Problems with future brother-in-law



  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I agree that the part about the restaurant was definitely uncalled for, especially when he was receiving a free meal from your parents; a kind gesture that they did NOT have to do. As far as the car, however, is it possible that he was joking around? Did he say it in a condescending manner? Oftentimes,its not WHAT you say, it's how you say it.
    He didn't say it in a joking or mean way, just kinda said it. But it was awkward afterwards.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I wanted to respond to some of the comments and questions here:

    -- He drives a RAV4, lol

    -- We've known him for over a year now, and it seems like he started saying some of these things more recently for some reason. Maybe he is nervous about joining the family. I definitely do think he is immature as well as insecure. He is going on 29 years old and so is my sister.

    -- I also think he is somewhat jealous of my husband. This guy is very unhappy with his job (he drives a city bus), doesn't have much money, still lives in an apartment, drives a crappy car, etc. My husband has a very good job for the last 12 years, we own a house, he has a nice car, etc. So I definitely think some of this comes from jealousy and insecurity.

    -- I absolutely do not want my sister to break up with him and I want the best for them. He makes her very happy and treats her like a princess. Whether or not we like him should have absolutely nothing to do with their relationship.

    -- We did not judge him from Day 1. From when we met him, we always thought he was a little odd and different, and we knew that he had nothing in common with my husband, so that made things a little weird when we hung out with them. But my husband never had a problem with him (other than thinking he was weird), until very recently - since he has been saying these rude things more and more.

    --I agree that my husband is being over sensitive about the car thing. Like I said, there have been some comments that this guy has made to me, which I just let roll off my back - because I just don't care what he says or thinks about me or anything. I don't let his comments bother me at all - and to me - I'd rather just deal with it and let it go rather than cause a big issue.

    My husband and I had a huge discussion about this today now that he had some time to cool off about things.
    He said he doesn't think he should have to deal with the rude comments, and that if it was up to him he would just never talk to or see this guy again. He said if it was one of his friends that said these things to him, he would tell them off. But he obviously can't do that, because of who this guy is and what problems that would cause for everyone.

    He said this bothered him the most because he had truly been trying to make an attempt at being friendly with him and have a conversation about something.

    I told my husband that he should just let things go - and not listen to anything he says.
    I said it isn't fair to me to say he won't go anywhere he is going to be or invite him to our house, because it is still my sister (we are pretty close), and that would mean that I could never invite her over for a party or BBQ or whatever. We usually spend New year's eve with them too, and that would be out as well.

    I've thought about talking to my sister and I'm still not sure if I will. I was thinking I might just ask her what is up with him saying these comments lately, and explain what I mean by that.. and then maybe tell her that he should really try to stop making comments about my husband's car, because it really bothers him. Then leave it up to her to talk to him about it and fix it, and hopefully it will stop. My other idea, was for me to just talk to this guy and ask him to please stop saying stuff about that car because I know it bother's my husband. I think not saying something might make things worse if it happens again (and it probably will), but saying something could be bad as well. Still torn about that!

    *Edit* I wanted to mention the other things he said to me that kinda bugged me. He had called me when planning their engagement, to ask me what limo company I had used for my bachelorette party, because he wanted to rent a limo for the night he proposed. So I told him the company. Then, he ended up telling me that he booked a different company, because he looked up reviews of the company I had used, and they were all bad reviews, and the company he found was much better. I was thinking "so he trusts stranger's opinions over me? Then why ask me at all??"

    When he was getting ready to buy her ring, he was talking to me about it, about what size, clarity, etc that he should get. I told him the size of my ring, and I told him that when we picked it out, we chose a little bit bigger, with slightly less clarity, because to me personally, I'd rather have a little bit bigger ring, when you can't see the difference in clarity anyway. Then, he looked at my ring, and then says "No, I don't care if it is smaller, I want it to be as clear as it can be. I'd rather get a nicer diamond". So again, basically he was saying that my ring wasn't nice, in a roundabout way.

    Recently, we refinished our hardwood floor in one room, all by ourselves. When he came to our house and looked at it, he asked things like "why did you do it so dark a color? It makes the room so dark and dreary". And also "why did you make it so shiny"? Like instead of just saying, wow it looks really nice!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I agree that the part about the restaurant was definitely uncalled for, especially when he was receiving a free meal from your parents; a kind gesture that they did NOT have to do. As far as the car, however, is it possible that he was joking around? Did he say it in a condescending manner? Oftentimes,its not WHAT you say, it's how you say it.
    He didn't say it in a joking or mean way, just kinda said it. But it was awkward afterwards.

