At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • llaskoske
    llaskoske Posts: 21 Member
    I'd sit down with a bag of Groff's potato chips to eat a few, and an hour later, I'd eaten the entire family size bag plus two glasses of Coke. McDonalds Big Macs and fries, and any soft chocolate chip cookie I could find.

    Change of eating habits: I don't remember when I had a Coke or fries last, chips give me heartburn, and I get McD's chicken bacon ranch salad when I go there. I did eat two soft chocolate chip cookies yesterday and one today! Some things are too good to give up.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    Yep, I pretty much stuffed my face whenever I damn well pleased, and I will never be able to go back to that level of blissful ignorance. I'd pass 5k calories without even breaking a sweat.

    When I wanted a sweet "snack", I'd hit up a 7-Eleven and buy not one, not two, not three, but at LEAST four regular or king-sized candy bars and eat them ALL that same day.

    I ate fast food at least 5x a week and sometimes as much as 2-3x daily.

    Even when I made "healthy" food I still negated it with massive portions.

    If I bought something like a box of Swiss Cake Rolls, they wouldn't even last me two full days.

  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    At 185, I would eat fast food probably 5 times a week for either lunch or dinner. I would get a milkshake probably twice a week....snack on little Debbie snacks. Drink margaritas a lot..etc. see the trend, there was no mystery to why I was 20 pounds overweight.

    My body also seemed to like the 185 range, since I always seemed to reach that weight when I would eat bad and not weigh more.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    At my heaviest, the first time (287 @ 20) I drank pop from the moment I woke up 'til the moment I went to bed. I'd eat a quarter of a box of cereal with a pint of milk for breakfast, normally generic Lucky Charms or Kelloggs Apple Jacks.

    For lunch I'd have -- Taco Bell, remember those original steak bowls? I drown two of those in Kraft Cucumber Ranch. More pop. If it wasn't TB, it was two Arby's Beef N Cheddar w/ large onion petals and Jamocha shake or Wendy's old #4 with large fries and a Dr Pepper. If it was none of the above it was driving around to one of more than 6 local McDonalds. Whatever it was, it was always fast food.

    Dinner was whatever homecooked meal my parents made. This was pretty healthy if you didn't eat two or three portions like I did.

    There was dessert two or three times a week. Cake (the only thing I ate a sensible piece of), cookies (6 or more), pie (1/4 to 1/3 of the pie), brownies (2 with a couple scoops of ice cream), ice cream alone would have been a pint.

    And that's how I ate from 17 to 20, by 21 I went on my first grown up diet (my parents had tried in the past) and from 21 to 27 I got down to 211 but with much more fat than I had this time around at 211 since I was wearing 22s at 211 then (and 18s at 212 this time) I had cut out pop, fast food and was eating smaller portions and eating dessert once a week (still outrageous portions of those).

    Then I moved back in with my parents and within a year I was back up to 287 (mid-20s), not drinking pop or eating fast food but I was still eating waaaaaayyyyyyyy too much and sleeping all the time.

    That seems like a world away from where I am right now. Also, I can't believe I just admitted that I wouldn't even eat at the same McDonald's everyday... it was a conscious effort to change it up...
  • mehchel
    mehchel Posts: 1
    I was eating around 5 meals a day. I worked the overnight shift (midnight to 8am). I usually ate a meal at 2 or 3 like a huge plate of leftover pasta, then I would get one or two items from the snack machine around 4 am because I was tired. I drank several sodas. Then at 8, I'd go home and eat again. Sometimes I'd make a full course breakfast, sometimes 2 or 3 bowls of cereal or a pack of cookies to polish off my meal, then I'd usually eat again at noon and eat again around 6 pm. Usually those last two meals were fried or fast food and I almost always ate second helpings and super sized my meals. Of course, I have always had a terrible diet. I was raised on processed and fast foods, but I had a fast metabolism and did not start gaining weight until late high school.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Check my diary.
  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    I was the house garbage disposal. The biggest difference to my diet is that I know longer graze on leftovers. I would pick at my kids plates, eat while I was preparing dinner, and eat leftovers all the time. I love eating leftovers for breakfast, as well as a leftover desserts.
    Measuring my food has really cut down on grazing since I don't want the food enough to take the time to weigh and measure little bites here and there, and when I decide it is worth it to take the time to measure things so I can graze I discover how much those little bites here and there are worth.
    Mostly since limiting my calories I have learned that when I choose something to eat, I am choosing to NOT eat something else. Leftover animal crackers, day old cake, suddenly isn't as tempting if it eliminates having a mug of hot chocolate later, or something of actual substance.
    But I know I still don't have the best diet. Today has not been a good day, but even on a bad day now, I may not make the best choices, but my calories are more reasonable then they used to be.
    I really wish I had two diaries going, all the temptations/ would have been choices, and my attempts at doing better, so I could see side by side everyday what a difference my choices are really making.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    Also, I can't believe I just admitted that I wouldn't even eat at the same McDonald's everyday... it was a conscious effort to change it up...

    I did that. Also, even worse -- I was just coming out of a really bad patch of depression when I was at my heaviest weight, and still sometimes didn't shower / brush my hair for days on end (I was unemployed, so really had little "reason" to most days). So I would go through the drive-thru with ratty-@ss hair, unwashed face and unbrushed teeth, and not even wearing a bra. I definitely did not hit up the same fast food restaurant more than once every few days out of pure shame.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Not so much eating, as DRINKING. Lots of beer.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I could eat a dozen donuts all by myself in one sitting :blushing: :noway:
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I was pregnant, and my cravings were mozzarella cheese sticks and milkshakes. Gained a whole bunch of weight quitting smoking.

