


  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    im gonna eat a slic e of pizza today

    and im gonna log it here
    and im gonna exercise
    and be under calories an d all is good
  • ammadove
    ammadove Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Birthday Chunkadooooo !!:flowerforyou:
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Shame on me. ):

    I was at the grocery store, and I was going to pick up tilapia and some pepper to slice since I only had 300 calories left for dinner that night. My husband calls me...

    "Hey honey, do we have any plans for dinner tonight?"
    "Well, I was going to make something, but I didn't get it yet. Why?"
    "Can we get Chinese food?!"

    Oh General Tso's chicken. You are so cruel.

    EDIT: To note, no it is not my hubby's fault. And he is very supportive of my weight loss! We just haven't had Chinese food since the beginning of the year and have been wanting it recently. And now I am going to whip my sorry rear into shape and do better with the 30DS! (:
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 112 Member
    dont have confessions
    im here to lose weight and thats what im doing i dont cheat and i stay under caleries and exercise thats what im here for

    Golly, guess not everyone is as perfect as you are. You should win some sort of award.
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    I ate a slice of white chocolate cheese cake WITH cream and a hot chocolate and then fries later in the night and just cause I'd already descended to food hell I ate one of my little sisters chocolate bar muesli bars when I got home WHAT THE HEY? And then today it continued, four home made truffles, pieces off all family member's chocolate bars and bacon for lunch. Feeling bloated, gross and guilty. But awesome admitting this.

    Raise a glass of sugarless water to moving forward without processed binges!

    Nice cathartic thread.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I ate things I shouldn't have at a baptism reception. Just because it was a drama free zone which is hard at a family event and I wanted to relax for a little since I had a hard week. Which is also my excuse for last nights wine fiasco.

    Also when I was in an abusive relationship in the past, which I saved myself from....I turned to a past flame for comfort on a regular basis. One day I even cheated on HIM too. That was an all time low for me. That's when I knew putting up with the abuse was changing me and I needed to get out now! More confession... I did not leave immediately. I waited way too long, and almost might not be here if I hadn't done some scrappy moves. Whew! That felt good. I never wanted to admit that I'd been a cheater in the past. Always gave myself the excuse that he deserved it. Wow, I feel better. Seriously. A LOT better. And I havent' been a cheater before or since so yeah some of it is definitely tied up with the situation I found myself in.

    I know this is supposed to be about food, but in my mind these things get linked up in some weird way, that I don't fully understand. SO there, it's out. Out of my system.
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    I can't remember it all but there were a few trips to MCD's this week I am not ashamed of. It was anger eating which is never EVER GOOD.
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    900 cake calories :embarassed:
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
    Saturday I ate a buffet of food. All the foods I miss from living in America. I ate two big plates. But, then again, I did Zumba all day, as well.
  • JazzyMiSa
    JazzyMiSa Posts: 18 Member
    Today has been a sugar filled day. I'm blaming it on the lack of sleep...
    Back on track tomorrow
  • kayvanne
    kayvanne Posts: 35 Member
    I feel better knowing that other people eat this crap too :) I had a whole 12 oz. bottle of Mt Dew Throwback today-- which is bad for two reasons. A) It's full of sugar and empty calories, and B) The caffeine triggers my migraines. *sigh *

    But wait...migraine pills have caffeine in them to stop migraines?:O

    Actually, I've found through quitting pop 3 times in the last 4 years that if you never have caffeine, having SOME is okay. But once you're hooked on caffeine, it's the lack of it that triggers migraines.
    At least the aura migraines. Maybe not all migraine types. Yikes.

    I confess that I had Wendy's for lunch today *u* NO FOOD AT HOME AND I HAD $10 LEFT haha so sad T_T
  • lunaticlover
    Due to stress and depression, I've eaten like crap the whole week, too many cookies, too much icecream, too much frozen meals. I'm disappointed in myself, but I'll be back on track now, hopefully... Didn't log any of my splurges also :sad:
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I overendulged at Mother's Day brunch yesterday.

    And I don't care.

    It was one day and worth the calories. Especially the strawberry blintzes.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I went over yesterday by 96 calories because (I obviously cannot count my calories LOL - now I kinda wish I had just had everything I was craving. Weekends are the worst for me. I can stay on track all week long but once the weekend gets here it's watch out!!!
  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    I hate mothers day so doritos and marshmellows was the only thing hitting my lips yesterday.:grumble:
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    1. I think i might be suffering from orthorexia.

    2. Whenever i slip up & eat junk/fast "food", i feel like i've let poison back into my body & purge.

    3. I secretly admire seeing people enjoy eating & not caring whether their food is clean or not.

    4. I would rather starve to death than to rely on artificial processed "food" for the rest of my life.

    5. Whenever i have the slightest thought about eating junk/fast "food", i hate myself even more.

    6. I feel like keeping track of the food i eat is the only thing i can honestly control in my life.

    7. I feel like i don't deserve to enjoy food at all.