    I know people like a relative that is kinda this way. They find fault with just about everything. Once we had a cookout, where we bought all the food, they only had to show up and eat....she says "can I see the package these burgers came in"...they were a box from sams club (cause there were 30 people there)....she says "you couldn't have bought better burgers"...not in an overly snotty way, but "matter-of-factly" I said "you don't have to eat it", and put the burger I had on the spatula that was aimed for her plate back on the grill. Her husband just looked at me, he was behind her and smiled. She never saw him smile. And she walked away from me. Some people you just have to let know they are being @sshats.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    *Edit* I wanted to mention the other things he said to me that kinda bugged me. He had called me when planning their engagement, to ask me what limo company I had used for my bachelorette party, because he wanted to rent a limo for the night he proposed. So I told him the company. Then, he ended up telling me that he booked a different company, because he looked up reviews of the company I had used, and they were all bad reviews, and the company he found was much better. I was thinking "so he trusts stranger's opinions over me? Then why ask me at all??"

    When he was getting ready to buy her ring, he was talking to me about it, about what size, clarity, etc that he should get. I told him the size of my ring, and I told him that when we picked it out, we chose a little bit bigger, with slightly less clarity, because to me personally, I'd rather have a little bit bigger ring, when you can't see the difference in clarity anyway. Then, he looked at my ring, and then says "No, I don't care if it is smaller, I want it to be as clear as it can be. I'd rather get a nicer diamond". So again, basically he was saying that my ring wasn't nice, in a roundabout way.

    Recently, we refinished our hardwood floor in one room, all by ourselves. When he came to our house and looked at it, he asked things like "why did you do it so dark a color? It makes the room so dark and dreary". And also "why did you make it so shiny"? Like instead of just saying, wow it looks really nice!

    Ok, so you know what this guy is all about. You've got many different examples to show you that this guy is going to continue to find fault and proclaim superiority at every available opportunity. If I were you, I'd draw some clear lines. You guys WILL get tired of it, and it WILL end up an ugly situation at some point. It may not be now, you may be able to "hold it together" until after they are married, but unless he understands that it is not okay with you to act in this fashion, it will not stop, and will probably get worse. It would be best in my view if you address it sooner rather than later, as it will stew, and then when it finally does come to a head, it will cause alot of issues.

    Tell your husband I applaud his patience, I would have already had words with him by now.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I wanted to respond to some of the comments and questions here:

    -- He drives a RAV4, lol

    -- We've known him for over a year now, and it seems like he started saying some of these things more recently for some reason. Maybe he is nervous about joining the family. I definitely do think he is immature as well as insecure. He is going on 29 years old

    OK, this is helpful. The way I see it, there are probably 3 possibilities here.

    He has had the time to get to know you guys a little and is starting to relax in your company, but is just so completely socially inept that the rubbish keeps coming out. Given more time, he could improve.

    The wedding is getting closer, and he is starting to get uptight about it. Get past the big day, and hopefully he will relax a little and go back to the way he was.

    He has a serious chip on his shoulder and wants to constantly make himself look better than everyone, and feels threatened because his extended family to be clearly is successful, and he clearly is not. He cannot see that his reactions are just alienating him from everyone. To find out what it is all about will take time and probably frank conversation, and he won't open up easily.

    I sounds like your husband has been really patient with him, and deserves a meddle (I would tend to snap back I'm afraid!). Having a game plan to deal with these get-togethers would be a good idea so that you know when the other has had enough. Personally, I still wouldn't let it lie because it just stores up resentment. I would bide my time, and pick an appropriate moment to talk about this with your sister. Maybe she knows why (I presume she is not blind, even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it) and can help you deal with him. Good luck!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all of the advice!

    Usually, my husband and I do laugh off the things that this guy says and does, I guess this just got under his skin. He is going to let it go for now and if it happens again, he will have to say SOMETHING to him, because I refuse to get in the middle of it, or let it become a bigger problem than it should.
    Everyone is going to have opinions.
    I drive probably the most wussy car made. a 1973 Beetle.
    Anyway, every once in a while, someone will say something. (you should buy a MAN truck).
    My typical reply is normally something about the size of my "junk" and not needing to prove myself.
    Your husbands conversation should go something like this.

    Husband:...And I love my 350

    BIL: Yeah, that car kinda sucks. I like the Mustang and Camaro

    Husband: I can understand that. Not many people are talent enough to drive a high horsepower V6 so they have to compensate with a V8. I understand that. Plus, most people who prefer the bigger motors are normally lacking between the legs. My sympathies to your fiancee.

    And SCENE.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I personally would have said something...but that's just me being the jerk I am. But I would have said something like "oh nothing compares to your sweet Rav 4." People like this don't need to be ignored or sugar coat stuff.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I think that your husband should call him out when he makes a rude comment. Let them handle it between themselves.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    It's a tough situation, but bottom line...husband first, everyone else second.

