I have a huge pet peeve with unleashed animals



  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    I think if your dog is well trained, a leash would not be an issue....we have a nature trail through our town and dogs are supposed to be on leashes....and yet, I've been jumped on and nearly knocked over by several dogs along the trail and the owners act like it is my fault...I've actually been yelled at because the dog was in training....wtf? I also had a seeing eye dog jump on me before and was yelled at by the blind woman who had let go of him because I petted him when he jumped on me....
  • mybigfat
    mybigfat Posts: 162 Member
    I get that what if they got ran over? Besides is just not a good idea your dog bites said runner your screwed royally
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    My dog hasn't been on a leash (or even collared) for over two months... and she's a "big ferocious" pitbull. She would chase you to play, and that's about it.

    This ^ is also a dog that allows a toddler to chase her, pull her tail, and use her as a pillow. She snuggles the toddler as if he is her own, and gets sad when he goes to bed. Said dog also is a lap dog, who would rather lay in the yard and nibble on a stick than chase anyone. If you get her up to play, she will run with you, not after you.

    Dog owners need to be responsible, as do people around dogs, cats, goats, ducks, etc. I was bucked by a horse when I was a kid, requiring surgery to repair the damage. I don't hate horses, or think that or any horse needs shot. I just don't ride them. So, if you really don't like what the dogs are doing, talk to the owners, or find a different way to run.

    Everyone keeps forgetting that goats chased you as well. Do people want to shoot the goats too?

    I respectfully disagree. It is not our responsibility to know that your dog is a big lap dog who only wants to play. I have been a dog owner for my entire life and believe that it is my responsibility to keep my dog away from strangers and even to caution them if they do want to approach. She's a sweetheart, but she's an animal and as such can react in an unpredictable manner if frightened. Try to reason with a scared animal, it doesn't work. I'd be even more cautious with your dog because she loves your daughter so much, my bet would be that she probably feels very protective of her and might not be happy with someone in her space. The dog I had when my kids were babies was the biggest lovey you ever met, but he made sure to be between anyone he didn't know and the boys...he was very protective of them. I put him in my room when we had company as a precaution.

    And yes, if I thought a billy goat was going to truly attack me I'd likely shoot him too. Sorry, my safety and that of my kids comes first. Always.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member

    As far as the dogs... Get a small airsoft pistol and shoot them or pepper spray them... Usually that only takes once and they quit their ****...

    :laugh: deary me...
  • Susan_fessler
    Susan_fessler Posts: 56 Member
    I was an Animal Control Officer for 12 years, so I do have experience with animal behavior and laws.
    if you are truly concerned the first thing you need to do is find out if there is a leash law in your area. A lot of rural places do not have one, but it is getting more common. Find out the address of the owner and call Animal Control it is their job to deal with this. If these is a leash law they can be fined or the animal caught, it does have to be witnesses but if they run all the time it's not that hard. They can also check for shots and lic and that can cause a fine which can make people keep a dog up so Animal Control does not come back. If no leash law not much they can do but talk to them and let them know of the problem and check shot records. Depending on how rural it is the owner may not even know the dog is leaving the yard (owners are stupid) and once they are aware they can do something to stop it.

    Pepper spray does nothing to a dog except piss it off more if they are angry. The best thing is to stop and hold your ground and tell the dog to go home. Running faster will trigger a response to chase. If you shoot/beat or harm the dog be prepared to prove the dog was a threat to your or someone with you's life just because it is lose does not mean it is aggressive. If you run with a cell phone call animal control every time you run and see them out as soon as they are out.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    Furthermore-- if there is a leash law in your community, they have to be on a leash, if it is not a fenced area, your property or not... I have a dog, and she is either on a leash or in a fenced yard-- no exceptions!
    And I shouldn't have to change my running route because someone else won't control their animal!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The goats may be chasing you because the are curious... I used to walk on a dirt road and there were several pastures with goats... they'd always come running to the fence and follow me down... Goats are usually pretty friendly unless its a billy..... ;/

    As far as the dogs... Get a small airsoft pistol and shoot them or pepper spray them... Usually that only takes once and they quit their ****... If you live in town you can call the police about it also

    I do not recommend an airsoft pistol or pepper spray. My husband is the captain of one of the largest airsoft teams in the state. I have seen firsthand the type of damage these pellets can do. For someone with no experience you could actually do some damage to a pet. Not only that, you face a lawsuit from the pet owners.

