Beach Beauties



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    We are in our second week of trying to lose those last ten pounds. We need to stay focus and set our mini goals. What is everyones goal for today?????

    MIne is :

    1.) to watch portions

    2.) to add in more water

    3.) reduce salt - (something I have trouble with)

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    My goals today are:

    Drink my water....
    Count my WW points....
    Do something active
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beach Beauties,

    I have not been every motivated these past few days. I don't feel like working out and I am hungry all the time. I am not quite sure how to get back on track. Like today I ate my after noon snack with lunch. I am not quite sure what I am gonna do til dinner. Which will be out with a friend after work. Not a good choice. We are getting $1 sliders. Also, my lunch was huge. I think the biggest thing that I need to do is go back to make food on the weekend and having healthy lunches already made instead of throwing things together in the morning before chasing after the bus to get to work.

    So I know I can start making a change today, but it is already a little to late to change what I already ate and what I plan to eat, but when I get home today I will prep for tomorrow lunch and make sure that I have healthy snacks. I think the long weekend away from home really hurt me, but I will get back on schedule with everything.

    My gym hours have changed to ending at 8:30 instead of 10:30 so it is a little more difficult to get to in the evening, but luckily the weather is getting nice so I could go for a run outside. I am sorry for my whiney venting but I just needed to put this in writing more for myself than anyone else. I had to put it out there so I could recognize what I really needed to work on inside of stressing about it all day without coming up with solutions. So, I am setting a few goals for myself.

    1. Drink 10 cups of water
    2. Make my lunch tonight
    3. Do some sort of workout even if it is just a walk around town

    I guess that is where I will start for now. Don't want to set too many and get overwhelmed. So thanks for reading. I normally try and keep posts shorter. Good luck everyone and it is great to have this group as motivation and support.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey bballgrrl!!

    Don't be so down - I think everyone had a tough weekend and then we have to get back on track. Good for you for setting a goal for today to get there instead of throwing the whole day as a wash. I always try to have quick healthy options for those on the go days. Lowfat soup, can of tuna, natural peanut butter and triscuits are some of my pantry quick meal favorites. I am sure you have some. Of couse there is smoothie and a subway close for those really on the go days for me. Keep positive and don't stress about the day. Try to reach your goals and move forward.

    Hope your day gets better and smile - you are beautiful!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey - Where are all my Beauties?

    Let's check in today and see how everyone is doing? (not a weigh-in just a where you are check in). I completed day three of Power 90 Yeah! My eating is pretty good but I think I snack a little too much.

    So my goal for today is :
    1.) to pay attention to my snacking-
    2.) try to get in more fiber
    3.) watch my salt (again)

    Hope everyone has a great healthy day!!!
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Bballgrrl I am so happy you posted what you did... I have been having the same problem. Attempting to eat a healthy lunch, but throwing something easy together last minute (and not enough) then starving by the time I get home from work and making something easy and not so healthy for dinner (ham sandwhich or soemthing).
    The past three days I've been having michalenas for lunch with a few cookies, as well as snack throughout the day like banana, apple or nutrigrain bar.
    I don't feel like what I've been eating is healthy... at all.

    I'm thinking about making a meal plan for the work week or something in adavance, then buying/ preparing it before the day I eat it. Do you wanna think of a weekly workday meal plan? I mean they dont have to be the exact same, but at least throwing some ideas out there for each other?

    as a side note, everyone is doing awesome! The mini goals are looking great! Mine is to eat healthier lunches :)3 days until our next weigh in.... Its crunch time!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beauties,

    I like the idea of checking in. I am doing a lot better today and ready to really get on track. I made my lunch last night and packed my snacks for the day. I did go for a 20 min run last night. I was still over on my calories, but I am fine with that. I am going grocery shopping this weekend and that will help with healthier snacks. I set my alarm this morning for 6 to go for a run, but failed miserably. It was just too hard to get out of bed. Luckily I have a basketball game tonight so that will be my exercise. I plan to walk after work as well.

