Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    soo today I got up and began Week 4...... soo today was my first workout in Week 4 and I cant believe I did it...I ran 5 minutes twice as wella s a 3 mins and a 2 min run!!! YAY for me!!! i am soo the beginning I was like I am not so sure I can do this but then I did it and at the end I felt great!!! my next run is on Sunday!!! I hope I have the same results!!! or outcome!!!

    BRU!! YAY and best of luck my first 5K that I know of right now is Nov 13th in Orlando with my boyfriends sis...she will be living there and thats the only one of my visits that orlando has thats the date!!! soo I cant wait to hear about yours!! we can swap stories....

    WMChick91.....dont give can do it!!! I know you can!!! and take your time there is not a time limit as long as you are doing it and doing something!!!

    wow JR!!! impressive....way to go!!!

    ASJ...let me know what you think about gateway to 8K!!!!
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    soo today I got up and began Week 4...... soo today was my first workout in Week 4 and I cant believe I did it...I ran 5 minutes twice as wella s a 3 mins and a 2 min run!!! YAY for me!!! i am soo the beginning I was like I am not so sure I can do this but then I did it and at the end I felt great!!! my next run is on Sunday!!! I hope I have the same results!!! or outcome!!!

    BRU!! YAY and best of luck my first 5K that I know of right now is Nov 13th in Orlando with my boyfriends sis...she will be living there and thats the only one of my visits that orlando has thats the date!!! soo I cant wait to hear about yours!! we can swap stories....

    WMChick91.....dont give can do it!!! I know you can!!! and take your time there is not a time limit as long as you are doing it and doing something!!!

    wow JR!!! impressive....way to go!!!

    ASJ...let me know what you think about gateway to 8K!!!!

    It sounds like you're talking about the same 5K that I'm going to be running on November 13th in Orlando. The Children's Miracle Network Torch Relay. Small world. Too funny!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Whoa! Where did the past week go? My last run was Tuesday, a week ago. And here we are at Tuesday again.
    I'm posting to try to guilt myself into running tonight... Who wants to kick my butt?!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    soo today I got up and began Week 4...... soo today was my first workout in Week 4 and I cant believe I did it...I ran 5 minutes twice as wella s a 3 mins and a 2 min run!!! YAY for me!!! i am soo the beginning I was like I am not so sure I can do this but then I did it and at the end I felt great!!! my next run is on Sunday!!! I hope I have the same results!!! or outcome!!!

    BRU!! YAY and best of luck my first 5K that I know of right now is Nov 13th in Orlando with my boyfriends sis...she will be living there and thats the only one of my visits that orlando has thats the date!!! soo I cant wait to hear about yours!! we can swap stories....

    WMChick91.....dont give can do it!!! I know you can!!! and take your time there is not a time limit as long as you are doing it and doing something!!!

    wow JR!!! impressive....way to go!!!

    ASJ...let me know what you think about gateway to 8K!!!!

    It sounds like you're talking about the same 5K that I'm going to be running on November 13th in Orlando. The Children's Miracle Network Torch Relay. Small world. Too funny!

    Hey maybe it is.....Is the one you are doing at Baldwin Park???? that is where mine is going to be held at.....
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    sooo I was a bad girl and did nothing on Sunday and am now regretting it but I did Week 4 Workout 2 yesterday evening...and let me tell you it feels good with the weather getting a little bit cooler....but at first I felt like I was struggling (then one of my headphones didnt work...only the right side worked :0( soo now I need new headphones) but then by the second half was great and I felt great!!!! I cant believe that I did and can run 5 minutes twice....and I plan on doing the 3rd workout on Friday morning (and if that doesnt work then Saturday for sure) but then week 5 starts...oh my goodness!!! I hope I can do it!!!

    DMG you can do it!!! just think run run run and I have missed your posts!!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just popping in to say KEEP IT UP!!! You all are rocking it out!! So I was away this weekend and food choices weren't much of a choice, it was eat whats there or don't eat, so my sodium was WAY out of whack, but everything is back to normal now.. I didn't get to do much exercise this week and here lately I haven't been jogging I decided that last night I was gonna go for a walk/jog, I went 1.89miles, jogging the full mile and did it in 13min (I was around 16 when I graduated C25k) and then I went out again for another walk/jog which was all jog and had a 12.35min mile!! Woot Woot!! I'd love to be at a 10min mile by the end of fall. As for my 5k, as long as I finish, I'm happy, although I'd love to finish around 36-39min, but I'm sure I'll be pacing myself and maybe walk for a few, so I'll take whatever I finish with.