    Say what now? My kids have airsoft guns, and even with the heavy pellets, they don't do any damage. I don't recommend carrying an airsoft pistol to use against a dog because if the dog's over about 10 lbs, it will be completely ineffective.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    My dog hasn't been on a leash (or even collared) for over two months... and she's a "big ferocious" pitbull. She would chase you to play, and that's about it.

    This ^ is also a dog that allows a toddler to chase her, pull her tail, and use her as a pillow. She snuggles the toddler as if he is her own, and gets sad when he goes to bed. Said dog also is a lap dog, who would rather lay in the yard and nibble on a stick than chase anyone. If you get her up to play, she will run with you, not after you.

    Dog owners need to be responsible, as do people around dogs, cats, goats, ducks, etc. I was bucked by a horse when I was a kid, requiring surgery to repair the damage. I don't hate horses, or think that or any horse needs shot. I just don't ride them. So, if you really don't like what the dogs are doing, talk to the owners, or find a different way to run.

    Everyone keeps forgetting that goats chased you as well. Do people want to shoot the goats too?

    I don't know that about your dog. And I don't need to. It's YOUR job as a dog owner to keep it away from me in public. Period. I don't care if it "just wants to play". I don't want to play with your pittbull. I don't need to find out it's history. I don't need to spend time getting to know it and your family to know that when I'm out for a run I won't be attacked.

    Keep your dog away from me and we won't have a problem. If you can't manage that I will take care of it myself.

    ^ Exactly!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I found this for my town

    §114-5. Restrictions.

    No owner or harborer owning, keeping, harboring or having the care, custody or control of any dog or dogs shall allow or permit any such dog or dogs to be off the premises of such person, firm or corporation (at large) and in the Town of Newstead unless restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding fifteen (15) feet in length. Whenever any dog is found off the premises of the person, firm or corporation owning, keeping, harboring or having the care, custody or control of such dog not controlled or restrained as above provided, it shall be presumed that such person, firm or corporation permitted or allowed such dog or dogs to be off the premises in violation of this section.
    No owner or harborer shall keep or allow to be kept on premises owned or controlled by him or it any dog which, by its incessant barking, howling, whining or other noise, shall unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet of any person. The terms incessant barking, howling, whining or other noise shall mean doing so for a continuous period of more than twenty (20) minutes.
    No person shall deliberately, carelessly or negligently provoke a dog into barking, thereby disturbing the peace and quiet of a neighborhood by annoying the residents thereof.
    No owner or harborer shall own, keep, harbor or have the care, custody or control of any dog not licensed as required by this Chapter 114.
    No owner or harborer of a dog shall permit or allow such dog to cause damage or destruction to property or to urinate or defecate or to commit any other nuisance upon the premises of a person other than his own.
    No owner or harborer of a dog shall allow such dog to habitually chase motor vehicles or bicycles or other conveyance including pedestrians and joggers.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?


    Take your logic and get out.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    It's sort of an ego trip for an owner to walk with an unleashed dog. I used to do it myself (when I was in my early 20's). Usually I was training for obedience competitions but it's really not safe because even intelligent socialized highly trained animals can be instinctive and bolt after a small animal.

    The further I got into the obedience and confirmation show world, the more I learned from seasoned professionals about proper responsibility of keeping the dogs out of harms way. It's a delicate balance socializing them yet keeping everyone safe.

    I used to balk at the idea of keeping them crated while traveling but was told the story of a vehicle with uncrated show dogs that crashed. The dogs survived but only to be hit by cars as they ran about the highway.

