Couch to 5k Anyone?



  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    *Attempted* W9D2 yesterday and had a really hard time. I felt like I was about to pass out. I had to slow down a few times to gulp down my water. My face was pouring sweat, and I just felt awful. By the time I finished my 45 minute run, my face was as red as a lobster. I showered and got dressed and went to the mirror at the gym to put make up on. My face was still blood red!! Needless to say, it was not a good C25K day. I didn't feel like I did well at all.

    Decided to take a break- so did a 60 minute yogaflex class this morning. Plan to attempt my run again tomorrow morning unless I decide to take a day off.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I completed the C25k program last week so this week I decided to use week 1 of B210k and up the speed and do that till my first real 5k on Nov. 13. Monday I did fairly well but Wednesdays are to me what Mondays are to most. I really wanted to have a great run today but it was raining so I had to take it inside. Decided I was going to up the speed on the mill so I could still get a good one but wimped out early. Ended up way slower and less distance than I would have liked. On the bright side, I have a free hour long shiatsu massage that I won scheduled for this afternoon. Never have I had a professional massage so I am looking forward to it cause my body is sore!
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I (YES ME) finally completed the program. Week9Day3 finished this morning!!!!!!! Granted I slowed to 4.0 mph after 10 minutes and after 20 minutes, but nevertheless I still finished!! I think I might work my way back through the program trying to pick up my speed. I have to be able to do it faster. How many miles is everyone getting in their 30 minutes or 40 counting warm up and cool down???
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I did 4.1 miles on the road today at 36:34, I hope to be sub 27 for my first 5k scheduled for November 13th
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Got in 50 minutes of walk/jogging in. The piriformis issue is getting really irritating. I don't know that it is getting worse but it certainly is not going away!! I walked more than I wanted to just give my butt and hams a good stretch. I'm going to keep working at it.

    Way to Go Ump!! you are now where I would love to be, You will get there if you keep going I know it!

    And Chick, good for you! completed! My goal is to be able to run 3 miles without stopping... someday!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    :drinker: Congratulations to our two new graduates: Umpire57 and wmchick81!!! :drinker: And what about JulieSue? Are we celebrating for you yet?!

    Since I have been totally wimping out the last few months, I've decided to start over. Kind of a bummer after getting to Week 6, but I guess that's the price you pay for slacking off! So, Week 1 Day 1 completed today. I am aiming for 5.0 mph for my runs, which is a small improvement over my 4.5-4.8 runs during my last attempt.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Bad start this week. Woke up on Monday with a SORE back. Ouch! Just down to 2 Advil in the morning now and still moving carefully. Getting out of bed is a little work but I seem to be getting better during the day. I have no idea where this came from but I have put the brakes on the running and push-ups. My first rule when I have this kind of pain is "rest and stretch 3 days and THEN see if I need more help" My 2nd & 3rd rules would be lots of sleep and a healthy diet. Oops didn't do as well there! Today I WILL walk. Now I said it and will have to do it, right??

    I will be back to C25K soon I hope. In the meantime, ALOHA way to start again, I would guess you can progress faster than before now that you know the routine. Careful though - don't need to hurt ourselves! :heart:
  • wmchick81
    Welcome back DMG. I have taken the week off due to all the other stress that is going on in my life with my daughter's horrible allergic reaction. I hope to make it back to the gym soon and will probably work my way back through the program. Not ready to move on to 10K until I can speed up my 5K.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I am home this morning with my sick daughter - she had diarrhea at daycare yesterday, so she is not allowed to return until she is symptom free for 24 hours. She is acting totally normal, and hasn't had a bowel movement since I picked her up yesterday... wmchick, did you figure out what caused your daughter's reaction?

    Hoosier, hope your back is feeling better. If the Advil aren't enough, try Robax Platinum - that's what my DH takes when his back hurts.