    1. Stay under calories
    2. Drink 10 cups of water (forgot my nalgene so gonna be harder)
    3. Relax and enjoy watching the Celtics beat the Lakers!!!!

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone else is doing!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    I got up this morning and did my 4th day of power 90! I also managed a walk last night (35min.) Today is order lunch out at work, I have to try to make a healthy choice - I do have a back up - but the temptation is there!!! Aslo, tonight I am going to a benifit for someone at my church. I am going to eat before I go so that I can make healthy choices or not eat.

    So my goal for today:

    1) Make a healthy lunch choice
    2) Make a healthy choice at the benifit.
    2) Drink lots of water!!!

    Today is Friday Beauties, so I was thinking - I have a harder time following a healthy meal plan and exercise over the weekend. Sunday use to be my cheat & rest day. Now I only have one cheat treat on Sunday. (maybe a snowball ?) So maybe we could set our goals for the weekend today. I don't know - maybe make me more accountable on Monday mornings. So, I also changed my weigh-in to Monday. That should help me - LOL.

    So, my goals for the weekend

    1) Weigh-in Monday morning
    2) Only one cheat treat on Sunday
    3) On my rest day from power 90 - do something - walk, ride my bike or something light.

    Hope everyone has a great healthy day!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hello Beach Beauties,

    I did well today. I walked from my job to my place today. It was an 8 mile walk. Pretty long, but nice. That was a enough of a workout for me for the day. So, it is way too late to set goals for the day, but I did well. I had my 10 cups of water, stayed under my calories, and worked out. One thing I really want to get back into my routine is doing abs. Which is really important since the group is called beach beauties. I want to wear a bikini in Jamaica in August and not feel like I have to suck in the whole time. I think I may be consuming too much alcohol while there to concentrate on sucking in :) I kid. Kinda. hehe

    So goals for the weekend:

    1. Some form of workout both days
    2. Drink 10 cups of water each day
    3. Clean my house (counts as a workout of some form!)
    4. Rest up for the up coming week.

    I think that will do. I hope everyone has a great weekend and meets their goals. Look forward to weigh in on Monday. Good luck! I would love to hear from more beauties. Let us know how you are all doing.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Where are all my Beauties?

    Hope everyone is doing good and staying motivated - kinda hard after a holiday weekend but lets get back focus!!! I did my power 90 day 5. Yeah!!! I have also decided to start South Beach diet. I need a change of my diet to rev things up. I have done the low fat counting calorie for a very long time and think I am in a rut!! Also, I hate to admit it but I am a sugar addict!!! Even if it is all healthy sugars (fruits and natural) !!! I just consume too much. So I am going to switch things up...

    If anyone needs a pep talk ---- I am kinda motherly - worried about my Beach Beauty Babies and hope they are doing O.K. !!!

    Hope everyone is having a great healthy weekend!!! Weigh in on Monday. My first Monday in a long time - but since Sunday is no longer my cheat day - I should not fear it >>> right???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday Beauties!!!

    Today in weigh in : so here goes : my first weigh in on a Monday: 134 - So, let see

    S.W. 135.2
    C.W. 134.00
    G.W. 125.00

    Not too bad - last weigh in was 134.4 so at least I am not up!!!

    So, how is everyone doing - everyone should check in today!!! Let get motivated beauties -
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Beach Beauties,

    Hope everyone is doing well. Yesterday I had a wonderful dinner and dessert with my roommate. It was such an easy meal. Lobster888 I also love sweets so we did a fruit salad and frozen yogurt. It was so delish and I felt good about it. My neighbor that I don't know very well told me yesterday that I look great. That made my day, possibly my week. She was just so nice and was like I have seen you leaving to go for runs and so on. It motivated me to keep doing it. So, today going to the gym even if I am tired. Then I can rest.

    So, weigh-in. I didn't lose any weight. I am still at 181.1 Which is fine. I know that I haven't been working real hard so I am just happy I didn't go up. Gotta get back on my grind so that I can start losing again.

    I hope everyone checks in and had a great weekend.
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Hey guys!