    I owned Dalmatians in the height of 101 Dalmatian craze in the 90's. As I walked them, many people especially with kids would want to come up and pet them. Later, as I got older and wiser, I leashed them.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?


    Take your logic and get out.

    It might be simple but it's the wrong answer. You're just blaming the victim.
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    I think the fines to these irresponsible pet owners should be HUGE! Perhaps is they spent big bucks on the fines they would seriously consider a leash or somehow resolving THERE issue.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?


    Take your logic and get out.

    It might be simple but it's the wrong answer. You're just blaming the victim.

    My apologies. I didn't get the memo that the world revolved around OP.... You're totally right! Chain those dogs! Hell, put them down for chasing someone who was running at their property that they might have perceived to be a threat to them and their owners.....
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?


    Take your logic and get out.

    It might be simple but it's the wrong answer. You're just blaming the victim.

    My apologies. I didn't get the memo that the world revolved around OP.... You're totally right! Chain those dogs! Hell, put them down for chasing someone who was running at their property that they might have perceived to be a threat to them and their owners.....

    Sidewalk = Not her property.

    If someone runs through a person's yard and the dog attacks them hey I'm totally with you. They were asking for it and had no business in their yard.

    The world does not revolve around your pets. If you can't control them and keep them on your property then chain them or someone else can/will put them down.

    A dog's perception has no bearing on anything. They're dogs.

    The OP should not have to avoid entire parts of town because some people let their dogs roam free. And the law is on her side.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Wouldn't the simplest solution be for you to not run by their property and run somewhere else?


    Take your logic and get out.

    It might be simple but it's the wrong answer. You're just blaming the victim.

    My apologies. I didn't get the memo that the world revolved around OP.... You're totally right! Chain those dogs! Hell, put them down for chasing someone who was running at their property that they might have perceived to be a threat to them and their owners.....

    Thanks for the chuckle.

    It's on the person CAUSING the problem to modify their behavior. Everyone has a right to jog down the street without being chased by the dog. The dog and owner are wrong, the op is not.

    Do you tell rape victims they should just wear a longer skirt? World doesnt revolve around them. Poor guy just wanted to get laid.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    If any dog chases me on publc propety, (and yes, that includes the sidewalk), I will use pepper spray on them. I cannot tell if your dog is chasing me to play, or attack, since these can look very similar.

    In my city there is a leash law, and a good reason for it. It is safer for everyone (including the pet).

    I have nothing against dogs, they are just doing what God designed them to do. They protect their territory. The problem is that unless a dog is very well trained, he does not know property lines!

    My neighbor lets his dogs roam. His dogs then come and charge me on my property. The police cannot do anything unless they actually catch the dog out. The man tells me I should walk on the other side of my own street.

    I really should just pepper spray the owner!!! After all, it realy is his fault, not the dogs.

    Sooo now I never run without pepper spray and i have used it (only on dogs, unfortunately.)

    And yes this is my pet peeve too!
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    I would learn how to protect yourself. I would not be the least bit concerened of legal actions if I killed or wounded an animal that was showing aggression towards me or a loved one. It’s better to be judged by twelve than to be carried by six.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    OP does NOT live in town. She lives in the country. Whole different set of rules here.

    As a woman, if you see a bunch of "gang-type" guys down an alley way would you run down there or steer clear for your safety because you are scared? SAME thing. You are afraid of the big dogs and thats where they LIVE. Run elsewhere.
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    OP does NOT live in town. She lives in the country. Whole different set of rules here.

    As a woman, if you see a bunch of "gang-type" guys down an alley way would you run down there or steer clear for your safety because you are scared? SAME thing. You are afraid of the big dogs and thats where they LIVE. Run elsewhere.

    Excuse me? She posted the laws of the area she lives in, guess what? You have to keep your dog away from people.

    And I would love to hear you elaborate on what you mean by "gang-type guys", I really would.

    You're wrong, in the eyes of the law and as a responsible pet owner. It's people just like you who give pet owners a bad name.