Stop rolling your eyes at fat people in the gym!



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've never seen anyone be mean where I work out.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I think a lot of the time people are so self conscious at the gym, they assume people are rolling their eyes, laughing, judging, etc. when really most people are just there to get their sweat on and get out.

    This!!! Very few people care what you are doing in the gym!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I'm fat, and about the worst I've gotten is a look of surprise at what I was able to do.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Worse for me was when people were using me as "motivation", watching my speed and everytime they looked tired and like they were going to stop, looking at me and then going faster. Wouldn't want to end up like that fat girl.

    Offended that you may inspire someone? That's wacky. I doubt they are thinking they don't want to end up like the fat girl, but more like if you who are overweight and out of shape can keep up a good steady pace, then surely they can too. If you don't want to make someone look bad, then just go slower. :wink:
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    They're exactly where they should be! And they have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

    Instead of being a twunt, be nice. Smile. Say hello. Make them feel welcome, so they'll keep coming back.

    (Added bonus: You'll feel better too.)

    I totally agree with you. It actually makes me smile :happy: . There is this gentleman that I see at the gym regularly and it makes me happy to see him in there as often as me and working out so hard and deligently. So YEAH! don't be rude to the fat people because they are trying to not be in that category. You have to start somewhere...right?
  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    I've never seen anyone be mean where I work out.

    Me either.
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    I simply say f*** the haters and continue working out.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've also not encountered this at the gym. Why would people roll their eyes at someone that is heavy at a gym? That makes no sense. But, like other people said there are some people that are just nasty, wherever they are. Also, sometimes there can be snobby, gossipy types that give everyone looks down their noses or huff and puff if you glance in their direction, or watch you and turn and whisper to each other, or say rude things directly to you. But, that is very unusual. They do that to everyone, and for no specific reason (it's just their form of entertainment). And usually they are young, just barely not teenagers anymore. Possibly it may be there own form of insecurity, and that's just how it comes out.
  • meinola
    meinola Posts: 36 Member
    They're exactly where they should be! And they have just as much right to be there as anyone else.

    Instead of being a twunt, be nice. Smile. Say hello. Make them feel welcome, so they'll keep coming back.

    (Added bonus: You'll feel better too.)

    TWUNT is my new favorite word. Awesomesauce.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    On the rare occasion I go to a gym, there's only two people there. Me and whoever is using the machine I'm waiting for.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    The only people I roll my eyes at when at the gym are the ladies with full on make up, bracelets and dangly earrings. I'm sorry but not only does it look out of place/ could be dangerous should heaven forbid your accessory get caught on something, but you don't look cute with your make up running down your face or if you are going so slow as to not produce any sweat, why bother?

    As for the fat people (whom i count myself among) I give an inside "Huzah!" because I think its fabulous they are there.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    I dont, I roll my eyes at the dumbass guys throwing/dropping weights, or using up a bench chatting rather than working, when I need said bench. Is that ok?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I caught myself doing this once...

    Gal on a treadmill next to me would jog for a minute or so, jump on the sides of the treadmill...adjust hair...adjust armband...get a drink...jump back on for another couple minutes...jump on sides...adjust hair...adjust armband...get a drink.....repeat for 30 minutes or so. Whatever, it's your workout.

    As I was getting ready to leave I overheard a conversation between her and another gym goer..."I just ran 3 miles and really feel good afterward, but don't see the results I think I should".

    I found I rolled my eyes as I walked out the door because I was thinking...ya, that's because you only ran for 1/2 that.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I am a very big maximum weight was about 430 lbs (current 350 something). I've never noticed anyone rolling their eyes, but I have noticed staring (I mean gawking!!!!). When I was younger, there were even a few tiny girls that were laughing at me. I've had people laugh at me when I went to dance (even people that I know LOVE me). Along time ago, that would bother me. Now, I couldn't care less. I am in my own world in the gym. With that being said, it does bother some people and just because you don't see it everyday, doesn't make it funny. Fat people are just that, fat PEOPLE. They aren't stupid or less than, in anyway. I don't think it is as bad as it used to be, probably because so many people are overweight and obese now. When I was younger I was made fun of everyday. Idk, it could be that I am more immune to it, after all these years.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OMG, if you knew how many fat people rolled their eyes at me when I was skinny for saying any little thing. Mostly the same ish I say now, only now apparently it's funny since I'm overweight, but when I'm thin, it's "oh she's so stupid" *eyeroll*. Having been both, believe you me it happens WAY more in reverse. How about everyone just wear sunglasses so we can all just roll our eyes till they fall out with no one being the wiser.

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm fat, and about the worst I've gotten is a look of surprise at what I was able to do.

    This for me, too. People look at me with a shocked look on their face when they see that big girl wearing knee braces running and doing squats, and lunges... She may not be able to run fast or get down as far as your typical person, but she's doing them.

    I've rolled my eyes a couple times, but it was at someone moving into a spot they see I'm clearly using, or the guy 1/4 @ssing things while loudly talking on his cell phone about complete nonsense.

    I go to a parks and rec gym, so I'm sure the clientele is a bit different than your typical gym, but everyone at mine is super friendly and the staff is really nice, too.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I sometimes forget I'm not the big girl anymore. When people stare at me, I think they're judging me for being overweight and at the gym. DH pointed out the other night that all the people staring were guys, and I was wearing something form-fitting. That made me feel even worse, until he said they weren't judging me negatively; they were checking me out. :blushing:

    Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss

    Great NSV

  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I roll my eyes at skinny girls who pick up 5 lbs dumbbells.

    this is just as rude as rolling your eyes at a "fat" person.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Everyone who is in the gym and actually working out and doing there best deserves to be there. Lifting free weights doesn't make you any better then anyone else. As long as someone is making an effort, they deserve respect. /endrant
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    so much drama and judgement......
    this is why I don't go to a gym and never will.

    I have encountered far more "drama and judgement" at the grocery store than I have at the gym...

    ...but I'm not going to stop buying groceries because of it.