to agree with you. Nobody on here is disagreeing with anything you've said, because they all KNOW what you've said, because they're well aware of simple suggestions.

    Your words are nothing new to many.
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    Thanks for posting!!!! I am glad finally someone has said this!
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    It's good to have a little tough love, but I think I'll be choosing Breyers ice cream over Skinny Cow and Annie's organic mac & cheese over Lean Cuisine because I actually know what all the ingredients are.

    Oh by all means! Choose whatever you like! Those suggestions are just my personal preference. In the end, it's all what works for you.