    Hoping to get to yoga tonight, and Week 1 Day 2 is scheduled for tomorrow.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Sooo, i'm a bit hesitant to say that I want to start the c25k! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    ok, feeling a little better now. Here's the plan! I am climbing/walking up the Willis Tower (Sears Tower) in Chicago in 10 days! I've been working really hard the last 2 months to get this down and I'm soooo excited. But now, after 2 months I feel that I'll need something to help me out. I'm afraid that after that's done I am going to fall off the proverbial wagon. So, now I need a goal and it seems the c25k is the next best option!

    Please help! I need some tips as I'm not a runner and have a bad right knee...

  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Did 5 miles today in 48 minutes. Pace is slower than my 5k pace but longest I have ever ran on the road.

    NOTE TO SELF: Buy gloves before your 5k on Saturday week. It is cold :)
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Keeping an eye on all of you until I can get back to it. I have an appointment with a PT on Monday. I hope to learn something good then!

    :flowerforyou: Way to Go Ump! My best wishes on your 5 K Sat. Looking forward to the report!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome kpopa - we are not a big group but this IS a great place if you want to do this! Is this Sears tower thing an event or something you are doing on your own? sounds challenging!

    :heart: ..aloha & ..chick - Looking for your progress... It makes me feel like I can get back when I see you gals stick with it.

    ???? How many are running on the treadmill and how many on the road? I am pretty sure the weather is going to push me indoors before I can accomplish my goal. ???
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Hey Hoosier!

    The Sears Tower climb is an annual event to raise money for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC). This is my first time attempting it and am soooo excited for the challenge!

    I've been reading up on the C25K and it seems that everyone thinks it's pretty doable. For a non-runner I need some support for sure! :)
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member

    My 5k is actually Saturday week on 11/13 but thanks and I will update everyone then.

    They are also doing an 8k, same start and finish with a different route and I have the option to change on race day. Not sure if I will or if I will stick with the 5k

    I haven't ran one since the only one I ever did when I was like 7 or 8 years old 30+ years ago so this is officially my first one as an adult.
  • wmchick81
    I did the entire program on the treadmill. I am a teacher and know far too many kids in my neighborhood to go running around my house. DMG- we still aren't entirely sure what caused the hives. She has been on steroids since Monday and still is breaking out. Today is the first day she looks semi-better. Her face has been awful! I feel so bad for her. She had been on antibiotics the 10 days before the hives started for a sinus infection. The doctor said if we can't figure out what the hives are from, we are going to assume its from the antibiotics. I really don't know b/c its the same antibiotics that they give her every time she has any infection.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    i havent posted on this thread in quite some time... I did C25K wks 1 & 2 in late August, but then abandoned the running plans to work on my distance walking as i had a half-marathon walk at the end of September. After some serious slacking-off time, i am back at it and just finished week 3 yesterday. I ran/walked a 5k on Oct 30th in 36 minutes. Doing another Dec 4th and hope to beat that time. On Jan 1, 2011 i will be doing a 5k where i hope to run the entire time, so thats my big running goal for now :) I turn 40 in early january, so would really love to have that accomplishment under my belt for my bday! :) Anyhooooo, i am back and would love some C25K friends :)
  • wmchick81
    Restarted program today... this time walking at 4.0 and running at 8.0 for the intervals. I know I won't be able to keep the 8.0mph pace once I am running for longer, but I am trying to build up my endurance.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I was in week 3 of this program when I found a cyst in my knee. It is too painful to run, but I hope I can get back soon!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just checking in... but with no running news. It's been a week, and I still haven't gotten to my day 2 run... Will do so today or tomorrow and will come back to let you know. I made it to yoga on Thursday night, but then Fri/Sat nothing, then Pilates on Sunday, but then Mon-Wed nothing again. I've got to get more consistent with my exercise. I find the time change / darker days are affecting my motivation to get up early and/or go to the gym at night... guess that means I should make more of an effort to workout at lunch, since that is the only other time left! :tongue:

    I took the day off work tomorrow, so I have no excuse.