    Hope you all had a wnoderful weekend and I can't wait to see you all graduate!! :heart: Bru
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    well I FINISHED week 4 today!!! and I felt like it was the best of th three days!!! and I got a little farther today and felt better today!!! but seriously I am nervous about starting Week 5....oh my running 5 minutes (3x's) then 2 8 minutes then straight 20 minutes...oh gosh!!!! I hope I can do it...eeeekkk we will see!!!! I plan on running Week 5 Day 1 on Friday morning ( I hope I get up) and if not Friday morning then for sure on Saturday I will start Week 5...wish me luck!!

    soo here lately when I finish my runs my knee (right one) kind of when I bend it...and it feels like a swollen feeling but its not swollen....what is your thoughts or suggestions???
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    JulieSue - I think you're going to catch up with me!! I am still avoiding my 25 min W6D3 run! You are doing sooo great! Did you start Week 5 today? Don't worry! W5D1 is actually easier than W4D3 - only 3 intervals of 5 min for a total of 15 min, instead of 4 intervals of 3/5/3/5 for a total of 16 min. Isn't it fun when you run longer/farther than you ever thought you could? It's very empowering! Way to go! As for that knee, sounds maybe like a bit of fluid retention - try taking some ibuprofen and read this article to for possible causes (maybe your shoes are not the right fit/support for running?): [PS. Thanks for missing me. :smile: ]

    I have at least been trying to fix my MP3 player; I've chatted with tech support twice, finally got the repairing / reformatting to run last night, but it's STILL not working. I keep moving on to different issues... I'm tempted to just go out and spend $20 on the cheapest MP3 player I can find, just to rid myself of this excuse not to run. However, I'm also trying to limit my spending... Choices, choices... I went to Pilates on Tuesday night, and am going golfing this afternoon for a work event. I will definitely need to go to the gym tomorrow morning! And I will definitely need to stop eating chips!! They have been my downfall over the last week or more.
  • andeegirl
    I'm starting this today. I am 300 lbs so I am worried about starting a running program but when I was a child I was a great runner. After Mono I started going down hill, I'm hoping my body remembers how much it used to love running.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! Happy Friday!!!

    Today I started Week 5!!! and yes DMG you are right Day 1 of this week is easier than the 3rd run of week 4!!! but I did it I ran 5 minutes three times!!! and then Sunday I will attempt 8 minutes twice THEN comes the 20 minute run....oh my goodness I cannot imagine!!! but soo far soo good!!!

    DMG thanks for the advice I may start doing that for sure...ibprofin never thought of that and I am def going to read the article about the shoes....thanks so much!!!

    and DMG dont take this the wrong way but stop making excuses and just do it!!! but I do feel ya on the saving money thing...I need to do the same thing!!! :)) but really 20 dollars isnt that much for a healthier you!!! ;)) soo do it!!! :)) but yay on the pilates...ive never tried that!!!

    and welcome Andeegirl!!! you can do it!!! I have faith in you!!!
  • wmchick81
    I am back.... well sort of. I definitely haven't made it to the gym at ALL this week. I am officially back in the classroom teaching, and it's been a rough week. I have 29 fourth graders in a trailer~ I am at a new school and a new grade, and it is killing me. I hope to get back to the gym sometime this weekend and definitely next week. I am hoping maybe the exercise will help with my stress level and make me less emotional and frustrated at everything!
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    I hope you all have had a GREAT weekend!!! :0) I have done all of my workouts this weekend BUT have not eaten the best this weekend....sooooo I must be stronger when I am with friends....ughhhh oh has been good but Friday and Saturday EHHH LOL

    well today I got up and completed Week 5 run 2 and I did it...I ran 8 minutes twice!!! :)) and next (on Wednesday) is 20 minutes of running with no walking...OMG thats a big jump from 8 to 20....soo we shall see!!! but today my heart monitor was not working accurately sooooooo sad...... its new too!!! soo I was a little distracted during my ru so I wonder if thats why I had no problem running 8 minutes twice LOL soo we shall see on Wednesday....

    I hope everyone else is doing good and wmchick you can do it!!! and best of luck this school year!!!
  • PickyNikki
    Hi C25Kers! I just joined MFP a few days ago to take control of my bad eating habits and complete lack of exercise and I think C25K would be a great program for me. I've never been much of a runner but I played soccer in high school and intervals I can do! :) I hope to start week 1 either tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on if I'm still sore from the intervals I did today. Now that I've said hello there's no turning back, so I'm counting on you guys to hold me accountable!
  • quirkyone
    quirkyone Posts: 6 Member
    Julie Sue, I think we're on the same schedule. I did W5D2 at the end of last week and tackled W5D3 today. I wasn't feeling well this weekend and didn't quite have the ooompf to go the full 20 minutes. I DID run over a mile straight for the first time EVER, which was awesome enough that I don't mind staying on Week 5 a bit longer! In the end I ran 13 minutes, walked 1, ran 2, walked 1, sprinted 2. I think the challenge is really mental at this point and I just wasn't quite "there" this morning.

