Beach Beauties



  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'll be on a Texas beach July 11th! Count me in...........

    138 in 7 weeks, yeap can do. 10lbs it is, thx!

    MJ, 47, 4 kids: 1 married w/my grandbabies, 2 in college, 1 starting high school.
    Hubs retired Army, in civies now. We live in awesome Austin, Texas.
    I taught in the public and private sector for several years & I hope to teach myself a new healthy lifestyle.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Started the day off with a short run - 30 mins-very little walking. Goal for rest of the day:
    Healthy choices and count every calorie and log in.
    Aim for 1200 calories and under 25 fat grams.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!:smile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Started the day off with a short run - 30 mins-very little walking. Goal for rest of the day:
    Healthy choices and count every calorie and log in.
    Aim for 1200 calories and under 25 fat grams.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!:smile:
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Hey there...
    I didn't exercise at all this weekend, but I guess I did something right. I am down a pound so far since Friday! :) Yeah!
    My plan for breakfast, lunch, and snack today is:
    Breakfast: Fiber Bar Snack: Yogurt Lunch: Soup and Crackers
    I have no idea what I am doing for dinner though! I hope everyone is doing well! :)
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    So glad I joined ya'll yesterday...that was just what i needed to do it up good today:

    30min brisk walking my dogs
    60min elliptical, tremendous workout!
    60min, I needed that :love:

    great breakfast, wonderful lettuce wraps for lunch...plan on chicken tacos for the fam for supper. I have chicken salad:happy:

    Round 2 manana!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    July 14th is my bday so I would definately wanna join this group!

    When I started MFP I had no problem sticking to my meals and workouts but recently I have gotten into a bad habit of eating out too often and being too lazy to cook and workout. Gotta get my butt back in close to decent shape. I will be happy just being able to wear shorts and a tank. :heart:

    CW: 180
    Goal Weight 170lbs
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Last night manage to get in a brisk walk with my sweetie - 25 min. at a good pace.

    Morning workout - biggest loser boot camp - Didn't get to the cool down - so only 25 mins.

    Goals for today - eat more vegatables! Drink more water!

    Have a great day!!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    where are my Beach Beauties at today?

    last night I tried to have a good workout at the gym but just didnt have enough energy to put into it. Tonight I think I will start back up on Turbo Jam which is really the only thing that motivates me to workout and I actually enjoy. I didnt do a good job at planning my lunch today so I'm not sure yet what I'm going to eat but I'll try my best!

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • shannie_lou
    shannie_lou Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Would LOVE to be 10 lbs lighter by 7/15!!! I'm in Northern Cal, 3 fab kids & wonderful hubby! Workin' toward lookin' super hot for a Maui trip in January & several weddings.

    Sooo ready!!
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    Getting a new treadmill delivered today, yeah!! I am so excited. My husband and I both have used the heck out of our treadmill for 6 years so I believe it's time for a new one. In celebration I bought a new running outfit yesterday at my favorite store, Costco, lol! Hoping this is the motivator I need to achieve that 10-pound loss by July 15. Hope everyone is having a successful week so far.
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Hello Everyone! :)
    I hope everyone survived the long weekend. I'm so excited to see more new members! I can't "re-edit" my post a second time to add names to the list... but everyone is welcome to post on here for updates/support! This weekend I did fairly well. I'm thinking about having a veggie challenge this week. My plan will be to be a vegetarian for the week and incrase my fruit and veggie intake. I'm starting today.. wish me luck and join in if you wish!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone,

    When I started MFP I was under on calories and working out everyday, but recently have started to eat out a lot. Not only is this not beneficial for health reasons, but also financially. haha. So, I have decided that I am going to go back to being under my calories and continue cooking dinner for the week.

    So, I started this morning off with a 20 min run outside. It was great. I may go play basketball later on today after work. So this will be good for me.

    So my goals for the week are to:
    1. Stay under my calories
    2. Work out everyday
    3. Drink 10 cups of water
    4. Enjoy the warm weather

    I was wondering are we weighing in once a week and tracking our progress until July 15th?
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    Veggies are always good, but don't forget about protein. Protein is like pac-man to fat! Lean chicken and fish, greek yogurt, and canned tuna are all great sources of protein, or even beans if you're keeping it vegetarian.
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Hello Beach Beauties!
    I hope that everyone is doing well.... So far I am down a pound from my last weigh in (friday). Are we going to have weigh in's weekly or are we only going to log our losses on July 15?

    Does anyone have any good ideas about how to drink more water? I am HORRIBLE at it and need some help or motivation. I think that it would help me loose some of this weight if I drank more of it!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Does anyone have any good ideas about how to drink more water? I am HORRIBLE at it and need some help or motivation. I think that it would help me loose some of this weight if I drank more of it!

    i have problems with water to so I try to disperse it thru the day. if u work in an office I have a water bottle in front of me that holds 2 cups so I try to drink 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch and 1 in the afternoon = 6cups
    and then I know I will drink some after my workout and with dinner so I usually get to 8 when I follow this plan.
    if you stay at home have a cup or bottle in the kitchen for whenever u go to snack drink water instead, drink a cup between chores, drink one before a meal , during and after. JUST DRINK UP!
  • ashehoff
    ashehoff Posts: 14
    I'm in! ashehoff.
    Brand new to mfp and ready to make something happen here!
    Goal weight- 132 by 7/15
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    another thing that helps with water intake- add crystal light (every so often) of even a lemon or something, for flavor :) Honestly though, you'll get used to the water... and you can feel the difference. I was the same and now I love ice cold water! Give it a shot :)

    Also, heres a cool link I found guys!

    enjoy :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Hope everyone is reaching their daily goals. I was short on time so I ran on the treamill this morning - running outside is so much better. But I got in 30 mins. Yeah!

    Goals for today:

    Another 30 mins of exercise
    Lots of water - thanks for the tips yesterday
    Stay positive!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member

    So I have seen some groups that have put like their starting weights and how much is lost each week. I think that would be a great thing to do. I don't mind taking that information and compiling it. I think it would be a great way to support each other. Maybe I can put it up every Monday to start the week off right. Let me know if everyone is interested and I could work with that. Good luck today! Have a good one!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey bballgrrl34,

    That's a great idea. I usually weigh in on Fridays.(before the weekend haha). Last Friday my starting weight was 135.2 . I can still use Fridays as my weigh in and give you that number on Monday mornings. Thank you for taking on that task !! Have a great healthy day!!!!