I have a huge pet peeve with unleashed animals



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Amen! Dogs don't need to be leashed on their own property!

    True, but if you can't control your dog enough to stay on your property and not run up to random people, then you should think about leashing it. Roads are public ways.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I have a pet peeve about many humans that're unleashed
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    You're outside. That's part of the risk of running outside. Pets get loose.
    They're smart little things sometimes.

    Plus, even if everyone kept their animals contained....there's always stray or wild animals to worry about.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I had my dog in the yard playing fetch when a walker with a dog came by this morning. My dog is young (thus dumb), and ran to greet them before I realized they were there. The walker started hitting him with a walking stick and then said, "You should have that damn dog on a leash." To which I replied, "We're outside playing fetch our yard. He lives here, you don't, and he's not left outside unsupervised. Call the cops or don't walk here anymore."

    THE END.

    If an unleashed dog came at me out of nowhere, I would've taken at it too. I have no trust in dogs temperment regardless. There are ordinances that say your dog shouldn't ever be offleash in the majority of towns regardless or "on property" or not. There is a reason for that. If your dog left his property to "go greet " someone you had no control over it, thus it was a menace towards the walker.

    I got mauled by an unleashed rott when I was pregnant, while the owner was standing right there unable or unwilling to control the dog. Any dog I see at this point who comes running at me for any reason is a threat. If I'm not on your property and your dog comes at me, he is fair game dumb young dog or not. That said, an elderly woman was walking her son's boxer and judging by the way he tore into a stray cat hiding ON MY PROPERTY UNDER MY BUSHES (literally shredding said cat) while I was beating on the dog trying to get it to release said cat and she was squealing about her poor heart, even leashed dogs can be a menace in the wrong hands.

    I don't hate dogs, I own one. And he is only ever off leash in my front yard which is fenced and gated, or when we go to the local dog park which is fenced and gated and "at own risk" to use.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I had my dog in the yard playing fetch when a walker with a dog came by this morning. My dog is young (thus dumb), and ran to greet them before I realized they were there. The walker started hitting him with a walking stick and then said, "You should have that damn dog on a leash." To which I replied, "We're outside playing fetch our yard. He lives here, you don't, and he's not left outside unsupervised. Call the cops or don't walk here anymore."

    THE END.

    Amen! Dogs don't need to be leashed on their own property!

    I agree. IF they are trained.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I understand your concern. I was trying to run early in the morning in my neighborhood (before daylight), but I had to stop because I was afraid of the dogs. One dog was on a chain, but he was barking aggressively and pulling at the chain so hard you could hear it banging. He is a big strong muscular dog so I was afraid he might actually break the chain and get me. I may try the airsoft pistol thing like another user suggested in the future.

    An airsoft gun would probably piss off a friendly dog thinking he has a chance to run with a new friend and would do nothing to a dog in attack mode!
  • roberttaggart
    I agree that the dogs shouldn't have been chasing you if they were off of their property but if they were just trying to play then you need to loosen up. Not very many dogs are actually aggressive; just curious, playful, and protective.

    If you don't like it then call the police and see what they have to say since you obviously don't want to take the time out of your "important" day to deal with the owners.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Why does the pretty lady run from me??
    Nobody will play with me!

  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have a huge black dog that loves to bark at people...and lick them. He is the gentlest thing ever and my husband always walks him off leash. Now, that being said, he has frightened people before b/c of his color and size, and so we do try very hard to keep him at our side if we see people come up. And would never let him go unsupervised, b/c strangers don't know that he just wants to play or lick them. So although we are guilty of this, I completely understand the irritation you have.

    Can you identify who they belong to? Perhaps talk to them, and just let them know that the dogs frighten you while running? May or may not help, but might be worth a shot.

    That would scare me also if a dog ran up on me while I was out and about.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I agree that the dogs shouldn't have been chasing you if they were off of their property but if they were just trying to play then you need to loosen up. Not very many dogs are actually aggressive; just curious, playful, and protective.

    If you don't like it then call the police and see what they have to say since you obviously don't want to take the time out of your "important" day to deal with the owners.

    They are on their property and then chase me down the street. I dont know if they are aggressive or friendly, I was once bit in the face by a "friendly" dog so I am a little apprehensive. I could understand if I was running through their yard, or up their driveway. These owners were outside! Chasing and screaming at their dogs! Thanks for the assumption though.
  • JJMorrocco
    JJMorrocco Posts: 43 Member
    A couple years back I was driving out of my community at a lower than posted speed limit and a person was walking their dog across the street from their house in a park. As I approached Islowed even more. The dog literally jumped in front of my truck to corss the street to get back home. The owenr watched in horror. Dog lasted about a minute. His wife came out raging at me, he told her to shut up, it was his fault for not having her on the leash. I am just glad my kids were not there to see it. I get reminded daily of the vent since they have now put up a memorial in the location.

