Stop rolling your eyes at fat people in the gym!



  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Guilty to some extent. Only really an issue with lap swimming. My gym doesn't have many lanes and it can get quite backed up in the afternoons. When I've been waiting more than 30 minutes for lane, I get kinda aggravated watching people water-walking for an hour or swimming so slowly they might as well be floating. These typically are the larger folk. I know it's none of my business, but for that amount of exertion, you can really do anything for exercise and not take up an hour in a lane.

    I know I should just be patient but admittedly it does irk me.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    so much drama and judgement......
    this is why I don't go to a gym and never will.

    I have encountered far more "drama and judgement" at the grocery store than I have at the gym...

    ...but I'm not going to stop buying groceries because of it.


    98% of this "judgment" is imaginary.
  • hymescs
    hymescs Posts: 32 Member
    They roll their eyes, until they see me shake it like a salt shaker in zumba... then it becomes a stare in awe... and glory
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    They get zero eye rolls from me. Just smiles of encouragement :) I have some heavier friends who have admitted to me it's a psychological battle to drag themselves to the gym and feel comfortable. They get nothing but kudos from me.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Guilty to some extent. Only really an issue with lap swimming. My gym doesn't have many lanes and it can get quite backed up in the afternoons. When I've been waiting more than 30 minutes for lane, I get kinda aggravated watching people water-walking for an hour or swimming so slowly they might as well be floating. These typically are the larger folk. I know it's none of my business, but for that amount of exertion, you can really do anything for exercise and not take up an hour in a lane.

    I know I should just be patient but admittedly it does irk me.

    My gym's pool has 6 lanes, but we still do a lot of lane sharing. Can you do that?
  • 322to140
    322to140 Posts: 1
    I smile at people at the gym. I've never seen anyone roll eyes or be mean. We go to the gym, get our burn done and leave :)
  • InstantKarma24
    InstantKarma24 Posts: 27 Member
    THe only people I ever rolled my eyes at where the machine hoggers (i.e I need the 5 or 6 weight equipment things so I can do my Circuit), and the guys who use free weights and literally DROP them on the ground when they are done.

    Just want to point out that there are certain exercises, like dead lift, that it is literally safer to drop the weight than try to set it down softly and quietly... It does get excessive and annoying, sure, but I always remind myself that it's better to make a loud noise than strain your back...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I smile at people at the gym. I've never seen anyone roll eyes or be mean. We go to the gym, get our burn done and leave :)

    No we don't. Just ask all the people who don't go to the gym...we go to judge people. :smile:
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    When I was going to the gym, I thought it was great to see overweight people there working...doesn't matter how slow they went, they were still trying. I commend them for that! :)

    Same for me!!! I think it is wonderful when I see someone trying to better themselves! :happy:
  • AlohaKeAkua
    AlohaKeAkua Posts: 92
    THANK YOU! You're so right! I was at the gym the other day and I just got done a mean run. I was a sweaty mess and as I walked in front of the ellipticals, a heard a couple of guys talking and one said, "Ewww, that is just nasty" My heart dropped and I thought they were talking about me. I was so proud of my run, until I felt like a wet mop. I finally noticed where they were STILL looking and it was a very large woman, trying her hardest to bike bike bike! I felt awful about it and thought to myself, "I thought they were talking about me and it was devastating to think someone could be so cruel. My job is to smile at everybody and make them feel welcomed, bc you never know who may have just ruined their self esteem"
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm sorry. I just can't help it.

    Whenever I see an overweight person making good smart choices and taking proactive steps to achieve their goals a little voice inside my head tells me to run up to them jiggle their belly fat (if their a female I beat on their breasts like a drum) and say 'Nice try fatty! Get back to the Burger Shop where you belong!'

    Just for the record in case some of you can't detect sarcasm. I have never done this. I've also been going to the gym for about a decade and I have never once seen or heard any negativity towards a fat person trying to get in shape at the gym. The ONLY time I ever hear about it is on these boards.
  • AlohaKeAkua
    AlohaKeAkua Posts: 92
    I love when the women with 10 pounds of make up on and hair that is perfectly done, while walking on the treadmill stare at you like your crazy for actually WORKING OUT... I didn't come for a fashion show I came to workout...

    This! I don't go to the gym looking good. I come so I can look good!
  • NakedLunchTime
    I'll keep rolling my eyes at all the people using machines and going for eternal strolls on the treadmill hamster wheels.

    Thanks. You come into my free weights area? Mad hugs for all. You keep pittering and pattering on the latest preacher curl machine to open: go back to jamba juice for your "healthy" candy.

    Hard love for all. One. Hard. Love.

    Dude: no
  • pumkin85
    pumkin85 Posts: 5
    I could not agree more! It's disgusting that people would be like that but the truth is that it happens..

    Everybody starts somewhere... And all of those so-called "beautiful" people at the gym gawking at the big girls and guys just make themselves look ugly. It makes me pretty sad to think that people can be so shallow...
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Most people are so self-absorbed they think everyone is thinking about them.

    Most people are also so self-absorbed that they don't realize nobody cares about them.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    so much drama and judgement......
    this is why I don't go to a gym and never will.

    I have encountered far more "drama and judgement" at the grocery store than I have at the gym...

    ...but I'm not going to stop buying groceries because of it.

    You should have your groceries delivered. I don't go anywhere just in case someone judges me. I have taken to living in a cave by the sea with a bag on my head just in case I accidentally see anyone looking at me.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Most people are so self-absorbed they think everyone is thinking about them.

    Most people are also so self-absorbed that they don't realize nobody cares about them.

  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm the fat person in the gym.

    I have never had anyone roll their eyes at me but I've had the "good for you" patronizing pat on the head thing going on and it feels pretty horrible to be singled out like that too.

    I know people are just trying to be nice but I wish nobody would ever say anything, just work out and let me work out in peace.

    I had an instructor do that to me before. She literally pulled me aside and congratulated me for continuing to come back. Then told me that she had told all her friends about the bigger girl in her class that keep coming back. I don't do patronizing. I didn't go back to her class.
  • RavenWolf1977
    RavenWolf1977 Posts: 39 Member
    MOST people are friendly and supportive, because that's a normal, healthy way to be . . . I'm just griping at a few bad apples.

    Sadly, one bad apple is enough to ruin it for people with low self esteem :/ So, you're very very right.

    I agree. One bad apple could very well end the gym going for someone with low self esteem. I think it's awful that people can be so cruel. If we don't start some where, we will never get to where we want to go.

    Very valid rant!
  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
    When I first started going to the gym last year, I was one of the bigger guys and no one wanted to have anything to do with me. Getting a simple hello or a smile was way too much.

    Now a year later, I am one of the fittest and most dedicated guys there and a lot of people try to talk to me. It's annoying and I ignore all of it.

    Hi, I want to be you! :P