Funniest/Most Useless weight loss myth you've heard



  • egwene1977
    Any fad diet is usually a setup for failure. I try not to be "preachy" about carbs, but I know what worked for me:

    1. Laying off of the refined carbs (bread, pasta, rice, etc.). The complex carbs are what I really need.
    2. Loading up the veggies and eating a reasonable amount of lean protein and good fats.
    3. Trying to eat dinner early in the evening, so that my food has time to digest before I go to sleep.
    4. Getting off my *kitten* and walking...started with 10 miles each week, now I usually exceed 20.

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  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Ok, I have heard from many fitness professionals that if you are at a caloric deficit that you cannot build muscle. You can tone, but you cannot build muscle.

    Were I to met a fitness professional who tells me that I can "tone muscle", I would necessarily not hire them based on that statement but it does tell me that they are either misinformed on the subject or that they're another "personal trainer" from a degree mill or they're trying to bull**** me.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member

    flat stomach
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    oh another one....egg whites are "healthier" than whole eggs., just no! Fat free dairy is healthier than lowfat/full fat, cheese is unhealthy, and refined carbohydrates make people fat.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    That you can't eat carbs.... that you have to live on 1200 calories or less a day to lose weight
    That fats in all forms should be avoided
    That juicing/detox diets are healthy, necessary and good for your body
    That women need to have a giant gap between their thighs that someone could drive a truck through

    I could go on.....

    but I wont ;)
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    oh another one....egg whites are "healthier" than whole eggs., just no! Fat free dairy is healthier than lowfat/full fat, cheese is unhealthy, and refined carbohydrates make people fat.

    yeah exactly... the egg issue really gets under my skin. Just eat the egg people
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    i have never done a crunch in my whole life before last week and i have a flat stomach and my abs even, i think lowering bodyfat gives you a flat stomach.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    but are you doing them right? theres a wrong way to do crunches....ok, like i said before, you cant eat a whole cake and expect to do a couple of crunches and have a flat stomach. so your right, crunches will not help you in that situation. I never said you could target the fat on your abs by doing crunches. Howevwer, as i have said before, crunches will help you in getting a flat stomach. I know crunches are hard to do and they are a pain in the butt, but lets not get all crazy and claim that they do NOTHING for your stomach.

    I don't think anyone claimed they did NOTHING. But you cannot just do crunches and keep your body fat the same and expect your stomach to instantly be flat. The muscles may firm up, yes, but you'll still have a belly until your caloric deficit and workout regime burns the fat that's on your stomach. That is what the person who posted originally meant, from the way I took it.
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    Hmmmmm...anything white is bad for you...sugar, salt, flour, milk.

    Spicy food makes you eat less and lose weight.

    Carbs after 1 pm are bad. Bad, bad, bad.

    Drink vinegar and water.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Gatorade will "replenish electrolytes" after hard workouts. Says the Gatorade marketing department. All those tailored pre- and post-workout grocery items are totally unnecessary, expensive, and wasteful (in terms of packaging). Need quick energy? Eat peanut butter, honey, and fruit. Need hydration? Try water. Sheesh.

    I ran 25 miles yesterday. I needed the electrolytes to put the fluid into my muscles and organs for replenishing my body. Water would just slosh around in my stomach and possibly cause dilutional hyponatremia. (If i drink too much-but thats rare) I cant eat peanut butter or fruit during a run so Gatorade is great for that l. And actually during very hot weather it is essential and water not as effective.
    But i get your point water and the real thing is good! - You can make your own electrolyte solution but its yukky!!

    I wonder what humanity did before Gatorade..... I'm suprised we made it this far on just food and water.....
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Muscle and fat weigh the same.

    Muscle and fat DO weigh the same.. a lb is a lb, it's the volume that is different, not the weight!

    Pound for pound, I weigh the same as a squirrel.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    Muscle and fat weigh the same.

    Muscle and fat DO weigh the same.. a lb is a lb, it's the volume that is different, not the weight!

    Pound for pound, I weigh the same as a squirrel.

    Yup I'm sick of people thinking that when people take the "muscle weighs more than fat" statement this way. People are just saving typing time.

    And would you say a brick weighs more than feathers?? I sure as he'll would! Because in your world everything weighs the same? That's freaky logic
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Don't eat fat
    Don't eat carbs
    Don't eat anything non-vegetarian
    Don't count calories
    HGC works
    Soy is healthy
    Eat what Jesus ate and you'll lose weight
    Eat what the Cavemen ate and you'll lose weight
    Eat only "__________"
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Drinking diet soda will make you fat. It triggers cravings and you will just have to have refined sugar, candy, cake, pie, etc...

    You know what drinking diet soda makes me crave? More diet soda, that's it. Drinking it doesn't send me out to get cake and ice cream. I don't have that much of a sweet tooth. My problem is the other carbs, like pasta and pizza with lots of cheese. Soda isn't going to make me crave those more or less, they will always be foods that I am going to want. I just have to put limits on them and not eat 8 ounces of pasta 3X a day.
    What's funny is the majority of the people on here sending out "myths" are actually sending out half-truths that should be explained further, have their physiology explained. The other remaining few are trolling out anti-advice....but everyone is upset over crunches!? Seriously folks, THIS is why you're over weight. Books, hard work and dedication is what works. Not griping on a forum over how "correct" you are. GAL
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    What's funny is the majority of the people on here sending out "myths" are actually sending out half-truths that should be explained further, have their physiology explained. The other remaining few are trolling out anti-advice....but everyone is upset over crunches!? Seriously folks, THIS is why you're over weight. Books, hard work and dedication is what works. Not griping on a forum over how "correct" you are. GAL

  • VictoryQueen
    VictoryQueen Posts: 16 Member
    "Dairy makes you gain weight, so you shouldn't eat dairy."

    Yes, sadly I've actually heard this.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    My grandparents eat LOADS of bacon, sausage, and hamburger meat and absolutely no fruit. Their reasoning? Protein is healthy and sugar (as in the sugar you get from fruit) is unhealthy. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!