At your heaviest, what was your eating like?



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I still home cooked everything, still ate pastured meat, still ate organic... just too much. I was eating a treat (what I thought) was "every now and then" but logging now I realize that now and then came far too often for me. Also my "little treats" were so calorie dense and laden with sugar I cringe at the thought. I don't eat grains anymore but I find that eating more fat vs protein keeps me satiated big time! Although I have been known to rock a porterhouse as well :p IIFYM right?
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    I used to eat like a total pig. I could sit down to an entire tub (not pint) of ice cream. Strangely enough, I never got over 130 though...(I'm 5'7")
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    this is pretty gross how i ate back then i also got type 2 diabeties this way

    every day i drank a 2L bottle of pop.
    every day i ate a big beg of potato chips
    ate at mcdonald 1 burger was never enough
    pizza all the time to myself even

    this was my staple of food and a lot of it
  • iamspdd
    iamspdd Posts: 134 Member
    I ate fast food almost every day. I started out with just a normal sized meal and hardly finished it. Then, the bigger I got the more food I'd eat. Soon I would upgrade to the large fries. Eventually it got to the point where the meal would make me feel full, well actually over full, so I would eat cookies or something when I got home. Or stop and buy candy like Gobstoppers and eat the package that night.
    Fast food, junk food, and sugary candy. All food that makes you crave more and more of it.
    Oh, and unlike a lot of you that didn't eat breakfast, I NEVER missed a meal.
  • summery79
    summery79 Posts: 116 Member
    At my heaviest, I would usually skip breakfast, sometimes lunch. I didn't really eat at regular meal times except dinner. And for dinner, we'd hit the buffets once, sometimes twice a week. On the other days, we'd get take out Chinese, or go to Red Lobster and pig out on those obscenely delicious cheddar bay biscuits. My favorite dinner to make at home was this peanut noodle dish that uses a full cup of peanut butter, and quite a bit of sugar. Sometimes I'd make something like beans and rice and wonder why I didn't weigh less, because I'd eat my veggies every day (buffets, Chinese, etc.) Also, I ate similarly to the guys in my household, and they managed to stay fit and trim. I probably ate at least 2-3x in calories what I do now, every single day.

    I maintained an upper range healthy weight doing this until I stopped taking tamoxifen, then it all caught up with me hard and fast. It sucked. lol

    Oh, and every time I entered a store that sold food, I had to get myself a candy bar. Yeah, I made a lot of big changes in the past year so I didn't have to be fat anymore.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Wasn't pretty at all.... Take out food at least once a day, PizzaHut, poutime, Mcdo, Wendy's , Bk, fries with LOTS of mayo, anything greasy that was dropping fat... I wanted fat all the time! Lots of cheese bread too! I was also having my bf's leftover... I was having breakfast, lumch and super plus snacks in double or even ripples portions! I'd even get up in the morning and eat the slices of pizza my bf didn't eat from last night snack...what a way to start the day.... I could also have a BLT , should say two,with a ton of mayo, 10 slices of bacon and a 1/2 cup of mozza. I'd eat an entire box of cookies or whatever I'd get my hands on.... Luckily I stopped myself, haven't had a bad episode yet and hope it never do that again! I was out of control, plus no activity or whatsoever, I didn't have to wonder how I got that heavy
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    one of my worst moments was going for a third hamburger in front of my family. I was completely out of control and hated myself.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ate what I want, did what I want. Hey wait! Why am I here? :laugh:
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    on top of the still moderately crappy diet I have now, I ate tons of carbs - bread all the time, cookies and snack cakes constantly. And lots and lots of ice cream and cereal. also, lots and lots of mayo (which i'm slowly working on edging away from)
  • starrynight1929
    starrynight1929 Posts: 92 Member
    I would eat about 10 peanut butter cups at work, a few little Debbie snack cakes, eat a family size bag of chips on my way home from work, and eat half a loaf of bread with butter when I got home.

    I have/had binge eating disorder, Can ya tell? :-p
  • fivecardstud
    My heaviest weigh in was 198, pretty sure I may have weighed more. I ate all the time, ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I also drank - A LOT. Then I stared working night shift the bad habits spilled over after dark.
  • rogersgale
    rogersgale Posts: 8 Member
    Mickey D's here i come but now i dont even miss it.
  • jennagoogles13
    I ate food in massive amounts, and no matter what, I always ate seconds. Also, I was eating fast food almost every day, and I accepted anything anyone ever offered me. I rarely ate fruits or veggies, and had so many misconceptions about what was nutritious! Also, I would snack whenever I was bored, and ate food just for the sake of doing it. I'm never going back there again...
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I was eating big portions. I never skipped meals I just eat too much and made poor choices. Now I measure out everything and putting more thought into what I am eating.
  • voyagewithme
    Panda Express Everyday! Seriously, that may seem like i am exaggerating. but i literally ordered panda everyday on my way to school. Soooo Delicious!!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    My heaviest was 7 years ago and probably 6 mos ago. Seven years ago was much more interesting, to me because I was eating a lot more and a lot more often.

    I never had a normal breakfast, it usually be something like a pizza Not a couple slices the whole thing. I might top it off with a doughnut or a muffin an hour or two later or a couple minutes later. I would wash it down with diet soda.

    Lunch on work days was usually Taco Bell. I would have a couple of burritos or a couple of those double deckers. Then I would mosey on over to another place and get something like a bread stick or a brownie or a big pretzel.

    I would have pretzel sticks for snacking on I would go through a half bag of pretzel sticks in a day.

    First dinner would often be pizza or something frozen that I heated up. Second dinner would usually be some kind of sandwich or some snack foods, like a box of crackers.

    I don't know how many calories it was back then. I stopped counting at 3000 and most days I would easily add on another 1000 after I stopped counting. I don't know how much I weighed exactly, but I am pretty sure it is about what I probably weighed in October. I lost some weight between 2007-2010, but I put that back on and in October I started losing again. I cut out around 500 calories mostly carbs, I wasn't counting calories I was just being aware of them and being aware of portions. I didn't have a scale back in October either. It's like I can't deal with knowing what my high weights are, but I know that I am really up there so I start cutting calories and I get a scale when I know I have lost a bit of weight and it's still really bad, but I can at that point face what needs to be done.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Breakfast: white bread with vegemite and butter
    Snacks: chocolate, crisps, biscuits with cheese
    Lunch: Hot chips, veggie patties in white bread, pot noodles.
    Dinners: More hot chips, cola, gravy, white pasta.

  • jessicae1aine

    Sleep, skip breakfast, and proceed to eat ALL the food for the rest of the day.

    It's never been a particularly high fat or even super high carb diet, just a super high calorie and food volume diet.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    It was more expensive than it is now! I'd go "grocery shopping" and only 20% of the stuff I bought back home was real grocery.

    I'm a candy monster, my favorite being gummy bears.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Pretty normal healthy eating. Home cooked food, with the occasional meal out/takeaway/treats. I didn't have big portions. Didn't drink my calories (apart from the occasional glass of wine and splash of milk in my tea). Would leave food on my plate if I felt full. Could easily stop at one. Didn't have a sweet tooth. I couldn't work out why I piled on the weight!

    It was only after coming here and trying out BMR calculators and so on that it all started to make sense. I'd been eating at about 1800+ calories, which was a perfectly normal amount of food for many people but above my own TDEE. That's why portion control didn't work too well - I didn't need to have a normal portion, but a smaller than normal portion.

    I wish I'd known this earlier, before I managed to almost double my weight!