    I did feel good enough to hop in the pool for a quick 1/4 mile afterwards, so I think I'll be able to do the full 20 mintues later this week.

    andeegirl, I was around 250# when I first tried C25K and just plain hated it, but I'd also never run before. Now that I'm a bit under 200#, it's much, MUCH easier! Hang in there!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I would suggest running more slowly to get past the time block. I run like a damn snails pace (between 4-5.4 mph) compared to my bf who just jumped in doing about 6-7.5, but he gets exhausted in 15 min and I finished my first 5 k distance (not a race, just the mileage) last week-- it took 40 minutes. He's all "how can you run for that long?"-- its cuz I start pretty strong and any time my body tries to convince me to stop, I slow down and make myself run for 1 more minute. you can always speed up later:flowerforyou:
  • andeegirl
    thank you JulieSue!
  • PickyNikki
    I did W1D1 today and it felt great! I'm really, REALLY not a runner but I'm looking at this as a challenge that I CAN tackle. I've been getting better with my calorie goal as each day goes by and I'm feeling really positive about losing the extra weight and getting in shape :wink:
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Week 6 Day 2 complete! (Deja Vu, anyone?)

    It's been 2 weeks, but I have finally bought a new MP3 player, and started running again! I didn't figure I'd be able to run W6D3 (25 min straight) after 2 weeks off, so I decided to do the same workout as the last one I completed: 10 min run / 3 min walk / 10 min run. This was after my Pilates class, so I've had a productive evening, and starting to feel better that this may be the turning point where I get back into focusing on my health.

    Great to have some new faces - welcome Nikki and Andee. Keep posting with us to share your progress - it really helps with the motivation!! It would have been so easy for me to stay off the wagon, but I knew my fellow C25k'ers were waiting for me to jump back on. It's so great to have a supportive team!

    JulieSue - I am DYING to hear how your 20 minute run went!!! Quirky, it's so true about the 'mental' challenge. There were certainly some mind games going on with me tonight! Anyway, let us know how your next run goes - I know you can do it!

    Meggon, I am a fellow snail: 4.7 is currently my favorite pace. A lot of people have a goal of running faster, but me, I just love being able to say "I ran for X minutes!". Eventually, I'm sure I'll start working on increasing my speed, but for now, I'm happy to be the tortoise. He did win the race, after all...

    Gotta hit the showers! (Anyone else hate working out at night for the sheer annoyance of dealing with wet hair? I have long-ish hair, and don't normally use a hair dryer, but it drives me crazy to go to bed with wet hair. I toss and turn most of the night, and my hair is still damp in the morning. I guess I'll have to dig out the dryer! :grumble: )
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!

    It is Wednesday and I DID IT!!!! I ran for 20 minutes straight!!!! :)) I made myself a chart to check off when I complete things etc so I can see it at work and at home and today I wrote YAY!!!! with a smiley face.....I cant believe I did it and I felt that way when I was doing it too...I am sure it is a mind game but I started strong and finished strong in the middle I had to slow down some but since my 5K isnt til November...I am hoping I finsih these last 4 weeks then go back and work on speed and distance!!!! I am honestly just proud of myself...I never thought in a million years I could run for 5 minutes straight much less I know I dont need to get too excited becuz next Wednesday is 25 mins and it keeps going up from there!!! eeekkk but anywho I will be beginning Week 6 on Friday!!! ;))

    DMG!!! YAY for the new MP3 player.....I love new stuff...I bought a polar hmr and its not working soo greatly when I am outdoors :0( and that makes me sad!!! but YAY and YAY for running...cant wait to hear how your week 6 day 3 goes.... :))

    Nikki!!! I know you can do it...I never thought I could do it either....soo just stick it out!!!

    Meg....speed aint nothing but a number!!! at least you are doing it and that is more than most people in this world can say!!! soo YAY for you!!!! first comes endourance (or however you spell that) then comes can do it!!!!

    Andee...your welcome!!!

    Quirky....YAY we are close together!!! and way to go on the sprints...i havent tried those yet....I was only a sprinter in HS and never attmepted anything more than one to two laps....soo this is a feat that I am really enjoying and I am sure you will too!!! way to go and way for motivating me...I am planning on starting over again for speed and maybe I will throw some sprints in there too!!!

    Happy Running Everyone!!!! :))
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi haven't posted on here for ages, I have been missing in action resting my calf / Achilles and then got back on to week 4- was a little anxious coz I really do not want to pick up an injury especially one that could prevent me walking and biking (where most of my cardio is coming from......
    but hey week 4 is repeated and complete Wk 5 days 1 and 2 are completed whoop whoop,

    oops day 3 today 20mins!!!!! YIKES here we go , apprehensive I must say and I have so noticed the difference between going uphill and down it sure pulls on my calf so the plan is I walk uphill for about 20mins to warm up turn around n then jog down pass my house n keep going down then walk back up as my cool down. As plans go it aint bad! I do worry that I am only going to run in one direction then have to walk back lol! but plenty of time to sort that one out!!!!

    reading this thread is such an inspiration come on girlies (and chaps but aint noticed many of you) we are going to be 5kers at least! well done for work so far and good luck to all for your next runs