    I would probably just limit interaction between the two to family events and leave it at that. If you want to hang out with your sister it will have to be 1 on 1.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I can't believe this has gotten so many replies!

    My husband really doesn't want to cause any family conflict, which is why he's been biting his tongue and hasn't said anything to this guy. He'd rather try to ignore him completely and just not be friends with him, instead of talking to him about it - because really - he has no desire to be friends with him anyway. Yes, if he stopped making these comments to us, my husband wouldn't have to deal with them - but - talking to him or my sister about it COULD make things worse than they already are, you know?

    I do however, have a knack at making a joke out of things, and I think I could probably say something back - in front of everyone - the next time it happens. I have to remember that this guy is going to be my family - so I should be able to speak to him the same way I'd speak to my sister. If it had been my sister that had made these comments, I would've called her out on them - probably in a joking way, and that would've been the end of it. The problem so far has been he caught us completely off guard at the time and nobody had any idea how to even react to what he said. In the future, I will be better prepared for any comments he might make - and I won't be afraid to say something back - in the nicest way that I can without causing a problem or a scene.

    The next time we will see them is Memorial Day weekend - we are going to their place for a BBQ with a bunch of his friends (and ironically, my husband actually really gets along with this guy's best friend and really likes him).
    If anything is said at that BBQ, I will have to say something. I'll be sure to post an update back here afterwards!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    It's a tough situation, but bottom line...husband first, everyone else second.

    I would probably just limit interaction between the two to family events and leave it at that. If you want to hang out with your sister it will have to be 1 on 1.
    It really isn't possible. We have bbq's and parties all the time that don't involve other family members, and it is out of the question to NOT invite the two of them for those parties. They have to be invited - she is my sister - they are a couple.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I wanted to respond to some of the comments and questions here:

    -- He drives a RAV4, lol

    -- We've known him for over a year now, and it seems like he started saying some of these things more recently for some reason. Maybe he is nervous about joining the family. I definitely do think he is immature as well as insecure. He is going on 29 years old

    OK, this is helpful. The way I see it, there are probably 3 possibilities here.

    He has had the time to get to know you guys a little and is starting to relax in your company, but is just so completely socially inept that the rubbish keeps coming out. Given more time, he could improve.

    The wedding is getting closer, and he is starting to get uptight about it. Get past the big day, and hopefully he will relax a little and go back to the way he was.

    He has a serious chip on his shoulder and wants to constantly make himself look better than everyone, and feels threatened because his extended family to be clearly is successful, and he clearly is not. He cannot see that his reactions are just alienating him from everyone. To find out what it is all about will take time and probably frank conversation, and he won't open up easily.

    I sounds like your husband has been really patient with him, and deserves a meddle (I would tend to snap back I'm afraid!). Having a game plan to deal with these get-togethers would be a good idea so that you know when the other has had enough. Personally, I still wouldn't let it lie because it just stores up resentment. I would bide my time, and pick an appropriate moment to talk about this with your sister. Maybe she knows why (I presume she is not blind, even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it) and can help you deal with him. Good luck!

    I don't think this guy has a chip on his shoulder..but I think it may be a combination of getting to know us better, as well as the stress of the wedding (they only got engaged two weeks ago).
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I wish I had better advice for you, but I'm in a similar situation. My boyfriend's mother is extremely rude to me for no reason, and he doesn't see it even when I've tried to explain it to him. At this point, I've come to the decision to just avoid her when I can, and when I can't, just be civil. :ohwell:
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I wish I had better advice for you, but I'm in a similar situation. My boyfriend's mother is extremely rude to me for no reason, and he doesn't see it even when I've tried to explain it to him. At this point, I've come to the decision to just avoid her when I can, and when I can't, just be civil. :ohwell:

    Yeah, I'm wondering if my sister doesn't seem to see it because she knows him better, and maybe this is "just how he is", so it doesn't bother her? It might be the same situation for you- your boyfriend obviously knows his mother, and is probably used to how she is that he doesn't even see the problem with it, you know? I guess it just takes getting used to - and trying not to take it too personally.

    I've told my husband to try not to take it too personally, because it is obvious that this guy says comments like this to everybody, not just him.
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    Sometimes awkward silence says more than words.
  • FitWithWit44
    FitWithWit44 Posts: 412 Member
    Tough situation.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Tough situation.

    yeah from a YEAR ago...
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just be ready to jump to your sister's aid when he starts abusing her, if he hasn't already.
  • TwirleySlims
    TwirleySlims Posts: 112
    I would tell your Sister and him he is out of order with your hubby! Stand up for your man! I would be raging if someone did that to me!
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    If your husband gets along well with his best friend maybe your husband can ask the guy what is up with your soon to be brother in law...if the guy is his best friend he should have some insight you know? And myabe the best friend will have some helpful advice as to how to deal with him too.