Please, Please, Please no more "diet" threads



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?

    Obviously not, including you...

    Nope, just calling it like I see it.


    bahahahahahahahha that gif is hilarious...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Well, this thread certainly devolved quickly...

    I expected it to de-rail rahter quickly ..

    Its all good...I dive bomb the F out of threads so why should mine be no different...

    Get you some popcorn and enjoy the sh%t show!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    does anyone in this thread even lift?
    I do. Wanna workout with me?

    wasn't asking you

    Wasn't responding to your question.

    More shaking my head at desperation.
    How cute. It's actually more desperate to have an avatar of a model that's not even you. At least I look good IRL, but thanks anyways.

    You think my avatar is a model? How cute, it's actually me. I'm flattered.

    So you're veronika axelsson?

    taunto you werent supposed to tell her who she was yet...... :P

    LOL I just realized you all were hating on that chick for having fake photos....i just jumped back in here this morning...

    Is reverse image a new diet????
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I heard... just by watching Dr. Oz I can lose 10 pounds in a week ;)

    (it's not the "watching" that makes you lose..apparently the claims made are so ridiculous it causes vomiting after each episode!!)
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Dr. Oz doesnt even lift Bro... how would he know a damn thing about anything.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I heard... just by watching Dr. Oz I can lose 10 pounds in a week ;)

    (it's not the "watching" that makes you lose..apparently the claims made are so ridiculous it causes vomiting after each episode!!)

    I heard that the show radiates raspberry ketones that target your fat cells and irradiates them, thus losing body fat, while you watch dr oz....
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    Live and let live. Why are you so bothered about what people are doing, anyway?
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Counting calories just gets so bo.o.o.o.ring after a while. I love reading gimmicky diet books just to see what people are talking about, and maybe get a new recipe or idea to play around with. Reading about how I should only eat while juggling live snakes over an open pit on the full moon makes me appreciate the simplicity of what I am doing.

  • Zoe2901
    Zoe2901 Posts: 73 Member
    whats the big deal? if you dont like the threads then dont read them, if people want to try fad diets that is up to them. maybe they have tried everything else who knows instead of just jumping to the conclusion that people who choose fad diets are stupid an lazy, maybe you should not comment or read their threads or give encouragement and offer advice.
    no one is forcing you to read the threads and making a thread like this bashing people, who are obviously desperate to get healthy and lose weight, you just end up offending people.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whats the big deal? if you dont like the threads then dont read them, if people want to try fad diets that is up to them. maybe they have tried everything else who knows instead of just jumping to the conclusion that people who choose fad diets are stupid an lazy, maybe you should not comment or read their threads or give encouragement and offer advice.
    no one is forcing you to read the threads and making a thread like this bashing people, who are obviously desperate to get healthy and lose weight, you just end up offending people.

    Hmmmm no one forced you to read this one either, so why are you complaining...???

    Let he who is without thread, cast the first thread....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Live and let live. Why are you so bothered about what people are doing, anyway?

    I care because I have been tasked with eradicating all fad diets. It is my mission in life...

    Oh, and these same people then post a thread saying "Help! I gained all the weight back!" equally annoying and should be outlawed in my humble opinion...
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    People are stupid and lazy. These quick fix deals appeal to them. As long as there are idiots, there will be people trying to take their money.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    THANK YOU!!! Diets???? havent we ****ing learned! U are da man!!
  • RunEatLift
    RunEatLift Posts: 68
    Agreed. People try to look for an easy way out when really the easy way is to create a modest calorie deficit and have some patience.
  • kalexmac
    kalexmac Posts: 13 Member
    Seriously?! You hold your breath? What is that supposed to do?
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I like the new one. "I'll punch you in your gut until you puke out everything you ate diet." It's not catching on yet but I need a sweet promotional video with a shake weight in it.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Yes because the DASH diet and the Mediterranean Diet are hideous.

    You know what is funny though? When some "guru" repackages an old dieting idea and everyone trips over their knickers to say how great it is...

    Fashion model diet of skipping breakfast and having coffee and cigarettes instead: simply terrible
    IF: it is da boooooomb yo! Cures cancer for realz. Check out dehdrated Muslim athletes training during Ramadan. Yeeeeah.

    DGAC advice on a balanced diet with discretionary calories: boring and old fashioned
    IIFYM: wut? You don't do it? You're a bro scientist man! Chest bump. Dietary hydrogen bomb player. BOOM.

  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    calories in, calories out. Thermodynamics

    /end thread
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Yes because the DASH diet and the Mediterranean Diet are hideous.

    You know what is funny though? When some "guru" repackages an old dieting idea and everyone trips over their knickers to say how great it is...

    Fashion model diet of skipping breakfast and having coffee and cigarettes instead: simply terrible
    IF: it is da boooooomb yo! Cures cancer for realz. Check out dehdrated Muslim athletes training during Ramadan. Yeeeeah.

    DGAC advice on a balanced diet with discretionary calories: boring and old fashioned
    IIFYM: wut? You don't do it? You're a bro scientist man! Chest bump. Dietary hydrogen bomb player. BOOM.
