Beach Beauties



  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I am so excited it is Friday. I am very ready for a 3 day weekend. That sounds like you did a great workout lobster888. I hope to get a run in tonight. I am going to visit my sister and doing happy hour. So, I really should get a run in, but not sure I will.

    The long weekend is great, but BBQing is happening so I gotta really pay attention to what I grab. I think it will go well.

    Have a great weekend Beach Beauties. Our first weigh-in is Monday. So, if people still need to send weights do so. I will have everything compiled for us.
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Hey Ladies:
    I have made great choices this week regarding what I am eating!! My weigh in's are on Fridays... so I will use that on Monday. I am so excited because I am down 3lbs since last Friday (Weigh In). I need to work out more to tone my problem areas, but I am feeling good about things right now!

    I am so excited for a 3 day weekend!! I hope that everyone has a great safe weekend!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    bballgrrl34 Hope you get your run in this evening. I weigh in on Fridays so I can use that for Monday - It's 134.4 almost a pound - that will give you a head start on the list.

    I am little nerve about trying to fit in my exercise and eat health this weekend because we are going out of town for a country festival. But , I am going to try very hard. So, my goals for Sat and Sun. (monday won't be a problem) is to walk as much as possible and hit the gym at the hotel. I am bringing healthy snack and lots of water.

    mom2toby - thats great about your good choices this week and it show on the scale yeah!!!! That should keep you motivated for the weekend!!!
  • sumblondchic
    I want to join! Since joining this site a week ago today I have lost about 3 lbs, which is alot for me in a week! I would love to lose 10 lbs which would put me at 115. I also need some motivation not to eat really bad when I go on my vacation to Maui in 2 weeks! I dont want to get home and have gained back all the weight I worked so hard to lose! So Im hoping to stay strong while Im there too...
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Tues: Elliptical & Yoga
    Wed: Zumba & Elliptical
    Thurs: Zumba, Elliptical, & Weights
    Friday: Elliptical

    Sat plans: Yoga @ 0900, Weights, Zumba @ 1100 :wink:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Met my goals Monday through Friday - now the real challenge - the weekend and a holiday weekend out of town at that!!!!

    So my goal is :

    Try to get in exercise (bringing my running shoes)

    Make healthy choice eating out ( I am bringing healthy snacks)

    Drink a lot of water ( I am bringing lots of bottle water)

    Wish me luck -

    Hope everyone has a safe healthy holiday!!!

    First week results posting on Monday - Yeah!!!!!
  • amandadidier
    I'm so happy I joined this group. I have actually logged on to mfp for more than 5 consecutive days now which didn't happen in the past lol....Everyone seems to be doing so well and its really motivating so I'm so happy I joined but I have to confess I had a good week eating well but no exercise at all...I was just reading so many of the entries and all the exercise everyone is doing and it really has motivated me to start exercising too!!! so i'm going to go for a brisk walk right after i post this entry!! Have a good weekend everyone
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I love the motivation on this thread....we're keepin' it real and it's wonderful to read posts like the one above :smile:

    I had planned to head to the gym @ 1pm (right now, actually), but we just finished up 4hrs of pre-summer lawn weeding, clipping, mowing, raking, and tree trimming! Ouch, but how pretty it looks out my window...I love a pretty yard :bigsmile:

    So I got my workout in for certain....all cleaned up now & surf this awesome site.

    Be Well All :flowerforyou:
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds like everyones doing an awesome job so far! I checked the scale and I'm down from where I started! woohoo :) still waiting for monday though to log it in my ticker. Our first weigh in is approaching and I'm pretty excited!
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    well, here it is guys, our first weight in! I was down 138. something yesterday but I kinda had afew too many snacks and was up 139.2 this morning! Still less than 140 though! woo :)
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Great work everyone. Keep sending in the weigh-ins. Everything may be posted a little late because it is Memorial day and I am BBQing with friends and family. So, everyone enjoy the beautiful weather and hopefully the day off.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Beach Beauties, I've had a good week :smile: and lost 2 pounds yayyyyy

    My start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 was 164.5 pounds

    My goal weight is...................................................................................126....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/24/10 ...........................................................132....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/31/10............................................................130...pounds

    Hope you all have good weigh-ins:smile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Beach Beauties,

    I did pretty well meeting my goals on the weekend! Had two drinks yesterday : ( but other than that managed pretty well for being out of town. My snacks from home really helped. I didn't exercise today so that's my rest day. LOL I got in my Power 90 in over the weekend and just reviewed it - so I am ready to start tomorrow June 1st. Yeah!! I am really excited - considering ordering the supplements - any opinions??? all welcome... yes no maybe ???

    Excited to see the weigh ins and everyones progress !!!

    Hope everyone had a great day!!!

    oh yeah - the country festival (First one ever in Tiger Stadium, LSU Baton Rouge LA) was awesome - Keith Urban is the best!!!! Just in case anyone was wondering LOL !!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Tuesday Beauties!!

    Started Power 90 this morning!! Yea! Did Circut level 1-2 - took it easy like they said but feel realy good about it!! Very pumped to be doing it. Going to follow the meal plan that comes with it. Not too hard - it's kinda what I do anyway>

    Goals for today:

    Smile - I forget that one sometimes!

    LOTS of water - flush away the holiday eating - little too much salt !

    Watch serving sizes -

    Hope everyone has a great day and gets back focused after the holiday weekend. ( Even if you see a pound or two fluctuation )
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    HI everyone,

    Here is the information that I have for the group so far. This is great stuff. Everyone obviously has been working hard. So keep up the good work. Even if there is no lose next week, know that you are moving in the right direction.

    Week 1 Results

    Name Start Weight Current Weight Lose Goal Weight
    bballgrrl34 183.1 181.1 -2 170
    Lobster888 135.2 134.4 -0.8 125
    Amillionmegs 140 139.2 -0.8 130
    amandadider 130 120
    mom2Toby 142 132
    gigi76 147 135
    barty 132 130 -2 126
    ashehoff 143 133
    tanya7712 136 126
    loathesome 145 130
    sumblondechic 125 122 -3 115
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Way to go Beach Beauties!!! Yeah !!!

    Everyone keep up the good work - keep trying - the results will come!!!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Checking in for week 1 im at 145 right now, im going to try and reach 143 by next monday.... im fluctuating right now between 145 and 144 so i should be able to reach that goal!!! Hope everyone has a good week....
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Hey everyone...
    Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I wasn't home all day :smile:

    I am down to 139! That is a loss of 3 lbs this week! That is so HUGE for me! :tongue:

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and Everyone is doing great!

    Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Name Start Weight Current Weight Lose Goal Weight
    bballgrrl34 183.1 181.1 -2 170
    Lobster888 135.2 134.4 -0.8 125
    Amillionmegs 140 139.2 -0.8 130
    amandadider 130 120
    mom2Toby 142 139 -3 132
    gigi76 147 135
    barty 132 130 -2 126
    ashehoff 143 133
    tanya7712 136 126
    loathesome 145 130
    sumblondechic 125 122 -3 115
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Name Start Weight Current Weight Lose Goal Weight
    bballgrrl34 183.1 181.1 -2 170
    Lobster888 135.2 134.4 -0.8 125
    Amillionmegs 140 139.2 -0.8 130
    amandadider 130 120
    mom2Toby 142 132
    gigi76 147 145 -2 135
    barty 132 130 -2 126
    ashehoff 143 133
    tanya7712 136 126
    loathesome 145 130
    sumblondechic 125 122 -3 115