    So last week I was complaining about my sclae and how it kept changing my weight.. turns out it actually is broken ughh paid 60 dollars for it!!! My uncle has been testing it out all week and his weight jumps like 4 lbs per day, so I have no idea how accurate it is anymore :( I'll weigh in after work and let you know anyways. My new goals include buying healthy food TODAY after work and preparing my entire weeks lunches in advance. Great job you guys!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    O.K. amillionmegs and bballgrr134 - Happy to see you guys checking in!! It's been two weeks - so this is where some people give up because the results are slow. So let keep the motivation up:

    Goals for this week:::

    1.) Power 90 everyday
    2.) Stick to South Beach (my new plan to help motivate me)
    3.) Motivate at least one other person to stay on track

    My goal for today

    1.) Not to eat the birthday cake at 2:00 p.m. in the break room at work!!!
    2.) Not to eat the left over birthday cake in the break room at work!!!
    3.) Not to overeat my 3:00 snack because I didn't eat the birthday cake !!!

    I am making fun of myself - can you tell???
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Beach Beauties !!! Had a good week and down another pound :laugh:

    My start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 was 164.5 pounds

    My goal weight is................................................................................126....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/24/10 ...........................................................132....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/31/10............................................................130...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/7/10..............................................................129...pounds

    Hope you all have good weigh-ins
  • amandadidier
    Hi i was m.i.a for a little because i stopped watching what i was eating a few days ago and never started exercising since we began this thread! so today I woke up early and did a power walk for 30 min and was able to get my husband on the treadmill too which was great motivation....I'm also on day 3 of no smoking and hoping that exercising, eating well and motivation from beach beauties will help me pull through I can't remember if I weighed in last week but i'm ready to get back on board with this thread ...and my alarm is set nice and early for tomorrow to work out again....

    s.w 130

    current weight: 128.8

    goal weight: 120
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    O.K. amillionmegs and bballgrr134 - Happy to see you guys checking in!! It's been two weeks - so this is where some people give up because the results are slow. So let keep the motivation up:

    Goals for this week:::

    1.) Power 90 everyday
    2.) Stick to South Beach (my new plan to help motivate me)
    3.) Motivate at least one other person to stay on track

    My goal for today

    1.) Not to eat the birthday cake at 2:00 p.m. in the break room at work!!!
    2.) Not to eat the left over birthday cake in the break room at work!!!
    3.) Not to overeat my 3:00 snack because I didn't eat the birthday cake !!!

    I am making fun of myself - can you tell???


    I'll weigh-in come morning...way too much to do today, never got to it!
    But need a good go at the gym and get back in the groove:)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Glad to see more beauties checking in!!! We need to stay motivated - July 15th will be here before we know. So, I didn't eat birthday cake yesterday - so if I can do that - all of you can!!! Let's see, I also managed a small 20min walk with hubbie-to-be. To walk off the cake, I never ate! LOL

    Goals for week!!

    1.) Power 90 check
    2.) Stick to South Beach - yesterday and this morning check
    3.) Motivate someone to stay on track - Let's see who I will pick Hooah, Barty or Amanda - better keep checking in and staying motivated!!! not done yet LOL

    I haven't seen a too much movement on the scale...but my bellie (my problem area) seems a little flatter!!! Yeah!!!

    O.K. Beauties let's have a healthy happy day!!!!

    Feel free to check in and avoid me coming after you!!! LOL

    Where is our list for weigh-ins? Anyone did it this week?
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    So, I didn't get many weigh-ins, therefore, I am going to wait until the end of the day to post the weights. Well, I hope everyone is doing well and focused. I want people to really take advantage of this group and use it for motivation. I know I want to reach my goal, but I am super competitive so seeing others do well makes me work harder, so this is a great group for me.

    Goals for the Day:

    1. 10 cups of water
    2. ONLY one dessert (I love sweets)
    3. Stretch
    4. Do ab workout
  • amandadidier
    Goodmorning everyone,

    after being m.i.a for a little from mfp i'm really trying to get on track...i'm eating well and have started working out this week...this morning I woke up and did a 40 min brisk walk with my husband which was great....I feel like i'm gonna have a great day and hope everyone else does too!