Beach Beauties



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I'm not big on weighing in, but I'm already doing it with another group and probably will be using the same weigh in here as well as we do it on fridays. But perhaps Mondays is a good idea to hold ourselves accountable for the weekend!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    SO, if people are interested. Just send me your Start weight and goal weight. I have put everyone's name that has posted in this thread. So, I will compile it and then we can get the send out on Monday.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Here it is

    S. W. : 135.2 *That was on Friday 5/21

    G.W. : 125
  • ashehoff
    ashehoff Posts: 14
    S.W. 143
    G.W. 133
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729

    My start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 was 164.5 pounds

    My goal weight is...................................................................................126....pounds

    My weight on Monday was..................................................................132....pounds

    Now i'm getting nearer to my target i am thinking of changing it but not sure what too!!!! Never any lower than 119 pounds but maybe around 122 pounds so I have a few to play with :laugh: we will see.....I may not make 126!!!!!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i am in. i only like these only groups when there are mini challenges!

    i am loathesome, you can call me loathe, or some, or loathesome...or patty ;)

    so i haven't weighed myself in a while, i am trying not to until i feel confident enough to not depress myself

    but i was at 145 lbs

    my goal is to be at 130 lbs

    so down with the mini challenges!
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I would like to join. My current weight is 136 and my goal weight is 126.

  • amandadidier
    Hi everyone...

    s.w: 130

    g.w: 120
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Bballgrrl I love your idea!

    Here's my info: Start weight: 140, Goal weight:130 :)
    I like the weighing in every monday idea. That way I'll be watching more carefully over the weekend!

    My minichallenge for this week: lose one pound, focus on arm and shoulder exercises (alternating with crunches).

    I was going to try the "vegetarian for a week" thing but forgot all about the bbq I'm having tonight, so i'll have to save that for another time!

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • amandadidier
    so i just found this on the web " Lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks" on MSN Health & Fitness...thought i would post it as it has good tips and a walking workout too for beginners and regular walkers for the 5 weeks...I'm big on walking so I like the plan and wanted to share with everyone's the link..
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks amandadidier - "lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks" bump : )
  • gelbell
    gelbell Posts: 24 Member
    hello everyone i'm 23 years old and a new mommy:happy: and a college student which keeps me pretty busy. so, needless to say i haven't lost the baby weight yet and my daughter is 9 months already. I pretty much only have 10lbs to lose to finally be able to fit back into my pre baby pants which right now is my main goal. I have lost the 25lbs in the past so i know i can do it but i need some accountablity on my eating habits. Hopefully this group will keep me motivated to follow through on my weight loss goals:wink: .
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    My Starting Weight is: 142lbs (that was on Friday 5/21)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 132lbs
    Final Goal Weight: 125lbs

    Thanks for all of the advice on the water.... I will start that today! :wink:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Starting weight last friday 147lbs
    Monday 146lbs
    Beach Beauties Challenge Goal 135lbs (12lbs)
    Final Goal 125lbs
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties!!!

    Drank alot of water yesterday and was able to go walking with my sweetie again. Good day!!

    Did the biggest loser boot camp level 1 this morning.

    Goal for today :

    Watch sugars!!!

    Eat more vegatables.

    Hope everyone has a healthy happy day!!!
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Hey lobster888! So what is the biggest loser boot camp? Sounds like you had a good day! Last night was this bbq I had to attend but I loaded up on salad and nixed the bun and ate one sausage cut up in slices instead... it lasted longer than I thought so that was great :)

    Todays lunch at work includes :lots of water, strawberries, banana, nutrigrain bar, yogurt, apple, carrots ... and a wrap mmm :)
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    And just to clarify, those are the foods I will be eating from now (8 am) until 4!... not all in one sitting haha!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey amillionmegs,

    The biggest loser boot camp is a DVD that features Bob. It has three levels and you can customize it. I can customize it to the time I have (30 mins to 60 mins.) I like it but like The 30 day shred better. I am just switching it up until my power 90 comes it. Yeah

    Good choices for food today !!!!

    Thank you for starting this - I really needed motivation for those pesty 10 pounds !!!

    Also really good choices for the BBQ those can be a challenge!
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks, you too! :) I know, I only want to lose 10-15 lbs total and I'm finding it so hard to do.. I figured having a group of people aiming for the same weight loss goal at around the same time would be the push I needed! I'm So happy to have people like yourself join me! woohoo beach beauties!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    TGIF Beach Beauties,

    Three day weekend for me - yeah!!!!

    Had a great step class last night and good run this morning. (I only walked three minutes out of a 35min run - now I have to just get faster. )

    Goal for today:

    Fridays is always office meeting lunch and we order out.- My goal is to make the healthy choice - it's not always easy from some places they order from. I have a small salad as a back up plan!

    Hope everyone is doing good and has a great and healthy day!!!!