    Keep your dogs leashed!!
  • SquidandWhale
    I had my dog in the yard playing fetch when a walker with a dog came by this morning. My dog is young (thus dumb), and ran to greet them before I realized they were there. The walker started hitting him with a walking stick and then said, "You should have that damn dog on a leash." To which I replied, "We're outside playing fetch our yard. He lives here, you don't, and he's not left outside unsupervised. Call the cops or don't walk here anymore."

    THE END.

    Was the walker in your yard or the sidewalk/street? A coworker of mine use to let her puppy play in the yard, until he got hit by a car and died. She doesn't do that with her new dogs any more.

    They were walking in the middle of the street (my street dead ends into a park; however, there's no access to the park via my street). Normally he's not allowed in the front yard because it's not fenced, but I was trying to get some plants in the ground before work along the walkway. My neighborhood is really tight-knit, we all know each other, our dogs all play together etc., so it wasn't unreasonable for Hugo to think his behavior was acceptable. It wasn't acceptable behavior on his part, and I quickly recalled him.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I had my dog in the yard playing fetch when a walker with a dog came by this morning. My dog is young (thus dumb), and ran to greet them before I realized they were there. The walker started hitting him with a walking stick and then said, "You should have that damn dog on a leash." To which I replied, "We're outside playing fetch our yard. He lives here, you don't, and he's not left outside unsupervised. Call the cops or don't walk here anymore."

    THE END.

    If you can't control your dog, he needs to be leashed, whether you're playing *superised* or not. You don't know if the other dog could have hurt your dog, the walker didn't know if your dog would hurt her dog. Be a responsible dog owner so the rest of us don't get tagged because of your negligence
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I keep my dog off leash but he's well trained. He's old and tired and he's not interested in runners, walkers or other dogs. I don't like that untrained dogs give unleashed well trained dogs a bad name.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I agree that the dogs shouldn't have been chasing you if they were off of their property but if they were just trying to play then you need to loosen up. Not very many dogs are actually aggressive; just curious, playful, and protective. If you don't like it then call the police and see what they have to say since you obviously don't want to take the time out of your "important" day to deal with the owners.

    If you're not a dog person, we don't know the difference.

    My neighbor's little yipper dogs constantly run after me. Annoying, but I can handle it, so I don't say anything.

    A few years ago, a few bull mastiffs escaped from their house, and tried to eat the yipper dog AND the neighbor as he sat quietly in his garage. Took 6 bullets in each for the cops to put them down. Glad my kids weren't outside that day.

    Yeah, that big dog just "wanted to play"...

    Any dog that's capable of eating me, I am going to defend myself against if it approaches me. Don't care if it "wants to play" or not, because if I guess wrong...
  • elpiper
    elpiper Posts: 183 Member
    welcome to earth. Animals tend to roam free 'round these here earthly parts most of the time.

    But more seriously.....

    If you are honestly concerned about it, perhaps take a moment to find out who the owners are and talk to them directly about your concerns like an adult. Also, if you are unable and/or unwilling to do that, find a pet friendly spray to keep on you (ie a doggie citronella spray) in case they get too close for your comfort. If specifically formulated for unruly animals such as the ones I have previously used when working in a kennel and doggie daycare, it will stun them a moment and help them to return to their senses, long enough for you to jaunt away safely. If all else fails.....find a new route. We all have to share this planet, so make concessions where you can and hopefully the rest of humanity can do the same.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I agree that the dogs shouldn't have been chasing you if they were off of their property but if they were just trying to play then you need to loosen up. Not very many dogs are actually aggressive; just curious, playful, and protective.

    If you don't like it then call the police and see what they have to say since you obviously don't want to take the time out of your "important" day to deal with the owners.

    The owners were outside! Chasing and screaming at their dogs! Thanks for the assumption though.

    I understand where you are coming from. I live in a neighborhood with many many dogs. Most people are respectful and have invisible fences or put their dogs on leashes. However, one day I was running and 2 dogs chased me growling. I have been scared ever since to be around that area, and have tried to run alternative routes from that area. I have had more dogs bite me than other animals, and feel they are more unpredictable, so I fear them more. I guess this is why I'm a cat person though :wink:
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    This would be a better country if more humans were leashed.

    As a dog owner I always "love" the idiots who think they have control of their off leash dogs, morons!! Dog are impulsive, especially a younger dog. My dog is off leash only in off leash areas. If you play with your dog in your front yard you should have a physical or hidden fence to keep your pet safe and to keep others safe!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member

    I live out in the country and do not have pets. both of my neighbors have large dogs that roam free. digging in our yard, leaving steaming piles for our kids to step in........get a fence folks. If I wanted a dog I would get one. I don't want yours.