    I drank lots of soda after that. My eating habits weren't awful, but I'd skip breakfast. Have a snack for lunch. Then dinner, usually something cooked.. I think it was all the mtn dew from my lack of sleep.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    At my heaviest there was no controlled portions. I just ate whatever whenever I thought I was hungry or if I was bored.
  • whiskey5jda2008
    whiskey5jda2008 Posts: 115 Member
    Lets just say that my favorite was the double meat double cheese whataburger with mayo, onions, and jalapeno's. that and the staff at little ceasar's knew me on a first name basis
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    My highest weight was only 19 lbs ago and I remember it well. lol What I'd gotten into was eating small meals and then using that to justify eating high calorie snacks in between. It was quite an eye opener when I started logging everything.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Right before making this lifestyle change I was just eating a super high carb diet. I was indulging a whole box of kraft mac&cheese with extra butter almost daily for lunch. And even so I'd remain soo hungry and would eat buttered toast galore or a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If there were bagels about I'd eat a few, slathered thickly with cream cheese. I'd make dinner usually with a heavy gravy and mostly eat mountains of potatoes/noodles and a tiny bit of meat & veggies. Served bread with most dinners too which I'd cover with butter and sop up more gravy. Rarely took a bite of salad despite I made a nice one every evening (my husband loves it). Than ice cream or cake for dessert. Oh and sneak in to the kitchen to gobble cold leftovers (mostly crescent rolls, etc) because I'd honestly feel starving. Go to bed HUNGRY planning what I'd pig out on the next day.

    Oh and I forgot wine ~ a couple/few glasses each nite which would induce a slight hangover the next day that left me believing eating would make me feel better :(

    I got so depressed. The reason I made this change was because my depression was overwhelming.

    I feel soo much better now! :) And promise myself never, ever to go back to that kind of eating again!
  • veto1024
    veto1024 Posts: 20
    Oh my god, I LOVE telling people how I use to eat when they ask about my weight loss. It's amazing how much I needed to eat just to maintain my weight (300lb at the time). So, time for examples!

    I could and would eat an entire large pizza by myself. I would constantly have midnight fast food runs. Large #4 with crisscut fries and a large root beer please! In hindsight, the worst was Taco Bell. I recently added up the calories for a typical midnight run back when I was supah fats. 4000 calories. FOUR THOUSAND! Holy crap. There was this place that would make strombolis that were HUGE. They fit inside the same boxes as large pizzas. Yeah. I could eat that most of the time in a single day.

    Unlike most people I've noticed on this thread, I did eat breakfast fairly regularly and now I'm curious as to whether or not eating breakfast ever correlated with eating substantially less over the course of the day. Breakfast was horrible too. Freaken Carl's Jr's loaded breakfast burrito... sigh. So horrible.

    I think I'm going to get one of them when I go back to California in a few weeks :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    A large prawn baguette most days, not much exercise, microwave vegetarian meal or quorn or pasta for dinner, and a Ib of chocolate most days. I cannot recall what else, but I was also experiencing symptoms of an underactive thyroid at the time, and was soon after diagnosed, so I have no idea how much of my gain was that. Regardless, I did not do fast food, or pints of ice cream or anything like that. I also was never overweight for my height, but looked chunky because I was not exercising so it was all fat, plus I am not a large build.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Ewwww - let me describe a typical work day :bigsmile:

    Drag myself outta bed around 6:30 after hitting snooze for over an hour because I didn't sleep well.

    Drink 3 cups of coffee before work with flavored creamer (about 175 cals per cup thanks to the creamer), no breakfast. Drink a bottled starbucks frappucino on the way to work (another 180 cals).

    By 9 am I'm starving of course since all I've had is liquids even though they total around 700 cals so far for the day. Go to vending machine, buy a bag of chips and a candy bar.

    10 am another frappucino, the only food-like product I would bring with me to work.

    Noon it's lunchtime and I'm starving. Have a third frappucino and some variety of either fast food (large fries, fish sandwich and sweet tea) or junk from the convenience store (bag of chips, candy bar, crackers, etc).

    2 pm I'm nearly unconscious at my desk and grumpy as all hell because of the sugar overload and subsequent crash.

    5 pm leave for home, drink a 4th frappucino on the way. Once home, have a 2 or 3 more cups of coffee and flavored cream. Snack on chips, pretzels, whatever I can find while I make something for dinner. Dinner would vary - sometimes it was large quantities of pasta with cream sauce, sometimes it was actually quite healthy with vegetables and everything (!) because I felt sick about how I'd eaten all day. Sometimes, it was pastries, popcorn, Doritos, and whatever else was around. It was always a very large dinner though.

    9 pm, go to bed. I can't sleep of course (too much sugar and caffeine and sitting) so hopefully I have taken some combination of benadryl, Nyquil, or melatonin. But even if I do, I won't sleep well, will have a hard time waking up, and then will repeat the cycle the next day.

    ETA - I once tried entering a normal day into MFP and it was something insane like 3000 calories and 500 g of carbs every day. Yet, I maintained my weight eating like that for about 4 years. Literally every time I weighed myself at home or was weighed at the doctor's, I weighed within 1 pound of 217.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Ate anything and everything!

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  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member